Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Best teaching is by living the message one wants to convey.

Best teaching is by living the message one wants to convey.

words will bring more words not the desired effect


i look for actions than best words, literature, poetry, even vedas.

what one has done in his life so far ,

to where is his trend , how far nearer he is to the goal ,


and what goal he is working for
what means, medium,


at what rate, what the effect , visibility of performance, preferably in measurable terms

Monday, March 25, 2024

dwelling on past and future also happens -------only in the present moment--


dwelling on past and future also happens -------only in the present moment----in fact, the whole life , eating, breathing, working, playing, singing, thinking, all aspects of living happen only in the present moment

what ever we may be doing, all moment by moment , happens in the present moment

what exists is only the present moment , past is gone, future not come
if so ,then , why to try and struggle to aspire for living in the present moment ----not at all necessary,


we are in fact, living in the present moment, whole life , moment to moment

Saturday, March 23, 2024

maa kuru dhana jana yauvvana garvam, harathi nimesha kaala sarvam.

 maa kuru dhana jana yauvvana garvam, harathi nimesha kaala sarvam.

rulers and the ruled have missed the right track, everywhere.

none of the political systems can work/ can be allowed to work, unless the individuals shift their priorities to the real purpose of existence, and deserve to be ruled by the one almighty nature.
a lot more intense search has  to be made  to know what is that life’s essential which missing.
may be it is the most difficult thing , may be the easiest of easy things

Monday, March 18, 2024

awards are recognition by all on the achievements in life , and the system is most welcome


awards are recognition by all on the achievements in life , and the system is most welcome.

but no one can judge the worth without flaw and results in heart burn for missed ones.

Realize the truth that own conscience is the right authority to judge your worth.

Do all efforts to elevate yourself in its estimation, much more than in the eyes of the committee

Awards from world may miss you, but conscience will not miss you if you really deserve.

Let your endeavor be to get the best award from the inside authority, more than from outside.

a great way of doing things complete willingness to do

a great way of doing things

complete willingness to do

total involvement in doing

involving the might of almighty


collecting, consolidating and impinging

abundant rays of consciousness


each quantum of output

a masterpiece,

a classic,

a marvel,

saturated with the qualities of

that master craftsman,

the perfect creator

Yoga karma sukaushalam

If work is attempted with full attention, yoga, then one cognizes easy ways of doing things,

that is how tools techniques were developed

Competition yes, we must compete this is the game of evolution,


Competition yes,

we must compete this is the game of evolution,

to explore more intelligent avenues

to succeed and win with flying colors .


without competition with my mates,

i would not have come out first class with distinction,

to occupy an important post serving the nation ,

all my success small or big is due to

my competing with my colleagues in every field,

it makes one a leader, a pioneer from the ordinary stuff .

it is a divines gift

Sunday, March 17, 2024

men at war field ---killing, getting killed---- are bonded labor,


men at war field ---killing, getting killed---- are bonded labor, have to obey the orders without think/question---whether police, jawan, mao gunman, terrorist bombers. these poor fellows, exploited lot --getting burnt like crackers.   both sides, watching the show and enjoying the 'fun' shamelessly./mercilessly

on one side , govt should catch the topmost owners of these outfits before easily offering this 'cheap fuel' to the yagna and eyewashing public with 'stirn action taken'

on other side,  the topmost owners of these outfits should directly deal with topmost in govt with discussion

or gun and face consequence /win instead of sacrificing these goats in endless encounters .

 both are sinners and timid sitting in own security shelter

There is no bondage, but different degrees of freedom existing

 There is no bondage, but different degrees of freedom existing


 in the womb experiences a freedom to live and grow into full size egg coming out from womb is free, no more depends on mother for a stretch of time


bird breaking the egg and coming out has freedom to move about,


slowly walking when the feathers grow, it can fly , free in the sky


when dies, what is contained in the bird is free to get rid of the dead body


similarly , man goes from one level of freedom to higher level finally the highest level of infinite expansion non localized non bound by time

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Why we should not test evolved people through acquired knowledge?


Why we should not test evolved people through acquired knowledge?


thru attaining sufficient level of purity, and thereby acquiring the familiarity with his deep self, one can assess the evolved people precisely

in fact saints at the same level of purity will be expressing same level of profundity , and one can see parallels between various saints

but only reading is no help


1 Why Vedas knowledge is still confined to only a few (miniscule no), on the pretext of it being truthful knowledge and hence beyond the reach of people not so pure, not so truthful.?


vedic knowledge has surfaced thru the tapasya , in the light of the self

reading recitation will not deliver the full import

essentially veda to be known from inside, as one goes deep into his self one gains ability to get at the essence of all vedic wisdom

since one's purity is a factor for gaining the deeper levels, not all can fathom with existing levels of purity.

one has to undergo intense purification, thru right sadhana


2 The scientists of today whatever decipher are capable of putting it into writing for anybody, any science student to infer and go for further research into their findings?


upto a limit yes, but truths have plenty aspects cannot be totally expressed, even if expressed cannot be grasped due to the limitations of communication media, like language/visual arts/ audio means, etc


knowing truly happens by being

knowing thru being is the complete knowing


so at one stage scientists must know how to ''be'' in order to really know


3 Why it is said that the mysteries hidden in Vedas have been decoded/unfolded to the present world by European Scientists using modern knowledge sought through their minds?


when any means of investigation subjective or objective, science or spiritual, reaches sufficient level of advancement, thru the rigors of the investigators, it ends up in finding the ultimate reality, and unravels all the mysteries ,and all findings will get synchronized harmoniously, without contradictions .

now scientists have discovered the unified field of all the laws of nature , the basis of all vedic knowledge, thru experience and experimentation , and even found secretes of human physiology in terms of vedic expressions , relevant maharishi scientific literature is available on the net

Thursday, March 7, 2024

god has been writing books infinite his language silence


god has been writing books infinite

his language silence

his scribble invisible

”richo akshare parame vyoman”

[knowledge is structured in consciousness]

all the infinite books are collated

compressed stored ever updated

all the pranies are accessing his website , the innernet

and down loading as per capability/necessity

uploading their experiences, pains pleasures, success/

failure stories for his feedback /recycling/evolution/improvement

of all his product designs

that is how creation is denovo

in the process of navo navo bhavathi

”yasthannaveda kim richa karishyathi”

[what avail is all this to those who do not know that]

alphabets and what in silence sprouts a alpha


alphabets and what


in silence sprouts a alpha

alpha changes to beta, gama, ......


alphabets have no meaning
are few , limited


words made of such have meaning
are numerous, dictionary is bulky, but has a beginning and an end


sentences made of such have a thought, 
are countless, unending as thoughts , flow as streams,


paragraph, poem, essay made of such have message, inspiration, 
unlimited possibilities, enormous ,oh they run as river


story, novel, epic, episodes, books, of science, tech, history, have knowledge, wisdom, power infinite , capturing the life,


and all its beauty, charm, mystery, tumultuous flood,

singing, roaring, rushing,


all to find fulfillment in discovering the ocean, of waves,

of unfathomable depth, the ocean of silence


from silence to silence
individual silence in search of of universal silence

we learn alphabet , words, phrases, sentences,


 we learn alphabet , words, phrases, sentences, idiom grammar, prose writing, 
we jump we switch to poetry, meter rhyme rhythm 
we fly we freelance humor sarcasm metaphor quote what not
we enter the free space silence
we enjoy the freedom, 
we come back free
no more anything to restrict, just flow 
the consciousness flows

we the straw, takes its own course losing itself 
not to bother to run or walk or stay still, just enjoying , every moment every movement , in the way the flow happens, creativity unobstructed, finding its own ways newer, unseen unheard,
being sure that it is a pure flow, a flow of purity unsullied by any ills. and yes the stream is beautiful the flow is plentiful playful

The reader too flows, another straw, forgets himself in the flow , unmindful of hurts or flirts of the flow, sees the clarity the purity the uncontrolled nobility, the reader and writer at times unite at times separate all moving despite to the ultimate goal the ocean , the infinite ocean of consciousness, and get merged get submerged, get immersed get saturated with bliss the nectar divine, flowing from the sacred feet of divine and become one and nothing never to return

love is the relation we enjoy here.
my friend slaps me , pinches my cheek,


but it is all the more sweet,

we being in love

arjuna, unfathomable is the range of karma


arjuna, unfathomable is the range of karma


so yogastha kuru karmani


so that karma will not bind you and put others to inconvenient


yogah karma sukaushalm


but ignorance leads to death destruction suffering


no one can save you law of karma is infallible

face it


that is why

heyam dukham anagatham

prevent the danger that has not yet arrived


alas, who cares


what has happened to bhaarath, where richest wisdom flourishes.
yet not in the lives of best intellectuals, 

committing  mistakes and causing suffering

can we ever come out of this cause and effect

Do we really require, hundreds of elaborate & contradictory Religions,


Do we really require, hundreds of elaborate & contradictory Religions,

conflicting ideologies, muddled philosophical theories,

Gurus, Religious/Spiritual books just to learn love, kindness, empathy, compassion, peace, tranquility and brotherhood?.


yes yes yes, we do require all in the same way like we require the variety of food, including fast food, junk food , till we taste the ultimate sweetest tastiest best amrit ,


 ie till the experience of the self realization is gained directly authentically , the requirement does exist, human moving from one thing to a better thing till he reaches the best and these intermediate things do inspire to search more, one having their worthlessness


'' Are we so dim that we find it difficult to learn or be aware of it by ourselves, or is it that someone feeds on our ignorance/apathy? Or is it both?'


'yes yes yes , we are so dim, it is both since man is born as ignorant by default , he requires to be born again , as dwija, twice born , having gained a glimpse of the pure self one is in his deepest core ''

Have we learned it, in spite of all the puzzling resources?

no we did not learn

it is not possible to learn and know the life of living in wisdom in spite of all the puzzling resources without self realization ''

 If not then, what could be the reason?''


self realization alone provides the ultimate zoom out view , the total unifying perspective which removes all the enigmas surmises dogmas , makes them totally superfluous


i repeat , as long as self realization is not gained , negativity persists


once gained , love friendship, myness, unity, acceptance, tolerance, all virtues flood into the life of individuals , and more such individuals create a heaven on earth by their living the state of heightened consciousness till then ''that which cannot be helped , must be endured' 


'the easiest other alternative is explore and find a guru who can show the way to get the experience of self realization easily and early and such masters , yes they are available , and in plenty"


"Spark must be real look alike glow worm no help"


"There are plenty of such initiatives adding to the collective consciousness, they are all required to bring about an avalanche of change , yes i used the right word avalanche , it is going to happen , thru more and more individuals meditate in bigger and bigger groups !% of the square root of world population, ie 7,000 plus is the minimum critical figure needed as per science research


iova experiment is an example"


"Self realization is a slow process

with guru guidance it is almost instantaneous to get lit ie the spark , first


 it takes time to become the fire the flame and the wild fire to engulf the universe

my blog on'' bhagavathi chethana'' gives the stages from start to end can be accelerated by intensifying the sadhana for faster results 7000 enlightened individuals meditating in a group can transform the world consciousness maharishi experiment at iova proved this"


"Can we have this chethna at the early age of childhood?

right time is when kids enter the adolescence , when their personality starts blossoming , the experience of the self is to be given , which acts as the core nourishment at root level, leading to flowering of all virtues as a total package unfolded. vivek / virtues cannot be taught, the kid should be taught how to access the inside source of all virtues, suguna nidhi, and how to activate them moral teaching has only surface effect,


 that is why the tradition of upanayana sanskar, to make the inner eye, the third eye of shiva, the awareness to open


we missed ,, yet we can start now and quickly recover the lost time, by intense sadhana only when you yourself get the experience of what self realization is , then you will know its meaning and ultimate value and significance for a virtuous natural life yet you cannot teach it


for that you must be a qualified trained preceptor if not results will not come



1 learn meditation, practice it

2 undergo advanced courses, become eligible to undergo teacher training

3 undergo teacher training,

4 become a qualified preceptor

5 teach / guide kids and adults


i am not a preceptor yet, i was qualified only to conduct group meditation and guide meditators in the right practice"

Nation is run by the government; the govt. is run by political parties;


Nation is run by the government; 

the govt. is run by political parties; 

national and international issues are controlled by the system of politics; 

politics has infiltrated in every walk of life from highest to lowest cadre. 

The politics is publicized by news paper, magazines, periodicals, journals, TV channels and many other audiovisual aids including political agents, messengers and parties men. There is no dearth of forum for high lighting the politics. 


unfortunately and vitally, politics is not being seen by the citizens from the spiritual perspective, 

which is vital to purify the thinking process in the political arena, this field is left uncared by the 

saints and spiritual leaders hence the need then arises as to one sacred forum of SPEAKING Tree to view the politics in the right overall perspective– talk, converse, discuss, comment, 

criticize politics and purify and raise the level of consciousness of the community and the nation 

and the world , eventually leading to the spiritual goal of sarvejana sukhino bhavanthu, in the one world family vasudhaika kutumbakam 
i wish st must play the role of wise rishi muni guiding every field including politics

Politics is a science too, as much a spiritual as any other science
nothing is excluded in the spirituality
kishan , chanakya, mahabharath, ramayan have great lessons in politics 
in every kingdom spiritual scientists, ie rishis did play a most significant role, advising the kings or even ruling the kingdom, as raja rishis 

since we have eliminated inadvertently or not understanding the connection between spirituality and political issues, present day politics has deteriorated to the level of just a cheating and looting the citizen, i wish that we must establish the much needed link and purify the politics too


 Hence , the advise for right action from st is very much required .

now politics is going as a undisciplined child lacking the care, love, attention of the mother, spirituality

i like to see the trends of the times from spiritual perspective,, and share my insights, views, on the wider implications of developments and events happening in the world sensitively responding feeling a responsibility to create a better world free of problems , all living peacefully and prospering

Scriptures laid out clear specs for  rulers

not all can occupy that great post

Each is king of his universe


Each is king of his universe

there is no other person existing

all are you

you is all, you is one ,

the king advaitha, no second,

thath thvam asi , you are that

this is difficult to take without the spiritual , direct, experience of god

"Each one is a universe total , no separation"


"Each one is a universe total , no separation"

educational qualifications, character and conduct certificates


educational qualifications, character and conduct certificates, interview, exams, written and vocal, interviews , merit listing, strictest job, specs, performance evaluation, punishment awards as per performance must be there for all politicians

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Caution 1 by rishi prabhakar



1 by rishi prabhakar ---do not show over smartness, if you want to learn , come with open mind


2 ranganathnanda of rk math, --do not show chalaki pan, otherwise you cannot learn


 i slip the substandard and move to best , not wasting a moment proving that they are less wise, that does not help me

my concern is am i moving ahead or not

caution is not heeded by many seekers, and they end up lifelong only seeking but not finding


http:// caution is not heeded by many seekers, and they end up lifelong only seeking but not finding hence the advice of shankaracharya nethi nethi, not this not this ----on the forward journey and then chidananda roopaha shivoham shivoham ----i am the bliss, --------on the return journey"


"I see in you an angelic vision, far different , 1mm above earth plane,you in true, not visible to earthly eyes plain you stand apart. be there in your heaven, allow me to peep in to it now and thenthis is my no praise in vain , not me, but my heart wants to pen on discovering an angel in st's den"


"Shruthi smruthi puraanaanaamin tapas, rishi cognizes richa, in akshra, parame vyoman expresses as vedawhat is heard is shruthi what is jotted down is smruthi

smruthi expanded is darshana


darshana compounded with localization is puraana


puraana fragmented are udanthas upaakhyaanas


updated to yugas become yuga dharma

updated to contemporary ,come as stories, novels, episodes, news views reviews comments, ethics, norms, customs, systems"



one will have real gain ----only when--- one really experiences pure awareness--- once at least ---for a fraction of a second ---for entire life


if not '' nahi nahi rakkshathi du krun karani ''

do it by any knack , guru, master, technic, method anything ok but result is the thing most important but without it all is waste

life is wasted"





"1 on forward journey , everything to be left behind, even bhakthi, devotion , [ ie the subtlest levels of the mind , ]bhakthi, devotion, though is glorious , though quite promising, yet is binding , stuck with name and form,with qualities and glories of beloved god, ista devatha , is a subtle obstruction , blurring the sight, on forward journey to the transcendent para brahma, nameless formless attributeless


2 but on return journey the same , all gross and subtle, subtlest encounters are great treasures , that is how the seeker once completes the direct flight is coming back to earth with all the wealth, and here he becomes the baul, fakir since he has earned and in possession of that which has to be earned and possessed he has nothing to care


here he enjoys''all what ever i do is thy worship o shambho ''yad yad karma karomi thath thath akhilam shambho thava aaraadhanam"



this is the point most seekers miss in their grasp A human being can’t live at ‘Turiya’ state permanently. ----


transcendence is most important, but only the first episode of life ,

it is like one studying and becoming the graduate in engg, ----

very important, but then what further?


he will not keep quiet , and will not just eat and sleep he practices the profession, designs, manufactures products, distributes, contributes a lot to life ''He needs to come down to the level where he can interact with the world to survive his life. I feel, the in depth thought of ‘Baul’ tries to solve this problem .


So, their concept is instead of ‘No Mind’ state let it be ‘Free Mind’.

here starts the real, new, more important episodes,

he re-engineers the universe, discovers/ creates new worlds he lives engg in life


he lives the divinity, the mukthi, freedom in his think talk walk totally , i call this the return flight to life back, with his earned wealth a baul is fakir. , but he is ''rich'' fakir"


that is how vedas emerged, and one gets the glimpse of vedic truths directly without reading/ understanding what veda is

Monday, March 4, 2024

Thotake Hogu Timma - Kannada Rhymes 3D Animated

Folk poem Suvvi baa Sangayya
