Thursday, June 30, 2016

Just a passing cloud that is me

Just a passing cloud that is me
Invest never your trust in me,

i lost trust in myself
Not knowing my true self

At times I am bright shining
With an add on silver lining

Next moment a dark gloomy sooty
Thick and thin with no beauty

Oh with a rain bow in the sky
My moods with colors high, I shy

showering, in torrents I spell doom
Or Make the crops boom

For  Summer I have no mercy  nor drizzle,
Nor a few crocodile tears, only a stiff bristle

I hide the sun stars 
moon or mars

I Shout I sing I Travel free
I carry meghsandesh spree

my laugh boisterous, a thunder
I hide instantly a lightning, my wonder

I have wings I go with winds
Winding myself in wild whirlwinds

i love mountains, i love oceans, i love every odd
my best love is my nature, the clear sky, my god

He is visible as sky
but he is no sky

may be he is a spy
watching all from behind the sky 

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

I want all

I want all
i want every thing,
i want the whole universe
i want not to stop till i get

life is for wanting and getting
corpse has no wants

I want to know
so i want to study

i want to live
so i want to eat

so i want to earn
so i want to to know the ways to earn

want is the auto start
for the next action for the next moment till the last moment
may be at some point i want to die and get new birth

seeing level differs

what are ''myths, blind faiths and superstitions,'' for x , are realities for y
each has a basis for his presumptions 

for x , one writer is the best, friend, philosopher and guide, his level is so low that he cannot assess his true worth , and never questions, nor analyses, nor negates, nor tests, nor compares with other, that writer has so much influence on that reader that, his mind gets blocked to think fresh and newly from countless different angles .

for y, the same writer has little appeal, has no use, cannot influence his thought process, because y has a different levels of abilities 

for z , his mother is god, similarly for different people, it can be father, it can be cow, tree stone river mountain a doll, a book, a an actor, a cricketer, a leader

since he finds a thing unique which others cannot find in his object
for some others, god is only an entertainment, or commercial entity, or escape pill, 
and brains are different , may be good or deranged genius third rate even lunatic .

man forgets the first priority of erasing self inadequacies and tries to see and correct odd things in others

it all matters what one sees how one sees , how much one sees , how much one comprehends , in how much perspective , in zoomin or zoomout , of what degree ,

so, as levels of seeing vary, assessment varies .
and no assessment can be absolutely right , absolutely one for all the humans 
and it will be a wasteful effort in correcting the world 
however it's one's choice or chosen/ imposed prerogative ,which i neither accept nor reject, neither value nor denigrate



in his athmastakam adishankara is more clear on the aspect of surrender in his assertion of ''shivoham shivoham''

all individual wills being the manifestations of the same one supreme divine will ,they are its own mediums, a result of supreme manifesting as infinite individual wills.

hence are not separate from supreme divinity, so all individuals must allow their individual wills to prevail and function free, without any of the bondages and bindings, inhibitions and suppressions, hesitations and questions, in the name of surrender to supreme.,as there is none other than oneself to whom one can surrender .

so there is no surrender, what ever one does is all supreme's doing himself none other ,

shivakevaloham, shivo jeevo, jeevo shivo , the non dual, one unity , the supreme divinity



rishi a petal
rishiparishath a flower

flower is indication of blossoming wisdom, ,
the plant of life maturing from adolescent into a youth, radiating
truth beauty goodness,,sathyam shiva sundaram ,
individual petals unified and connected to the stem, arranged by nature into a flower of round shape, with different colors, signifying different fields of knowledge ,indicating the level of growth,
flower is a compliment to life by the supreme, ie gyana prasoonamba...........
.......flower is the proclamation that life of the individual / plant is ready with sufficient level of wisdom/intelligence to utilize / convert the inputs into the fruit of fulfillment.....
....but alas .................
...''Full many a flower is born to blush unseen
And waste its sweetness on the desert air"
...not all the teachings reach the masses, not all the wisdom gets avenues to convert itself into action...........''knowledge is for action,
...action is for achievement
...achievement is for fulfillment''......
.......unless the wisdom is put into practice, it remains a library stuff..
of course, some individuals shine in merit early , some lately, some may not all.
......not satisfied with his performance at 23 years of age, John Milton laments thus.......
''HOW soon hath Time, the subtle thief of youth, 
Stolen on his wing my three-and-twentieth year! 
My hasting days fly on with full career, 
But my late spring no bud or blossom showeth.''

Production and Creation

The difference between Production and  Creation

Creation happens when one goes deep within himself. That is why, when a person performs his creation, he forgets himself and the world.

Production is simply made. In most of the times, it is copied from one of the creation.

become simple to be simple

become simple to be simple

1 become simple, 
save time, effort, energies, resources, money, ,
avoid all possible unnecessary add-ons and attractions and distractions and create enough space in life for sadhana, with a simple plain minimum clothing, simple food, simple dwelling place, alone preferably, devoting all attention for spiritual advancement

2 consequently reach the goal of utter simplicity, being simple in every aspect , simplicity becoming a natural way of life, without an imposed code of practice, yet finding no lack of any kind, a state of perfect fulfillment, needing not to bother anything in life, as simple as shiva, though a bhiksha pathi, smashana vasi, is really he is eeshvara, , vishveshvara , the lord of the universe, he is digambara



Excellent, complete from a to z ….. the evolution of jeeva from amoeba to complete man 

but my puzzle is that if every being evolves to the highest level, then no more the creation exists, no more birth growth death , will it all get reduced to zero or vacuum with no life activity at all ??

or who will be the leftovers??
what their function or need??

is it a laya, the union or the pralaya, the total annihilation??

if so is all evolution leading to only to a permanent death??

then evolutionary steps are they only a process of slow death ??
and if so life is it worth living at all??

is our existence just meaningless??

But after several janmas, all jeevas will surely pass the test, and merge in god 
then what will be left??

only god remains , alone and laughing, ??
no more any jeevas,??

or only stones and sand and water and air??

if so , the logic seems that it is not advisable to do raising of consciousness 
so better be ignorant so that creation that is so beautiful will continue to sustain

may be mine is perverted logic
but i feel pity that creation will miserably ends

At top there are infinite vacancies, supposing that every one of jeevas evolve to the topmost post , then there is flat, no pyramid, 

whether the activities of the universe organisation come to end??
whether universe becomes a closed unit for ever??

since there is no more demand for products, no consumers no producers no distributors, because the top most position is godly with total fulfillment, no wants, no desires, no impulse of any kind 

is that the end we are reaching to ??
if so, is it wise to become enlightened or is it beneficial to be ''ignorant in the long run ??

this is just a hypothetical situation , but surely will become a reality at the final stage

Why at all god created a system that needs periodic maintenance and repair??

being all powerful, why he could not create a flawless all proof perfect universe which functions perfectly all time , not needing any patch work 

this rises a doubt that god is not so powerful as he poses.

out of all he created ''human being'' who always does mistakes , who destroys environ, causes suffering to himself and others , and god watches fun when flood , famine, hud-hud 's happen 

why cannot he prevent mishaps before happening

My puzzle is on what remains after every being evolves to the highest level of god himself ...

will there be universe or is it reduced to nothing, ie vacuum , since after every one reaches the goal there will not be any need for further activity of any kind

If creation is only for destruction at the end, 

why at all the creation in the first place ??

if all evolution is ending with annihilation, 
then is it wise to put so much effort to evolve?

if it is a grand design, then it must endure for ever, 
not become nullified after reaching the ultimate perfection 

if it is liable to get nullified, 
why such a fragile system was designed by the god who is perfect 

you may ignore , but my puzzles remain

Ethics of stock Market

Ethics of stock Market, Shares, i simply admire

things are working.

what is not possible by one man is made possible
by organizing the basic human instinct to fulfil desires
to lead a more comfortable life,
to earn a little more, to own a bigger world,
to help himself by helping others.

thus one has been a reason for a company to come up,
to generate employment for a few,
to produce goods and goodies of sorts,
all resulting in better world, on the whole.

in any game of life, profits and losses are inevitable,

as none has the ultimate skill to win always on the others.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

God works in different modes

God works in different modes,
making best use of every opportunity, intelligently,
even using the frailties of human too,
to carry on his task , ie, the evolution of consciousness.

as a child ,all things start as play,
he learns, he becomes the master,
he becomes a professional,
he gains the market value,
he starts a business,
customer gets satisfied,
he pays for it, and the show goes on,

a few million lives live on such sport / profession ,
people become prosperous, healthy, earn name fame, happiness fulfillment

now, that business is a tapasya,
an opportunity for striving to reach perfection,

several youngsters get initiated in the technicalities of those trade/ profession  and an avenue a career is created .
it is all greatness of god

Monday, June 27, 2016

All my answers are straight lines

All my answers are straight lines, 
straight to the point, 

never a curve, 
nor going in circles,

some times in spiral
but upward in reaching vertex  
of the cone 
from my angle, 

to mind like a meal square 
here and there a hyperbole
not at all asymptotic

sprouting from my origin, 
moving in directions x y z
exceeding the egypt pyramid,

but god is the light at the center
we are all the rays like radius
going beyond, in infinite length

Adaptability, adoptability

Adaptability, adoptability is a most wanted ability,
as against the rigidity, inflexibility, inability
against inevitable oddity of
newness, freshness, in blossoming beauty

Soulful, beautiful creativity conquering the relativity
penetrating the absolute, the eternity
love uniting all fraternity
reveling in repartee
in the universe’s grand party”

Strictures are violated
scriptures are obsoleted,
impositions are obstructed
new alphabets are invented
new words are injected

new poetry dawns
new history spans
old world gets annihilated
new world is created

It’s a continuous process of
observation, absorption, digestion,
renovation, innovation, implementation,
refinement, experimentation,
adventure, discovery, mastery
eventual perfection

unending flow till reaching the unlimited expansion
trend of life is to grow in the ability of soul,
ie to become invincible, indestructible,
avinash, ajay, amar, ……….

eventually to become shatter proof, fire proof, water proof, air proof

Aayu aarogya aishwarya

Aayu aarogya aishwarya, sakala sidhi,
----------- all are most desired, prapthi rasthu

a comprehensive package ,
worthy to strive for,
not sacrificing one in preference to other

how one gets it , is one s own wisdom

Yukthaaahara vihaarasya the clue

Astanga yoga is a practical guide

very good devotees all who were probably had no problem with health,
died in accidents while on pilgrimage to various holy places and temples

vivekanand did his purpose
and left the world early

Gandhi lead a conscience guided life in all aspects
hey ram, he was killed

-'pourusha jnana keertula parage neni
vaani sampada oka poota ina chaalu
vudara poshana maatraki vurvi meeda
kaaki chira kaala munna e kaarya magunu'

(neeti chandrika-telugu)

A soldier dies early , facing the enemy bravely,

so what is a life of real value?

not the long years
not the huge wealth
not the robust health
not the name fame power pelf

finally all value is relative,
in the absolute sense it is an illusion

the vital question is whether he came out of illusion?

the vital question is whether he lighted a spark,
to illumine the universe, even though his existence is momentary?

Maa kuru dhana jana yauvana garvaM
harati nimeshhaatkaalaH sarvam.h .
maayaamayamidamakhilaM hitvaa
brahmapadaM tvaM pravisha viditvaa .. (11)

Do not boast of wealth, friends, and youth.
Each one of these are destroyed within a minute.
Free yourself from the illusion of the world of Maya

and attain the timeless Truth.

Aaram raam hai

Aaram raam hai

''rest is the basis of activity
deep rest is the basis for dynamic activity

''deeper the rest, more the success in every undertaking ''

''water the root ,enjoy the fruit''

''rest and activity are the steps of progress''..................maharishi

Incessant struggle causes stress, disease, death
art of living should be understood well
hard work is not the wise technique 
intelligent smart work is the formula for success

Go slow ------------is my slogan
slowest is the fastest, 
standstill is the best

in samadhi, one is still, in deep rest 
in deep rest, gets charged with sath chith [intelligence energy ]

do less, accomplish more
do nothing , accomplish every thing

hard work no
it is intelligent work that works

skill in action , karma sukaushalam , develops in yogastha
yogastha kuru karmani is the intelligent action leading to success 
with least expenditure of energy and time and all resources

great intellectuals lacking this wisdom have mistakenly coined this phrase ''aaraam haraam hai, and blind followers repeated this n times acted on this and landed up in suffering, tension. problems
ignorance leading one to hell

Intellectuals have great responsibility to comprehend accurately 
and give expression precisely ,
as the innocent, ignorant masses having developed blind faith in them ,will accept their utterances as gospel truths. 
and follow with all sincerity ,

but alas, a wrong teaching will take them to wrong results inevitably , to harm irretrievably

Sidhi is no miracle

Sidhi is no miracle

Sidhi is no miracle
if one goes thru medical degree course, he becomes a doctor and cures patients ,--it is no miracle 
but for a illiterate, he is god and does miracles 

sidhis are attaiments after prescribed sadhana inputted and he acqires the skills to command the laws of nature 

for common guy, it appears as miracle 
actually no miracles , all are gained abilities .
talk alone will not clarify /satisfy
one must get trained, and be in the practice and know the ins and outs of this great subject

Great thing, but no surprise
such experiences are called sidhis, the intentions getting materialized by nature cooperation, as if god is listening and granting the wishes, without our doing, and unexpected, unusual 
level of purity of the place has its effect.
as system of the individual rises in purity, by and by, lord dwells in the heart of bhaktha, and is with him always , whereever he may be

Sunday, June 26, 2016

i am myself

i am myself
my self includes not only my limited body mind,
but much much more
the air i breath is my self. 
the water i bathe is my self
the food i eat is my self 
the fragrance i enjoy is my self
the music i hear is my self
the things i touch is my self
the scenes i see is my self
every thing in the universe is my self
the universe is my self
the good and bad of every thing and every one is my concern
i set my inner most pure
i set out to purify every outer most
i am not ignorant 
i do not want all to be ignorant
i see the divine light
i want all to see the divine light

i love my self ,so i love the universe
i love all in the universe

every moment passed is death,

every moment passed is death, 
fatal, unstoppable, irremovable, irretrievable ,
.......every moment '' paused'' is life, real, valuable , 
worthy of a life time.
......present moment is an encounter with yama, like nachiketa, 
learning and living the knowledge of eternal life
.......the present moment is the eternity.
worthy of celebration happy that you are alive now , 
on line, live, and lively,

Aleph is the first letter

Aleph is the first letter


Aleph is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
Alpha he first letter of the English, alphabet.
Alif is the first letter of the Urdu and Arabik alphabet,
Alpha is the first letter of greek alphabet
Anton is the first letter of the german alphabet.
A is the first letter of the latin alphabet.
A the first letter of the all the indian languages alphabet.
A the first letter of the sanskrit alphabet
A is the first letter of the first veda, ie rigveda, ak+nim, agnim, ''agnimile purohitham......., ''
A the first sound, aum, om
A is the first sound a new born makes ,
even animals, birds, insects
A is the beginning of manifest from unmanifest

A is when silence breaks up in speech

Saturday, June 25, 2016

wisdom and words

wisdom and words
Our wisdom defines our personality, 
delineates our identity, makes us stay cognizable, now and for a long time, even for ever.
that is how saints, though of long past, continue to live in our hearts thru their wisdom
in st we express our wisdom, and share with all
this process is happening essentially thru --words-- 
words-- are extension of our personality, 
our personality is like a tree [ voordva moolam adha haakhaa ], rather a speaking tree 
Tree extends, expands, expresses in the form of many leaves, more flowers, 
Tree swings, with winds, , 
leaves contract if touched, fall if plucked, grow if untouched 
tree is talking, continuously, silently, it is it's silence that speaks 
in the same way , human expression is his expansion
expression happens in multy modes 
words is one mode of expression
with every expression human is conversing continuously with the universe
He expresses to reach the far distant horizon of the universe,
tries to reach and touch sun moon stars
wants to play with all 
wants to merge totally with all
words are the beginning of human's love story
one utters a word, creates flutters
disturbs the sleep, makes all to be wake
sends some into dream, makes some to do sleep walk
thru words, one creates wonders, heals wounds,
Words create new --worlds--
can change the trends of time
thru words human governs a nation
thru words human commands the universe
Unlimited is the power of words
words flow, it can be thin vapors, or mild drizzle, or torrent
it can be waterfalls, generating power
Words give the direction
words propel action
words can transform the earth into heaven
that is the power of speaking tree

wheel universal and unique

wheel universal and unique

many principles of beauty are structured in the conception of wheel,
the basic is circle

long before man invented the wheel, circle exists, circular motion exists,
it has a point at center

a point on a plane paper, in a empty space, is a basic unit of beauty,
infinity manifesting as a point , a finite point , within itself , on itself
it has a line, the point repeating, multiplying and stopping becomes a line, a radius,
the point repeating in reverse, results in a diameter
the point rotates about itself , the point repeating, multiplying and stopping becomes many lines, radii,

Points end on the circumference being equidistant

End Points take a turn, it is now a circle

From basic , the point, a line, a circle, a square, a triangle, a rhombus, a pentagon , polygons all are infinite possibilities

and the sphere, the integrated form of circle, exists, rotation exists
nearest example is the earth,
symmetry , mirror, lengthwise width-wise, depth wise

the point is basic
line is the next
plane is crated by lines repeating
solid is created by planes repeating
wheel is one product of the beauty of circle, circle is basic
if you take wheel as basic,
then we have the plethora of wheel forms –potters wheel, cart wheel, spinning wheel, bike wheel, gear wheel, belt wheel, car wheel, lorry wheel, bus wheel, aerooplane wheel, lathes, milling machines, diesel, petrol engines, water pump, fans, mixi, wash machine, countless specialties, from one universal the circle
if you take sphere as basic,
then we have again a plethora of sphericals—foot ball, ball bearing [ it is a combination of wheel and sphere.] balloon, moon, fruits, , even some trees,
eye balls,
from one unique many specialties are created
in every specialty, one unique is underlying
one unique manifesting as specialties
all specialties evolving as the basic one unique

as specialties grow in perfection, they reach the one unique in that proportion

every unique entity has several universalities

every unique entity has several universalities

-----------''-wheel is one product of the beauty of circle, circle is basic, universal 

if you take wheel as basic,

then we have the plethora of wheel forms –potters wheel, cart wheel, spinning wheel, bike wheel, gear wheel, belt wheel, car wheel, lorry wheel, bus wheel, aeroplane wheel, lathes, milling machines, diesel, petrol engines, water pump, fans, mixi, wash machine, countless specialties, from one universal the circle
if you take sphere as basic,

then we have again a plethora of spherical—foot ball, ball bearing [ it is a combination of wheel and sphere.] balloon, moon, fruits, , even some trees,
eye balls,

from one unique many specialties are created
in every specialty, one unique is underlying

one unique manifesting as specialties
all specialties evolving as the basic one unique

as specialties grow in perfection, they reach the one unique in that proportion

straight line is universal , a straight object like a scale is a unique, but when scale edge becomes a perfect straight, then it displays the truth of straightness, and rises to be a perfect straight line , -ie ---universal straight line becoming unique scale edge, , and that rising to again a true straight line , so coming back to its original universality

The Human FactorTeam Building:

The Human FactorTeam Building:
Beneficiary of the Past Dr. Mohan Chandra Lal (Faculty Member, IIPM Chennai) highlights how the present can learn from the past, when it comes to team building, in the first of a two-part series
Michael Dell, the founder and CEO of Dell, once said that business is all about team building. A pool of talent in a team generates a spectrum of ideas to make better decisions in the organisation. At Dell, people work in teams to create more value for their customers. The hourly metrics displayed on the factory floor show how far their performances meet the company’s goals. A 360° performance appraisal and profit-sharing system keeps people busy on achieving their goals as a team. At Dell, teamwork is all about people who are interested in each other’s growth (ref: ICMR India).
Each individual has some strengths and weaknesses; hence, there is a need to form a team so that the collective strength and commitment will allow it to achieve a sustained high-level of performance. The Rig Vedic hymns extol the importance of team building
In Valmiki Ramayana, the hero of the epic, Rama built a task-oriented team and led it to conquer the King of Lanka, Ravana and his demonic forces, to rescue Sita, his consort, who was abducted by Ravana. Rama’s victory was the victory of his team.
Today, the success of the IT industry is due to the spectacular performance of its multi-disciplinary and cross-functional teams, powered by knowledge workers. Here, an attempt is made to take home the fact that team building has become the driving force of the present day IT industry; the way it was for Rama in Valmiki Ramayana. Team building has become the prime mover for many successful industries in India.
A team is a group of individuals with a complementary set of skills working together under a leader, with standards of excellence for a common objective. Katzenbach and Smith in their Wisdom of Teams (1993) point out that, while working, if all team players are “committed to a common purpose, goals and working approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable”, and if they are deeply interested in one another’s personal growth and progress, it becomes a high-performing team (Team work In Practice: Pulling Together, by Alison Hardingham and Jenny Royal).
The last three hymns of the Rig Veda, in its 10th Mandala (ref: elucidate the fundamentals of team building for the progress of the society: sam gacchadhvam sam vadadhvam sam vo manaansi jaanataam |devaa bhaagam yathaa poorve sanjaanaanaa upaasati ||10.192.02 Let you all be united; let you all speak together clearly, conclusively and decisively; let your minds comprehend alike; let you all share the wealth like the Gods of the past accepted their portions of offerings.
samaano mantrah samitih samaanee samaanam manah saha citram esham | samaanam mantram abhi mantraye vah samaanena vo havisha juhomi II 10.192.03 Common be your prayers, common be the purpose of your assembly, common be the mind, so be their thought united. A common purpose do l place before you, and worship with your general oblation.
samaani va aakutih samaanaa hrdayaani vah | samaanam astu vo mano yathaa vah susahaasati || 10.192.04 Common be your intentions, common be the wishes of your heart. Let the commonness of your thoughts bring the co-operation of the highest order so that all attain the same goal and have peace and prosperity.
These hymns explain the basics of team building in lucid words, which have been repeatedly emphasised in various jargons, forms, and hues in the literature on team building for corporate success.
Larson and LaFasto identify compelling vision, fortified with standards of excellence, competency of the members, and their unified commitment in the climate of collaboration under principled leadership, result-driven structure, and external support, as the key features of a high-performing team (ref: These features provide an excellent chance for a team to deliver the goods. In the absence of one or more of them, there is a good chance that the team may go awry.
Team building is an uphill task. That is why the Vedic seers constantly reminded the people about the importance of team building for prosperity through many verses. Endowed with a myriad of talents, strong individuals prefer to work alone, or may function under compelling circumstances in a motley-defined federation of people working towards a common objective.
One of the reasons for the resistance is that team building calls for the sublimation of individual ego in favour of the greater good (ref: This task is more challenging for many corporate leaders. In team building, the team players have to be prepared to challenge assumptions, ask questions, refocus discussions, harmonise conflicts, and share information and ideas (Team Building: A Sourcebook Of Activities For Trainers, by Glenn M. Parker and Richard P. Kropp). Most leaders leave out this process-oriented learning, hoping that it will happen in due course on its own terms.
The process of team building has yet to undergo several transformations. The teammates must get to know each other as individuals and not as cogs in the system. The sooner this icebreaking happens, the greater are the chances that they will collaborate effectively during difficult times. Senior leaders must educate them about the compelling vision of the team so that they can own it by co-creating it with their teammates. Team leaders must motivate the high-fliers to play a pivotal role for each team value, so that, by the end of the team building process, they can make sure that their chosen values are lived by the team during the project and beyond it (ref:
The teammates must jointly work out a plan of action with standards of excellence that serve as benchmarks. This will enable them to clearly know their specific roles and responsibilities and the time of their commencement. These will avoid wheel-spinning, duplicative efforts, missed opportunities and erosion of trust (ref:
Experiential challenges inspire teammates to collaborate with each other beyond boundaries, and see how their traditional mindsets and old assumptions affect team functioning. This fresh blow of breeze works wonders when teams need innovative solutions for problems in hand. The sharing of the team leader’s responsibilities by some team members often prepares the latter to accept higher roles beyond the call of duty (ref:
When projects progress, disconnect and dissonance emerge between the team leader and team player. Such task-oriented conflicts of opinion on the right course of action promote productive discussion and leveraged performance (ref:
However, when the war of words ruins the morale of the team, divides people, and polarises groups, such issues must be resolved at the earliest; so that there will be greater trust, alignment, and communication in the team. The complexity of the task and the resultant conflict within a team while performing that task can have a combined positive bearing on the team’s performance (ref:
When there is lack of trust between team members, and when they are suspicious of each other’s motives, team meetings will become unproductive, leading to conflict and confusion on tasks. Unclear goals, loss of focus of objectives, faulty analysis, flawed policies, and poor time management can increase the chances of team failures (ref: Only through communication and reciprocal understanding can teammates overcome the functional walls that create team failures

Valmiki Ramayana (ref: Ramayana, by C. Rajagopalachari, and Valmiki Ramayanam, by V Jothi) shows how Rama beautifully built a high performing team to defeat his archrival Ravana, the King of Lanka. Executive charisma, assertiveness, networking, socialisation, and public relation characterised his leadership qualities. On the very day of his coronation, to honour the words of his parents, he left the kingdom without any regret for a fourteen-year forest life to make way for his brother Bharata to become the King of Ayodhya. He endured the suffering of the forest life with grace and equanimity and converted every threat into an opportunity to save the righteous people from the tyranny of the demonic forces

Rama, with his wisdom and expertise, effectively used the seven canons of conflict management for building a high-performing team (ref: He used Sama (the art of persuasion) to win the friendship of Guha, the chieftain of the Sarayu forest, and Danda (the use of force) to destroy the demons in the forest, and save the sages and the law-abiding people. He used Bheda (the art of selective discrimination) and Danda to slay Vali and save Sugreeva for his team; and Dana (motivation through praise, reward, etc.) to bring Sugreeva and Vibhishana on his side against the demonic forces, and all the four canons to defeat Ravana.

he employed Upeksha (ignore/be indifferent to sinful people), Maya (the use of illusions) and Indrajala (faking strength) in war while dealing with demonic forces, without sacrificing Dharmic (righteous) principles. It is no wonder that his team members and leaders cultivated a fatherly affection for him.

Assertive leaders never belittle the importance of others. In the Sarayu forest, setting aside the protocol, Rama patiently waited for the arrival of Guha and then upon his arrival, endearingly introduced him to Lakshmana as his great friend and the King of the Sarayu forest, and not as a hunter chieftain. Impressed by his compelling modesty, Guha offered him sturdy boats to cross the rivers and reach Chitrakutam. He proactively cultivated a delightful friendship with Jatayu, the eagle king who later became the only source of information about the abduction of Sita by Ravana.

With great insight and wisdom, he outsourced the army operations against Ravana to Sugreeva and Jambavan. He believed that others’ needs are as important as his own and was aware that no one controls anyone else. He cultivated patience and used his power and authority sparingly. He promptly distributed all the credit to his team members without owning anything for himself. He walked the talk. Hence, his team leaders, with their armies, walked with him through thick and thin.
Rama entrusted the right job to the right people and carefully monitored them. He tutored Lakshmana to politely remind the complacent Sugreeva of his promise of searching for Sita’s whereabouts. Accordingly, Lakshmana, Hanuman, and others counselled Sugreeva and brought him back to work. Hanuman, at his bidding, flew over the ocean, creating hope and confidence in Sita and preaching to Ravana of his duties with great diplomacy. When the demons set his tail on fire, Hanuman put Lanka on flames and forewarned Ravana of the impending danger.
With his charisma, Rama transformed his army of monkeys and bears into a well-oiled fighting machine. While interacting with his leaders, he broke down barriers erected by titles, power, and position. He reached out to them, literally. Hence, he always evoked positive responses from his army and its leaders.
When Rama wanted to invade Lanka, his army, under the guidance of the architects Nala and Neela, immediately swung into action and constructed a bridge measuring 100 Yojanas (1Y=8 miles) in length and 10 Yojanas in width across the ocean in just five days. On the first day, the army completed 14 Yojanas of the bridge. Thrilled by the recognition and praise from their leaders, the army successfully completed 20 Yojanas on the second day. On the third and fourth days, the bridge grew by another 21 and 22 Yojanas respectively. On the fifth day, the bridge touched the seashore with an addition of 23 Yojanas. Even the celestial bodies appreciated the outstanding performance of the team (ref: Teamwork, devotion to cause, and sustained efforts powered by commitment to the objective created this miracle.
Rama was shrewd and smart while dealing with razor-edge issues. When he looked to his team leaders in a brainstorming session over the admission of Vibheeshana into his fold, everyone offered their views and felt happy that they were counted. Sugreeva and Jambavan suspected the integrity of Vibheeshana owing to his blood relation with Ravana. The less-experienced Angada was ambivalent. Sarabha and Mainda, the army generals, favoured spying on Vibheeshana for a few days before arriving at a decision. Hanuman welcomed Vibheeshana, who knew more about the mindset of the demons, Ravana’s fortifications, his magical prowess, his mystical weapons, his way of thinking, and the chinks in his army.
After giving a patient listening, when Rama expressed his conviction that he will never fail to protect those who surrendered to him, all concurred with their leader and Sugreeva brought Vibheeshana into Rama’s fold (ref: Google web research). Vibheeshana later went on to become a strategic asset to Rama’s team in countering the magical spell and mystical missiles of Ravana and his clans
Ramayana is all about team building. Rama used the infrastructure of the monkey-kingdom to defeat the all-powerful demons. Even under trying situations, Rama never violated the well-established norms and time-tested values. He was a role model for his team leaders and the army. His success was the success of his team.