Sunday, June 26, 2016

Aleph is the first letter

Aleph is the first letter


Aleph is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
Alpha he first letter of the English, alphabet.
Alif is the first letter of the Urdu and Arabik alphabet,
Alpha is the first letter of greek alphabet
Anton is the first letter of the german alphabet.
A is the first letter of the latin alphabet.
A the first letter of the all the indian languages alphabet.
A the first letter of the sanskrit alphabet
A is the first letter of the first veda, ie rigveda, ak+nim, agnim, ''agnimile purohitham......., ''
A the first sound, aum, om
A is the first sound a new born makes ,
even animals, birds, insects
A is the beginning of manifest from unmanifest

A is when silence breaks up in speech

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