Sunday, November 13, 2022

There is a reality in some one when he emphatically says ''i know all, i am sarvagna,


There is a reality in some one when he emphatically says 

''i know all, i am sarvagna, 
i need not learn any more,
i need not read book, nor blog, 
neither i need to do log nor dialog'' 
because he has wisely learnt that one thing
which makes all other things known

And this is what one intelligent vidyarthi asked his guru to tell that and be done with, instead of making a fruitless journey immersed in heaps of books,

And this is what one intelligent guru gave that one little thing, the silence, thru which all the knowledge gets revealed in the self, guru ever in mauna

This is the tradition which we lost in our pursuit of modern edu, 
which parrots all rot 
except that which is really hot , and can make the student a knowledgeable guy , self sufficient ready with nava navonmesha shalini ,his budhi becoming, offering ready solutions to any problem he faces in life. he reads his internal encyclopedia containing most powerful search engine than google

And such a student is really the --MA.--- master of arts, not the one who dons a convocation attire and receives a degree, and never he is master in any of art, because he does not know the life , the art of supreme doing ever from past till present

And such a educated so called master , not knowing this great possibility of becoming sarvagna, it becomes for him even strange to digest such words as all knowing , and gets puzzled even more, and starts to take shelter under such phrases like attitude/closed mind/not ready to learn etc, lifelong learning etc

Such ancient edu once undergone, one becomes the real master purely delivering the best to the society and universe at large and leads a carefree worthy life, without need of any more.
he has arrived at the goal of all learning and searching and is now blissful overflowing in his creativity and abundance of internal wisdom

He reached such a state where he coolly says i am brahman, all powerful, all knowing, and lives a life in mastery he is really now master of universe jagadguru

To comprehend the reality and possibility of such a state one needs to experience at least once the momentary glance of the absolute, otherwise it makes no meaning to him, and may even dub such a talk as egoistic, claims, surmise, and unbelievable and may even develop hate and dislike towards such valuable messages

One understands or not, such a person need not have to bother but out of compassion, he only utters some advice like bhajagovindam moodhamathe. jaigurudev

Thursday, November 10, 2022

my puzzle is that if every being evolves to the highest level, then no more the creation exists


 my puzzle is that if every being evolves to the highest level, then no more the creation exists, no more birth growth death , will it all get reduced to zero or vacuum with no life activity at all ??
or who will be the left overs??
what their function or need??
is it a laya, the union or the pralaya, the ttal annihilation??
if so is all evolution leading to only to a permanent death??
then evolutionary steps are they only a process of slow death ?? 
and if so life is it worth living at all??
is our existence just meaningless??

But after several janmas, all jeevas will surely pass the test, and merge in god 
then what will be left??
only god remains , alone and laughing, ??
no more any jeevas,??
or only stones and sand and water and air??
if so , the logic seems that it is not advisable to do raising of consciousness 
so better be ignorant so that creation that is so beautiful will continue to sustain
may be mine is perverted logic but i feel pity that creation will miserably ends
At top there are infinite vacancies, supposing that every one of jeevas evolve to the topmost post , then there is flat, no pyramid, 
whether the activities of the universe organization come to end??
whether universe becomes a closed unit for ever??
since there is no more demand for products, no consumers no producers no distributors, because the top most position is godly with total fulfillment, no wants, no desires, no impulse of any kind 
is that the end we are reaching to ??
if so, is it wise to become enlightened or is it beneficial to be ''ignorant in the long run ??
this is just a hypothetical situation , but surely will become a reality at the final stage

Why at all god created a system that needs periodic maintenance and repair??

being all powerful, why he could not create a flawless all proof perfect universe which functions perfectly all time , not needing any patch work 
this rises a doubt that god is not so powerful as he poses.
out of all he created ''human being'' who always does mistakes , who destroys environ, causes suffering to himself and others , and god watches fun when flood , famine, hud-hud 's happen 
why cannot he prevent mishaps before happening

My puzzle is on what remains after every being evolves to the highest level of god himself ...

will there be universe or is it reduced to nothing, ie vacuum , since after every one reaches the goal there will not be any need for further activity of any kind

If creation is only for destruction at the end, 

why at all the creation in the first place ??

if all evolution is ending with annihilation, 
then is it wise to put so much effort to evolve?

if it is a grand design, then it must endure for ever, 
not become nullified after reaching the ultimate perfection 

if it is liable to get nullified, 
why such a fragile system was designed by the god who is perfect 

you may ignore , but my puzzles remain

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Origin of technology


 Origin of technology

one of the principle of creation is ''least expenditure of resources'' like energy , time and accomplish the result easiest, i call it a brahma suthra.

mans superiority over other creatures has been to live more according to this , as a result he cognizes the why of things, the science , and devises how of doing things, 

so tools , staring in stone age to iron age to further now the age of IT.

The future of man 's ability is ---to ''do less and accomplish more'', 

leading ultimately ---to ''do nothing, accomplish every thing '' by just wishing it

a table tennis ball which fell on the floor while playing,

will just jump from the floor and rests on the table, by his just wishing it , 

not himself lifting it , not using a detailed technology/mechanism to enable it to come on the table

while doing the chores, 

an aware person cognizes the opportunity / need to do better and better , 

and starts creative thinking leading to first discoveries 

and then leading to gain mastery over every phenomena in nature, 

thus he takes over the reins of running the universe in his hands, 

and becomes a virtually the god, the supreme , 

and may start running the universe too ,

in much better ways than the existing god