Monday, July 29, 2013

First, Second, etc. | Learn Sanskrit Online

First, Second, etc. | Learn Sanskrit Online

First, Second, etc.

Now that you're familiar with Sanskrit numbers, we can study words like "first" and "second." These words are derived from the numbers we just saw, and they are used as adjectives.

First to Tenth

As mentioned above, these numbers are used as adjectives. These words are often used to number the chapters of a work:
  • अथ प्रथमो ऽध्यायः । अर्जुनविषादयोगः
    atha prathamo 'dhyāyaḥ । arjuna-viṣāda-yogaḥ
    Now starts the first chapter : the yoga of Arjuna's despair
In English, the words from "fourth" onward mostly use "-th", but the words from "first" to "third" do not. In the same way, the words from "fourth" onward use ī for the feminine, but the words from "first" to "third" do not. This correspondence is a coincidence, but it's a useful way to remember which consonants use ī in the feminine.

11th to 19th

The number remains the same. It is inflected like a noun ending in -a. The feminine uses ī.
  • अथ षोडशो ऽध्यायः । दैवासुरसम्पद्विभागयोगः
    atha ṣoḍaśo 'dhyāyaḥ । daiva-asura-sampad-vibhāga-yogaḥ
    Now starts the sixteenth chapter : the yoga of the division between divine and demonic fates

20th to 99th

The number either has tama added to the end of it or is "contracted" to a shorter form.
  • द्वाविंशतितम
  • एकविंश, चतुस्त्रिंश, नवचत्वारिंश, अष्टापञ्चाश, द्वाषष्ट, सप्तसप्तत, पञ्चाशीत, षड्णवत
    ekaviṃśa, catustriṃśa, navacatvāriṃśa, aṣṭāpañcāśa, dvāṣaṣṭa, saptasaptata, pañcāśīta, ṣaḍṇavata
    twenty-first, thirty-fourth, forty-ninth, fifty-eighth, sixty-second, seventy-seventh, eighty-fifth, ninety-sixth

100th onward

The number either has tama added to the end of it or remains the same.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Vivekananda Vedanta Network - Vivekananda's Quotes

Vivekananda Vedanta Network - Vivekananda's Quotes
Be a hero. Always say, “I have no fear.” Tell this to everyone—“Have no fear.”
Be brave! Be strong! Be fearless! Once you have taken up the spiritual life, fight as long as there is any life in you. Even though you know you are going to be killed, fight till you “are killed.” Don’t die of fright. Die fighting. Don’t go down till you are knocked down.
Be not afraid, for all great power throughout the history of humanity has been with the people. From out of their ranks have come all the greatest geniuses of the world, and history can only repeat itself. Be not afraid of anything. You will do marvelous work.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Sticking to truth

Wall Updates | Speakingtree.inSticking to truth , nothing but truth, plain truth, wins in the long run, 
though may appear rude, egoistic, uncivilized, manner-less, tactless, even foolish 

any coloring , masking, maneuvering will be seen thru 
humility sometimes is cunning -ness
cheats approach with best ''humility''

Vinaya humility is manipulation of natural behavior

Vinaya humility is manipulation of natural behavior

Vinaya humility is manipulation of natural behavior,
culturization, artificiality, cleverness
just to win over others,

trying to appear as good,
making oneself acceptable to others
just to tide over the difficult encounters

---so I do not consider it as a great virtue
but a great skill, nothing more 

Innocence is different from humility

Innocence is just to be in readiness to respond as is,
naturally , a childlike,
without the intervention of manipulation
or moderation, or modulation,
it is a tap , full with flowing water,
ready to flow if just turned on ,

no culturization, no suppressing, no waiting,
a state of responding to situations
with natural abilities in full,
not trying to gain favours 
or good impressions from others,
non moderating , non artificial, non calculating ,
even unknowing consequences,
unmindful of the vulnerability to dangers, or loss

Bhola, Shankar is innocent , he is no humble
He is jatajoota, no kesha sanskar,
Charmambar, casual to cover himself with what ever available
Digambar, no sense of shame, no body consciousness
Bhasmanga ragaya, just smearing himself with insignificant ahes
Pramatha gana , No status conscious, all are welcome
Nagendra haraya, ok, let me keep this snake as a garland
Bhilsapathi, begging here and there just sufficient to fill the stomach
Nataraja, Dancing as he likes
Smashan vasi, any place is ok for meditation
Giving all boons to bhasmasur , may be even overdose
Just impatient with manmatha , burning him down to ashes, with fury of anger
He is epitome of acceptance, yet not allowing any kidding by others,
He is in deep Samadhi while in intense activity
And innocence is no illusion, no maya, it is in being in present moment fully alert
Bhola nath in us has enough to give enough to teach, enough to deliver us from illusions , to stark reality,
so let the bholanath have his full say in us

Ego is the sprout of the seed of the tree ''ahambrahmasmi''

Ego is the sprout of the seed of the tree ''ahambrahmasmi''
it is not negative, it is wrongly understood, hence misinterpreted by all well meaning intellectuals and enlightened persons
ayn rand has said exceptionally rightly that ''human ego is the fountain head of progress'' --nearest right statement
it is full of feelings ,emotions,---its leaves, twigs, tender branches
this plant will grow strong , matures into aham brahmasmi, the tree of universal ego.
it should be protected, tended, attended with all care, respect which it rightly deserves, and allowed to grow
if not ,
if interfered with environ outside or insde, it definitely gets hurt, ruffled, disturbed, harmed , creating unpardonable, obstacles for its natural growth.
meditation helps in expanding to universal ego, on the way healing the wounds scratches, pricks , bruices,  damaged parts.
When individual ego expands to universal ego, iindividual ego merges with it losing itself, becomes totally non existent.
as sadhana matures, one lives only the universal ego life filled with bliss, love, understanding, kindness --in this state he is not vulnerable to any abuse or praise, unaffected, just smiles away any such .
since he finds that he alone is, all is he,  all are his, as if components of his own body, his ownpersonality, and feels the my-ness ,mamatha, with all ---with  every thing / being

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Have a Personal Value System

Have a Personal Value System 
personal value system is a set of principles or ideals that drive and/or guide your behavior.
Your personal value system gives you structure and purpose by helping you determine what is meaningful and important to you.
It helps you express who you are and what you stand for.
If you are unaware of, or become disconnected with your values, you end up making choices out of impulse or instant gratification rather than on solidreasoning and responsible decision-making.
Your values define your character .valuesystem
They impact every aspect of your life including personal and work behaviors, your interactions with family, friends and co-workers; yourdecision-making processes and the direction you take in life. This is why it is so important to know what you value and what is important to you.
Four Categories of a Personal Value System
Personal Values - Personal values are those traits we see as worth aspiring to, and that define our character.
Spiritual Values - The values that connect us to a higher power and give us a sense of purpose beyond our material existence.
Family Values - To love and care for those we are close to; our children, our parents, other family members, and our friends.
Career Values - The best use and expression of our talents and skills for the purposes of contributing to society and for monetary compensation.
Which values do we as social beings find desirable?
No matter what tradition we are brought up in, there are characteristics we value in others which transcend social, economic and religious boundaries. Some of these characteristics are:
Integrity is trustworthiness, honesty and uprightness of character. We value people of integrity because we know what to expect from them. We know they will act honorably and that they will do what they think is right. We want people with integrity as our friends, on our teams and in our organizations.
Respect is honoring the worth and dignity of all people. Those who respect others treat them with fairness and courtesy. They treat others the way they themselves wish to be treated.
Loyalty is a commitment and faithfulness to a person or cause. Those who are loyal to their family, friends, organizations and country stand behind and support them during good times and bad times. They can be counted on to be there when the going gets difficult and to help out when the chips are down.
Those who accept responsibility are reliable, dependable and willing to take accountability for who they are and what they do. They believe they have a moral obligation to help others and to make a contribution to the society they live in.
No matter what values we choose live by, it is vital that we look at the big picture, assess what we want our role to be, and map out how we intend to conduct our lives.