Friday, December 31, 2021

we learn alphabet



 we learn alphabet , words, phrases, sentences, idiom grammar, prose writing, 
we jump we switch to poetry, meter rhyme rhythm 
we fly we freelance humor sarcasm metaphor quote what not
we enter the free space silence
we enjoy the freedom, 
we come back free
no more anything to restrict, just flow 
the consciousness flows
we the straw, takes its own course losing itself 
not to bother to run or walk or stay still, just enjoying , every moment every movement , in the way the flow happens, creativity unobstructed, finding its own ways newer, unseen unheard,
being sure that it is a pure flow, a flow of purity unsullied by any ills. and yes the stream is beautiful the flow is plentiful playful

The reader too flows, another straw, forgets himself in the flow , unmindful of hurts or flirts of the flow, sees the clarity the purity the uncontrolled nobility, the reader and writer at times unite at times separate all moving despite to the ultimate goal the ocean , the infinite ocean of consciousness, and get merged get submerged, get immersed get saturated with bliss the nectar divine, flowing from the sacred feet of divine and become one and nothing never to return

love is the relation we enjoy here.
my friend slaps me , pinches my cheek, but it is all the more sweet, we being in love

Monday, December 20, 2021

I talk to my self I listen to my self


I talk to my self

I listen to my self


I create my products

I nourish,  I delete


I am brahma Vishnu Maheshwar

I parrot old ancient obsolete scriptures for ever


I now vanish ,  rishi vasanth

I enter devlok as devarishi vasanth


I visit  all divine sites

I come to fb and all websites


For me absolute granted

A passport  a visa and free permit


So I move in the clouds

Above the sky, under the waters of deep sea


Singing my own glory, athma sthuthi

Dancing in my new fury, my vibhoothi   

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Feeling the present, the presence of god

Feeling the present, the presence of god

cool breeze, clouds are shining
sun is rising, not so shining, why shying?

mind asking me to become a wind ,

to go and help the sun , 
drive away the covering of darkness, and sin

colorless, yet the bluish, the sky,

far away beyond stars, 
out of reach by hand,

yet nearest as my skin 

mixed sounds from a distant mike,

singing glory of god
god appearing everywhere,

walking into home ,from nowhere
entering into my heart unaware

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Power of music is due to the silence it delivers


Power of music is due to the silence it delivers

Words fail,

grammar gets shattered

poetry flows

poetry fails

song sets in

thaal accompanies

song loses sense of meaning in the raag, aalaap

it is just a flow of sound

even the tune finds it self inadequate

silence takes over

self is fulfilled with its listener

the same self

what it says what is heard self knows alone,

it is sure a best message.

self talking to itself within

in silence finds the best way of communication

Saturday, July 31, 2021

vedic management

vedic management

For management to be successful and free from problems it has to be systematic and scientific. For it to be scientific it must conform to the theories of modern science. For anything to be in conformity with all the theories of all disciplines of modern science it must be Vedic, which means it must be in full accord with Natural Law.

'For management to be Vedic it has to be handled by Vedic* Consciousness. This is the absolute requirement of every management to remain out of the range of mismanagement. . . .

'No system of management in the world today is as perfect as the Vedic System of Management, because all systems of management derive their policies and procedures from the theories of economy, production, and sales, but they are not fully in accord with all the Laws of Nature that manage the order and evolution in the galactic universe. This is the reason why all the existing systems of management are prone to problems of instability and are unsatisfactory.

'Only Vedic Management has that unlimited broad base of the total organizing power of Natural Law, from where it draws upon the infinite creativity of the infinite organizing power of the holistic value of Natural Law, and also simultaneously draws upon the enormous creativity of the specific Laws of Nature. . . .

'The Vedic Consciousness of the manager is the basis of Vedic Management, which is in full accord with the Cosmic Management of Natural Laws, which organizes and maintains the universe in perfect order and harmony—supporting the progress of everything and everyone, singly and collectively, in the direction of evolution. . . .

'With Maharishi Universities of Management in America, Europe, and Russia; and Maharishi Vedic University and Maharishi Institute of Management in India, the field of management is now rising to enjoy the light of Vedic Management—the light of perfection.

'The means to achieve Vedic Management is to develop the Vedic Consciousness of the manager and everyone under his management. For this the simple formula is:


To practise Transcendental Meditation and the TM-Sidhi Programme including Yogic Flying for about twenty minutes morning and evening, and verify personal experiences by reading the Vedic Text;


To live and work in buildings built according to Vastu—Sthapatya Veda—the Vedic Science and Technology of building according to Natural Law; and


To avoid problems through Graha Shanti [Vedic Engineering], which inspires the benevolent and harmonizing influences and filters out any negative influences from the Cosmic Counterparts of the individual—the planets, stars, galaxies, etc.

'There is a large body of scientific research in all fields of physiology, psychology, sociology, and ecology that documents the benefits of the programmes of Vedic Management, which utilizes Maharishi's Vedic Technology as a means to achieve Vedic Consciousness—the basis of Vedic Management.

'The Vedic Consciousness of the manager is the basis of Vedic Management, which is in full accord with the management of the universe through Natural Law. Vedic Management handles the unlimited management of the universe with perfect order and harmony, supporting everything and everyone to perpetually progress in the direction of evolution.

'The means to enjoy the full value of Vedic Management is to develop Vedic Consciousness through Vedic Education, Vedic Health Care, Vedic Administration, Vedic Defence, Vedic Industry, and Vedic Agriculture.

'Government should introduce Vedic Management into all fields of management, so that whatever profession the youth choose, they will be successful, because they will have the nourishing support of Natural Law. Therefore, to make management unfailing and free from problems on all levels of national life, Vedic Management should be adopted.'

Ideal India—the Lighthouse of Peace on Earth (536-page publication)


* Vedic Consciousness is self-referral consciousness—Transcendental Consciousness— developed through the practice of Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation Programme.


Scientific Research

Maharishi's Books

Links to related websites:
Global Financial Capital of New York:
Invincibility Trusts:
Maharishi Global Financing:
Maharishi Institute of Management, India:
Master of Business Administration (MBA) Programme, MUM, USA:
American TM Professionals:
Benefits in the Workplace:
Maharishi Corporate Development Programme, India:

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Wednesday, July 7, 2021

living beyond

 living beyond

beyond any attribute, gradation,
classification, categorization

yes and no 
yes but no, 
no but yes
not only , but also

either or , 
neither nor, 

as and when,
whenever, never

how, how much 
what, where ,why, 
what for, which, 
how many

beyond all words
without alphabet
count, account
free, no compare

synonyms, antonyms
conjunctions, interjections, 
comma, full stop, nonstop
without end, begin

no address , id 
dress, tress , 
stress, distress
ease, disease

wry wrath 
humor wit 
kit, pit, tit, tat 
pity piety anxiety

add, subtract 
multiply, divide
differentiate. integrate
interpolate ,extrapolate, manipulate,

paraphrase, phrase
para, sentence, prose ,
poetry ,verbose
verse, converse

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

i want you to be rishi.

i want you to be rishi.
i wait, i watch 
may be days, weeks, months, 
or years, decades, births 

choice is with you 
time is precious 
without the light of self realization 
i can caution that blogging is bogging


Assumptions, compromise, defeatist attitude, is no good 
arjun realize your tru stature
i am happy as i am ..... i am eternal being .... i am what i am --only assuming, no help, it puts you off for reaching the final destination 

one becomes alpasanthoshi
with swalpa small little
there is great god to be really discovered to be owned 
we belong to rishi samskriti, you have a gothra, 
but we are lost so a lot is lost in life only the superficialities, 

biyyamunu vadulukuni thavudu tho bathukuthunnamu

why, ?

read energizing vedantha of vivekananda,

set your understanding of life on a higher plane 

arjun klaibyam maa



Most of the blogs indicate all surface details ,

very few know what is the deeper wealth

their no fault
they really do not know their lack,

nor know what more is really beyond the abcd


And it is so easy to get at it , thru right guidance 
here our souls look other way, they like to be in the same groove life long, they put in lot of hard work but there is no forward movement like a bull, rotating in the ganuga, oil mill




Result is , the purpose of life is lost to sight. 
words replace the real 
what is chith, sath, ananda,-

--they never know except the meaning in the dictionary

which says maarjaalam==pilli



So books are increasing,

blogs are flooding what is the value addition

realized by self or readers?
it is nothing or meager




So think of reassessing priorities.
this is my friendly, loving advice 
i assure that it is possible to deliver 100 times

more than the present level in quality and quantity

 thru sadhana with guidance, by guru,

not thru million books

God helps those

God helps those

who know how to take his help the most, 
not the one who need it the most.
everyone needs his help the most
but a few who know only could get it

can get it
guru gives knowhow
without, it  is a cry in the wilderness,

aranya rodanam

Glass, Half Empty Half Full


Glass, Half Empty Half Full

Glass, a gloss, an illusion
solution is dissolution 

add a drop of divine nectar
lo , it's now full with sweet water

distribute all 
to one and all

now it s empty, without a trace
now it is full, with divine grace 

now it is empty and full 
nil but not null

Sunday, July 4, 2021

i am lost

i am lost

i lost my address
i exist everywhere

i lost my dress
i am digambar

i lost my name
i am called by sahasranaam

i lost my mind
i am a mad of a kind

i lost everything
i am truly nothing

Saturday, July 3, 2021

oh null, are you nil?

oh null, are you nil?


a null matrix you are
thy transpose too is a null matrix


thou art square symmetric
thy diagonals composed of elements null


thy determinant too is null 
thy existence is nil and a null


still you are an entirely un-null
i am 1,make me a 0 ,at your will


i thought at least maths is a field

where god need not be present

here it is plain as 2+2=4,

no any sentiment---his or mine


i gave him all the temples,

caves, mountains, 


oceans, rivers, trees, to be alone,

and to be playing, or sleeping and snoring


but he insists to be here in mathematics too,
i am helpless, nothing escapes him,


so let him have his say


he is zero , unmanifest, nothing
he is hero, the number one, manifest,----- everything


he is analog, gradual, continuous,

growing as tree

he is digital, jumping to be discrete,

as an individual


he is infinity, 
and is all finite elements


he adds--beings mate, 
he multiplies--beings are born


he subtracts--they decay ,die
he divides--so many categories, variety


he differentiates, --delivers as per karma
he integrates--takes all into his bosom, with love


his maths is no end, 
but it is grand

God, you are my life,



you are my life
you are my life partner

ever from the past, always in the present
for ever in the unending future

in modes varied, in moods changing 
from moment to moment 

thick and thin, warm and cold,
sweet and hot, black and white

kind and cruel, 
caring and careless

i never can afford leave you 
you never will be deserting me 

you are kishan, i am radha 
you are rama, i am  sita

you are unmanifest, i am manifest
the duo always singing duets

in joy unbounded
in bond unbroken 

i love you . 
you love me

what more can be there 
nothing left to do, no need to go any where

some one advised,, ''talk straight''


some one advised, ''talk straight''


is it possible

is it desirable


what is straight

what is the best straight talk


can you listen to it

can you grasp its import


if all straight talk is good, then why embellish

in the constabulary of multitude of vocabulary  


why poetry ,why literature

why arts why theories, why philosophies 


why curvatures why circles ,why polygons

why sine waves why hyperboles


why multidimensional

whymulti lingual multiple meanings synonyms


if it is straight we miss a lot

we miss all the beauty and mystery of kishans hide and seek


what is a line, it is sigma of / sequence of points

/ intellience trying to convey itself in 1000 modes and 100 moods


if not it is a shortest line

one point visible or a speech silent 

Friday, July 2, 2021

rishi is on different plane


rishi is on different plane
utters , mutters, chants, rants

but simply , answer he can't 
leave him alone to stay shaanth,

may be ,he is only a panth
he is surely , not a saint or santh

at best he may be a poet
in reality he is only a parrot

and he talks what not, what rot
all naughty , putting  all to naught and knot

What is new in this?

 What is new in this?

may be lang, idiom, medium,
geo., time,
stories, episodes,
icons, symbolism, 
style, diction, slant?

the meaning, the message

and the theme is no different
will never be different or new 

what ever the name, nickname, 
writer, seer, prophet, 
godman, mangod,

label, package, quantity content 
from any great soul 
saint, savanth, 
peer, fakeer ,pygambar,
digambar, swethambar, peethambar

only the fashions change
getup and make up varies

almighty god, comes always in fresh attires
probably in stronger tires

never resting 
nor retiring 

he is for evolution of man 
evolution of every being

evolution of material inert, 
evolution of matter dead

till the goal is reached 
to see heaven on earth

Prashantha rayaru aa dodda mahadevaru


Prashantha rayaru 
aa dodda mahadevaru

'shivam, shantham, advaitham, chathurtham, manyanthe
veda nada idu shivanondige

but to me shiva poor 
is a scrap collector

in company with scavengers, 
bhootha pretha pishachaadi strangers

he has scrap value
i rate him true as zero value

wears hardly a rag ,
only a piece of leather tag

a beggar in the street
a gulping all dirt visha as amrit

always keeping eyes close
may be for a photo pose, 

if i see him, my words fail 
if i hear him,stops my wagging tail

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

silence vibrating is creation


silence vibrating is creation
silence flowing is love
silence shared is friendship
silence seen is infinity
silence heard is adorable
silence expressed is beauty
silence maintained is strength
silence omitted is suffering
silence allowed is rest
silence recorded is scripture
silence preserved is our tradition
silence given is initiating
silence received is joy
silence perceived is knowledge
silence stabilized is fulfillment
silence alone is''

i was taught this by my teachers of tm and sci 

Tuesday, June 29, 2021





Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 1967

Our life is the expression of our inner potentialities. We project ourselves to the extent we know of our inner status, and there is much more to life than that which we are already living. Let us consider what more there is to life and what more can be lived, than that we are living in the present.

Certainly it is wise to know the whole extent of an expression of our life, and to try to bring in all that we have been missing so far.

We know, if we drop a stone in a pond, the ripples begin to move, and they move over the whole pond, reaching all the extremities. One slight stir in any part of the pond stirs the whole pond, influences the entire field of water, and its surroundings. Similarly, by every thought, word and action, every individual is setting forth influence in his surroundings, and that influence is not restricted to any boundaries. It goes on and on and reaches every level of creation. Every individual, by his every thought, word and action, shakes the entire Universe. This is the status of an individual. One is connected with the whole Universe by every little bit of activity. An individual appears to be bound by the boundaries of home and by the boundaries of his own body, but in reality the subtle aspects of the individuality go to make universal existence. An individual is never an isolated individual. He is intimately interrelated with the whole Cosmos. Even more than that, he shares the responsibility for the life of the whole Cosmos. The entire Universe lies in the individual. Cosmic existence lies in the existence of the individual. Cosmic life rests in the individual life, and the individual life extends to cosmic life. The individual and the Cosmos are interdependent. Neither of them is independent of the other. Every move of the individual shakes the Cosmos. The Universe reacts to the individual action. Every individual has this power that shakes the Universe, and shakes and saves the gods and angels in Heaven. Man has this strength that upholds the Universe. The individual, by his every action, serves the Universe, and the great power of Nature is ready to serve the individual, if the individual influences the Universe for the progression of the process of evolution. By its very existence the Creation is set in motion to go on and on through the steps of evolution.

..............If the action of the individual is in conformity with the purpose of Creation and the purpose of evolution, then the individual serves the cosmic purpose of life, and all the great laws of nature readily serves the purpose of the individual. It is a simple and automatic process of give and take. As you sow, so shall you reap.

When the individual behaves rightly he improves, and by so doing he contributes to the betterment of the entire Universe, but when knowingly or unknowingly he behaves wrongly, he acts contrary to the process of evolution. The laws of nature begin to react against him. The individual receives back the result of his wrong actions. He who will think right, speak good and act truthfully, will receive the support of all the laws of nature, carrying out the process of evolution around us. Naturally, when we serve the government, we enjoy all the advantages of the laws of the government because all the laws are to serve the individual interest....................................

We as the individuals have the influence over the whole Universe. Every one of us influences the entire Universe by every little action we perform. Obviously, we do not perceive it, but at every moment we are either supporting or damaging the entire Universe. Better we forget not the great responsibility that we can do and undo the entire Creation that breathes the life of God, by the simple, individual mistakes of ours. The wrong one’s done cannot be undone. It returns to us from all sides. Everything suffers for our wrongdoing, and we are made to suffer for the suffering of all. Thou shalt reap the consequences of thy doings, is the fair policy of Mother Nature. She only wants her children to enjoy, but while enjoying the flowers in the garden of God, those who walk loosely falter and fall unduly. The joy of life is there. It depends on us whether we make use of our power and use it or loose it. Better we produce the influence of all harmony, and we will do this by virtue of our natural ability to think, speak and act rightly. Our individuality will then command the power of the Universe. Make use of the cosmic power of the individual law in favor of our desire and use cosmic life energy for the health and great accomplishments in life.

The unlimited source of cosmic life energy is at our disposal. We have only to begin to use it. The great cosmic intelligence lies at our disposal. We have only to connect our individual mind with the cosmic intelligence, with the universal mind, and gain all clarity of thinking and all […] in activity, and live a life of eternal freedom on Earth.

The great possibility of our individual life contacting the universal cosmic life energy and intelligence is here at hand! Eternity lies in the present! Eternity always in the hands of the present. It only needs to be appreciated. The present holds the master key to unlock the treasures of eternity. Every moment of our life is supplemented with the eternity of the by-gone past, and that which awaits us in the moments to come. Eternal existence of the unlimited Cosmos is available to us for our own power. Certainly, as we have seen, we are influencing the entire cosmic life, but somehow we are not making use of the great, unlimited and vast resources of that are at all times available to us. We are always giving. Through every thought, word and action we are producing an influence in Cosmos. We are always giving. Certainly we want to give out […] all harmony, all peace, all happiness, all love, all serenity and grace, because this alone is useful and life supporting. Certainly we want to create a better life, healthier and more useful surroundings. Therefore it is of vital importance that we should know where to receive this great life energy, greater happiness, greater intelligence, greater harmony and greater serenity and grace.

Yes, there is a primal source of all happiness, from which spreads all happiness that is found in the world.

There is a primordial power of life energy from which all energy emanates. There is one primal source of serenity, from which the serenity and peace spread in all Creation.

Let us find out where the source is of all these most desirable features of life, and having found out the source, let us try to contact it and be in a position to draw on unlimited amount of happiness and energy, intelligence, peace and grace; for all good to ourselves and to our surroundings.

We should know that the purpose of Creation is expansion of happiness. From a seed grows the tree, from the atom develops the molecules and the entire field of forms and phenomena of Creation. The subtle strata of Creation are at the root of the gross strata of nature. The subtlest stratum of life is at the root of all the different levels of life and living, and there is a level of life subtler than the subtlest which is permeating all the subtle and gross levels of existence, and these subtler than the subtlest stratum of existence, this transcendental state of being, is the basis of all existence. This is the basis of all cosmic life, cosmic intelligence, cosmic energy, and here, at this level of transcendental, absolute being dwells the cosmic law, which is responsible for all Creation and evolution of life. It creates the innumerable laws of nature, to carry the ceaseless activity of evolution of the entire Cosmos.

This cosmic law is such that in itself, it never changes. It maintains forever the absolute status of the being, and maintaining the absolute stratas of the being, gives rise to different laws of nature, that contact the process of creation and evolution; a process, which continually goes on and on for all times, filling the phases of eternity, of time and space.

Here is the eternal being secured by the eternal status of the never-changing cosmic law which is the source of all Creation, the basis of all cosmic intelligence, and the source of all energy, power and creativity.

This is the ultimate source of all power. It lies in the field of the absolute, transcendental existence, which is omni-present, and as such, it lies within the heart of every one of us.

This un-tapped source of power that lies within us has to be tapped, and cosmic life energy and intelligence, has to be directly and consciously made a part and […] of our life, and then our individual existence will be naturally supplemented by the cosmic life energy. Our individual mind will be supplemented by the unlimited power of the cosmic intelligence; our happiness of this sensory level will be supplemented by the bliss of the eternal absolute being.

The present creativity of our mind and the ability of our body will be strengthened and reinforced with the boundless energy of the absolute being.

The health of both body and mind, and also the health of the surroundings, will be immeasurably improved; efficiency will be immeasurably increased. By getting control over the master-switch of nature at the level of cosmic law, the natural laws governing the surroundings become favorable and begin to support the aspirations of our individual mind and the desire of our hearts.

We as human beings, having such a perfected nervous system have the ability to control the powers of nature, make hay when the sun shines. Let us not loose the insight into life and the great possibilities that lie therein. And how do we utilize our ability to harness this cosmic life energy present within? Let us be careful that we do not […] ourselves and become lost in the maze of mystical concepts, for it is very easy to get lost in the wilderness of imaginations and loose the perspective of life.

We belong to the realistic age of science. Let us be sure, that all that we strive for and achieve remains realistic. Our age of scientific […] does not give credence to anything shrouded in the garb of mysticism. Let us realize the absolute Being through a scientific and systematic method of achievement, where every achievement will be supplemented by the personal experience. The way is simple because the goal lies within us. We have only to dive within ourselves and […] arrive at this […] of the absolute existence. For that we have only to bring our attention from the grass level of existence to the subtle levels of thinking, and diving deep into the […], arrive at the subtle […] of thinking, the transcendentalist state of thinking, and consciously arrive at the source of thinking, which is the field of the Being that lies beyond the subtlest phase of Creation, in the transcendental field of eternal Being.

This is how, by exploring deep within ourselves, by the method of transcendental, deep meditation we arrive to fathom the ocean of life energy, present within ourselves, and tap the power of cosmic intelligence and bring the force of eternity and cosmic energy in the present, right here and now, and be what we want to be, what we ought to be and what we deserve to be.

Certainly, within our lives, we do not deserve to suffer or encounter any obstacle on the road to fulfillment, nor do we wish any desire to remain unfulfilled. Suffering should be foreign to us. Every desire that comes up should find its way to fulfillment, and ways of our individual lives should flow in the fullness of cosmic life, and this is the life that we deserve to live: Individual life in eternal freedom of cosmic life; individual life in the bliss of eternal Being; individual life supplemented and supported by the unlimited force of cosmic life, be it to us, to our neighbors and to all the individuals in the world.

May God bless every man to turn within himself and tap the unlimited source of power that lies within.

Transcribed by Ingvar Loco Nordin

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 1967