Thursday, September 29, 2016

vowel is ''intelligence'' ..consonant is ''energy''

vowel is ''intelligence'' ie viveka/ discretion/judgement. on what where how which when why of action, it is the process of directing the activity, directing the energy, .........vowels is uttered easily, ie with minimum/ almost 0 input of energy.................

....consonant is ''energy'' ie mass, raw material.
.consonant is uttered by use of some energy ......
but .as it is ,in raw form it has no utility, we cannot use it , unless we process it as per our requirement,
ie...... unless consonant undergoes the right manufacturing process by associating with a vowel, it is not useful,......

..........when associated with vowel it gains energy when associated with intelligence acquires a significance/ value/use/purpose....

....raw material when undergoes a particular process acquires a value a word is thus a ''finished product'' or a word is a component of a finished product, having a value, .....

.......since word is output of intelligence and energy , word has power ..
..........speeches /word groups have great power
....can do wonders, can transform earth into heaven .....

........all with simple/ unchanging small limited number of basic vowels and consonants

terrorists are like destructive labs

factory owner sets up a nice design and manufacturing system
to produce the best quality products

as a necessity, he also sets up the best quality control lab , for severe testing of products….tests may non-destructive tests also destructive tests like drop tests, shock vibration tests etc
when in the lab, a few pieces get broken/destroyed in the tests, inspector is not doing adharma, he is following his assigned duty, doing dharma….mercilessly, without compromise.

rakshasas/terrorists/are like destructive labs….created for a purpose

the quality /excellence of rama stands proven when he wins over the toughest fellow  ravana

hence god created a ravana  and at the end it only helped rama to prove himself

every system needs to be perfect, if not it is exposed
ATM should be tamper proof, the criminal if tampers, he is helping to convey a message that it needs to be improved

If terrorism, crimes prevail it is an indication for society and government to awake from sleep and work for perfecting the system such that it disallows the birth of an enemy

So god has been sending alert signals by creating kasabs etc
This will continue till the humanity raises themselves to the highest ideal of universal brotherhood, peace, prosperity, well being ………...without the need of maintaining army and weapons

All are on the one path of evolution from lower consciousness to higher in their own way
This is the one dharma

And as our duty , Lets add an iota of goodness from each one of us  

analysis is science..synthesis is art.

analysis is science..synthesis is is to learn the science and then design and manufacture products

analysis is to find the truth., including due experimentation,/measurements, comparison... using rationality, common sense, intelligence, logic, science, experience..................not to be content with simple acceptance, and get deluded. .it is alertness at work evaluating the true worth .............. ....most essential.......

and then
 launch up on synthesis, to evolve solutions for problems, design and create desired products of utility and value, and serve the society / even market it for advantageous use

How to enhance and practice analytical and critical thinking?.

...........................basic requirement is a cool non emotional mind, not jumping to quick conclusions, but to patiently do a thorough scrutiny of all datas and also evaluate by trial and error / sample testing on real plane

Birds of the same feather

Birds of the same feather flock together
And beautifully rock together

But ,I am a bird of all feathers,
not limiting to any one particular feather

I flock with all folks
Of all colors, of all walks,

I belong to all parties, all groups, all religions, all gurus
Never stuck or stay sitting in any of the grooves,

Staying unmoved in any weather
Yet Moving all ever hither and thither

Taking the best of all
making the most of any mall

water is in  all the pots
no single pot can hold the total ocean

‘‘All are in me

i am not in them’’

I am just a tree

I am just a tree
under guru grace i became free

it's for me the cool breeze, 
sunshine, rain, nourishment 
manure, fence, 
all in abundance

i grew, i grow, day by day
moment by moment

with leaves, flowers, fruits, cool shade plenty
all his bounty

no need to show off,
it shows 

no need to call and shout
it attracts

each uses me , misuses me
abuses me,
praises me, 

pleases me
adds a bucket of water

some one cuts me to size
some one fells me down

some one burns me
some one turns away

i stand , i with stand, 
i smile i sob, in pain , in pleasure

i continue to grow and grow
i continue to live and reborn

i am not a speaking tree
but birds and beasts around speak

i am silent , i am silence
it's my silence that speaks

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Dwaitha evolves in to adwaitha

Dwaitha evolves in to adwaitha
adwaitha details down to dwaitha,

down to countless thathva
and infinite matha

infinite matha evolve in countless thatva
which evolve into dwaitha

that evolves to adwaitha
and process continues

diversity to unity
unity to diversity

god in unity creates infinite diversity
each item in diversity evolves in to final unity

universe is expanding somewhere
contracting somewhere

we are detailing things 
or we are summing up details

march is upward
and downward

all is forward
it's reward

copypaste , a mere waste?

copypaste , a mere waste?

i say to myself

copypaste ,
a mere waste?

what is there in it?,
it's not your merit

can you not be original?
and be more useful? 

i answer to myself

i am a passing cloud
nothing i am ,nothing mine, no new nor old

i copy some where ,the waters of oceans,
i paste elsewhere, abundant rains

me a copy of divinity
pasted by him as humanity

rishi copies the akshara
pastes as richa

god copies woman and man
pastes as their daughter or son

where is originality of god, newness?
he is ever the same, colorless tasteless odourless

nothing is his creativity, he is mere waste
doing nothing and being nothing , a master copypaste

Poetic i see your

Poetic i see your --''posting blogs on this site 
' infinite', 

yes, both you and me, though are elements finite
are full with creativity infinite

with  prose and poetry flowing off the cuff, and collar 
though in lines bigger or smaller

rishi simply saying 
what he is seeing

helpless we are , god is the writer residing in the pen
we are his ''post'' men

Monday, September 26, 2016



surrender is the first word
i totally surrender to you ,

i realize i am working in your esteemed organization
my office,= the universe
new assignment ,= my office work= is sadhana
my boss=you, god, i have to obey you 

i should work sincerely always when i am working in your organization  

i have to be in team spirit with all in the universe since every one, every being is my colleague
as everyone, everyone is working in your organization as directed by you

your standards are high .
i should strive relentlessly to perform as per your expectations

you are the best teacher. i learn by seeing your example

you are the best manager. i learn management by seeing how you are managing the universe

you are the source of power. i draw all my strength from your infinite reservoir of power that is sath ,from you, who is available to me nearest to me deep inside, most intimate

you hold the world clock.
i set my time, i set my clock,
i set my rhyme and rhythm with reference to your clock

i dance to your thaal ,
i sing to your raag

i plan and perform as per your clock
 your calendar

you are the creator of the live calendar in which seasons are manifesting indicative of thy calendar
lord, let thy clock pulse be always audible to me in my heart

you are my complaint box ,
grievance channel and true help

you really listen to my murmur,
my whims and wishes,

my good and bad, my grumblings, my cries ,
my confessions, my anger and my laughter,

my pain, my sufferings, my noise, my music,
my utterances, my wishes, my whispers ,and my silence

lord, i can only turn to you,
i can only run to you

with all my failures, my successes
my frustrations, my cares and my worries.

you are kind, compassionate, understanding, loving,
always forgiving my mistakes, my blunders
my deceiving, my dishonesties, my insincerities, my cunningness

you are my mother father guru and the elder
you’re my friend philosopher and guide in the real sense

you are the best care taker ,
you’re my nath, ,

shree krishna govinda, hare murare,
hey natha narayana, hey vasudeva

my lord, you are the best doctor,
the best healer
you are vadya, veda,
vidya, vydya ,

please excuse me for my above silly expression
this is only my unnecessary show of the pandithya

time has passed without nishtha ,without sadhana
without prayer, alas , cannot regain

pl make me return to you immediately
pl give me bhakthi shradhdha sincerity

i have come back to you
pl accept my commitment

i here by resolve to start afresh
from 0 base my sadhana, my journey from this moment

surrender is the last word,
i surrender

God is the best fantasy

God is the best fantasy
he is my fancy

whether he exists
or does not want to exist,

i create him ,
i decorate him,

with him i play,
him i pray,

him i always glance,
i see his dance

it's a romance,
care i no meemams

let's take the best of our inner life, 
thru creative fantasy,thru which a kalidas sent a megha sandesh,

imagination reaching out 
what reality of physical world can never reach

best race

best race

best race is towards mukthi, 
we must win let's do it with bhakthi

avoid all other races with yukthi
these are for only bhukthi

though they are attractive, and rakthi
all dissipate our shakthi

sarvathra varjayeth, athi
uvacha from deepest yathi

lead life with mathi
become first adhipathi

sarvothama dheemathi
sampanna, sarva shakthi

sampoorna bhagavathi
sakala vidya saraswathi

possible, with sadhana in the right direction with alacrity, 
not to get entangled with any thing unworthy

Half Empty Half Full

Half Empty Half Full

Glass, a gloss, an illusion
solution is dissolution 

add a drop of divine nectar
lo , it's now full with sweet water

distribute all 
to one and all

now it s empty, with out a trace
now it is full, with divine grace 

now it is empty and full 
nil but not null

Sunday, September 25, 2016

fan, Fantastic

fan, Fantastic


 i am  blessed by your presence august
till now from the month of august

to me a non stop flabbergast
spell you cast, endures tho past

may you continue to spin a lot fun
i enjoy , leave not me an orphan

me your fondest fan,
hanging from sky a ceiling fan

airing my views ,a table fan
standing in awe, a pedestal fan

riding with you , a car fan
driving away heat , an engine cooling fan

but humble ever a bamboo fan
always blowing hot and cold a toophaan

Thank you,  you bought for me, an exhaust fan
let not your fire exhaust ------fan, no fan

oh , i see only now, god is the best fan
a cool winter breeze , a hot summer blast, a whirl an add on

we are his fans, he is our fan, with all his variety 
ever free gift, of vayu deva, our breath , his charity

thanks , for adding to my store, the best of all fans , i really feel his presence in the cool breeze just now coming in from window

thorn inspires me,

thorn inspires me,
to dance in ecstasy ,
to sing melodiously
to flow into poetry, to elaborate into a commentary,
to understand the ways of nature more subtlety,
to take the pricks more sweetly,
to see it as a unique product of god,.
to make use of it in infinite ways.,

what a glory the story of thorn is!!.,
what a beauty the tip of the thorn is!!.
what a great utility the thorn has.,!!

thorn , kanta hai ek Nanha Farishta:,
though in the guise of a devil or evil,
he is a little angel. a kind-hearted person filled with happiness,
and will make you feel good infinitely.,

thorn is the conscience, the Self,
Active, Leader, Initiative, sharp, alert,
Assertive, intelligent , guru, teaches a lot,
warms, and warns,

alerts one to the correct track , with little pricks, though hurting a bit ,
thorn is like sun , hot sun, sharp rays, burns, makes you sweat,
wakes us up early in the morning, walks all along the day ,
unlike the cool, dull moon,which makes one to sleep and snore

thorn has made the man to invent a needle,
to do the embroidery, to create fashion fabric,
to invent a injection needle, to administer a medicine, to save a life.......
thron is innocent, it does not come to us and does not want to prick us ,
but if one interferes with it, it takes one to task,
teaches him a lesson for life....

and man ran away and invented the slippers...
cruelly now he treads on the thorns and tries to destroy though needlessly....

thorn is a to z security to the tree to protect the delicate flowers and tender leaves,...
it is a personified soldier.

In the world’s broad field of battle,
In the bivouac of Life,
Be not like dumb, driven cattle!
Be a hero in the strife!

point became a nail, an arrow, it became a shoola, a thrishoola,
when the point of the thorn / needle became a line,
shaped as a sharp blade, an axe, a knife, a sword,
a saw, a chisel, a screw driver, a drill, a cutting tool,...
all are the ways a thorn has directed the intelligence to learn a lesson.....

ie, what cannot be accomplished by a blunt / gross/ dull entity
can be easily accomplished by a sharp,/subtle entity........
hence the saying...kushagra budhi ,.... ie pointed sharp tip of the grass sharp intellect.........
which penetrates the gross layers like a sharp thorn...............
man has learnt enough lessons
on how to make use of the..seemingly...unfavorable encounters
to one's best advantage/ benefit /utility /evolution/ development/ growth.

supreme has ways to teach lessons , pleasantly , joyfully,
also with adversities/ difficulties / hardships,
and one who is creative and energetic utilizes every encounter bravely ,
and becomes a lesson for others..............
noble prize -, malala episode is a great eye opener on the thorny path,.......
also using thorn to remove thorns...
a few women in the bus gave belt blows to the thorny miscreants
that made the world wonder open mouthed.

we do the ''poking'' in facebook,
it is like waking up one from inaction to active participation..................
somehow the principle of thorn is ubiquitous in nature,

the mosquito bites/ pricks / sucks blood,
but it is its life line, pricking and sucking the nourishment is a design of nature.
rose and other trees are known for their thorns ,
honey bee is more kind, it bites only if got interfered with ,......
but the recent Sydneysiege is for what?
why a violence / harmful behavior at all?
so it proves man is more foolish than other jeevas,...
so nature will teach a lesson and reform him
or wipes out the human race for ever?
on the other side, both devas and rakshasas did cooperate
and made the sagar manthan a success,

what is right what is wrong with the thorny behavior?
and will the thorns continue to survive
or only flowers will be there?
but nature seems having its own purpose in its grand design of the universe,,,,,,

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

verses of Vedas and Smritis have different levels of wisdom

1.. verses of Vedas and Smritis have different levels of wisdom 

the degrees of profundity of which get revealed in proportion to the level of the seer
and will not be the same for every one, since every seer differs in their ability to see.

since, the vedic truths have been cognized by rishis in the light of pure awareness in deepest state of samadhi

so the traditions have been established to carry forward  that light to generations ie the experience of the state of samadhi, leading to the pure awareness.

in this state, one is able to get the true import of the deepest knowledge, 
and is able to rise to see a supreme all encompassing comprehensive perspective
in which he comes to know the precision and perfection of the laws of nature that are underlying the governance of the universe, and sees the complementary of the diversity and opposites
and gets guided to know the right values in every aspect of the manifest universe

2 but the purity of teaching gets lost over the passage of times, due to various factors, 
due to this, the import cannot be cognized in its true value, 

different versions, interpretations, translations, partial expressions, inadequate perceptions, distortions, and misinterpretations abound 
controversies, debates, arguments, even fights, and factionalism, claiming the authority and superiority will result, all due to blurred visions 

and the community innocently, inadvertently, without their fault is mislead into 
wrong, faulty value system, harmful practices, meaningless rituals, superstitions, and sentiments,
resulting in suffering, exploitation, looking down upon, ill treatment, of the whole or significant segment of community 

this happens every now and then in the passage time passing on religiously this load of poisonous beliefs, and falsehoods down to generations

3 the harm that is done comes as a cluster of evils in various aspects of life, not limited to one single aspect, and ruin is certain, and huge, almost catastrophic, unbearable, an incurable disease, beyond the hope of cure by any means 

however, by the grace of great nature, which is flawless, 
new saints are born as per the need of times to illumine the track 
and bring back the purity and guide the humanity once again in the proper values.
what they mainly provide is the experience of the pure awareness, nothing less, nothing more 
once this light is switched on, the ignorance goes, human being sees the follies
and automatically gets corrected and quickly and evils start disappearing as a bunch 
and life is rebuilt, renovated, restructured on the fresh deep strong foundations of absolute truth

4 in the light of the pure awareness, all scriptures get revealed from within, and gets expressed as vedas and smritis, this is the rishi experience, it can be even ''figments of imagination'' but will be in typical, the cryptic form of expression, and can reveal to the reader truly only in the light of his pure awareness 

any other reader is bound to misunderstand, and so misinterpret, and face consequences if implemented in real life on earth plane 

the Role of 'Vedas' in Degradation of Status of Women in India is due to this reason mainly, ie, the inability to access the truth of life, 
not only this, as a already stated, this inability leads to a huge package of evil practices 
and the one single effective solution is that individual and society as a whole must be guided to the enlightening experience of the pure awareness, irrespective of gender , or any grade/ segment, and automatically get set right .

the national laws, counseling, and reformations serve only on the surface level, but not at root level, but the humanity must be guided by the natural laws, from within, at the roots of the mind to effectively bring in all round good to all

5 who is right is not the issue, what is right is the main concern ......and what is right differs from context to context 

for example, manu was a king, and he devised a code relevant to his time, manu smriti, though appropriate to the situation of social consciousness prevalent at that time, the principles there are not eternal laws of nature, and hence cannot be valid for all times, and will be fallacious to apply in a changed context,

if one is hanging on to such outdated prescriptions, he is miserably mistaken, consequences are bound to be ruinous 

the individual and the society need to be ever vigilant to be updating continuously with alacrity, to stay healthy and grow, by being open minded, not sticking on to obsolete and absurd dogmas, beliefs, strictures of the past all in the name of religion and spirituality

for this, one has to know the clear distinction between satyam and rutham

satyam is eternal truth, the constitution of universe, veda, 
and one must know this and know how to live according to this , ie completely in accordance with the eternal laws of nature, which also are valid for every one in every age. then one grows on the path of evolution, without any problem 

rutham is contextual code, the political, social norm applicable to that specific situation /country / time / but not eternally valid for all for all time

if one takes one for the other, confusion and consequent loss are bound to happen

here , i find that mainly such a mistake did happen in the case manu's strictures on women
but the root reason is that the elite lost the essence of sanathan dharma , the light of self realization , though religiously following a outdated code / rituals

I may be utterly wrong, but this is my personal assessment, not to be taken as derogatory, nor seriously, Dr. S. P. Radhakrishan; is the best learned intellectual, philosopher, but i see him not as a self realized master, so at his level he may be right in criticizing vedas

for truly understanding and authentically commenting on vedas, the light of self realization is a must 

i will see this book if i trace it on the web and update my thinking ,

Perhaps i am stretching too much
you may kindly dismiss my views without hesitation 

i am too small to judge bhu, or the phd awarded author .
but my point remains,
true grasp on the implied essence of veda / hymns/ vedic manthras cannot be rightly gained without the glimpse of the self 
so i like to know whether the author, and the faculty evaluating her thesis are self realized souls or not
my guess is that they are great intellectuals, who have totally / thoroughly read the vedas
but without the self realization 
btw, casually i am consolidating and preparing a thesis of my cognitions, and wish to apply for phd, 
of course, these must be evaluated by self realized faculties
i may get in touch with bhu too in due course
i am not in a hurry , not very particular on this 

with this interesting, incisive interaction, i gained a lot, 
now will start exploring vedas, i have some tapes and web is a great help
thank you regards, if i find any thing interesting i will share with you

Again i am going tangentially
veda is knowledge
it is such a knowledge giving clues for living a glorious life, in all round goodness happiness to the individual, community, and environ. such a great knowledge cannot be overlooking the well being of female , 
what ever is causing harm, cannot be a vedik knowledge 
then such a damaging content must necessarily the wrong grasp and wrong application in practical life

I admit my limitation of not being familiar with written scriptures in general and veda and smritis in particular .hence i am going tangential , 

also i am of a firm opinion that scriptures are to be cognized from within the consciousness,and so i normally avoid reading the scriptures,not get colored by the wriiten stuff 
but my views are based on my own little ability to access my inner self and come out with cognitions,that is how i get at the essence of the scriptures from within 
no objection you may call this as figments of imagination,

God or man who is more powerful

God or man who is more powerful

god is the supreme, powerful, all knowing, 

still human appears to be more powerful than him 

and eventually started to manage every thing by himself, overtaking god, 

and learnt to correct--- the silly mistakes of god---

god tried

tried to drench with rain, man came out with umbrella raincoat,waterproofing

tried to bake him in hot sun, man put on slippers and shoes

tried to break his head, man rode with a helmet

wanted to burn with hell fire, man came with fireproofing, extinguishers, fire alarms

tried to deafen with thunders, man with his little finger or earplugs sealed 
to kill ,created lions,tigers ,man simply trapped them in circus cage

created diseases to destroy, came medicines even cancer under check

tried to create confusion by theories and philosophies, man said I am rational, am scientist ,no confusion and mysteries

planned starvation deaths by dry seasons, but godowns are full with grain

sunk water to torture by thirst, but man reached deeper by borewells

caused accidents, but immediately came ambulance, doctor nurse, medicine,

sucked blood, but man helped by blood donation/blood banks

gave four, but man said i can walk with two

started to create population problem , man came with condoms,pills,abortion

god planned to delete birth, man said no with testtube/sperm planting/secret mothers

god wanted to be monopoly to all knowing, man created the web /media knowing better

he tried to drown, but man swam, oceans

tried to push down, denying wings …man created aeroplane and walked in air

tried suffocation, but man came with oxygen cylinders, ventilators

man, the supreme super god, is able to communicate to the entire world through simply on keyboard ,email, phone ,transmitter,video, 

let god create any harm , 
man is there to protect all, to take care all, 
even to excuse god for his follies out of his ignorance, ego, foolishness, stupidity 

man lives long whether god wishes him or not, 
man being more virtuous, more kind, more considerate, more rational than god who created him----- by mistake---- probably

---------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
let this be in small print, so that readers will skip , otherwise they will not praise my extra wisdom

god !
do not ask me the question----- who gave you all the intelligence and energy, to do all that?

if you ask, i will have to hide my face behind you only
-------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------

Enlightened person does not fit into any scale

Enlightened person does not fit into any scale

Enlightened person does not fit into any scale, weight, dimensions, specs, expectations, patterns, descriptions, of past , and present or even future.

he is unique.

every moment he updates himself with ever updating almighty,
and is totally a new expression in his creation,

some times surprising, shocking ,
but always charming, playful, in bliss, knowledge, energy intelligence ,
he may walk fast slow
run fly swim, swing,
dance, jump bump
or stay unmoved unshaking,
like a stone dead ,
nothing can measure him,
nor can estimate precisely by what ever means .

 On the other hand , enlightened man , thru his light of experience, thru the depths he has fathomed in his inner being, will , in split second, can evaluate the real worth of all ,

knows haalaath of every one, kaun kithne paani me hai.
none can cape his penetrating scrutiny,
none can win him in pretense, fraud, oversmartness.
Enlightened person simultaneously may look,
dull and smart,
fool and wise,

serious and frivolous,