Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Any pooja/ sthothra to any god is a pranam and praise to your own self

Any pooja/ sthothra to any god is a pranam and praise to your own self
since in you all gods are present, nearest, intimate within .
if you sing glory of kishan, it is kishan that is residing inside you
that wakes up , listens, responds, manifests his mahimas from within ,
and blesses you with all his love and power .
all the devi devathas are ever singing the glory of narayan ,
that is there in unmanifest, pure awareness, within .
''mere tho maname bahathee hai ganga,

yamuna yaha, kaaveree yaha''----chithrasen bhajan 

All the rituals and messages of scriptures and paths of religions will provide immense

 All the rituals and messages of scriptures and paths of religions will provide immense value , only if the true original basis, on which they have been discovered/designed/evolved is enlivened in the follower

it acts like the light switched on, revealing all clearly and fully .
and that basis is the experience of the absolute , unmanifest, pure awareness.
if seen applying this criteria, it concludes that the practice of religion is only superficial , miserably,
a blind/dream walk, even some masters trying to teach things on which they themselves have no right grasp , and followers assuming that the glow worm is the real spark
the emphasis is on the authentic experience, not on surmises and interpretations

Monday, January 23, 2023

na guror adhikaṃ tattvaṃ

 na guror adhikaṃ tattvaṃ

na guror adhikaṃ tapaḥ
tattva jñānāt paraṃ nāsti
tasmai śrī gurave namaḥ
There is no higher truth than the Guru, no higher penance than (service to) the Guru, there is nothing higher than Realization of the Knowledge of the truth imparted by the Guru. My salutations to such a Guru, who is himself that very timeless truth (and who has taken a form to bless his disciples like us with real knowledge).
this sthothra, is a flow of heart ,
the shishya, having had the glimpse of all-fulfilling absolute within ,
ie, his internal guru having been lit
----as a result of practicing the instruction taught by his guru,----
----and having accessed the source of every thing worthwhile,within, ---
has become immersed in the ecstasy, is now seeing the transcendental reality of his external guru
as nothing but the same as the internal guru, the gyan jyothi
and singing the glory of both together , the plane of reference becoming transparent, non existent
Tattvam, tat tvam , that you
ie, the essence, what that exists basically, fundamentally,and really,
ie truth of existence of you / truth of existence of individual ,
or simply the truth
when shishya experiences this truth, and since he could experience only with the help of guru ,
and comes to know that himself, and external guru are nothing but truth , he simply utters what he felt
that is guru himself is the truth
hence there is no greater thing as guru
so no greater thing than guru guidance
so na guror adhikam tattvam
applicable for external guru and internal guru both , they both merged, merged with his own self in essence, the truth
My salutations to such a Guru, who is himself that very timeless truth, and who has taken up a form to bless his disciples like us with real knowledge.
Devotee goes from form to formless,
from visible to invisible,
from relative to absolute,
from earthly to heavenly
from apara to para
we see this transparent walk in the devotional songs of saints ,
and---- the reader too ----experiences such ecstasy
in reading / listening such expressions from great souls

always i prefer to differ , since i see differently

 always i prefer to differ ,

since i see differently
we cannot See Which we Want To See!!
we See only That Which we can see,
most of us have eyes, that cannot see properly, adequately, comprehensively, totally, clearly, though we very much want to see
one who has ability to see will see all, at every glimpse, in every moment ,
in every particle that be sees , whether he wants to see or does not want to see.
a man with eyes sees as soon as he opens his eyes, automatically even if he does not want to see .
a blind man wants to see , but cannot
a seer rishi, sees easily what others cannot see though they want to see
all want to see god very much
but those who gain the ability to see god only can see
In short , art of living is the art of seeing
the ultimate goal for any art is to see god, to see the truth,
one needs to grow in the ability to see
the more one is able to see , the more he conquers
increased ability to see provides increased scope for receiving the knowledge that is radiating from every thing
''i am the lord of all i survey''
''vini vidi vici''
i came i saw i conquered
i love to analyse precisely,
before accepting and gulping what ever is given ,
it is like finely mincing, munching, chewing, masticating, before taking in and digesting .
One see's as per one's current capacity / ability to understand & experience
----but not as per his wish or want .
all want ,by default, to see the best, maximum, and rightly, but only a few can , not others
when a phenomena happens, different people see it as per their individual ability and draw conclusions accordingly,
but a few knowledgeable persons see properly and draw the realistic conclusions ,
and their findings will be useful, enduring, will guide others properly
scientists see a phenomena like a rainbow, and understand how where why it happens , how many colors, what shape,
---because, they have that ability
a child sees it just in amazement, since it’s just a peculiar vision , some thing strange ,
a creative artist/poet sees it’s beauty and captures it in his expression
---since he has that ability to see its beauty
saints see more , say more , guide more,
since they have that greater ability
---- all irrespective of one’s wanting to see , but due to the ability to see
snake is seen in a rope because of inability to see it as rope as it is,
---not that he wants to see snake in rope, though he may be afraid of snake.
That inability can be due to a dim light, blurred sight , hurried grasp
----but not due to his wanting .
in fact a man who is afraid of snake will be much more wide eyed,
careful, alert, so will not conclude in haste ,
only a dull man sees it as snake due to his dullness,
--but not that he wants to see snake every where
priority should be for raising one's seeing ability,
not the quality nor quantity of things around
with increased seeing ability,
one can make the best of the same things around as they are
one can see the beauty in the raw stones
one can see the utility in the weeds, and the thorns
one can hear the music in the purr of pussy cat
one can listen to the talk of trees , flowers. clouds,
one can catch the stars , touch the moon
which may be impossible to the lesser, the nonseer
''.But this ability can be increased.'' to the ultimate limit

love.......... ....can it be selective, ??


....can it be selective, ??
can it be localized , discreet, finite,??
limited to a few things ??
or for few beings ??,
or in a few situations,??
if yes,
then it is not love, it is only likes/dislikes
whims fancies, conditional, obligatory,
if no,
then it is love, it is real,
since love is a state of growth
it is born out of enlightenment
love is always universal
for all the beings , for all the things
it's the state of my-ness,
in which universe is felt as one's own body and limbs
ie it is a feature of the state of existence as ''universe is me, i am the universe'''

Krishna is both a yogi, and a bhogi


Krishna is both a yogi, and a bhogi
In Krishna all the opposite qualities finds the complete manifestation.,
since he is ” yogastha”,which makes him skilled in action, kama sukaushalm,
he is doing all in the state of nondoing, ie naishkarmyam,
his is in no sin state, in which all is ok
free from the binding influence of karma so he is nonstick
he is a a graduate, a post graduate, a master,
a master of masters in the art of living,
his actions are flawless, spontaneous ,with limitless creativity, in infallible ,
beyond the range of human comprehension
right grasp on krishna is possible for the one who has the light of self realization

towards one Universal Power Grid


one Universal Power Grid
manifestation of one puruash multiplying into sahasra sheershas, ie one becoming many....has implications
1..biological multiplication, , common to all pranis including trees,. all pranis are continuously growing , expanding individually as large trees/ grown up pranis etc....and expanding by multiplication. into more number ...tendency is that each species will expand and multiply if possible to as big as the infinite universe ,...............
.2..The other , and more important aspect of sahasra sheersha , is ….an evolved person having become a power generator, resulting into several generators and forming a high voltage, high power GRID
Also a few more evolved persons having become more number of power generators, and becoming a few more GRIDS
…..and then vital aspect is
…….all the GRIDS becoming further networked as SUPER GRID
…….the purusha’s full glories becoming lively all over the universe and every component of the grid/ grids becoming purusha fully ,
3…..effectiveness of generating station depends on how well it is set up, how strong is the whole set up , also similarly on the components of the grid ..ie on the purity .clarity and depth of teaching of evolved persons
4….it is vital that sharing of light of wisdom is done, fast, and that is Get together / group activities too have a great role
5 …Saints, masters of all traditions of teaching must interact with each other and become the part of the one universal power grid
6....first it is a lone journey, .it is ''ekla chalo re'', a tapasya, a gautam meditating alone in the forest, .and becoming enlightened, becoming the path finding pioneer, ending up as a budha,
7…then it is a collective walk , taking all into the path, it is ‘’sanghachadvam, samvadathvam.’’...ie,..walk together, talk together.
......a solo song inspiring a brunda gaan
it is a sahasra manifestation
8…..and then all sahasra forming a grand finale ,
a synchronous one super power , the one universal power grid
evolution is happening nonstop , and eventually reach the pinnacle of perfection

Chithshakthi vilas In sitar/veena strings are excited by


Chithshakthi vilas
In sitar/veena strings are excited by one hand …ie energy is applied
Strings are pressed in particular mode/sequence, in required degrees to manipulate the sound so that raga is produced…..ie intelligence is applied
In scooter engine runs, accelerator is operated…..energy
Driver controls the direction by steering and brake…intelligence
In painting a picture color is applied……..energy
That paint is spread in to produce shades………and shapes…intelligence
In sculpture hammer is striking the chisel ……energy
It is applied in an order to cut the stone as desired ….intelligence
In speech we produce audible sound…….energy
The tongue and lips work to produce a talk ……..intelligence

Attention is the most valuable possession

 Attention is the most valuable possession

attention has two characteristics, outward and inward
outward attention is branching, splitting, widening, , expanding, thinning, weakening,
inward attention is collecting, uniting ,contracting, thickening, strengthening ,
both are natural attributes , having their application as appropriate
With appropriate training, one can do multitasking
Multi-processing simultaneous is the ability of the outward, catering to different needs at a time
i may be typing, but i am listening to music too now---
I said attention is power , it is the ability to canalizing the energy
eg awareness is split in playing tabala to two hands, and the energy is delivered in strong or weak doses on both tabala and baaya and at different times in laya, like thali and khali, with more and with less strong strokes
one learns this splitting of attention ,and in the time frame and gives the various types of thaals, and in madhya laya, druth laya etc
here he is not uniform or strong in the beam of attention but divides splits breaks, at will weakens it, strengthens it , and with speed .
when zakeer hussain accompanies a sitar, his ears are receiving, his hands are delivering , some times eyes are at the audience, some times at sitar player, some times closed .
here you see the master artist
he is the expert in handling attention , to weaken or strengthen hence the relevance of my word weakening
if he is weakening at thali, then his performance is dull
if he is strengthening at khaali , he is wrong also
so the art is nothing but mastery over attention
and life is art
1 tasks becomes too taxing, since exhausted / weakened by over-spending,
so ,'' stand at ease '' is the intelligent command to get it back again
2 the one who has connected with his source can perform without relenting with the same enthusiasm, here the fountain is open, so spending is replenished continuously, hence the joy riders and pilots even workaholics persist in hours of performance
3 mastery over attention makes the activity self driven automatic, effortless, untiring
hence the relevance of the dictum ''karma sukaushalam
4 on a painting'/drawing/ any art, value is proportional to the attention given to the detail and the perspective
career growth is dependent on more attentive contribution than just attendance signing
5 relevant are two phrases
pay attention=spending of our wealth
seek attention=earning from others wealth
and such other phrases
and so we thank for considered responses
We must understand this subject nicely
art of life is art of handling attention
the more one learns this ''know how '', on the ways and nature of attention, the more powerful one becomes .
1 the one strong beam of attention from individual being
branches and goes out thru all organs of perception and action ,
and also from every particle of body, like an aura
in fact it goes out like the rays from a burning wood , in different quantities from its surface , some in large beams in one direction, and some in small feeble beams, and some with least strong beam in other directions
in all beings maximum attention goes out thru eyes
that is
why sarvendriaanam nayanam pradhanam
and the beams of lower intensity goes thru limbs, senses, skin, hair, nails
in the hair, and nails it is the least intense , weak
the moment one looks at the star, first the attention goes to the star in instant
[[correct me, it may be faster than light, since it is all pervasive ?? ]
and then the signal enters instantly thru eyes
so it is both ways , to and fro, in and out going
1 spending of attention must be economical , should not be wasted
2 once attention is spent one becomes exhausted and tired
3 hence for economizing , closing the eyes now and then , when not using , helps
4 for recharging one must go inward
5 hence all our traditions have been to close the eyes, do some meditation, get the system charged and come out to spend again
5.1 i surmise , but pl confirm, in doing folded hands namasthe, we just reduce the outflow,
to reduce thru feet we wear some wooden/leather footwear, paduka,
6 games for children are to develop multi tasking, by learning handling of awareness thru all limbs
7dance is an expression of mastery over attention
this is my comprehensive blog on attention
and thanks for your kind strong ''attention

Maturity, wisdom

 Maturity, wisdom

Mostly popular understanding is
''experience life in all possible ways; good-bad, bitter-sweet, dark-light, summer-winter. Experience all dualities. Don't be afraid of experience, because the more experience you have, the more mature you become.''
right understanding is
…….maturity does not dawn by experiencing , only mistakes get repeated leading to suffering , disease, death
maturity dawns only when one goes beyond the field of all experiences, beyond mind
Maturity did not come by analysis of the experiences ,their cause and effect, history of crime and suffering is repeating ,all over world
and history will repeat , unless the individual learns to go beyond the level of intellect,
like the criminal ratnakar , who was-- not --transformed into valmiki ,by only ''experiencing life in all possible ways; good-bad, bitter-sweet, dark-light, summer-winter. nor by Experiencing all dualities. without being afraid of experiences, or consequences’’.
since, the more experience he had, , the more criminal he remained without maturity
he was transformed- not -by .''analysis of the experiences ,their cause and effect, but by learning one simple thing of going beyond the field of mind , by which he became a mature wise person

koi sunthaa nahee khuda ke siva’’ poor is the listening since

 koi sunthaa nahee khuda ke siva’’

poor is the listening since khuda is missing in the listener
khuda is lost since most of us do not really know that khud hee khuda hai ,
so, conversely,it amounts to say , a good listener is god
listening is a godly virtue
universe is rich with knowledge
every one, every being , every thing, every process has stories to tell, messages to give, lessons to teach , at every moment, thru every means of communication,
but alas , how many are really able to listen and receive,
digest and benefit, relish and enjoy
surely there are very very blessed few
human is full of care, anxiety, hurry, worry, clouded with his own cluster of thoughts, reactions, plans, intentions, aspirations hopes, desires, imaginations, images,
yet, there are sensitive souls who could listen to the lament of flowers while plucking, there are souls who listened to the ants.
for some even the trivialest signals make meaning