Thursday, August 31, 2023

ganesha is not the roopa aspect but the principle aspect , .ie vighna kartha+vighna hartha


ganesha is not the roopa aspect but the principle aspect , .ie vighna kartha+vighna hartha

1  i see him as an on off switch, a door opening/closing, a speed breaker, to stop the over speeding, but allow the walker to cross the road , or a brake in a bike ,or a watchman at the gate, ...incidentally ....well suits .on parvathi kept him at the entrance to stop shiva ,, i may not see him as depicted in the pictures / or as described in the stotras,

2 . he creates obstacles, he removes obstacles,-----like a water tap, allowing and stopping the water , so one must earn his grace, ie one must know how to use the beneficial aspects of both ...''on and off'' ....

2.1 this '' on off '' is what we do in ''activity and rest '', 
on the ultimate level ,it is '' manifest and unmanifest ''

since it is a principle, the applications / possibilities/ ,manifestations of it are infinite
in life every where this principle is present , even eye lids, closing and opening

2.2 light is discrete "packets" of energy that we call photons, it is a case of flow of ''glow and unglow '', since , between photons, there is no energy , no light

3 since a principle is universally present, and eternally working, it is a deva, animesha, some thing valuable and ever alive. 
to explain such subtle knowledge , dharma sookshmas to commoners the media of icons and episodes is used 

4 unfortunately the principle is ignored / overshadowed by rituals/ faith/ beliefs / hopes, and devas remain a mystery 
but for rishis all devas are just so familiar and intimate that they can cognize them every where without any ambiguity , 
since they have gained access to the field of ''parame tyoman ''where in, ''yasmin deva adhivishve nishedhuhu '', the laws governing the universe reside . 
all the vedic literature can reveal true essence to the one who has that experience, ie access, to that field , but, ''yasthan na veda , kim richa karishyathi '''' alas , to the one who has no access what avail are these

and i find , me having known that easily.... feel pity on the great gropers in the darkness doing every thing except getting the most needed thing, ie self realization , the most essential light

ganesha is symbolic , it is the principle of mastery over obstacles, vighnas,


ganesha is symbolic ,

it is the principle of mastery over obstacles, vighnas,

he is lord of obstacles, vighna raja, vighneshwara,

 has lordship over obstacles,

he can create obstacles ,

he can remove obstacles,

he is vighna karta,

he is vighna harta

to reconcile this and to understand, let us understand how a on / off switch functions in a circuit

 we can understand the role of switch to pass current or to cut off

one to gain mastery over the switch to carry on trials

even a tap / valve on a pipe line is similarly a n example of how the principle of vighnaraja works

 other examples are, traffic signal , vehicle brakes/ speed breakers, dam on a river , etc so the principle of vighnaraja does exist

Need of our times is not ''conversion '' but a ''conversion table''


Need of our times is not ''conversion '' but a ''conversion table''

Differences and similarities are due to the presence of ''uniqueness and universality'' that exists in every system, every individual, 


however, when one rises to cognizes the inherent universality existing in his own uniqueness, one will be able to harmonize all differences in his perception, no more conflicts"


"Need of our times is not ''conversion '' but a ''conversion table'' defining all the spiritual / religious terms, like we do in science, from one system to other system, without confusion or conflict 


Then only we will be able to solve the problems of life for example we have this table 1 inch =2.54 centimeters,, or 1 ounce =so many grams, and rupee to dollar etc ,"



"''Spirituality is an individual journey and therefore every journey is unique''. is .like a Columbus to America.

or a journey ..even to mount Everest,

or... to mars, by curious daring pioneers and path finders into fields unknown, unexplored,

it is adventurous, uncertain, may be hazardous and arduous involving tremendous will power, commitment, indomitable spirit,

many pitfalls on the way, countless wrong tracks, innumerable wasted moves only a blessed few succeeding, enabling them to move further on and on till life long.  


but once the'' pioneers'' showed the right track, the ''common'' men made maps,

laid roads invented, vehicles,... without needing to do a ''rediscovery''....but enabled all others to trek and reach successfully and easily and quickly 


similarly, to explore more mysteries in spirituality too one need not waste one's life to learn and know afresh what is already discovered,


the help from the experts makes one to quickly master the fundamentals and graduate to the higher lessons, and prepares one to launch on ‘‘new’’,'' original'' discoveries, and thus more and more novices are enabled to progress rapidly hence the need to systematize the plethora of spiritual paths and findings, ie in short , precisely defining and standardizing, and universalizing is the need 


why not


‘’Yardstick’’ exactly is the need in spirituality, at least now in this most modern infn technology age 


before defining and standardizing fundamental units , L M T length mass time , things were arbitrary, different, some used to measure length with reference to the length of hand, or foot or finger, or guess , and weight by hand feel, or relative difference in articles, also time by just observing the shadows etc but a few men put enough trials / effort, and f p s/ c g s,was made, and then mks,, now rationalized R MKS, or SI units were evolved 


first spirituality must evolve as a science, with precise definitions, amenable to theory and tests /practical


maharishi mahesh yogi did a attempt in his '' science of creative intelligence '' he has made whole thing scientific and results measurable precisely by modern instrumentation, those who are familiar with TM ,know this,99 names of allah in quran were correlated to the attributes of the unified field ,,.....this was done by one muslim spiritual/scientist


ravishankar sri sri has done it in his book  ''hinduism and islam, the common thread''


prof hawkins too has made a good attempt in spirituality the basic yardstick is brahman, unmanifest , nirgun nirakar, pure consciousness


by using this one can differentiate who is master who is seeker and at what levels each individual is ....exactly like , in education, we know elementary, high school , inter, graduate, post graduate, doctorate levels 


in the spirituality to there are the levels jad chethan, jagrut chethan, turia, turiateeth, daivee, brahmi levels, may be corresponding to rishi maharishi. Devarishi,brahmarshi etc


none need to change their religions but they will come to know where they are and how far they have to go, 


humans are unique and different, but medical/ psychological sciences are developed applicable to all kinds of humans 


IQ levels are measurable, health /fitness is measurable


similarly this attempt for systematization & standardization of Spiritual must be done on by a committee of top saints 


they must define, and a world standard must emerge


jesus ''i am the way the life and the truth'' is identified as ''aham brahmasmi'', sarvam khalvidam brahma''


''blood of jesus cleanses every sin '' is parallel to ''gyanagni dhagdha karmani, 


''blood of jesus is the pure consciousness, not the red corpuscles


Icons, idols, allegories are obscuring 


A standard tears off the delusion and makes one know one what he is, where he stands


"''The scriptures show us the path but how many have found the truth?


At any given time there are millions on the path but how many have reached the ultimate?'


'since "The proof of the pudding is in the eating"  the very fact that not all, but a very few could reach the ultimate the very reason for more scientific result oriented approach needed , though putting mental/ physical effort and strain, the goal is not reached, benefit not got since humanity is on the wrong track, guidance is faulty/ not clear/ confusing, / ineffective/ unwise 


i did a study of a few teachings and systems and find there is enough scope to make a table of all religions and teachings and show the equivalents, some sankara teachings are coinciding with marati saints like tukaram , meera etc some with milton, William blake, emerson "

more can be thus harmonized, and assimilated to one’s benefit 


one of agenda should be to standardize terminology

 and provide precise definitions for several of the vocabulary that all religions use


also, evolve standards like ISI / ISO and a gradation and eligibility criteria to give a open certification to the spiritual leaders/ gurus

also evolve an conversion table like british system to metric system, like 1 inch =2..54 centimeters, or 1 kilogram =so many pounds .so that all teachings from all the saints and babas are understood by properly ''syncing'' them


and there should be a table like periodic table putting all elements metals, gases, etc in their proper place using certain criteria, so that one is able to understand and know relative worth of each saint/ teachings compared to others' 


and all conflicts must be resolved in an open forum freely fearlessly without inhibitions are secretes 

this is required for new gen not to waste their time and life by groping into the jungle of scriptures and gurus, but to arrive at the proper grip on ''what is all ''

this will be resisted since it dilutes the hold of spiritual leaders on their followers and exposes them naked on their hard earned false position and respect

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Towards attaining a skill in natural beautiful expression there are two stages mainly


Towards attaining a skill in natural beautiful expression there are two stages mainly

1 learning stage and

2 mastery

in between there are gradual improvements in the skills

 i value enormously the hint on being continuous aware of the things

that are happening inside , without falling at the temptation of blurting out

at the spur of tendencies

Living in awareness is a great teaching , jk and sri sri have propounded,

has a great value in controlling/refining/ patterns of instinctual impulses ---which sometimes harm the individual and the environ , definitely is a good thing to cultivate



this is in the initial stages of sadhana, a rope walk, one must be 100 % careful or else he falls , he injures himself , injures others very much needed


to learn music one has to know the swaras, saregama, and the bols of thaals dha dhin dhin dha , and practice them accurately , carefully, flawlessly, for a long time, and then master the raags, thaals.yes , a must


and then reaches a level, the mastery , and hence the ability to go free in his melodious rendering, here he will not do this ''aware '' thing ,


but he is automatically spontaneously aware and expert in his grasp, expression, response, reply, repartee, ready wit, resourcefulness, creativity, abundance of merit updating moment to moment, ever fresh in his every creation he may sing the same raaga but he generates newness, that too , inadvertently, without plan, thinking, manipulation, regulation, but immediate, with all ease , and added bliss, out of confidence and spontaneous infallibility Spontaneous infallibility is the point , there is a vast difference between the student and the teacher one is a learner of a b c the other is a master of a to z


the caution applicable to the student is not for the master and in spirituality one has to start a b c and with all the care, hard work, and then he rises to be the carefree , nonchalant master where spontaneous flawless behavior in think talk and walk is experienced what he blurts out extempore will be the great things, what he does will be the marvelous excellent outputs    


here he is living yad yad karma karomi thath thath akhilam shambho thava araadhanam


at this state he no more falters, never falls, nor fails, nor errs, nor hesitates, nor inhibits, nor cares, nor worries, nor regrets, nor aspires, nor perspires, things happen perfectly in his life, he is now a master , a master of universe, his every movement every moment is a compliment to the universe

here he has become the awareness himself, a living awareness in physical form

In advanced state of sadhana,


In advanced state of sadhana, gradually our contribution  becomes less and less

and nature cooperation becomes more , and more


our contribution is just a wish /desire only not any need of doing, immediately god responds and task gets done

this is the skill in action karma sukaushalam, ‘’do less accomplish more''

this statement becomes our experience

 ie yatheenam brahma bhavathi sarathi, god becomes servant of devotee, god is really bhakthonka daasaanudaasa hai

like, in gajendra moksha , at the call of devotee gajaraaj , lord vishnu comes running instantly leaving everything behind, and saves him from magar"

"This is called sidha way of life"


"One's 100% attention involved / focused on the task, all the creativity is at one's finger tips, output will be a master piece. ie task is done as if god himself is doing


when sakkubai was grinding the grains, kishan came and sat before her, and he grinded along with her , sakku found the task easy effortless as if she was not doing, only task is getting done this is the state of naishkarmya, ie the state of nondoing while doing, ie the art of doing

Saturday, August 12, 2023


 There may be any number of particular things what everyone wants specific in detail, at different context but in essence they all want only one thing that is anand, bliss thru whatever they may want at any context"


"However , my simplest experience and understanding is just meditate, and happiness is the instant result, no conditions , we reach in samadhi , the sath chith ananda----it's just real genuine happiness--bliss and as the practice continues bliss prevails always , in all activities, all states do this and confirm its truth

All expression /media/modes of expression , aids of communication arts acting


All expression /media/modes of expression , aids of communication , arts acting, dance poetry prose , movie drama-----is to bring out the glory of ''purusha'' in as many/ as much of detail and as much of nearness of truth as possible acting / dance/ singing are highly evolved art forms where man himself is the medium to express , and expresses the purusha more truly the excellence in expression simply conveys the degree of purusha he lives in his manifest, prakriti, his body mind organs more nearer , richer one expresses the purusha in him, the audience gets inspired, exhilarated, the purpose is to take the audience the receivers to a higher level of reality thru


we are his manifestations, but prakrithis, pra krithis refabricated, rebuilt , we are not purusha fully , as is with different degrees of his perfection inbuilt in each jeevas , but endowed with the ability/spur to evolve limitless to his full stature

for example in dance, the artist expresses the intricate nuances thru his mastery over his body , that is his purushas mastery over his prakrithi


at temple festivals, each artist brings out the glory of purusha in his movements mudras, facial expressions---in as much high as possible and takes the audience to his loka, the loka of that god --though for a while , thru his dance song rhetoric, inviting the purusha into himself and spreading his presence in the audiencethat is how one takes the audience to god / s , and to there world/ loka"


potential is there but few actualize potential hidden if you are able to actualize fully yes you are purusha hence kishan is param purusha"


"We can--- never ---- find a path in our lives through some loss ; a downfall in buisness , loss of loved ones or seperation in relationships ; all can lead to few experiences only to cause suffering thru ignorance, confusion, chaos, unrest, tension, misery but ------never -----to soul searching ------nor---------to finding more meaning to our life.but if you are really serious, if you really mean business finding true path,--- easy, short, wise,----- with no wasted moves, ----sure to reach the destination is possible only thru guru guidance

if not it is lifelong wandering, blundering, wondering, meaningless, aimless, talking , reading, listening, searching , lecturing, preaching teaching, blogging, dialoging , eating sleeping procreating but never ending, never reaching the goal think serious , go forward . upwards do not get into circles , it's all waste of effort, waste of time, surely a wasted life

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Too Much of Anything is Too Bad???


Too Much of Anything is Too Bad???

"Shiva crossed all limits held poison in balance

howhe developed such abilities first going to the extreme of existence, the awareness so intensely that , nothing can be any excess, what ever he indulges in


what's the message?

know and do such a thing that your system becomes perfectly immune to all the ravages in the environ and any inputs from there on to the system

this is a much more advanced medic medic going to extreme refinement and ultimate perfection"


"How to say what is excess

what is your reference? just think cool, and answer, i feel i am doing too little, will be doing a little more, internet is my expanding innernet, me expanding to be universe, in my vishvaroop eventuallyand i , definitely not in illusion, nor gone astray in any way

it's a penetrating analysis till we reach ultimate without compromise, stop not till the goal is reached '' is the sane advice,

once arisen


but thank you for your sacred attention, st is a tapobhoomi, a sacred place , for intense tapasya of at a different plane, with participation of all the internet net souls i am discovering myself more and more, my good, my best , my bad, my worst----which i never knew, without trying to hide with any pretense, me not just accepting anything which is not truth ''reading maketh a fullman, conference a ready man, writing an exact man'' ---bacon all to become more precise, universal truthful"


"Music--such words as this make me sing limitless, madhya sapthak, -------------what manoj is trying to advice

but we hahave --mandra, taara sapthal as well-what for?

and then we also exceed to athi mandra, ati thaara sapthak -----not for nothing then we have one drone, shruthi box or thanpura ---mono tone ,as a back ground --is it monotony?

definitely not and then we have raagas------how many?

and we have nava rasas , and ragas to convey the rightly each rasa and moods vary seasonal

and with the movement of day into night where is the limit for music om the pranav naad fills the universe , unending continuum and music makes one to dance inexhilaration, makes one to move into melancholy tears rolling


where is it excess

if it does not do its intended purpose, my limiting itself, then where is the creativity in music where is the joy of nonchalance?

i am dwelling on the topic, -is it excess

can you put a limit?

if you stop me , you will miss me and my music, though i continue to flow nonstop at every opportunity


so limiting is humiliating oneself,

 i am a bit harsh,

no limit is my theme going to extremes is my sport"


"Take the jhoola

you can do it just swing make it more it rises up and up the it takes a full l circle that is why the circus , feats and feats . crossing every limit and hence the thrill excitement enjoyment it's a freedom in performance if manoj puts a limit then no circus at all , not even the buffoonery"


"Every attempt to go to extreme excess has opened new worlds going o extremes happens with extreme love in the endeavor, what everall great artists singers dancers , poineers, in every field are extreme lovers of their field of work , without that kind of deep love, disccoveies and inventions involving ready sacrifices of personal comforts and even life or limbs for the sake of adventurism"


"Going to extremes is life's challenge, opportunity to exist above the normal plane"


"@manojI have to like my choice, perspective, religion etc up to the ---extreme point

if not it becomes the root cause for me to hate others. Absolute from whom all this has emanated does not hate anything--------------hence go to the absolute limit in all what you do, non stop, non compromising


if you are stopped on the way by your own limitations or by others putting the limits, then the hate originates ''absolute's ---more than proportion or less than ,---- how can you decide if you are not absolute yourself .

your limits are your best assumptions but are not truths ''


If something I like is causing me to hate others because of it or is letting other hate me because of it I have to know that I have crossed the limit of liking that it and apply brakes on my liking towards it''---this means you are conditioned by others,

 it is a defeat, where as we are meant to be vijayeebhava digvijayeebhava, conquering the universe, not likes dislikes, but with truth sathyameva jayathe --but not your stopping your advancement Never apply brakes on your liking towards any thing, cross all limits be limitless"


"All praise goes to my guru , in all humility"


"Tell me are you happy or unhappy if i am crossing the limits i want to expand this idea of limits to limitless dimensions sure , do not tell me to be moderate, i like to walk run bump jump fly float and become nothing and vanish as thin air"


"Is this all your reply?

why you do not respond to my points presented ?

only intelligent active participation makes me to visit any blog

i am not pleased by just praise, this is the reason that makes me not to visit your blogs

say some thing on the points raised if not i will just delete and wait for sreeram navami"


"Observe nature every thing is tending to be infinite ,, sarva vyaapi, all powerful, all knowing ---all are in the march towards that limitless perfection, poornam, yathaa poorve ---as was original

any hindrance to it causes the unhappiness in one and causes unhappiness to others

think more ask more learn more churn more

do not put any limits nothing is excess

go and reach the moon, sun stars expand to be universe infinite yourself

you are meant for it thath thvam asi"



"If you feel some leg pulling, it's an indication of my crossing limits which i always do hence it is an indicator that i am succeeding"


"Nothing is crossing any limit

but all is in limits of unlimited ,swadhrma evolving in dharma,paramo dharma of paramathma

simply ,the experience of sathya yuga ,no trace of adharma in one's life"


"Manoj simply ,the experience of sathya yuga ,no trace of adharma in one's life see the expansion of the blog to its logical growth and fulfilment of the stray idea of half understood ''Too Much of Anything is Too Bad……!!!!!''---never never


too much of is too good, leads to supreme good see how i exceeded all limits in my bashing ruthless till i reached the truth. a valid debate, a clear thinking a matter of free exploration in to oneself now i wait for your revising your assumptions"


"What we learn from the tree from the nature from our self is that there is a limit called swadharma yukthaahaara vihaarasya but is it the end of all , then it is not life what is yuktha evolves, to better yuktha, most proper limits and then to infinite no limitness when every thing is yuktha then yadyad karma karomi so where is the limit?


what ever i do all is right, all is my right  all is my life  no limits nothing hindering, preventing , obstructing, harming the limitless unbounded , all powerful all mighty existence, what ever i do is the best and noblewhat ever i speak is truth, veda what ever i wish happening instantly, no harm, no destructive all nice , all good , all needed things nothing is crossing any limit but all is in limits of unlimited , swadhrma evolving int to dharma, paramo dharma of paramathma"


"Limit and no limit is the nature of evolution see the tree

there is a skin , the crust, the bark on the tree , its branches , limiting its expansion ,declaring to itself that this is the final , no more, a self defined limit, not to exceed


but at the same time tree breaks it's own rule

rules are for fools, tree is no fool it expands , it breaks its limiting borders the bark, the crust , the skin is broken it expands to a new larger size moment to moment though gradually, and it is excelling, expanding, unlimited life long and if possible tries to grow to fill the entire universe thus not at all thinking that any thing is not excess


thinking that it is meant to --not to--limit itself defined by itself or its gardener, human or divine unless one knows the absolute , it's ways remain a mystery leading one to wrong ways in every think talk walk manoj what say , break your limits and shoot"


Thursday, August 3, 2023

all FAQs are no more a big deal , i remain unflabbergasted since i see differently

all FAQs are no more a big deal , i remain unflabbergasted

since i see differently

the real issue is the seeing ability which differs

we cannot See Which we Want To See!!

we See only That Which we can see, most of us have eyes, that cannot see properly, adequately, comprehensively, totally, clearly, though we very much want to see

one who has ability to see will see all, at every glimpse, in every moment , in every particle that be sees , whether he wants to see or does not want to see.

a man with eyes sees as soon as he opens his eyes, automatically even if he does not want to see .

a blind man wants to see , but cannot

a seer  rishi, sees easily what others cannot see though they want to see

all want to see god very much but those who gain the ability to see god only can see

In short , art of living is the art of seeing

the ultimate goal for any art is to see god, to see the truth, one needs to grow in the ability to see

the more one is able to see , the more he conquers

 increased ability to see provides increased scope for receiving the knowledge that is radiating from every thing

''i am the lord of all i survey'

'''vini vidi vici''i came

i saw i conquered

i love to analyze precisely, before accepting and gulping whatever is given , it is like finely mincing, munching, chewing, masticating, before taking in and digesting .

One see's as per one's current capacity / ability to understand & experience----but not as per his wish or want .

 all want ,by default, to see the best, maximum, and rightly,

but only a few can , not others

when a phenomena happens, different people see it as per their individual ability and draw conclusions accordingly, but a few knowledgeable persons see properly and draw the realistic conclusions ,and their findings will be useful, enduring, will guide others properly

 scientists see a phenomena like a rainbow, and understand how where why it happens , how many colors, what shape, ---because, they have that ability

a child sees it just in amazement, since it’s just a peculiar vision , something strange ,

a creative artist/poet sees its beauty and captures it in his expression---since he has that ability to see its beauty

saints see more , say more , guide more, since they have that greater ability ---- all irrespective of one’s wanting to see , but due to the ability to see

snake is seen in a rope because of inability to see it as rope as it is, ---not that he wants to see snake in rope, though he may be afraid of snake.

That inability can be due to a dim light, blurred sight, hurried grasp----but not due to his wanting .in fact a man who is afraid of snake will be much more wide eyed, careful, alert, so will not conclude in haste, only a dull man sees it as snake due to his dullness, --but not that he wants to see snake everywhere

 priority should be for raising one's seeing ability, not the quality nor quantity of things around

with increased seeing ability, one can make the best of the same things around as they are one can see the beauty in the raw stones

one can see the utility in the weeds, and the thorns one can hear the music in the purr of pussy cat

one can listen to the talk of trees , flowers. clouds,

one can catch the stars , touch the moon which may be impossible to the lesser, the nonseer

But this ability can be increased. to the ultimate limit where he finds in his the pure awareness, an assemblage of all the rishis, maharishis, devarishis, brahmarishis,devas, gandharvas, kinneras, kimpurushas ----simultaneously ---but in different stages of evolution like a field with all kinds of trees, vegetation, plants

it's yoga kshethra it's a internal university, with students, professors, scholars, research students, guides ,of different faculties and different degrees so one can be one of these or all of these simultaneously

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

ಕನ್ನಡಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ಎಲ್ಲರನೂ ನೋಡುತ್ತಾ

  ಕನ್ನಡಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ಎಲ್ಲರನೂ ನೋಡುತ್ತಾ  

ಕನ್ನಡದಲ್ಲಿ ಮಾತಾಡುತ್ತಾ  

ಇರವೇನು ಆಡುತ್ತಾ 


ಇನ್ನೇನು ಬೇಕು 

ಈಮಾತ್ರ ಸಾಕು