Sunday, October 29, 2023

My love is not blind, not unconditional


My love is not blind, not unconditional
it's completely conditional subject to the quality, nature, value, of the recipient 
it is extremely precious , rare wealth, not to be wasted , not to be thrown at the swine 
it should not result in '' bhais ke sasmne been bajaana''
the recipient has to earn my favour, by working hard for it 
it is not free, love is god 
my love goes only to the best deserving, 
not to those casual, idlers, 
straying aimless, being worthless

my love is highly choosy, discriminating, purposeful, 
though i have abundance of it

it is for you to deserve it , and get it 
on my own i will not serve it

love, But kishan says


love, But kishan says 

rise above the duality of raga and dwesha, love and hate

so love is a help or binding ?

love was a binding for arjun, made him helpless, indecisive 

man loving money , earned crores landed in jail 

personally i feel neither love nor hate

am i a stone?

am i in advantage or disadvantage?

where do i stand on the ladder

When love starts 
how does it grow or expand
why it gets hampered
why humanity is not loving each other 
what needs to be done for one to expand to infinite love

what are the features of infinite love

Child loves parents 
but man , puts parents in oldage homes is it due to love or hate 
some times mother slaps the child --is it love or hate

1 first , can you define what love is--
so that we are clear on the right meaning and its implication and characteristics of its manifestation 

2 also , can you define the range of ladder and intermediate rungs, so that one can assess where he stands on the ladder

Can you define zero love

is zero love is blessing or curse

what is hate
why it happens 

an accurate grasp of on the abstract enigmas will help in spiritual path 

ignore questions if you prefer

a little more detailed thinking will help reader and writer

The merit of st participation is that it greatly helps in gaining clarity on our assumptions 
thru interactions with many individuals, having different views

love, really?


love, really?

"True love happens, totally, universally, towards all,

for every thing, for every one, be it he, she, it, they, me, us

for nothing, for every thing,for no reason, for every reason,

love cannot be explained,

can only be experienced

love cannot be cultivated,

cannot be taught,

cannot be demanded,

cannot be imposed

love happen in the union with divinity

instantly abundantly truly"

with love and prayer to osho and all


 with love and prayer to osho and all ,

tho we differ with all,


let's reach the field of love beyond all

thru prayer in silence, transcend levels all


the physical, the mental,

deeper than intellectual, emotional,


love is --myness-- unconditional

love is a state minus many a level


not biological, logical , vocal,

it's god 's presence inexplicable

god says ...... ''''My love is not blind,


god says ......
''''My love is not blind, 
not unconditional


it's completely conditional subject to the quality, nature, value, of the recipient 

it is extremely precious , rare wealth, not to be wasted , not to be thrown at the swine


it should not result in '' bhais ke sasmne been bajaana''
the recipient has to earn my favour, by working hard for it


it is not free, love is god , myself 
my love goes only to the best deserving,


not to those casual, idlers, 
straying aimless, being worthless


my love is highly choosy, discriminating, purposeful, 
though i have abundance of it


it is for you to deserve it , and get it 
on my own i will not serve it''''


so, god is a trader, may be a cheater??

he is not so much loving as assumed by common people

it is a bargain offer of god,

not ''free'' like clever businessman always giving free gifts

which are not free really when he says ''buy one, take two ''

Love is beyond understanding.


Love is beyond understanding.

One can not arrive there through understanding alone

it happens in the'' myness '',
we love some one / some thing ,
since our heart says they are ''mine, a part of me ,''

a child is loveable not only to mother, but to others as well , 
since one directly feels the belonging for child in the heart,
though understanding does tell that, that child belongs to others

unconditional love [divine], and conditional love [sense based]


One fails to see difference between unconditional love [divine], and conditional love [sense based]

one particular flower is lovable, only as long as it is beautiful, fresh , conditional it is

but the unconditional love is there for just '' flower'' , any flower, 
flower then is the soul of flower, not any particular flower

one must be at the soul level to experience the soul level of the object of love

then it is unconditional always for anything , good or bad,
then no conflicts are possible, no pain results

Divine love, it is towards every being,


Divine love, it is


towards every being, 
towards every thing in the universe


happens instantly, abundantly, infallibly 
at the first sight of god ,


it's the true love at first sight 
unconditional, undifferentiated


no steps, no evolution, 
no stages, no gradual


it's the direct effect 
like light as soon as switched on


instantly all activities become a child play
a play with self , a play with god himself


For a child every thing is charming, beautiful, 
interesting, new, enjoyable, exciting, wonderful, great,


man is a child after all, 
likes to play as much as possible


no fear, no devotion, no hesitation 
no distance ,no formalities, no reverence ,


no regard, no manipulation, no interference

no interpretation, no intervention


just a waterfall , a flood
noisy, tumultuous , even mischievous


but truly gracious , 
pure, genuine, perfect


it's the love of god, 
it's the god himself

LOVE and GOD…. by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi


LOVE and GOD…. by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Love is the sweet expression of life. It is the supreme content of life. Love is the force of life, powerful and sublime. The flower of life blooms in love and radiates love all around.

Life expresses itself through love. The stream of life is a wave on the ocean of love. Life is expressed in the waves of love, and the ocean of love flows in the waves of life. What a comfort love brings to the heart. The heart tickles with the thought of love, and waves of life begin to roll on the ocean of love. Every wave of life is full with the ocean of love. Yes, such a life is worth living.

Every wave of life,  full with the ocean of love. Such a life is life, such a life is worth living.


And who lives such a life of all love, of bliss, of power, and of peace?


The fortunate ones, and the fortune is open to all to design their destiny and begin to live life in all love and joy.


The fortunate one uses the instrument of deep meditation, and probes deep into his heart,. Then the waves of love gain the depth of the ocean, and the ocean of love fills the heart and fills every particle of being. Every wave of life then flows in the fullness of love, in the fullness of divine glory, in the fullness of grace, in bliss and peace. The stream of life then flows on the tidal waves of bliss, and the ocean of love permeates every wave of life. Love is highly sensitive.

It is the most delicate power of life. And life is a most dynamic expression of love. Love is delicate, and at the same time, it is most vital and strong. A tiny, tender wave of love rocks the boat of life. Love takes life from the pangs of separation, to the bliss of eternal union. From the insurmountable pangs of separation, to the unlimited joy of eternal union, swings a tiny, tender wave of love. What a miracle God has created in love. Let us live it. Let us be in love, and live in love with one another, and say to ourselves, quietly, let thy will be done.

A soft impulse of love is the sole life of a melting heart. A tiny hope of love brings the light of dawn through the darkness of the lengthy night. And love, even as a twinkling of the faintest star, keeps the light at the altar shining. And in that faintest light of love, someday the individual finds his way, and creeps on in silence, in quietness, drawn by the tiny, tiny love which kept the door open in the hope of fulfillment. In the hope of fulfillment that someday, and sometime, the darkness of the night would give way to the brightness of the midday sun in a clear sky.

The catch of love, though tender is firm and strong. The glory of tenderness and strength is the glory of love. One wants to remain tender in the strength of love. The strength of love makes one tender and firm. Makes one weak in wrong,  and powerful in right. Brings forgiveness in authority,  and grace in all fields of life. And this is the destiny of the fortunate.

Love is the fortune of the fortunate. Abundance of love is the goal of all destiny. Fortunate are those whose hearts flows in love. A loving heart, a heart full of love, is the precious essence of human life. And that, when it flows in unbounded tidal waves of bliss, it is the glory of the supreme, the blessing of mother divine, and the grace of God.

A wave of love flows over the whole range of life. It sweeps over the whole range of creation. The power of love pilots the plane of life, here there and everywhere. Love takes life from home to hill, from hill to hill, from home to home. Love is desperately seeking.

It keeps the path alive and warms the goal. The silent force of love knows no barrier. It takes the life from the ruggedness of mountains, to the roughness of the sea, and there, in silence of wilderness, and even so in the noisy horizon of the sea, the vast expansion of the unbounded love from a distance brings a breeze cool and fresh to cool the heart and soothe the pangs of separation.

The delicate and kind hand of love takes life from the prick of thorns, to the softness and tenderness of a rose. On the softness of the cradle of love, the life swings from the loneliness of a desperate quest, to the rich planes of fulfillment. A tender spark of love lights the light in loneliness. It burns alive the pangs of the bygone past, and spreads the light of hope and joy and fulfillment. And a tiny spark of love does it. Love is the most precious gift of God to us, let us use it for all good.

Let our life be full with love, let us love and be loving and spread grace around us. Let not the din of the world, and the thick and thin of life disturb the fullness of love in us. Let us be full of grace, and full of light. And in the fullness of love, let us be up and awake to serve the will of God and rise to be of real service to ourselves and to our fellow men. Let the glory of the divine dawn in love.

Let the bliss of the divine effulgence, and the light of love permeate our life, and transform our life to the eternal life of the divine being. Let lovingness spring as the light of the divine. For, the divine is all love in its essential nature, and love is all divine in its truthful expression.

The divine is fullness of love, and love is fullness of the divine. Love is the light of divinity. It presents the divine in man. Love is the divine life in man. Love in our hearts is the divine in heaven. The divinity of the heaven dwells in our hearts as love. Love in the heart of man is the shrine of God on Earth. Blessed are those who carry the shrine of God in fullness of love in their hearts. And when the drops of love trickle down the melting heart, the angels in heaven run down to count and keep a record. No drop of precious love is ever wasted.

For every drop of love flows the unbounded ocean of bliss. And the ocean of bliss unfolds the love divine and fills the heart. Then the eyes lift to God, and God raises his arms and extends his heart. And then the reality dawns. The stream of man's love finds the ocean of God's love and flows into it. And this is the glory of love.

The man and God unite in the eternal ocean of love. Let us bring to our life the glory of this love, which brings the heavens in life on Earth. "Love of God", someone said, "is an abstract concept". Yes it is abstract. It takes the experience of life to make it concrete. Love of God is abstract in its infancy,  but let us not forget that it begins to be concrete from the very beginning of life and imperceptivity grows, and grows to become concrete, and overtakes our life in full.

In its most infant state, love finds an expression on the lap of mother. In the sweetness of the mother's eye. It grows in toys and playfields, in the sweetness of friends and folks of society. It grows in the sweetness of husband and wife. With age and experience, the tree of love grows. It grows with the growth of life and evolution, and finds its fulfillment in the eternal love of the omnipresent God, which fills the heart and overthrows the darkness of ignorance.

And then, in the illumination of universal love, the abstract love of God finds concrete expression in everything. All becomes divine radiance of eternal love. Life finds its meaning in the living presence of God. Every phase of life then saturated with love breathes the living presence of God. Here, there, and everywhere, in this, that, and everything. Nothing but love  and living presence of God. This is how, gradually, the personal love naturally moves on to gain the status of universal love. And universal love moves on to find its expression in personal love.

There is time in life for everything. Life is progressive on the steps of love. And there is a time significant for every step in love. Every plane of love brings fulfillment to the corresponding plane of evolution. All love, in every phase of every drop of it is significant to life. Love is the supreme blessing of life. The sun shines, and it shines forever in fullness.

It may be that the clouds are gathered. Let them come and go. They go as they come. Take no notice of their coming. You go your way, make your way through the clouds, if they lie on the way. Do not try to dispel them, do not be held by them, they will go the way they have come. They are never found stationary. But, if you would like to pause to see them wither away, wait for a while…the wind is blowing anyway.

It is to clear the clouds from your way. Just wait to see the clouds wither away, and the sun, the same old sun of love will shine again in fullness of its glory. When night comes, all appears to be dark, but darkness does not last. The light of the dawn comes on and spreads the love and charm of life. So we shall not mind if the darkness of the night sets in for a while. For the light of love can, for certain, not be gone forever.

So we live in love, and we wait in love to grow in life, and gain fulfillment in love eternal. Love as love is universal. Personal love is concentrated universal love. Ahh, my heart flows when I say personal love is concentrated universal love. The ocean of universal love flows in the stream of individual love. What a blessing in life. The heart in whom the universal consciousness has dawned, is able to have the force of the unbounded ocean of universal love even in the stream of personal love. Those who are restricted in their ability to love. Those whose love flows only in restricted channels of isolated objects or individuals. Those who can only like this or that. Those who have no awareness of universal consciousness in their hearts, are like small ponds where the love can flow only as ripples and not as waves of the sea. Such is the love of most of us. We love today, and rise to fight tomorrow.

Let us not bring shame to love. Let us rise to love forever more and more. When an ocean flows in love, it flows in peace within. When a shallow pond moves to rise high in waves of the ocean, it only stirs the mud at the bottom. And the whole serenity of the pond is spoiled. When a heart, shallow as a pond, seeks to rise high in waves of love, it creates a muddle and brings out the mud that was so far gracefully hidden underneath. To enjoy the ocean of love, we have to improve the magnitude of our hearts and gain the depth of an ocean, unfathomable and full.

Let us give this status of an ocean to our heart before we let loose of our love to be tossed about by the blowing winds. And having gained the status of the deep, let us open the heart for the ocean of love to flow, and let it flow in fullness. The mighty waves of love will rise in grace and hail the glory of the multiple creation with the bliss of the unity and peace within.

And how do we improve the depth of our heart? By probing deep into the purity of our being. By exploring  the finer regions of the impulse of love that murmurs in the silent chamber of our heart. By diving deep into  the stillness of the unbounded, unfathomable ocean of love present within our hearts. By a simple technique of self exploration, or by what is commonly known as the transcendental deep meditation. It is easy for every one of us to fathom the unfathomable magnitude of the ocean of love present within, and forever enjoy the fullness of heart, in the fullness of life.

Love is fullness. It is all embracing. Love binds. It is the unifying force of life. It extends us unity. It binds, yet binds in freedom. It holds together the bonds of freedom. It knows no discord. Disunity is foreign to love. Discord is foreign to love. Disharmony is foreign to love. Love is purity. Love is innocence. Love is fullness, oneness and bliss. It brings fulfillment.

Love unifies the scattered ends of life, and brings them all together into an integrated whole. Love is the symbol of life. Lack of love denotes lack of life content. And the show of love without genuine love is a shame to life. Simple, innocent, natural, normal state of love, without inhibitions, is a divine quality, which is the natural quality of graceful life. The divine grace lies in the fullness of infant love.

And in the abundance of love lies the love of God and love of God's creation. And when the lover of life finds himself in the unbounded love of cosmic consciousness, he whispers to his God within himself, "My Lord, in the temple of my heart, on the altar of thy glory, my God, my love is full, and thy love is treasured safely. My love for thee is safe, and full in freshness, and purity at the glory of thy altar. My Lord, thy lordship is secured in the shrine of my heart. And when my love flows it spreads the glory in thy creation."

In love of God, the lover of life finds expression of the inexpressible. Cosmic life gains expression in its activity; the thought of cosmic life materialized in the process of thinking. His eyes behold the purpose of creation. His ears hear the music of cosmic life. His hands hold on to cosmic intentions. His feet set the cosmic life in motion. He walks on Earth, yet walks in the destiny of heaven. Angels enjoy his being on Earth. This is the glory of unity born of love.

Let us be in love with all around us. Let us be in love. Let us in love resolve to be in love. For, love is life. And certainly we do not want to step out of life. So let us in love resolve to remain in love, and let us never step out of the boundaries of lovingness. For in love dwells the power of creation, wisdom of life, and strength of all good. Certainly, our life has to be all in love.

The thread of love has woven the garment of our life. We shall keep it spotlessly clean and pure. Life is a sacred gift of God to us in love. We shall not defy love, and shall not spoil this sacred gift of life. Love shall be pure in our life. It will help our evolution and cosmic purpose of creation. It will maintain us on high levels of grace and glory of life. Love shall save us from wrong, and guide our part in life. Love shall forever shine on our way, and the light will guide our steps whether we go slow or fast. The light of love shall forever be with us on our way. Love shall forever be the anchor of our life. We shall be in love, and love shall be in us. We shall live in love, shall grow in love, and shall find fulfillment in love eternal.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (Recorded in1967)

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi on love and ego


Maharishi Mahesh Yogi on love and ego

'''We are not responding to this instant, if we are judging any aspect of it.

The ego looks for what to criticize. This always involves comparing with the past.

But love looks upon the world peacefully and accepts.
The ego searches for short comings and weaknesses.

Love watches for any sign of strength. It sees how far each one has come, and not how far he has to go.

How simple it is to love, and exhausting it is always to find fault, for every time we see a fault we think something needs to be done about it.

Love knows that nothing is ever needed but more love.
It is what we all do with our hearts that affects others most deeply.
It is not the movements of our body or the words within our minds that transmit love.

We love from heart to heart.'''

Conditional love-- sensual desire


Conditional love-- sensual desire

Conditional love is simply , sensual desire —-for gratification for survival need like hunger, thirst, procreation, worldly knowledge, wealth—-and is marginal, has diminishing utility, dies once the prop is off. old people have no charm, and no more as lovable as they were as in prime age , hence all evil products , every day in the news, i need not add

unconditional love –probably none has experienced, though many have conjured up 
or sang about it , or read about it with great interest
— i find very serious to down right funny expressions on their sincere surmises

poor are they no their fault

and i say most of them have innocently, or ignorantly have mixed up, and perfectly are in confusion on what is love and desire

And there are not proper words for love in its two extreme values, also word prema got confused.
media movies and love stories are the cause.
one extreme it is lust, kaam, other extreme it is manmohan, sublime charm the heart longs for it

And that is divine love, where love=god. or god =love, this is missing in life , its place is taken over by money. so money is now the new manmohan

divine love can be experienced in life only thru self realization in which is born the myness which is all inclusive , the universe itself is mine, and truly lovable and truly soul filling in which one feels the image of himself in every animate inanimate, and finds himself totally one with all , no negativity, but full undiminishing utility when all is truly friendly. he sings dances, living a life above the earthly plane

Here one sang
kyo kiseeko pathar maaru kon paraya hai
sheesh mahal me ik ik chehara apna lagtha hai
deevaronse milkar rona acha lagthaa hai
ham bhee pagal hojayenge aisa lagtha hai

Now question yourself ”—did you experience it?if yes, then you are blessed
if no, pray god, to show you a way .

Love emanates from the heart of the Beloved,


Love emanates from the heart

of the Beloved, 
who is residing ever in the heart inside
just a silent whisper, 
is all enough to make it to flood out, 

to spread out, 


to all, regardless

why do we love how love manifests, in what forms

 why do we love

how love manifests, in what forms
why one likes to possess what one loves
what is love exactly
what factors make a thing/ person lovable
why different people love different things,

and in different degrees of intensities
what makes a mother to love her child
what makes child to love mother
why all love to play , rather than work
why some people love hard work 
how a man becomes a fan, 
what are the things we love
who are the people we love 
why we love a flower
why we love to read good books,

a friend in need is a friend indeed'' but

 a friend in need is a friend indeed''

but, friendship cannot be judged by deed

love ,it's seed
it a basic attitude

manifestation, as help
subject to factors unable to help

It is that yearning and love that brings intense joy that can only be felt but not expressed in words.''


  It is that yearning and love that brings intense joy that can only be felt but not expressed in words.''


but When we feel deeply hurt, we cry due to pain ,physical /mental .

at this moment we can’t cry in ecstasy of God’s infinite love and benediction

since that incident of hurt causing pain is due to the reason that we lost his'' live ''contact for a while

if one is in his ''live'' love and benediction, such incidents do not happen at all,

our getting into that incident is a signal from god, that we must gain back his live connection which makes us hurt proof , safe, secure in his loving hands making us cry in ecstasy once again

The word 'Hinduism ‘ does not appear anywhere in Hindu scriptures, The proper name for Hinduism is ‘Sanatan Dharma’


The word 'Hinduism ‘ does not appear anywhere in Hindu scriptures,

The proper name for Hinduism is ‘Sanatan Dharma’

Sanatan = eternal Dharma = religion.

Hinduism cannot be described as an organized religion.

It is not founded by any individual.

Hinduism is God centered and therefore one can call Hinduism as founded by God,


because the answer to the question ‘Who is behind the eternal principles and who makes them work?’ will have to be ‘Cosmic power, Divine power, God’

Hinduism is God centered whereas other religions are prophet centered.

For this reason the whole of mankind has to abide by (or is affected by) the eternal principles.


The question of acceptance or rejection of Hinduism by any individual simply does not arise, or is irrelevant. It is illogical to talk of conversion to Hinduism.


It is like saying that the laws of physics (e.g.gravity) will apply to you, only if you belong to an organization or organized religion.

The ceremonies and rituals connected with Hinduism (and other religions) are designed to cultivate increased spirituality. At advanced level of spirituality, rituals and ceremonies are dispensed with

Swami Vivekananda wrote:

……‘’If you want to be religious, enter not the gate of any organized religion.

They do a hundred times more evil than good, because they stop the growth of each one's individual development.... Religion is only between you and your God, and no third person must come between you.


Think what these organized religions have done!

What Napoleon was more terrible than those religious persecutions?


 If you and I organize, we begin to hate every person. It is better not to love, if loving only means hating others. That is no love. That is hell!


 If loving your own people means hating everybody else, it is the quintessence of selfishness and brutality, and the effect is that it will make you brutes’’…..

"Let noble thoughts come to me from all directions"
- Rig Veda [Aano bhadra krtavo yantu vishwatah]

Spiritual love towards universe happens in the state of union with god"


Spiritual love towards universe happens in the state of union with god"

"I am thrilled at your direct question, and i welcome such questions, to see my self where i really stand many dare not ask such questions , this is real jignasa, true spiritual quest beyond scriptural parroting"


"Totally i agree ''We ought to follow ancient scriptures in 'letter & spirit' but should be done in the present context....''scriptures in present time----The need does exist immense.contents of scriptures are meant for living them ,1 to be seen in tapasya, meditation and 2 to be walking in their light. reading listening, debating, learning by heart, expressing in learned forums ---all is only insignificant part of the full deep meditation they are available for conscious perception and spontaneous application in all activities''yad yad karma karomi.......,'' becomes the property of one in one's nature---this does not happen by reciting reading repeating--though these have their own valuethus the scriptures start getting lived in the context of contemporary life,and once lived , get interpreted , updated, in the language and idiom of our timeeg. geethawhether one has read or not, it 's message is cognized in reality, beyond the limitations of language, in all phases of life, in all modern subjects of study , and one becomes a geetha, a geethaacharya in his thought, talk and walk, in his own right, his birth rightscriptures are written not from intellectual contemplation or conjuctures, or idle imagination, but from the deepest experiences of rishis , cognized from withinand the reality of these are to be gained from our own depths, not from the heaps of booksbooks seve the purpose of only to confirm our cognitions ganed in the light of enlightenmentwill provide some light not the enlightenment, and not meant for conformity enlightenment only confirms the truth, and naturally makes us to conform to it"

"Divine love essentially the ''myness'', as if all in the universe is none other than myself like the limbs of my body, this is as a result of the union with god., even it can be just a momentary moment's phenomena"



"Divine love or spiritual love , words apart, is a unconditional, universal, all encompassing, uninhibitted, unimposed feeling seeing and behaving as if all are no different than oneself of course, there may be a degree of difference,1 divine love of x may be for his ista devatha, like krishna , with a name, form,attributes

so x may not love other beings in the same way as he loves krishna2 spiritual love is unconditional, universal not exclusive to one god, but all inclusive, every one is same lovable as krishna but all divine love grows to become spiritual love all spiritual love treats all as divine, and so loves krishna and many more gods, or humans, or creatures animate or inanimate there are cases, human love on one's lover grows beyond sensual, to spiritual love , in this the lover and beloved dwell in each others hearts,though they may be away physically irrespective of live or dead"


"My spiritual experience confirms this bookish knowledge from srihari bhakthi rasamrita sindhu i quoteit defines love thussamyam masrunitha swantho mamathvathishayankithabhaava sa eva saandraathmaa budhyhi prema ni gadyathethe wise call that as prema, love, thru which the heart becomes tenderand in the mind mamatha bhavana, [ my-ness], is createdthere is gulf between this and the usual sensual attractionin this devotee becomes an vunmaththa, intoxicated , attains to the rasika roopa of bhagavanthose many a bhakthas who have experienced this, have been there in bhaaraththese bhakthas have fabulously , beautifully described krishna and his madhura leelas , krishna having been their aalambana, the anchorone such bhaktha shikhamani is leelasuka[bilva mangala] unquotethis definition of love is very rare and true, it is from srikrishna karnamrutham wriiten by leelasuka [bilva mangala] let's see further on love , we know love is godso love will be realized if god is realizedgod is realized in the deepest samadhi reached thru meditation coming out of meditation, one is totally a different person, experiencing love to all in the universe from the nearest kith kin to all the creatures in the vicinity, and far universe,wanting to share his new found feeling of --''all of you and all this are / is mine and me, none other'', this feeling goes beyond all barriers and biases of every label, truly bringing all in to one's heart .this is a matter of direct experience, ----which i did experience ----for a few minutes, after coming out of my morning meditation , that day the meditation was exceptionally deep, highly blissful, no description can transmit the experience to the reader / listener. yet i did dare to sharethis to stabilize in life activities 24 hours, intense sustained practice of meditation and the experience becomes gradually more stable, and spreads from few minutes in the beginning, to an hour and more , ,"

"It is my practical experience, confirming the bookish knowledge"

"This gives a clue for ending all wars, conflicts, animosity, hatred, , not needing nuclear weapons or bombsfor this dream to happen practically, good number of individuals must rise in higher consciousness so that divinity spreads far and wide totally annihilating all negativity"


"Also glimpse of this real experience confirmsanother bookish

 i quote from patanjali YOGA SUTRA II.35 ''AHIMSA PRATISTHAYAM TAT SANNIDHAU VAIRA TYAGAH'' means in the vicinity of divinity there will not be negativity mine is just a glimpse, but those who are mature sadhaks will be experiencing more intensely i am relating to a tv item shown where budhist monks were living with lions/ tigers as if their pet dogs, no cages or ropes to tie /control like in circus"

to possess something is greed' , no it is need ,


to possess something is greed' ,

no it is need ,

all greed is true need of the individual really ,

individual would love to possess the whole universe

na alpe sukhamasthu

---there is no joy in small little gains .

only in possessing the totality ,

the individual will feel real happiness

and all individuals love to be totally happy



''hunger for it , lust for it or say passionate to have it, that we can

overcome /possess by money/war/cheat/power , sama daana , , bheda danda.. ''

individual strives to possess totality by using all possible ways crooked or straight , depending on their wisdom

only the wise spiritual [ like me ] knows how to possess the whole universe, without doing any thing

he does nothing and owns the universe, like his baap kaa maal

since he knows the necessary ''kamaaal''

so he is the happiest , for nothing


but true love is entirely selfless .


but true love is entirely selfish,

selfishness is the greatest virtue

do not forgo it

all existence is self centered, self interest governs the individual

without self interest,

one becomes a corpse,

only dead person is really selfless.


since true love is entirely selfish, it' is all possessing /buying/grabbing lusting for any and all materialistic requirements

better read '' virtue of selfishness'' by ayn rand



--- selfish--- love is something u share , spread , give to humankind

or universe by virtue of possessing true wisdom

which cannot be bought or sold or gabbed by wealth or war ,

stealing or cheating , conspiracy or cunningness.



one can love other human or other beings or love anything , if only he is fully selfish in loving himself

true love is possible only in love of self



i love myself

since i am extremely selfish

i am owning the universe totally

all this is not just theory


i have a strong lovable basis for this, the profound experience of true universal love , which is beyond any reach of words


i love myself

Divine love or spiritual love ,


Divine love or spiritual love , words apart, is a unconditional, universal, all encompassing, uninhibitted, unimposed feeling seeing and behaving as if all are no different than oneself of course, there may be a degree of difference,

1 divine love of x may be for his ista devatha, like krishna , with a name, form,attributesso x may not love other beings in the same way as he loves Krishna

2 spiritual love is unconditional, universal not exclusive to one god, but all inclusive, every one is same lovable as krishna but all divine love grows to become spiritual love all spiritual love treats all as divine, and so loves krishna and many more gods, or humans, or creatures animate or inanimate there are cases, human love on one's lover grows beyond sensual, to spiritual love , in this the lover and beloved dwell in each others hearts,though they may be away physically irrespective of live or dead

i love you all ,i love st, in all

 i love you all ,i love st, in all

i love every pm call

i love every blog ,every dilog
i love to again and again in and out log

i love to lose, love to gain
for me no pain , it's all gain , 

cool i am like rain
i am a passing cloud, like to rain and rain 

i come on plain fields
i come make them rich to yield

i come in many shapes, multi colors
i come in thick and thin , as many vapors

i go as per wind, some times unwind 
on others i have no mind to mind,

i mind my business, 
all in easiness

let st take action 
or rest in inaction

i will not stop my action 
i have no fights no factions

endlessly i write
effortless is my trite

i have ambition to fill 
every site with my blogs drill

you read , no read 
i do not become red

oh st, my color too is green
always with bright sheen 

having all said 
now i become dead

may be i take a rebirth
again in this st earth

love..can it be selective, ?? can it be localized , discreet, finite,??


love..can it be selective, ??

can it be localized , discreet, finite,??

limited to a few things ??

or for few beings ??,

or in a few situations,??

if yes,

then it is not love, it is only likes/dislikes

whims fancies, conditional, obligatory,

if no,

then it is love, it is real,

since love is a state of growth

it is born out of enlightenment

love is always universal

for all the beings , for all the things

it's the state of my-ness,

in which universe is felt as one's own body and limbs

ie it is a feature of the state of existence as ''universe is me, i am the universe'''

maharishi on love


maharishi on love

''In the world, love for this, for this, for this–love for something is due to its value. Love for a flower is ‘it is so good, very good smell and good shape and this’. But when the flower fades, and is not so good to look at and doesn’t give fragrance, then the love stops. We cast it off, throw it away. Wherever there is relative consideration, there the love is relative. Where there is no consideration, it is spontaneous, and reason cannot be attributed to it, reason cannot analyse it, then it is absolute love.

Love is fullness fullness overflowing is love


Love is fullness

fullness overflowing is love

this blog is that overflowing fullness,

chana  maha is the seer of this age, who gave expression to the fullness, in fullness, hence the blog is fullness, this is an example of , rather yet another example from her of vedic truths getting blurted out in innocence, the seer not knowing what profundities coming out from depths, but just allowing that flow to happen in short a gem of blog in st, a great contribution"

"He, the master maharaj ji is the writer, cm s the pen , a golden pen pen does not know what it is writing it is allowing the ink to flow freely,"


"''both are full''-------------tide pulling out, deep waters to roll upon us

of one ocean, fullness, fullness coming out from fullness

poornaath poornamudachyarthe"


"Can we love the tide pulling out

as much as we yearn for deep waters to roll upon us,this again is a description of the vedic''both are full''"


"In this i see cmah , kishan, singing geetha fire is hot, it burns, but it purifies the gold agnim, the fire of knowledge purifies the remnants of karma

the oceanic waters getting purified by the sun, rising to the sky and showering nectar ,amrit ,"


"Ghunguroo [anklets] song says this great thrill of experience in terms of the lover getting her hearts desire fulfilled in the union with beloved, with a dance so wild and free , without subdued of shyness, that the material matters, ghunguroos shattered .


god is love

human love becomes a divine love in its sublime state, inspiring creative poets to sing romantic episode like radha and sham,"


"You are conveying silence

the ultimate purpose of any communication is to share silence medium can be any"


"It's just a life in nonchalance, effect of gaining one glimpse of absolute for just a moment.

instant mukthi, freed from all limiting tendencies and inhibitions , an existence in absolute freedom, joy, love, self sufficiency, having all powers to do, yet, not needing to do a thing"


"Mohe aayi na jug se laajMain itna zor se naachi aaj, ki ghungroo toot gayetoday all the shyness in me has left i danced so wildly so much that

my anklets broke away"


"''Broken-hood''the little bird has come out breaking the egg, and is flying free in the infinite sky no more need of the pieces"