Thursday, March 7, 2024

Do we really require, hundreds of elaborate & contradictory Religions,


Do we really require, hundreds of elaborate & contradictory Religions,

conflicting ideologies, muddled philosophical theories,

Gurus, Religious/Spiritual books just to learn love, kindness, empathy, compassion, peace, tranquility and brotherhood?.


yes yes yes, we do require all in the same way like we require the variety of food, including fast food, junk food , till we taste the ultimate sweetest tastiest best amrit ,


 ie till the experience of the self realization is gained directly authentically , the requirement does exist, human moving from one thing to a better thing till he reaches the best and these intermediate things do inspire to search more, one having their worthlessness


'' Are we so dim that we find it difficult to learn or be aware of it by ourselves, or is it that someone feeds on our ignorance/apathy? Or is it both?'


'yes yes yes , we are so dim, it is both since man is born as ignorant by default , he requires to be born again , as dwija, twice born , having gained a glimpse of the pure self one is in his deepest core ''

Have we learned it, in spite of all the puzzling resources?

no we did not learn

it is not possible to learn and know the life of living in wisdom in spite of all the puzzling resources without self realization ''

 If not then, what could be the reason?''


self realization alone provides the ultimate zoom out view , the total unifying perspective which removes all the enigmas surmises dogmas , makes them totally superfluous


i repeat , as long as self realization is not gained , negativity persists


once gained , love friendship, myness, unity, acceptance, tolerance, all virtues flood into the life of individuals , and more such individuals create a heaven on earth by their living the state of heightened consciousness till then ''that which cannot be helped , must be endured' 


'the easiest other alternative is explore and find a guru who can show the way to get the experience of self realization easily and early and such masters , yes they are available , and in plenty"


"Spark must be real look alike glow worm no help"


"There are plenty of such initiatives adding to the collective consciousness, they are all required to bring about an avalanche of change , yes i used the right word avalanche , it is going to happen , thru more and more individuals meditate in bigger and bigger groups !% of the square root of world population, ie 7,000 plus is the minimum critical figure needed as per science research


iova experiment is an example"


"Self realization is a slow process

with guru guidance it is almost instantaneous to get lit ie the spark , first


 it takes time to become the fire the flame and the wild fire to engulf the universe

my blog on'' bhagavathi chethana'' gives the stages from start to end can be accelerated by intensifying the sadhana for faster results 7000 enlightened individuals meditating in a group can transform the world consciousness maharishi experiment at iova proved this"


"Can we have this chethna at the early age of childhood?

right time is when kids enter the adolescence , when their personality starts blossoming , the experience of the self is to be given , which acts as the core nourishment at root level, leading to flowering of all virtues as a total package unfolded. vivek / virtues cannot be taught, the kid should be taught how to access the inside source of all virtues, suguna nidhi, and how to activate them moral teaching has only surface effect,


 that is why the tradition of upanayana sanskar, to make the inner eye, the third eye of shiva, the awareness to open


we missed ,, yet we can start now and quickly recover the lost time, by intense sadhana only when you yourself get the experience of what self realization is , then you will know its meaning and ultimate value and significance for a virtuous natural life yet you cannot teach it


for that you must be a qualified trained preceptor if not results will not come



1 learn meditation, practice it

2 undergo advanced courses, become eligible to undergo teacher training

3 undergo teacher training,

4 become a qualified preceptor

5 teach / guide kids and adults


i am not a preceptor yet, i was qualified only to conduct group meditation and guide meditators in the right practice"

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