Friday, June 28, 2013

The Virtue of Selfishness Quotes By Ayn Rand

The Virtue of Selfishness Quotes By Ayn Rand
The famous book ''The Virtue of Selfishness '' ----By Ayn Rand, is a relevant reading

for a greater comprehension of selfishness , another negative trait

those who can connect to the supreme will find no negatives
Rishi Vasanth
9 mins ago
Gold: 6093
Though taken as a negative trait,

jealousy is really a spur to excel and exceed the achievements of the successful performers ,

to put in a little more sadhana, efforts ,

it is a pointer to a higher ideal , and will not permit the man to remain an under achiever ,

makes him stop not till the goal is reached

better be jealous on the achievements glories of krishna, not on those lesser
Rishi Vasanth
17 mins ago
Gold: 6093
Tat sannidhau vaira tyagah
(Yog-Sutra, 2.35)

'In the vicinity of lord, hostile tendencies are eliminated.'
Rishi Vasanth
30 mins ago
Gold: 6093
Lord Krishn suggests to Arjun, “you were never jealous of me”

kindly help ---this is in which adhyaya, which sloka ? ,
Rishi Vasanth
33 mins ago
Gold: 6093
I am jealous of krishna,
so i connect with him

as you stated

''By being jealous of others, or envying them, your individuality dies and your individuality gets covered by that of others because you get connected with them.''


By being jealous of krishna, or envying krishna, my individuality dies and my individuality gets covered by that of krishna because i get connected with them.
Rishi Vasanth
24 mins ago
Gold: 6093
Once i connect with krishna, not only jealosy, but also kaam krodh lobh moh mada matsarya, the 6 enemies will turn into friendly, like in the personality of krishna

in his vicinity no enmity

Monday, June 24, 2013

Life is an infinite huge flow

Life is an infinite huge flow

life is an infinite huge flow, 
it's the totality ever changing ,

never the same, unpredictable, 
an uncertainty, an enigma, 

some times a surd, 
at times an absurd, 

even the best futurists, the best astrologists, 
the best meteorologists, the best astrophysicists

will never be able to say truly precisely
what happens the next moment 

in such a mystic flow,
the individual life too is a tiniest rivulet 

it is flowing at times, it is blocked some where
it stands as a pond, it stinks in the dirt

it is fresh with rain water
it is sullied with many a debris, dust ,dry leaves,

it is a water fall some where full of risks
it is pure ganga , with guru grace 
flowing calmly, unfluttered, uncluttered

purifying every one coming to it
quenching the thirst of all seekers

past is a book of valuable wisdom

past is a book of valuable wisdom |

past is a book of valuable wisdom ,
it's divine gift that we are able to retain, remember., ruminate, contemplate, improve,

Aliens & UFO

Sunday, June 23, 2013

A Deep Feeling of Good

A Deep Feeling of Good.

1 if --------- it is a myth that wealth, possessions, power, and control can make one happy. But a person who may not have all those glittery things may be happy for it is her state of mind and heart to be happy-------------why man asks god for aishwarya, wealth, mahimas, power etc

2 dwelling on past and future also happens -------only in the present moment----in fact, the whole life , eating, breathing, working, playing, singing, thinking, alll living happen only in the present moment-----------is it not ?

3 what ever we may be doing, all moment by moment , happens in the present moment -----is it not?

4 what exists is only the present moment , past is gone, future not come -----------is it not ?

5 if so ,then , why to try and struggle to aspire for living in the present moment ----not at all necessary -----------is it not
Sri Sri Shuddhaanandaa Brahmachari
Jun 21, 2013 at 07:32 pm
Rishi ji
not at all necessary! They say why repeat Ram Naam a million times, just say it right and from your heart ONE time and Rama will appear!! Do you believe this?
How can one shut out the pat and future? is that possible without repeated efforts to the point where no more purusharth is needed!! Love,
Rishi Vasanth
Jun 22, 2013 at 12:59 am
Gold: 5886

past is a book of valuable wisdom , most necessary lessons to guide the present , it's divine gift that we are able to retain, remember., ruminate, contemplate, improve, ---all an integral part of the present moment
without past, ie ,by wiping out past, we will lose great wealth of wisdom
when similar difficult encounters faced, recollecting the past follies and consequences that suffered, one will not repeat the same mistakes , in the present
so we should never shut out the past

future is an unopened book, an enchantment, a mystery, a charm, an unknown land, unexplored avenues, infinite possibilities, as secrete as god himself , and worthy to conjure up, to plan, to achieve the impossible, with infinite options, an exercise creativity thinking , and new ways of living the life
so we should never shut out the future

without the past and future , man becomes wavering, unsure ,faltering, blind man as if an illiterate, in the art and science of life , quo vadis , always , moment to moment with no confidence

so the life, ie present moment needs the support of past and future
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Rishi Vasanth
Jun 22, 2013 at 01:35 am
Gold: 5886
''They say why repeat Ram Naam a million times, just say it right and from your heart ONE time and Rama will appear!! Do you believe this?''

in spirituality so many men say so many things
belief will not work, faith no help, hope is only blind grope
truth to be known by direct experience, no second hand stories can deliver

using a bucket with shorter rope, even with any number of repeated efforts, one cannot fetch the water from the well

the necessary thing is that bucket has to reach and immerse in water
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Rishi Vasanth
Jun 21, 2013 at 04:15 am
Gold: 5886
A Deep Feeling of long as it is ----only a feeling,--- will it result in ananda, happiness?

since feeling is only a thinking process, though a subtle thinking process, ----feeling is a thought of happiness, not the experience of happiness

experience of happiness can happen---when one goes beyond the thinking, feeling levels -----into the core of the being , the pure consciousness ----------is it not?

When one has accessed his core of being, which is the ocean of goodness, happiness, wellness,

is there any need for creating a feel, / mood about these?

since these are automatic outcome of that experience, in think ,talk, walk , no further mod making is necessary ----is it not ?
Rishi Vasanth
Jun 21, 2013 at 11:23 am
Gold: 5886
Any mood making is not a substitute without the ''real ''

mood making is manipulation of mind, it is a kind of a self hypnosis.

to feel deeply that ''i am a king '' definitely gives some happiness,

but it is not based on reality ,since i am not king

but a king in reality is happy enjoying his reality of kingship ,

that cannot be substituted with mere thinking that i am king

--------------is it not?