Friday, June 24, 2022

My story, my movie


My story, my movie

No need for making one

It is available at no cost

I have not created

It got created on its own

My mind is the theater

With widest screen

I choose the scenes

From earliest to latest

See them in detail

They tell my many a tale

In black and white

In multi colors

In many flavors

Happy, playful,

Sad, remorseful

Exciting, inciting

Inspiring, perspiring

Disgusting, exhausting

Exhilarating enthusing

Musing, amusing

Enjoyable, unending

Wonderful telltale intriguing

Ready at any time

Can be seen many times

It is for me, for me only   

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

need of a mechanic?


 need of a mechanic?

i struggled a lot, passed thru all exams, graduated, got a job, earned money, bought the best model bike,, with full petrol, tyres nicely full, along with colorful manual, neat good looking, ---early in the morning, i wanted to drive 

autostart it is, i pushed the button, did not start, tried and tried it refused.. at least by kick starting, no , tried several attempts. no it does not start.

of course, mechanic can help,

''but all auto mechanics are cheats fake, they swindle money, better avoid, and you depend on your own''---is the repeated advice given by all the wise. when majority is of ths opinion, i thought it must be true 

so i did not like to take that line

instead i asked my friends, all st souls, nicely blogging, and sharing all wisdom a to z absolutely free

i received abundant wise advice, promptly and generously , readily, they are all good souls

i picked the best of responses-------

'' you tilt the bike , and kick it ----even pilots do this, when plane does not start''

'' you repeat god name 108 times, god will come and help you, ''

'' your aim is to move forward but you must put effort, and repeated efforts, arise awake stop not till it starts'' 

''you should show love and kindness to all in the universe, bike is a soul, you should not kick it , instead you give gentle kiss and a close hug''

'' give a good bath, and do a puja, with flowers, coconut, kela, agarbathi. and then only you press the start button''

''with faith you can move the mountains . have faith in you . it is sure to start ''

''mechanics rob the public, display their tools and wear funny dress, wear rags, but they lead luxurios life. be careful''

''be happy whether it starts or does not, what we need is ultimately happiness''

all mechanics are fake, they attract by tricks. in fact they copy their knowledge from manuals''

'' read bhagavath geetha, it contains solutions to every problem''

'' simplest, if mountain does not come, you go to mountain. you push it till you reach your office''

'' seva is paramount , you do service to all, carry that poor thing on your shoulders daily to and from office in the sravankumar way, you will attain moksha''

''analyse the problem, see it with microscope and see if any bacterial attack''

''read manuals learn by heart every word of it and repeat it with eyes closed''

consensus seems to be ''mechanics are cheats and fake. avoid them''

i respect all the views, but none worked, but time is up , if i do not reach office, i will be sacked

so helpless, went to the mechanic, he opened the cover, located one disconnection in the wire, made the joint, pressed the button, started in 4 minutes, said ''rupees 10''
i gave 100 happily. he smiled

i said ''why don't you join st and write blogs and replies''

he said '' no thanks'' and busied himself with another customer immediately

i reached office just in time , thanking god, that he has created mechanics, who
, make the bike run, on payment, i do not bother whether they are cheats  or  fake

but flabbergasted, i am at the wisdom in st the great souls display

It's a race with myself


It's a race with myself 

reaching excellence in 
quality and quantity
to discover more and more gems from within

it's an attempt to be intensely intimate with my self, 
a sacred 
duty that i owe to myself 

to rise to unlimited heights, 
to expand to reach the far far into the universe

to make the impossible into a possibility ,

into a reality


to win over myself
to free myself from all the impositions , lures 

to go faster than light
to penetrate into all the secrete labyrinths


to run at fastest pace 

to see god face to face


rewards, awards ,acclaims esteems ,name fame,

praise, prize are too insignificant, not worth, no appeal to me ,


only incidental, accidental,

hence not objectionable, but not the object , 

i revel to create newness in every step,

in every opportunity, i make the most of every moment

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Those who think that they know, --do-- know


Those who think that they know, --do-- know

their knowledge affirms, asserts, authenticates, 
ennobles, empowers, endures,

stands, proves, verified , tried, tested, validated 
their silence is loudest, echoes in the universe

stands out, clear, unambiguous, full, comprehensive
so, wins, integrates, updates, becomes richer, valuable, useful

and those who think they do not know, they do not know.

they persist in doubt, uncertainty, hesitation, unclear, 
without anchor, they stay shaky, weak,

It is understood by those who think they understand it., 
since they know, hence can understand

It is not understood by those who think that they do not understand.
since they do not know, hence cannot understand

i may be knowing a tiny bit. but is it wrong to seek more?

 i may be knowing a tiny bit.

but is it wrong to seek more?

i believe that we should not stop at

surmises and assumptions and presumptions,

and be free to give and take 

see and search in yourself what are the answers

and give the clarification if you know, if you like.

Friday, June 17, 2022

ಶ್ರೀ ಪುರಂದರ ದಾಸರು


ಶ್ರೀ ಪುರಂದರ ದಾಸರು

Sri Purandara Dasa (1494-1564)Purandara Dasa was the follower (dasa) of Lord Purandara Vittala [Lord Vishnu in one of his many avatars.] is known as the father (Pitamaha) of Carnatic music. Biography Purandara Dasa was born in 1484 in Pandarpur, an obscure village near Purandargarh near Poona. He was originally named Shreenivaasa (or Krishnappa) Naayaka. His father's name was Varada Naik. Purandara Daasa was considered an avatar of Sage Narada - when he was studying, he learned music as well. At 16 he married Lakshmibai, and four years later his parents died. Purandara Daasa had 4 sons and a daughter. He worked as a money lender, continued the family business, and became prosperous, but he was infamous as a miser. They said he earned much money and he lived only to earn it. An incident in his life, however, changed him and he gave away all his wealth. From then on, he composed and lived by the popular saying "we must swim across suffering, win victory over it." It is said that Lord Vishnu decided that it was time for Srinivasa Nayaka (Purandara Dasa) to give up his love of money and become a saint. So he came to him as a poor brahmin looking for money for his son's thread ceremony. Nayaka did not give him the money, but the brahmin visited his shop again and again, and after six months, Purandara Daasa gave him a collection of useless, worn-out coins to get rid of him. The brahmin went away unhappily, but knowing Purandara Dasa's wife was a kind woman, he went directly from Purandara Dasa's shop to his house. He told Saraswathi his story and how her husband had sent him away with nothing. Saraswathi wanted to help the poor brahmin, but felt helpless since she could not give anything without her husband's permission. When she explained her helplessness, the brahmin asked if she had something given by her parents (which, presumably, she could give without asking for her husband's permission). She agreed and gave him the diamond nose-stud that her parents had given her. The brahmin took the ornament straight to Purandara Daasa's shop. When Purandara Dasa became angry with the brahmin for coming back, despite his instructions to the contrary, the brahmin clarified that he was there not to beg, but to pledge an ornament and take a loan. Purandara Dasa was skeptical and asked the brahmin to show him the ornament. When he saw the ornament, he was confused because he immediately recognized it as the one belonging to his wife. When Purandara Dasa asked him about it, the brahmin told him that it was a gift from a benefactor. Purandara Dasa asked the brahmin to come the next day and locked the ornament away. When he saw his wife without her ornament he questioned her about it. She tried to stall him, but he insisted on seeing it immediately. He was angry because he thought she had given away a valuable ornament to a beggarly brahmin. Saraswathi knew that her husband would punish her if she told him the truth. So she decided to commit suicide by drinking poison. Just as she was about to drink the poison, she heard a metallic sound. Lo and behold, the ornament was right there in the cup. She could not believe her eyes. Her heart filled with gratitude, she bowed before the idol of Krishna and took the ornament to her husband. Purandara Dasa was astounded as it was the very same ornament that he had safely locked away in his shop. He quickly ran back to the shop to check. The box where he had safely locked away the ornament was empty! He was now completely and totally dumbfounded. He went back to his house, and pressed his wife to tell him the truth. She told him everything that had happened. After deep thought, this Shreenivaasa Naayaka came to the conclusion that the brahmin was none other than God Himself. He recalled all the incidents of the previous six months. He was disgusted with himself, and his miserliness. He felt that his wife had conducted herself far more decently and generously than himself. Since it was his love of money that had made him ill-treat the Lord, he gave away all of his wealth with the Lord's name on his lips and began to compose music. Purandara Dasa had earned the name Navakoti Naaraayana, indicating his great riches. Then he began a new life with his family - his wife Saraswati, 4 sons (Varadappa, Gururaya, Abhinavappa and Gurmadhvapathi) and a daughter. Like him, his wife and children composed verses and songs. In course of time Purandaradasa came to Hampi and settled down with his wife and children. Every morning Purandaradasa went into the town wearing bells on his ankels and tulasi mala around his neck. He carried a tamboori in the hand and sang his Hari-keertanas sounding the tamboori with his fingers. He sang these songs to the accompaniment of tamboori and the bells tied to his ankles and went about the streets of the town. The people admired the listened to his songs. Purandaradasa accepted alms given to him during the wandering and led a life of renunication. He who had been called Navakoti Narayana now had willingly accepted the life of a saint and begged for his food. In 1525, Purandara Dasa became a disciple of the great Vyaasa Raayaa, who titled him "Purandara Vitthala," which became his signature, which he uses in all his compositions. Vyaasa Raaya praised him, saying "Among the devotees of Hari, Purandara Daasa is the greatest." Purandara Dasa expressed his gratitude by singing "My only refuge is the feet of Vyaasaraja. I was able to understand Purandara Vittala by his grace." The composer was also given the name Purandaropanishat and many other names. The title Vitthala refers to the Lord Vishnu, or Krishna. Purandara Dasa is said to have composed 475,000 songs in both Kannada and Sanskrit. PurandaradAsa adopted a simple, lucid Kannada style with telling phrases and similes. He sang many rare ragas with among the most beautiful lyrics. He identified 84 ragas, including ragas such as kalyani, varali, todi, bhairavi, and saaveri, which are popular in use today. Tyagaraja's praise in "Prahalada Bhakti Vijayam" is for him and in fact, some of his famous songs are patterned after those by Purandara Dasa, such as Nanupaalimpa, based on Daasa's Bide ninnayya pada. Purandara Dasa also used a variety of musical types: kritis, keertanas - devotional songs, padams - a dance form using hero-heroine, plus many more rare forms. The verses he sang were his own compositiions on a variety of themes. Some of them described Sri Krishna's adventures in this world. Some others sang about God's kindness to man. A few more verses were simple compositions expounding the philosophy contained in the Vedas, Upanishads and Bhagavadgita in simple words. In yet other verses Purandaradasa praises Lord Krishna affectionately. In some verses Purandaradasa has even made fun of the Lord. His songs which preached surrender to Vittala have an elusive fragrance, poetic fervour, extraordinary logic and cutting satire. His music was popularized by M.L. Vasantakumari.The gods his songs adored: Sri Vittala (Krishna) of Pandarapura is associated with Bhakthi and Bhajan movement since the time immemorial. Sri Vittala is still being adorned by large number of devotees barring caste, religion, sex etc. Sri Purandara Dasa has continued this tradition by keeping his ankita or mudra as Purandara Vittala, and his songs praise this Vittala, meaning Krishna or Vishnu. His songs also praised Ganesha, Saraswathi and other gods and goddesses, but the themes always returned to Vittala. Musical Background: Although Purandaradasa did not have any musical tutelage in his early years, by the grace of God, he started singing and composing songs. He is acclaimed as the Sangita Pitamaha (Great Father) of Carnatic music, owing to his unparalleled contributions. Region: Purandaragada, Karnataka Contribution: He formulated the basic lessons of Carnatic music by structuring Swaravalis (graded exercises), Alankaras (exercises based on the Sapta talas), apart from composing Gitas. He introduced Mayamalavagowla as the first scale to be learnt by a beginner. However, the original tunes of his compositions are unavailable. He was the one of the most prolific composers of Carnatic music. Though he wanted to compose 5,00,000 songs in his lifetime, he could compose only 4,75,000. This has been referred to in one of his own compositions. The poet and the composer Purandara Dasa's songs are filled with rhyme and meaning. One song talks about how it is human nature to have desire for material objects, only for God to dispose of them, that the human has to suffer without them (kudure andhana aane bayasodhu nara chiththa paadhachaari aagodhu hari chiththavayya - to ride on a horse chariot or elephant is human desire, but to be a pedestrian is what God wills).Popular Compositions: Jagadoddharana (Kapi), Jaya Jaya (Nata), Innudaya barade (Kalyanavasantam), Venkatachala nilayam (Sindhubhairavi), and so on. Signature: The mudra he used was Purandara Vittala Languages used: Kannada and Sanskrit Theme: His devotional songs called Devarnamas, contain the essence of the Puranas and Upanishads. His songs have simple language, lofty ideas and sublime thoughts. His favourite deity seems to have been Krishna, also known as Panduranga. However, he has sung in praise of other Gods, as well. Purandara Dasa was the first of the Haridasas, or "servants of Sri Hari" also known as Vishnu or Krishna. All the Haridasas composed in KannaDa, a language used primarily in Karnataka, but Purandara Daasa established the precedent of composing in the vernacular or common tongue. All Haridasas were servants of God and their songs included the following messages: God is easily approachable by all. God is to be praised and constantly remembered as our benefactor. Realising the true nature of God's benevolence towards us and offering even simple worship within the means available to one is more acceptable to Him than ritualistic or pompous ornamentation without mental participation. Some of Purandara Dasa's lyrics are really memorable. For example, he writes, Kendake orale muttuvudunte?... Do ants cluster around a hot coal? Another line goes, Hasida bekku hatthiya tindanthe.. Describing a hungry cat eating cotton. These lyrics make it clear that Daasa was a poet as well as a scholar of musical form. His death: Scholars think that Purandara lived for about 80 years (until 1564). On the basis of the verse in the name of Madvapathi his son it is held that Purandaradasa must have passed away a year before the fall of Vijaynagar. Taking it as authentic, his death anniversary is celebrated on the New Moon Day, in the second fortnight of Pushya. Compositions: aanalekara (geetam) - sudda saaveri amma nimma manegalalli - sowraashtram aparaadi naanalla - revati bandadella barali - kaapi bhaagyada lakshmi baarammaa - shree, madyamaavati candrachuda - raagamaalika dayamaado dayamaado - kalyani deva banda - shankaraabharanam devaki nandana - raagamaalika dharma shravanavetake - durga dharmave jayavemba - shenjurutti gajavadanaa beduvE - hamsadwani govindaa ninna - jana sammodhini hari naaraayana - revati hari smarane maado - yamunaa kalyani jagadoddhaaranaa - dhanakaapi, kaapi jaya jaya jaya jaanakikaantaa - naata kandenaa govindanaa - candrakowns kodu bega divyamati - saraswati, vasantaa ksheeraabdi kannige - raagamaalika mareya beda manave - kamaas maaraayanaa - sudda dhanyaasi nambi kettavaru illavo - kalyani neenyaako ninna - raagamaalika ninnane nambi - bhairavi ninne nodi - thodi odi baarayya - bhairavi raama mantrava - jonpuri raama raama raama raama - raagamaalika sakala graha bala - athana sanna hejegalittu - valachi sharanu siddhi vinaayaka - sowraashtram sharanu sakaloddhaara - naata simharoopanaada - kedara gowla shreenivaasa neene - aananda bhairavi taamboolava kollu - reeti gowla taaraka bindige - sowraashTram, tilang tamboori meetidava - sindu bhairavi tirupati venkataramana -kharaharapriyaa venkatachalanilayam - sindu bhairavi venkataramanane baaro - shankaraabharanam yaadava nee baa - karnataka devagandhari yaare rangana - hindolam

Read more:

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

I do not know much about others There are millions others

 I do not know much about others

There are millions others


Whom to know

Whom to ignore


So I do not try to know any others

Who bothers , who not bothers

i am a simple human , 
rather a simpleton,

like a tom dick and harry, 
just common, ordinary 


I try my best to know about me

There is a lot unknown about me


Will I succeed?

Or I will have to be born again and again ?

Monday, June 13, 2022

Ganga is flow of knowledge


Ganga is flow of knowledge 
gnyana sadganga bhageerath presented

 In every age every scientist is a new bhageerath 
doing tapasya in the form of of r&d 

and invoking and inviting the new streams of the gyana ganga ,of knowledge
and establishing it in the human awareness ,

the shivas jataa joota, safely,
and enabling all to have a sip of it as per his need

and be blessed, be elevated
to new levels of freedom and happiness,

and now in this age, succeeding to reach fulfillment
in the discovery of the unified field of all streams of knowledge, consciousness,

the all streams of gyana reaching the ultimately
to the ultimate ocean of knowledge the absolute , the field of pure cosciousness

Ganga is water pure, a great purifier

gyanaganga is consciousness, the greatest purifier, 
purifying the sadhaka of all his sins 
all his sanskaras accumulated over janmas, 
but instantly, just by a dip in it

''Ego is knowing and believing what you are not''-----is this correct?


''Ego is knowing and believing what you are not''-----is this correct?

when you are knowing what you are not, how can you believe it ?
when i know that i am not a king , how is it possible to believe that i am a king?

in my view ego is not knowing that you are the king of kings, the god, paraprahman, supreme

Hence the root of problems 

if once you know that you are the supreme

---not by reading books/blogs

----- but by direct experience of parabrahma,

then your actions, reactions,

equations, calculations ,dealings ,

talking , walking, doing,

feeling, and seeing, treating

every thing ,every one, every being

will radically get changed,

including the quality of blogging ,

---- all reflecting the truth in its purest form ,

flawless, faultless, powerful, beautiful, blissful

Sunday, June 12, 2022

by Knowing That........ one will know everything.....


by Knowing That........ one will know everything.....

this is brahma gyan , .................

essence of all will be known only when the the experience of self is gained, ....

.impossible thru any other means

Bookish Knowledge, is simply conditional/contextual statements, not truths,


 Bookish Knowledge,is simply conditional/contextual statements, not truths, ---

bound by local parameters/times, have momentary/local value, meager.

we must avoid them scrupulously, lest they limit our creativity by trapping us/binding us, leading us to fall for the temptation to become inebriated with the exuberance of our own verbosity , missing the real track of expressing some thing worthwhile.

they pollute our mind like fast food
also lead us to ego states to exhibit 

at the end of sivananda lahari, sankara wrote a nice things about writing,
also indicating wisdom to do priority things, ''nahi nahi rakshathi du krun karani'' 

Also these verbose have attraction, without value, reader is tempted to think that he is enjoying with them, while really they cause damage.
it's necessary to carefully consider all, and go for the best without bias, --after all every thing has relative value--one is more valuable and other is less valuable--this a hard fact of things

if a thing is mine, it does not automatically become the best
whether it is ours or others', 
value decides worth, and we must differentiate pearls from pebbles and rubbles
this is true in any language, some never knew full truth, they express half truth as a glorified thing, good at questioning and display of vocabulary and appearing to possess knowledge , failing to answer truly.

once full truth is known only, we come to know where to place them, in the importance, truth being our concern, experience of it providing authenticity to our expression, clarity like daylight

 various aspects have influencing factors of history, geography, compulsions compromises, contingencies, and expediency in every writer 
question is whether expression illumines our path in a little way at least or not, or becomes a obstacle

Writing, dance, singing, painting .....every movement, every thought every impulse are ways of expressions all trying to bring out the truth cognized precisely as fully as is possible.

expression becomes artistic, in proportion to the depth mind reaching inside.
in the ultimate level mind goes beyond and becomes able to cognize truths , and expresses as richa , the most valuable of the expressions ..form can be any, including writing 

It is a journey and ends in true mukthi, the destination.


It is a journey and ends in true mukthi, the destination.

It is a process and end result is bliss, intelligence, energy

sath chith ananda stabilized fully in to all activities in life.,

resulting in a life free of limitations or deficiencies, suffering, during one's life 100 y


Not To focus on the result or the destination

we must be aware of perspective , the map ,

the start ,the end , between things on the way

to help on the journey or else journey loses track

ends up unfinished not knowing the goal

how far done where stuck

driving is with full awareness , not blind


Guru provides the perspective map of life journey

and the way the method/technique makes it easy to reach destination fast

, none other can help


no race, no compare

decision by you

guidance by master

journey is by you

any one can who can deliver the true guidance is guru,

not in any form or any uniform

100y is the life-----

time is the essence , ----

it should be before death .----

but earliest in life is

the most desired wise approach

sadhana to be done with alacrity,

optimum speed,

not haste nor slow, lazy

Despite aspirations by all great visionaries, world has it's own speed to reach the ideal state.


Despite aspirations by all great visionaries, world has it's own speed to reach the ideal state.

basic instincts will prevail for long long time

history has seen all kinds of human folly

and disasters like wars hatred intolerance,

bigotry, idolatry, superstition wrong social practices,

culminating in suffering .


the trend will continue.

every age has produced enough great persons

but their teachings have been misunderstood,

not understood, not followed correctly .


yet such efforts to do good must and will continue .

it is the nature of nature to incorporate corrections by iterative processes

Friday, June 10, 2022

The universe it has its own ways to evolve, continues to evolve, man or no man"


The universe it has its own ways to evolve, continues to evolve, man or no man"

"In due course, if and only if in right track, ,man is going to replace god by becoming equal or better and there would be no options for causing \wrong things to happen, a perfect universe with 0 entropy"

"Yes, he will become daasaanudaasa yatheenaam brahma bhavathi sarathi = ''In the long run gods will do what man wants them to do''"

"Size is no issue, earliest computers were room size, now palm size man becomes unbreakable , all proof , miniature to nothingness yet commands the universe remaining in his tiniest existence"

"I am just going futuristic beyond a point , trend of the universe, so also of the man is upward, forward, godward, to be god, the perfection, evolution is continuously is happenning moment to moment, detail by detail, to attain the best perfect situation .we should not limit and decide by seeing stray incidents and unfinished work in progressyour receptivity and responses inspires , leads to think more , tnx"

"This is trifle , man has solved bigger challenges, with no wings, he flies high in the sky, without getting wet, crosses oceans"

we cannot under estimate his struggle in evolution by finding highly creative solutions to match with every crisis,and damage is not significant"

Test is whether it delivers the results as needed or not------irrespective of '' others' ready made ''


Test is whether it delivers the results as needed or not------irrespective of '' others' ready made '' 

or '' made ready by oneself ''

traditions are meant to pass on the distilled wisdom generation after generation 

without the need to re-invent wheel, 

but to avail best from the received wisdom and improve up on it 

and give it forward to posterity


with the availability of modern means of teaching and communication, 

now one need not have to go to forest in the gautham way , 

but can become a budha, sitting at home, 

with enlightenment having been made available packaged, home delivered, 

with after sale service ensured thru nearest local branches .

but doing the specified home work by the aspirant is a must in every case to reap the results

science is to know, it's knowledge, it's knowledge of laws of nature


science is to know, it's knowledge,
it's knowledge of laws of nature it's vedic truth it is veda 
aham vedosmi=i am knowledge
i am samhitha=knower known process of knowledge that created the world
knowledge is power
it has power to create
creation is solidified knowledge 
so nature is knowledge in pure form 
to know is our nature
knowledge is our birth right
since we lost this level of knowledge we suffer
one who knows will not suffer 

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Avtars Always Happen in Bharat why


"Avtars Always Happen in Bharat why


this may be true, since kishan said '' yada yada hi dharmasya glanirbhavathi bharatha '',

he has said ''bharatha, '' not else where


because , glanirbhavathi time and agan , mostly in bharath?


it is reported that UNO has expressed shock at the gender horrors happening breaking all world records


this is quite in contrast with the titles ''punya bhoomi'', ''vedabhumi'', bharath ,

where woman is supposed be worshiped as god


this is a puzzle, why dharma gets violated particularly in bharath, creating the vacancy for kishan to come again and start setting things right .


what is that , which is keeping other lands peaceful and that which is absent in indian lives, that prevents violation of dharma, eliminating the need for avatar?"


"Enigmatic, why then bharath is high in gender assaults? what practical steps , by whom, / when to be taken ??should we be only talking"

"For, a nation that forgets its own History does so at its own peril!! – Winston Churchill."


"YATRA NARYASTU PUJYANTE....!!Yatra Naryastu pujyante ! Ramante tatra Devataha !!….(Where WOMEN are respected, GODS make their HOME)"


"The truth is that we are all “genuinely nice” people! poornamidam poornamadah"




"Compare, contrast, evaluate, classify, rate, and excel, outperform---- -is the game of evolution, be still achieving still striving, nonstop, stand out, become the star performer , become a dhruva taara"


"How one takes advantage from it is a factor of his intelligence?

i felt jealousy on seeing my classmate writing a beautiful hand writing

i felt i must write better than him

i persisted, and i am joyful,

i am able to write beautiful hand writing that too with a great relish,

even thru years, as on today,

my passion has been to write beautiful hand writing ,

i did accomplish the skill ''akshara ramyatha ''

this is only one example, of my merit, jealousy, it is not at all a negative trait"



"Growth is from individality toward universality , not static but dynamic,



"Lives of great men all remind us We can make our lives sublime, And, departing, leave behind us Footprints on the sands of time ; Footprints, that perhaps another, Sailing o'er life's solemn main, A forlorn and shipwrecked brother, Seeing, shall take heart again. Let us, then, be up and doing, With a heart for any fate ; Still achieving, still pursuing, Learn to labor and to wait."


"Agreed, it's all how one takes and benefits

it is one's wisdom to take every thing for one's growth towards reaching excellence

if we do not react and respond, we will remain static, frog in the well one must be alert in extracting maximum from each opportunity, taking inspiration from those who have grown in life, who left foot prints on the sands of time"


"In the world's broad field of battle, In the bivouac of Life, Be not like dumb, driven cattle ! Be a hero in the strife ! Trust no Future, howe'er pleasant ! Let the dead Past bury its dead ! Act,— act in the living Present ! Heart within, and God o'erhead !"



"Yes, --Actually it is the missing "Contentment" which leads to jealousy--you said it fantastically, the root of jealosy, and you gave the best solution,

----practice "Contentment" ----hats off


this compares well with the vedic statement-----na alpe sukhamasthu -------

there is no joy in small little gains ,

so man is not content not content till he gets the best, biggest, most valuable, the life's target , to become the lord of the universe, to become the one god himself

and contentment cannot be practiced by mood making/ or suppression, or compromises, the real contentment results when the individual raises himself to the dignity of his creator

then all jealousy vanishes, peace prevails, negativity disappears, no more struggle, nothing more to accomplish but till then the instinct , the itch to excel persists life long and one must strive and strive"



an excellent, positive, truth on a seemingly negative trait like jealousy

Envy is due to the inner craving for freedom. is welcome, act on it , reach freedom

every being, and so, more, a human being craves for freedom , it's the incessant urge to search for it, to find, it to get ,when he sees glimpses of such freedom, in others, his craving manifests as envy , '' why not i too get it , why can't i get it, why he alone should get it''then , here one should just take a turning point , taking the same intensity of urge into '' how /when can i get earliest, how others got it, what are the ways , which is the best' 'this is the spirit even in any competition, in sports or in profession healthy, urge to surpass, urge to excel, to win and to shine, a professional jealosy is in fact a lively zeal , it is the evolutionary impulse to grow to expand in abilities , to reach the state of infinite power, infinite freedom .and a desire to master over nature, to gain supremacy over the universe, to live a life of all limitations. Such intense envy, intense urge for unlimited freedom is the ''shradha'' which makes a gautham to get up and just walk away , away far far beyond the unknown realms , physical, mental, beyond mental and discover all the unknown secretes , to come back victorious"