Saturday, February 26, 2011


swami ramdev will be a natural choice, he has started purification drive at the right point--the individual --thru his teaching of divyayog sadhan ,thru pranayam, dhyan and such traditional disciplines, which transform the individual from root level cleansing the system of all negative tendencies and to make it orient to the natural evolutionary positive tendencies. this was what has been the the requirement and fatally got neglected in the modern education, which could produce educated criminals, lacking sense of values, missing the very purpose of life, their attention ****lly directed outward, their efforts engaged in ****lfilling insatiable greed, thru hook or crook, going undetected, these appearing as respectable thru their suit boot coat and tie, and nicely mastered english.

but due to media and some honesty survived here and there, these culprits or cheats are now getting nakedly exposed-----this is the first step in the transformation that is happening----that is more and more well meaning people coming to know the failure of the education.

they looked for a change, discovered existence of pure systems and started participation in large numbers and transforming themselves more and more,---this is the second step.

such members increa****nd cons****uting a really enlightened citizen-hood, whi**** really qualified to elect the government and finally electing the best individuals without label /bias/impositions---the third step.

and to sustain the good it must be again on the basis of more and more good people---the fourth step towards nearl__y _i_d_eal democracy which lasts and delivers goods and good

miracles do not happen, but can be made to happen

time, patience, sadhan, a determination not to stop ''till the goal is reached''--will surely fetch result.

let not our responsibility be forgotten in the hope of /and waiting for one individual alone to bring ****ut the huge process of reformation .

such people like swami ramdev are kindling the unique light and it is our responsibility to illumine the community ''jyoth se jyoth lagaathe chalo prem ki ganga bahathe chalo''

trend of events is signalling the advent of this silent transformation ,prashaanth parinaam, which will permeate the whole arena of life, in our country first ,the pre-final step, and in the life of humanity all over the planet--the final step.

the violent transformations are/will be failing, short lived and repeating, without bringing in the aspired improvement--getting hijacked in trifle, by clever leaders .

as people do not know how to rise in their level of consciousness, being ignorant of higher values other than money/comfort/licentiousness--to be deserving anything better.

The new bribe: gold bricks - 1 -

Saturday, February 19, 2011


what has happened has happened definitely naturally and for all good, the effect of swami ramdev stirring the ocean of consciousness .

in sagar manthan , the asur participates along with sur, but in their own way.

despite media wantedly/inadvertently underplaying the unique contribution by swami, this one act of an asur has given a well deserved publicity, and more and more citizens are coming to know in india, on the task ahead and impelling them to lend the best support, at last having they found a faith****l dog robed in indian blood[y] coloured maroon .

may be much more terrorising haalaahal will also emerge, before lakshmi, kaamdhenu, and amruth are finally achieved, in this egypt process but of the indian version

till then let sur and asur should pursue their efforts, 'stop not till the goal is reached'

'let not the barks of puppies frighten you not even the thunderbolts of heaven, stand up and fight'

with 'nerves of steel and muscles of iron' so easily growing with the divyayog of ramdevji, to him my

dandavath pranaam!

Cong MP calls Swami Ramdev a `dog'

Friday, February 18, 2011

`all these are small games

all these are small games, have been played and watched enough, having served the purpose, have to end soon.

i am looking for a gem out of pebbles, a true states[wo]man who can really take the affairs of nation to a new high, who can establish a ramrajya , who is truth****l as sathya harishchandra, who treats the kingship as trifle, like gautham budha, who has real national spirit who is human but who has conquered the usual weaknesses like lust.

any one who does not fit in the tightest job specifications of the post will fail utterly and in no time. india deserves the best, not any thing less, being a great country, a unique in world in many ways.

history has seen enough examples. let us see who will be that great person.

is he there already or yet to be born?

let us make a search or create one?

`Loh Purush' Advani has a bad Friday

police and thief will / will have to continue their endless game.

what is reported/commented may be true/right in some degree.

police and thief will / will have to continue their endless game.

does any political/security expert or any one has a better solution to break this vicious circle? other than pulling a chest nut?

necessity being the mother, any one/any agency is trying to invent a new solution?

may be/may not be.

bu_t i_ t_rust mankind will get over such problems, having got over many such in the past., capable of evolving ever new solutions.

Osama, Zawahiri in Pak under ISI protection:

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Pay 45%

why this 45% 'kindness' to culprits?

learn that such earlier measure has not deterred but made them wiser to 'perform' better to provide for such contingencies.

with this they will 'perform' still better, having found a convenient 'honest' byway

be 100% harsh , confiscate total, put behind bar

why a compromise with the culprits?

you were voted to power by common man, where as this measure make it appear as if you are seated by culprit, and hence obligated to be 'kind'

Pay 45% tax, move your black to white

isro,i recall a momentary association, decades ago

i recall a momentary association, decades ago, in design,manufacture of a control desk for isro, in which i had encountered the quality consciousness, scepticism, concern of the senior engineer who came to inspect and approve the item for shipment.

he was so much committed to an isro's project to become a success that i had tough time to convince him on the quality, he going into minute details and trying to find out any possible flaws in the item including its good looks apart from its right ****nction in every detail,not withstanding the good re****tion our unit had.

this gave me a good lesson that any thing cannot be ignored/taken for granted as far as a engg products are concerned. and i watched isro rising from success to success. and see it with a great pride, having seen only a sample of their technical staff with such high calibre.

google''antariksh'' to know more ****ut this pride unit. do not stop at reading the news such as this, to get a balanced view. i do not propose mistakes be ignored, but story is much more.

S-band spectrum: Cabinet panel cancels ISRO-Devas deal

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

reveal truths

instead devas challenging the govt and govt intending to cancel --under what cir****stances?----both should stick to reveal truths, not withstanding the grossest mistakes ,if any, committed/happened .and both should show their concern to the nation rather than trying to be on prestige issues/face saving attempt.

otherwise it is going to be a f_u_n_ to watch , but sad, --while money going to x because of y.

we can see that any ram, krishn, and hari just cannot run the country/corporate, without the basics of character, honesty and integrity.

Devas threatens legal action if ISRO deal annulled

ind inc's definition of success has to change

ind inc's definition of success has to change

corporate' whole teams work for that success as defined by boss, what ever it is .

the responsibility goes to him who defines it, ----invariably, keeping the ends more important than the means.

mahathma emphasises '' right means for right ends''

when elsewhere mahathma strategy is a subject of serious study in business schools, and in politics, mahathma's india has adopted a lesser one for quick results.

my mentor used to say sum of all short cuts will be longer than the longest cut.

Industrialist Anil Ambani called by CBI to 'clarify' 2G deal

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

meditation is meant to lead the ignorant to light

meditation is meant to lead the ignorant to light, previous experience not a requirement, even a child can [6 years up].

meditation is --taking a thought [meaning less one ] and gradually experiencing subtler and more subtler levels of it, reaching the subtlest and going beyond into nothing ness --called transcending.

it is not concentration, it is rather experiencing gradually the more subtler levels, you may call deep thinking, but is --going deep, deeper, deepest and beyond.

any animal/object /word with a form and meaning leads to contemplation ,does not allow to go beyond it --keeping the mind on surface., hence the need for meaning less thought, manthra.

you will come out after diving in--but cleansed.

being a subtle teaching, to be learnt from qualified teacher[i am not], to gain knowledge and the experience --with appropriate checks and follow ups initially, --all easy.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

a speech/a presentation /an oration should come extempore from heart

a speech/a presentation /an oration should come extempore from heart ---with the right emphasis, with right pauses, with right gestures, right looking into the faces , in the eyes of the listeners /audience /should electrify/stun/ to make the audience to respond with standing ovation, involuntary / or a uncontrolled thunder of claps------ at leas**** ,as a minimum , should be a delivery learnt by heart .

---a written paper being read is colourless , tasteless, odourless, stale, can only causeboredom/yawn/sleep/d​isgust/anger---inste​ad of inspiring/ elevating/ awakening/ informing /asserting /---or even entertaining

is it too much to expect from offices like pm/ministers and such.

have we lost such traditions and legacies for ever?