Thursday, May 20, 2021

Vedic Agriculture Technology


Vedic Agriculture Technology,Vedic Farming,Organic Farming,Indian Biodynamic Agriculture,Indian Agriculture Technology,Biodynamic Farming In India,Organic Agriculture Farming In India,India

Vedic Agriculture Technology,Vedic Farming,Organic Farming,Indian Biodynamic Agriculture,Indian Agriculture Technology,Biodynamic Farming In India,Organic Agriculture Farming In India,IndiaHome » Vedic Agriculture Technology

Vedic Agriculture Technology

The agricultural practices talked about in Rigveda, Krishiprasara, Manusmriti, Agni Purana and Vriksha Ayurveda are also known as the Vedic Agriculture, which is the time tested and time honoured. These Agriculture modes have been devised to pursue the exclusive belief of "harmony" with nature. Having harmony with nature entails its creatures to comprise reverence and gratefulness for living and non-living objects, and maintain synchronization with natural forces or five elements viz., earth, water, air, fire and sky. Along with taking full care of recycling of matter, this natural harmony has been devised to put emphasis on saha-astitva, co-existence and co-relation with living and non-living entities, and never follow the line of dominance or exploitation.

It is a universally- known fact that a symbiotic rapport presents amid matter and energy in plants and animals, as matter nurtures and energy protects. As a consequence, the equilibrium is preserved to the highest level among the nature and its constituents. Some more information regarding the topic could easily be read in the Indian Vedic texts.

Vedic farming is a crop production system which stays away from the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, chemical growth regulators etc. The Vedic farming production system has been the product of the Indian Vedic aspects and literatures, which clearly depicts the use of natural ingredients on farm organic inputs and also natural/ biological/ mechanical pest control and plant protection measures with minimal use of permissible natural minerals. Thus, the Vedic farming results in Healthy Soils, Healthy Food, Healthy Environment and Healthy Human being & Livestock.

Goals of Vedic Agriculture Technology

We, at Vinatia Enterprises observe these as the bright prospects and follow the same to achieve some goals through our Vedic Agriculture Technology. We have a wish to expand eco-friendly agriculture through the nearby obtainable native technology of organic sources of nutrients and weed / pest management for presenting harmless food to the people which also profits resource poor farmers and environment. With our Vedic Agriculture Technology, we have a dream to work together in a productive and life-enhancing way with natural systems & cycles linking micro organisms, soil flora & fauna, plants and animals. Our long term objectives through this innovative technology also tend us to preserve long-term fertility of soil for sustainable agriculture, lessen all forms of pollution and increase farmers’ income.

Consultancy for Vedic Agriculture Technology

We at Vinatia present consultancy in implementation of Vedic Agriculture Technology which facilitate organizations and industries to get a step closer to ecologically sustainable farming technologies like organic farming, biodynamic agriculture and Vedic organic agriculture. Our consultancy embraces conveying of technical assistance on Organic farming, Biodynamic agriculture, Vedic organic agriculture and Solid waste management. We present an inclusive package of practices for an assortment of agricultural and horticultural crops, beverages like tea and coffee, spices, medicinal and aromatic plants. We also carry out training programs on organic agriculture and biodynamic agriculture, and our directors / managers / executives / supervisors and farm workers take part in the accomplishment of project at the client's site.

We are also involved in putting together the Biodynamic and Vedic arrangements at the client's site as per the requisite of the project, employing the locally available resources. We unite international certification agencies, buyers, exporters and importers of organic produce and analyze that we have presented good quality and internationally up to standard product. Our approach towards the project is to make the farming system a self-sustaining unit not only for decades but also for centuries.

Our Services

Organic Farming / Biodynamic Agriculture

We endow a total package of practices for all the agricultural and horticultural crops, tea and coffee, medicinal and aromatic plants to the companies / organizations / industries into organic cultivation of any of the above-mentioned crops. After taking into thought the agro-ecological parameters of the client's site, we design the project. Assistance and guidance are being offered from our side to the organizations/farmer groups/companies into conservative chemical farming and desire to change their farms to organic or wish to venture into organic farming.

We smooth the progress for entrepreneurs who are concerned in undertaking organic farming to kick off projects on a variety of crops, medicinal and aromatic plants etc. in accordance to the market demand. We speed up the international and national buyers to acquire the organic products as per the requirements, and also help in linking diverse exporters, importers and producers. We assist the clients to acquire their farm / estate / produce certified organic from well-known international certifying agencies, and also carry out training programmes for the managers / executives / farm workers involved in the project implementation at the client's organization.

Monday, May 10, 2021

US Army incorporates yoga in training

 US Army incorporates yoga in training

excellent, start with  _t_i_t_   bits,
initial steps, faltering , in bits
towards a journey forward
beyond the use for porno,
for military to kill a brother,
widowing a mother
to the values of mythri karuna muditha, upeksha,–
to the living of sahana vavathu,
sahanau bhunakthu
…….maa vidvishava hai
—–om shanthihi,
averting the birth of enemy…
conquering the parts,
the arts,
and the hearts ,
the space
and the universe,
to become a jagannath
ruling along with god,
becoming one with god.
the army marching past
all the intermediate fast

Universe is my drawing room


Universe is my drawing room

Universe is my drawing room
my mind is the tv showing the in, out ,zoom

who objects if  i take the sun and moon
to light up my way as torch in my hand?

why not  trees of all forests be my kitchen garden?
to learn lessons  let shanti niketan be  my kinder garten

walls are physical, let them be
mental walls why should they be?

adishankara is expansive, wall less---delimited the relations from limited physical identities, and walks borderless, boundless, free,  owning the three lokas as own country

Matha cha Parvati Devi, Pitha Devo Maheswarah
Baandhava Shiva Bhaktyascha, Svadesho Bhuvanatrayam''

luxuries can be in any denomination

 luxuries can be in any denomination at any occasion. but , when the current count is in hundred/thousand/lakh crores, still a 'devoted' and ' kind' heart is searching for one rupee coin in his pockets, if not less, to drop in the bhiksha paathra of beggar --probably to gain punya or  in the spirit of helping the poor. spirit will continue, not the quan_t_i_t_y. ye_t i_t- is a indication of poverty of mind ,poverty of nation's mind , a state of durbhiksha.

subhiksha is the qualification a nation acquires when poor get abundance of bhiksha, it may take time, let not the poor wait.
declare a new currency of a naya rupee ,nr,worth ins 100  so that counting becomes comfortable for the prosperous, and the 'kind hearts' will as usual throw the minimum denomination to the beggar . god will bless those 'kind hearted '100 times better, pleased with subhiksha.

i am looking for a gem

 i am looking for a gem out of pebbles, a true states[wo]man who can really take the affairs of nation to a new high, who can establish a ramrajya , who is truth****l as sathya harishchandra, who treats the kingship as trifle, like gautham budha, who  has real national spirit who is human but who has conquered the usual weaknesses like lust.

any one who does not fit in  the tightest job specifications of the post  will fail utterly and in no time. india deserves the best, not any thing less, being a great country, a unique in world in many ways.
history has seen enough examples. let us see who will be that great person.
is he there already or yet to be born?
let us make a search or create one?

shakaahaari by physiology,it is unnatural to eat flesh.

 shakaahaari by physiology,it is unnatural to eat flesh.

our discretion, where is it, why be sheep to follow a lesser way?
we  as human, have a duty to treat the living beings as our own children and kith and kin, as a matter of just a little prema, a little karuna, leave alone the cultural ethos of ours.
does it not move one’s heart to see or imagine an animal, a fowl , a fish being cut,merciless, bleeding and convulsing with great pain and suffering and falling dead–all to satisfy our urge ?
man, pause a little, ponder a bit, go not backward in the evolution to stone a_g_e_  _w_hen due to survival needs, he ,had to / did kill and ate flesh unknowing
now there is no such need .man can live without killing, and can live better.
also dress is a factor of culture base****eographical variants, not necessary the tie,suit,boot for tropical environ.
each o_f_  _u_s individually must think and decide what is good and bad, and whether is it really not possible to live better. then only there is a hope to minimise negatives in the individual life and society

shackles of distortedtradition

 need to break the shackles of tradition'' yes, but the shackles of distortedtradition. tradition, when loses its originality, becomes shackles . purpose of tradition is to liberate not bind.

4 ''Follow Yourself, Not Tradition'' tradition in fact says follow yourself, for this you must know your self, otherwise danger of recklessness under the influence of conditioned mind, call it even tradition, in fact a distortion
5 ''not communicate at appropriate time ****ut a problem'' nice diagnosis, and root solution. women may not fall behind , if they know, in fact may venture more than their due.

Resorting to a guru

 Resorting to a guru, today in the 21st century may be anachronistic. I am not questioning the need of a 'research guide'. He guides you to the right books or other references. But that person is a far cry from the Vedic guru, possibly''

in any age, there has been/will be a need of a guide, who/which can be in any form, till the evolution of the being reaches a point when he will not have any doubts ****ut the basic questions of life, whi**** called self realized state or most evolved state
he will not be in need of books or teachers , he being himself ****ok and teacher
proof of pudding--if the result is the enlightenment, le**** happen in any way, with/without guru/book/guide/own eff****r on its own.
let this be understood once that enlightenment is the end all and be all of life and it is a reality not an assumption/feeling/c​onjecture/mood
it is worth the life's effort, priority no 1, very very serious matter, not a matter of stopping at study/debate/, it is a matter to be attained in reality.
it decides whether the life lived is a super success or utter failure, despite a  thousand other attainments

which one is going to survive

 no ‘creature’ can predict which one is going to survive.

nature has complex ways , not possible to comprehend or predict with precision
”Then we probably, refine ourselves to realize ‘what we feel as good’. Thus,perhaps we realize ‘the universal good”’
excellent , now the thud effect is gone, you are finest in logic, i feel little relaxation
”prove what we think is the universal good”
once realization is its own proof, you will know that this is it.
non existence of any doubts , result of enlightenment, is its proof
Better write poems? That also refines… Or think of the humming of bees and the cooing of birds and enjoy the blooming flowers, including human, in Vasant as far as we can. Caan’t that too refine?
Perhaps, better, leave thinking of the ultimate for Hemant…. Live to the rhythm of the Ritus! (The root meaning must be the same: ‘cadence’
very beauti****l conclusion.  yes,  but matter of slight sequencing.
biggest point is
it is as a the result of the system attaining the refinement , that you flow in poem, [naan rishi kuruthe kaavyam] , sense song in birds cooing, and enjoy beauty of nature’s blooming etc but not the other way . ie, these activities are not the way to refine the system [though some good feeling may be perceived in the process]
not all can say ” my heart leaps up when i behold a rainbow in the sky” only wordsworth can say.
Perhaps, better, leave thinking of the ultimate for Hemant…. Live to the rhythm of the Ritus! (The root meaning must be the same: ‘cadence’
nice, this is the aim and result —life in tune with nature—a result of enlightenment
hence our tradition values enlightenment first foremost for life to be in everlasting waves of happiness

ramdev will be a natural choice

swami ramdev will be a natural choice, he has started purification drive at the right point–the individual –thru his teaching of divyayog sadhan ,thru pranayam, dhyan and such traditional disciplines, which transform the individual from root level cleansing the system of all negative tendencies and to make it orient to the natural evolutionary positive tendencies. this was what has been the the requirement and fatally got neglected in the modern education, which could produce educated criminals, lacking sense of values, missing the very purpose of life, their attention ****lly directed outward, their efforts engaged in ****lfilling insatiable greed, thru hook or crook,  going undetected,  these appearing as respectable thru their suit boot coat and  tie, and nicely mastered english.
but due to media and some honesty survived here and there, these culprits or cheats are now getting nakedly exposed—–this is the first step in the transformation that is happening—-that is more and more well meaning people coming to know the failure of the education.
they looked for a change, discovered existence of pure systems and started participation in large numbers and transforming themselves more and more,—this is the second step.
such members  increa****nd cons****uting a really enlightened citizen-hood, whi**** really qualified to elect the government and finally electing the best individuals without label /bias/impositions—the third step.
and to sustain the good it must be again on the basis of more and more good people—the fourth step towards nearl__y  _i_d_eal democracy which lasts and delivers goods and good
miracles do not happen, but can be made to happen
time, patience, sadhan, a determination not to stop ”till the goal is reached”–will surely fetch result.
let not our responsibility be forgotten in the hope of /and waiting for one individual alone to bring ****ut the huge process of reformation .
such people like swami ramdev are kindling the unique light and it is our responsibility to illumine the community  ”jyoth se jyoth lagaathe chalo prem ki ganga bahathe chalo”
trend of events is signalling the advent of this silent transformation ,prashaanth parinaam, which will permeate the whole arena of life, in our country first ,the pre-final step, and  in the life of humanity all over the planet–the final step.
the violent transformations are/will be  failing, short lived and repeating, without bringing in the aspired improvement–getting hijacked in trifle, by clever leaders .

as people do not know how to rise in their level of consciousness, being ignorant of higher values other than money/comfort/licentiousness–to be deserving anything better. 

ramdev as a yug purush


ramdev as a yug purush

 ramdev as a yug purush, timely, to reestablish the dharma, which has suffered enough glani in the hands of brilliant looking agnanis, leading to several wrong practices mainly with a view on commercialism.
cola pepcy are not essential, so are kissan, maaza or bottled, when fresh seasonal are available. let us take the supp****f mathru bhashas, sanskruth, while learning english, wear befiiting attire, to suit the tropical nature of our country, not suit boot coat tie while sweatting pro****sely with a hot summer...the list of good is endless for those who want
let us keenly listen to him and practice the guidance given, with alacrity, and be a contribut**** elevate the life, though in small ways
ok every good thing need not be learnt from a guru or ramdev, who has initiated a drive to make the human to live better. for an aspirant, every one such suggestions should lead him to discover thousand ways to quickly and intelligently to retract on the sound principles, need not be a follower/critic of ramdev or any guru
outside guru just signals to dive deep and take enough from the parabrahma, direct,  on what is good, what to be shunned. take your own guidance from within, if you can, and elevate to a better existence, that being the purpose, any advice from outside or from within is nothing but voice of god and must be given heed.
i feel fortunate that a few such diamonds ,at least ,are there amidst the rubbles and pebbles ****unding.

become free from being a football


no preach/no 'ad',

no preach/no 'ad', --my use of the word / phrase is just in a literal meaning , a good/right way of living--in which we become free from being a football at situations and cir****stances.
do not impose a brand on it, not intended to convey.
as you know there are many arts, writing  /speaking  / painting / singing  etc all to make life a rich experience. to express life in a rich way.
in the same way there must be /is/has been a way , an art  to lead a life of ****lfilment free from the ugliness of the unwanted happenings.
it is up to every one to explore/experiment/experience thru self efforts or thru help from others and avoid  suffering.
we must find what is mis****nd guide the life in the right track.
and we must help others if we can in our way by advice, direction, material help, counsel and other ways.
as a human being i feel for such sad history , repeating with vengeance, can't help commenting or lamenting over and express my perception in my own way , not to hurt/please/preach/advice, but to went my heartfelt emotions.
if it induces some hearts to empathy, welcome, it may open a way.
if no**** is a waste of time, ignore
long fellow pens ''life is not an empty is earnest''
and  ''moving ****er writes, having writ moves on...''
i welcome feed back/correction, this exercise is a nice learning process,

divisions based on language, culture, religion, region

now it is just does not fit logic to address to divisions based on language, culture, religion, region, status, colour, e****mic status ,etc  in view of  inter-mobility/communication/transport/enterprise/education of the citizens unable/unnecessary to be limited to a category, out of necessity to survive and grow, they continuously exploring and discovering alternatives/opportunities all over the country and the world
at least india can be nicely administered by a simple division of territory by horizontal and vertical lines in convenient sizes, purely for administrative convenience, and people free to live and expand any where.
some intelligent objective evaluation is to be done keeping aside all considerations, emotions etc, applying all modern scientific approaches.
kuch paana hai , tho kuch khona hai

jamaana badal rahaa hai, mushkile badh rahe hai 

let us learn and master english,


let us learn and master english,

let us learn and master english, to day's international language,
let us learn and master sanskuth, yesterday's national , tomorrow's  national ,international language
let us learn and master mathru bhaashas, vikrythis/dialects of sanskruth , all time prantheeya bhaashas
let us learn and master all bhaaratheeya bhaashaas and shine as bharatheeyas , beyond, unlimited by praantheeyatha
wisdom must guide, not sentiment/ attachment/slavery/fancy
art is long life is short
yet ,tomorrow is as we mould today
new worlds are created by brave visionaries
mama bhaasha deva bhaasha
deva bhaashena divya sanskruthi udbhaveth, sambhaveth
asthu ithi athi sulabha saadhyam, antharjaala [internet] mahimena

one shouted earth is flat


one shouted earth is flat

one shouted earth is flat, earth did not become flat, flattered
other hooted it is round, earth did not become round, fluttered
remained ever what_  _it _ is , what ever uttered, shuttered.

The search for the ultimate is what modern science does.


The search for the ultimate is what modern science does.

The search for the ultimate is what modern science does.”
modern science , a child, starting from crawl, a scratch, learnt abcd , has been quick to grow into a nice responsible adult citizen, gaining respect by its contribution to life’s journey, cutting out all frills of supers****ion, faith, belief, standing firm on a solid foundation of logic , mathematical accuracy, experimentation and verification.
it did not stop nor reached a dead end, it has marched forward in an endless exploration and is reaching the ultimate nearly almost, having post graduated into unity physics, unified field[ worth a share, bing search unified field theory]. such ”search for the truth WAS inbuilt into Indian Civilization” which always stressed the need for aiming at capturing the unity, the universal power , in to one’s grip, to have it in the hand as if an avla ”hasthamalakam” and evolved techniques for investigation and direct experience, preserved them into traditions, an automatic daily practicing schedule, –which was forgotten/ignored glorifying only  the externalities , leading the people in to uncertain/wrong track with consequence great loss in are very right saying ” Unfortunately in the present day India that search for the ultimate is eclipsed by the "don’t accept anything from outside" and "hate anything that is not ours". What a sad fate for the "love for truth" and the "eclecticism"!
"love for truth" and the "eclecticism"–are welcome if they lead to the ultimate, but really sad if ending up in ”touch me not” or ”ostracism”

Religion is big business in India

 ''Religion is big business in India: study''

Religion is the business in India: my study
here, life, including all business, all activities, big and small is ****lly intertwined nicely with religion,with sacred rituals, starting from birth to death and after death and in life after death, in 24x7x 365 xdecades , seeking and in****ing the supreme god or the relevant gods for success in undertakings, peace and prosperity to all, to all creatures and natural elements like,space,wind ,water,earth, fire .
and it is being systematically handed down from ages to the present and ****ture generations , in india and now all over the world due to availability of communication transport and scope for interactions , and soon entire world will revel in this only business, whi**** worth really. all other activities rendered to subordinate in priority.
''Religious organisations in India not only operate as business organisations''
the difference is in the currency, in business it is rs or inr, where as in religious the currency is consciousness,thisis understood and lived in india easily .in west some people who are exposed to tm  can understand wha**** means.
in religious business the earnings are not counted in rupees but in the amount of pure consciousness is permeating in the system and environ
'business model' has seen diversification of activities
society or religious society is an organism, it grows, expands, like a tree, branching out, taking ever deeper and ever expanding deepening roots, to spread as much as possible, ultimate possibility being infinite expansion , boundlessindicates the health, robustness,highly desirable in any living organism
''to retain the loyalty of their followers''
in business the loyalties are purchased by 3p s--pay promotion and perks.
in religion, loyalty is spontaneous , the result of the enlightenment gained thru the effectiveness of the tea****nd practice
''and attract new devotees,''
devotees get attracted not by gimmicks, but by genuine knowledge and practice they are taught which take them on to a new level of existence, and puts them on the  clear and easy path  to ultimate, moksha
more can be el****rated but i believe i made my point clear.

to overcome the misuse of power


to overcome the misuse of power

how do you propose to overcome the misuse of power?
by having a system which makes power not to gather at one point?
by having a system which makes power  to gather at only one point?
like a  r_a_j_a_ram  who never will/can misuse ?
can you wait for ages for such reality to materialize?or
can you create a situation due to which such will happen now?
how do avatars manifest?
is it not that by sincere tapasya by common people in huge numbers, nature responds by sending down to the earth-plane such an eventuality?
so shall we wait and waste ourselves?or
really engage ourselves in such a creation?
not wish****l but a direct possibility. think.

low morals


low morals

inevitable outcome of environ with low morals ,bad breeding, lust rousing food, media/movie inputs, money, time , lack of principles, ideals, lack of guidance/punishment/fear- --indiscriminate expression irrespective of age/health  --even on corpses.
every one/no one?  is responsible.
where is the remedy, who cares, who bothers?
society has to retract to original purity, otherwise face hell day after day.
Mentally challenged girl raped




Why is there such a need for meditation in today’s society, in today’s life?
"Best results will follow if learnt from guru and practiced regularly"
"I eagerly wait for a day when media/ movies /ads persons learn to respect female, and stop commercial exploitation of the sacred physiology of female by irrelevant unwanted harmful naked exposures"
"14 lokas are refer to stratums of existence , not the earth or its depths"
"In the ultimate analysis, individual is a miniature universe, yatha pinde thathaa brahmande''universe reacts to individual action'' ----maharishi says''unfathomable is the rane of karma----githa"
"Quite logically, and truthfully it is either god exists or does not exist , not that he exists selectively as per convenience to find excuses or passing the buck .i recall one of the great master rishi prabhakar teaching ssy, teaching a similar frank stand about the one should take total responsibility for success or failures or hold god responsible for everything"
"If you really know and Understand who you are, then god will cease to exist only you alone exist in the universe, and you will know that it is you who is running this universe"
even the CRYING BABY to GET FOOD also not passing the buck and waiting for food to come to it , but taking responsibility and so crying, and succeeding in getting its needs fulfilled, without waiting for god"
"Why to put god lifelong in the unknown cellar somewhere within only, when you yourself are the visible all powerful god in and out every where your sight reaches the stars, that means you did touch the far distant stars and came back at speed of light"
"Individual is the system and the component of the system individual is finite and infinite"
"Its all about feeling responsibility without trying to find escape routes in the name of god or past"
"Every member in the family must feel the full responsibility for the whole family, nay, for the whole universe"
"If God is gracious, then why death is happening, why pain is felt when a hurt or injury happens why his grace does not make individual painless , hurt proof, injury proof?"
"Then is it not logical that every one of us is responsible for our actions and answerable for it? Certainly that is the point even hunger and sleep can be overcome if man takes responsibility and persists, valmiki is the example"
"We bother about God he always does not bother about us., he is just uninvolved witness Do your work. Deal your pain, enjoy your happiness. you are The God residing as you!!!"
"HE does not take care of all his creations. he has delegated all the responsibility to man"
"Since ''God really answers the worship by removing your difficulties .
to build-up real devotion in course of time ‘man has the responsibility of worship and its consequences"
"To know that ''There is order in this world. '' individual is responsible"
"Feeling responsibility for action by individual is godly feature"
"BELIEVING AND NON-BELIEVING ARE DANGEROUS----title is bold, assertion, i fully concur, not based on belief or non belief but on going open ended just to see what it is all about . i do not respect nor do i disrespect either of them , yes, we find men with both traits, so they are in traps life long jignasa , just a curiosity, and an effort to know it helps"
"I understood in my own terms , , a student visiting a nice library as if stumbled upon ,the inner library starts revealing a lot to him, ie, souls functioning, ie, intuition, without a teacher teaching, or without external inputs causing feelings and reactions , nice insight indicates an eg of souls functioning , even this blog itself"

Sunday, May 9, 2021

the ambassadors of peace


the ambassadors of peace

the ambassadors of peace, the gun and missile
predators now ,the protectors facile.
we lost the mother tongue, the one hearts talk ,
the one which melts the rock.
the one which sooths ,heals, mellows the mind,
the one which inspires, enlightens, ennobles, with words kind.

if one wants to donate


if one wants to donate,

if one wants to donate, 
….better do it coolly, silently
….without waiting for a pretext or context 
….but directly.. to the needy , poor, suffering and destitute,
…without the glare of some aura of a personality ,
…without the distracting light of media and publicity

n eye opener on the multitude of devious ways of life one falls into ,
knowingly or unknowingly,
for fun or pleasure,
for mischief or by mistake,
by over confidence or arrogance,
by innocence or ignorance,