Tuesday, March 28, 2023

My spiritual task is to reform myself unmindful of environ,


My spiritual task is to reform myself unmindful of environ,

to allow myself grow as ''keechad se kamal.

i shall not wait for perfection to dawn from outside

i reach that ideal thru diving deep within myself ,

I Do what's right being true to myself

Monday, March 27, 2023

it is only after cognition that one can appreciate the aesthetics’’


it is only after cognition that one can appreciate the aesthetics’’

……..1..Since Brahman is ‘sathyam shivam sundaram’. The one who cognizes this , accesses  truth [sathyam], and which will have great value [shivam, goodness,], and which will be beautiful [ sundaram, aesthetic]

He also has the automatic ability to express the cognitions with spontaneity/originality

These cognitions form the basic ingredients.

1.1 He can deliver them in ‘’as cognized shape’’, these are the different vedic expressions, with their own ‘’unmodified pristine purity’’

1.2 he can also deliver them as ‘’creations/art’’ with imagery / icons .[devi devathas] having some relevant characteristics . and  this creation happen as a process of ‘’anando brahma’’ creativity in the state of bliss 

1.3 also he can choose to deliver these with enhanced communication, with another ingredient om, / shadaj, forming sangeeth , with 7 swaras, 3 sapthaks, raga, thaala, and, bhava [poetry added] , thru human voice or thru contrivances like veena, mrudang , ghungru

1.4 also he has a choice of delivering it in sculpture form, human form , with ingredients of cognized mudras, and gracious movements, nruthyam,

1.5 he has a choice of adding a theme/an episode/and make it into a drama

1.6 he can choose to add a bit of tinge of localization/time frame, and deliver as a folklore


That is how the cognitive abilities also lead to infinite freedom to express the basic universal ingredients cognized …basically it is the joy of the one to create and create in variety beauty and …and a joy to see the masterpieces created as a mother loves the offspring to grow and flourish , basically it is a lone journey in search of better and more effective ways  to communicate to the manifest world


But it is added joy if these products are seen by a few others , deriving and sharing joy similarly

That is how the connoisseur comes into the picture

But not all have ability to receive what is delivered by the creator. If connoisseur has a similarly the ability to cognize, then he will see the beauty of expression, how the simple universal truths which  ..he also knows..have taken such wonderful creations  , and his appreciation will be naturally automatic , and he may in turn tempted to clap or to give a standing ovation, or even gets triggered to move his limbs in synchrony and he may even dance in ecstasy. And this may inspire the creator to venture a little more


All these are great possibilities with the single ability ie ‘’to cognize’’

Blessed are the creator and connoisseurs they inherit the heaven

 . ‘’And it is only after cognition that one can appreciate the aesthetics’’


I see it …as a emphatic true assertion…with vedic implications ..this gives a great clue for connoisseurs to enjoy every detail with relish , since they become better rasagnas, ….not only that…this clue is for the artists as well to create masterly output, since they have fathomed great depths.

Further, the artist will grow in the ability

Friday, March 24, 2023

experiences come and go. Cognition/knowledge remains’’

 experiences come and go. Cognition/knowledge remains’’


...........so it delineates what is valuable and what is not, and takes one out from illusions of spiritual attainments based on ‘’experiences’’, like unusual visions apparitions /images/noises/messages/coincidences, and resultant mixed feelings/emotions leading them to relate with  bhakthi/ista devatha etc , missing  the ‘’Cognition/knowledge’’ they might have/ have not  stumbled up on , hence, resultant glorification of mysticism.


‘’That is what I have been telling all along - 'anubhava' is not a 'pramana', it is subjective, differs from person to person, and cannot be passed on.


……..…yes, perfectly reasonable, most important to distinguish what to really learn from the great souls, separating the biography[ it may have due place as an inspiration], and person-specific ‘’miracles’’ and only getting at the insights they have gained and expressed, which only can enrich the wisdom  .


‘’Knowledge is obtained through Pramana - 'Valid means of knowledge'’’


………..yes, for this one himself should be able to gain access to the  field within ie ’’satyam gnyanam anantam 

Thursday, March 23, 2023

acting art


prior to learning acting, if the actor first attains the state of ''yogastha'', then his life becomes untouched, and his playing the character in a drama also becomes untouched, he may be in tears rolling, but deep in the core he might be experiencing ''no grief '', and hence could convey the bhava


the ability to experience and /express /convey the bhava as real as possible , ie nearest to life, indicates the depth of the artist, / sincerity/ devotion to the art,


and so i come to a valid conclusion that ..the artist first much reach his depths , thru intense sadhana and get at the cognition of brahman, which is the source of all arts, kalanidhi, and all aesthetics, saundarya, and truth/ authenticity


with this initial preparation the first quarter of the life, he turns out to be a great success in every undertaking, like that of singing/ acting.


if we see a not so good performance, the reason is that essential tapasya ,  is lacking, so the resultant mediocrity. and cannot move the audience greatly