Sunday, June 23, 2013

every one has a level of purity

Is Almighty God ? Is Almighty Ghost ?
every one has a level of purity of his body mind nervous system, ---unique , 
he can explore , penetrate, discover and express a corresponding level of that one truth 
and so bahuda will be the result 

his means of exploration and expression are himself only 

yatha pinde thataa brahmande 

grasp of the truth of brahmand will be as per the level / capacity / purity of pinda, himself

Spirituality is the science and technology of ''seeing'', it is ''rishi ing''
it is all seeing and seeing-----what, how, how much, where, why , from where to where and so on till one gets the right complete picture .

not all can see all 
each sees an aspect
from own stand
with own glasses
with own capability

 it is all mind 

mind and heart are approximate expressions generally used by writers, 

mind is thoughts 

though t /thinking has levels/aspects / powers

intellectual--- memory , calculation, understanding, responding, reading, writing, discrimination decision 
feeling level ----, emotions, fear love anger, empathy sympathy, ---beyond reasoning
abstraction level ---devotion, unravelling mysteries, godly reverence, divine love, extraordinary visions seeing, subtleperceptions
finest thinking, ---where language loses meaning, just subtlest feel of the word but no message
transcendental level ---where there is no thought , but only awareness, the pure knowingness, no images no sounds no words no meaning, just being

All efforts are to reach the own self, --even speaking, questioning God in this disparaging manner

but not to hurt the feelings of millions and millions of people all over the world., 

it is a call to do some incisive analysis on the assumptions and beliefs 

spirituality if not grasped rightly, may send man in self anesthesia

such blogs as this make the reader to be alert

all answers man only should answer, since man himself is god

i concur on ''Man is responsible for all the villainy and heinous crimes''.there is none on whom man can pass the buck

if seen from another angle, it is all a matter of learning thru mistakes and becoming wiser 

every crime that happens indicates that what is existing is not the best, but needs to be improved . and improvement is not effected, history repeats
if some one blames god, he is definitely evading responsibility, 
all said and done god is man's creation to use it as a escape route 

in writing blogs, the writer is in a dialogue with himself, and pours his heart out, 
in expression taking its own mode , some times pungent, some times sweet, some times ethereal, poetic, allegory, 

Kalidasa was mischievous, irreverent , with goddess kali, and saraswathi

Particularly on ''rape '' crime human has a lot to learn 
each draws own lessons
now the woman is learning self defence
parents are realizing more responsibility, 
govt is tightening the laws
serious individuals are pondering over the basic reasons,the instinct
some are pondering on brahmacharya
some are talking of curbing the exploitation of female as a entertainment
some are feeling on the need of dress code

so each bad incident has lessons , and man improves slowly by iterative steps 
i generalize that devil is a test , one must face and pass

Devil is a part of totality, has its role to help in evolution , 

in a sense devil is a part of kishan 

Beyond the literal /surface message, kishn and his antics represent , the self evolving self renewing, self regulating complex brahmand system , 

iconic value of kishn is as relevant, and as irrelevant , as the ''save'' icon , floppy picture, on the computer , pendrive having obsoleted it long back , 
also , the time / ''wait'' icon, , the ''sand'' time machine has been obsolete, with digital clock 

still such icons are being used, they are serving the purpose too

one need to make use of these, and get benefitted, but not just stop at looking at these , saying that these are obsolete

It is a pity that even the greatest Krishna consciousness devotees , while they are coining the word ''consciousness'', they are stuck at the name / form /qualities , /glories /episodes/, temples,/ rituals 

but unable to go beyond these to the real stuff and bound by these even to the extent saying kishn is the supreme god, not other

Then what to speek of innocent ignorant devotees who come into that line 

similar is the fate with others, who are totally devoted to their ista devatha

they are unfortunate that any god is the doorway to go to the real, the consciousness which is nameless formless attributeless, non localized not belonging to a particular time

''deity'' and ''devil'' are well explored by nachiketha, in katopanishath , as ''shreya'' and ''preya''

shreya is that which is beneficial, good 
preva is that which pleasing, but harmful 

man always encounters both options, he must necessarily make a choice to come under the sway of deity or devil 

this is again a test on his discretion 
if he makes a wrong choice, reaps bad results, ---- and learns ----, becomes wiser,---- not to commit the mistake

Depicting both the devilish and deity nature of the human, at physical, manifest level of body, mind
each individual with his own idiosyncrasies, hiding the real 

though he is at unmanifest level the almighty supreme himself

One should not hide the real ..... but eliminate the real bad.. so that only the good appear.

At what level one is capable of existing depends on the purity level of psycho physio.

as the purity level is raised, thru intense sadhana, the devilish tendencies diminish, and the natural piety rises, to live divinity on earth plane , despite the existence of devilishness around , he remains unscathed , he is not bothered on any number of disturbances that may be happening in the world around, since he has acquired the qualities of soul , shatter proof hurt proof , etc at least to some degree , so he has passed the quality tests, for him no tests any more , ie no devils any more

''is the culprit– God, Almighty You ? Or Almighty Devil ? Or Fighty Humans ?''

in the manufacturing unit, all dept s have to perform their assignments , even destructive testing as per need , those who do not do their work are the culprits, 

arjun, do your duty, grieve not , they are already killed by me,you are only an instrument 

''Who is the end user or beneficiary? ''

''I'', capital i

Who is teasing the universe,''

''i'', the small i

''who is enjoying the ultimate thrill of immoral fun?''

anando brahma

Views differ depending on seer's zoom level 
one shold be careful 
the validity / meaning/ import of the statements expressed at one zoom level, [say ''zoom out level'' ]differ at a view in ''zoom in'' level 
this is the reason for argument and conflict

1 at highest purity level , wrong choice and bad consequences of the pair ''shreya preya,'', deity and devil will not happen , at kishn level, what he does turns out to be the most right 

2 at arjun level, being a lower level, devilish has influenced him, hence the consequences, and he had to undergo the test of war etc, 
and yet, thru kishns teaching, he could see things in zoom out , vishvaroop and rose to appropriate action 

3 on pm, mms, a little more to be understood 
mms, one individual at a existing level of purity, is ok as a person, in personal, individual life .
but that level of purity is not at all sufficient to influence a national behaviour or issues, since the factor of collective consciousness of nation is far far more powerful

What is required is the ability to sync 
if you raise that, you will be able to take the best from all , yet keeping them at their appropriate level 
you will then take the glitter of gold and strength of steel to your advantage, while gold is not equal to steel , they have their place in the periodic table with their unique physical chemical nuclear structure

certainly you cannot substitute one for the other 

i elaborated this in my blog ''why only one or two ''

4 kishn does no fixing , he is uninvolved witness
as supreme , he has defined how the system works,ie the law of karma , universe reacts to individual action, the range of karma, its effects implications cannot be just calculated with the best of computer 

bush saddam, iraq are just the manifestations of the working of the law of karma

so one lesson to draw is 

to increase the purity level 

if done on individual basis, individual rises to divine level 
if done on national basis, nation rises to divine level, leading the world 
if done on world level world rises to divinielevel, no more the devil, it is all heaven on earth

I am no emotive here, 
to you your master is right and best 
for a devotee a stone god is right and best 
for some kishn is right for others ram is right

one great writer'' muppaala ranganaayakamma '' has hated ram and ramayan to the core
she wrote a great commentary ''ramayana visha vrukshamu''--highlighting the hypocrisy and injustice ram perpetrated on sita, 

this all as against the great book '' ramayana kalpavrukshamu''' 

critics / readers admired and abused that writer 

a blind following to any great master will not help , since there is a level difference between consciousness between the master and follower, 

and master is bound to rise to greater heights, since he found a smart track, and moving on it 

what is required is that follower must raise own consciousness to that high level of master and still excell him, 

this will not happen by just reading'/ memorizing/ reproducing / debating on of all the writings of the master 

this is a hard fact to digest , but implications are profound

You may be seeing the consequences of crimes like rape or cheat or scams---------one is the suffering and hence a lesson that those who are in power should get up and work 

if they do not , they will be thrown out 

so the system has both components ---design. manufacture and destructive testing ---all towards rising to a perfect level

Not new

already said in shreya preya

by better choice, better results, better life , better universe

system is defined with alternative choices and consequences

What was the fault of iraq people ?

all a result of the level of collective consciousness

if an innocent child dies in an earth quake, you may say what is his fault ?
at zoom in level there is no answer
at zoom out level one will see how the universe is working, what the earth forces processes, momvements happening

and the wiser one learns a lesson -while quake cannot be prevented, he goes for seismic qualified buildings and structures and can prevent the possible damage 

so if one does not know the overall view one takes a escape route saying devil has caused 
but what is important is to know how to get the grip of every thing so that things will not go wrong 

''heyam dukham anagatham is the vedic injunction, 
prevent the danger that has not yet arrived 

and since yatha pinde thathaa brahmande, wise rishis have gone for the intelligent route of raising one's level of purity , since within a life time none can tackle the universe, he can go by tackling the self , thru which 
universe brahmand becomes a play ball in one's hands 

karathala amalakam 
an amla in one's hand

What krishna ji did is to define the system and its rules 
he did not decide the fate of any one 
every one reaps as per rules

Muhammad ji and every one is fond of his creations, irrespective of its quality or worth, 
mother loves child , good or bad,

Updated wisdom of today is not upto the mark yet
so such nonsenses of today to terrorize humans or innocent helpless beings. are happening, 
eventually , wisdom dawns , like in ashoka, after the blood shed

Not all humans had come long way, 
only a few humans have risen , like adishankara, kabir ,meera, 
other humans will take time , universe is parellel processing, all together, but at their own pace .
man is reaching mars 
but ants continue to exist ,not obsoleted, product line is not withdrawn 
though better humans exist, like anna, worse lot continues

There are countless computers in the unit
some are the latest, best models with windows 8, , and connected to the www web 
some are not yet updated, working on windows xp
some are with crt , some with flat, crystal display, 
some are lap tops some are desk tops, 
some are ipad, some papersize flexible

but though one or two latest do exist, it does not mean unit is fully updated

where as a lt f wrk going on smoothly and greatly with the latest models, all othe models are also being used for usual work, but with a little less comfort

some are with virus, some are with improper memory
some with corrupted hard disks
yet the unit finds their utility, to train, to demo, to cannibalize, to do rand d, to update slowly, 
and experts are working , a day will come when all pcs will be fully grand great , some replaced, junked, disposed

yet the unit is working ok with all this mix

Also some pcs do not have internet connectivity 
some are working directly with internet 
some are nicely sharing , being in a network 

but now some have become so independent with availability of google drive, sky drive, that they need not be bound to a net work 

such is the kind of updation happening , all wonderful and marvelous

Preya and Shreya, ------devil and deity 

the questions raised on this topic has all the answers in the famous talk between yama and nachiketa, in katopanishath 

i am pasting a edited write up picked from google search 

choosing what is beneficial – rather than what instantly gratifies – is a struggle. 
evidence of this struggle can be seen in almost every human vice or social issue: drug addiction, smoking, gambling, obesity, crime, violence, environmental problems. What is also evident is our lust for immediate gratification. 
Many spiritual and new age seekers argue that the problem with choice is that our choosing takes place in a world resplendent with opposing forces: good/evil, love/hate, joy/sorrow. This dualistic philosophy is one that is central to the Katha Upanishad, one of the most widely published Upanishads expressing mystic truths. “Every moment, whether you see it or not, you have a choice of two alternatives in what you say,do, or think
In Sanskrit, these two alternatives are known as preya and shreya. 

Preya, is that which is pleasant. 
Shreya, in contrast, is that which is beneficial. 
“Preya is that which pleases us, that which tickles the ego. 
Shreya, on the other hand, has no reference to pleasing or displeasing. 
It simply means what benefits us
Shreya holds your hand when you’re down and out, and promises you’ll find another side to yourself if you delve
deep enough.
Preya is the comrade-in arms that seizes your hand and frantically drags you across the freeway,

the concept of choice has been seen as posing significant life
consequences and being central to what makes us human,

The mind can be either liberating or binding.

And while preya is the seducer and wannabe tyrant, 
shreya is the good, old fashioned, not quite of this world, wise old soul.

The important distinction between preya and shreya is that one offers immediate but temporary satisfaction;
the other requires effort but the satisfaction is long term.

The problem with all pervading, choice is that it pervades everything.

Yama, the God of Death, answers Nanchiketa:

“Your body is the chariot, drawn by
five powerful horses: the senses. These
horses travel not so much through space as
time. They gallop, let us say, from birth
towards death, pursuing the objects of their

The discriminating intellect –judgement – is the driver, 

whose job it is to see clearly and not drive you over a cliff.
His reins are the mind, your emotions and desires. 

And you Nanchiketa, are the rider – the Self”.

When we choose from a point of oneness, when our true Self is in the
charioteer’s seat, the intellect plays a major role. “The job of the intellect is to
see clearly, and the job of the mind is to act as reins,”. 
when the senses are uncontrolled, they immediately take to the road they like
best: personal satisfactions, mostly pleasures”. In this scenario, our horses
make decisions rather than us.

As the Katha allegory conveys, the trick is to train your horses. With trained
horses (senses), we maintain the capacity to choose consciously no matter where
or how we travel. 

In a myriad of ways, the practice of
yoga offers us a means of educating our
horses. Through asana (postures), we
train the physical body to bend and flex
like a reed. This subtleness of body allows
us to adapt to, and flow with, the many
and sudden changes and challenges that
get blown our way. Through pranayama
(breath control), we train the breath, reoxygenating
our body, increasing our
supply of life force, and strengthening the
link between body and mind. This allows
us more energy to face life’s challenges,
and builds a stronger, more holistic sense
of self when we are called upon to act and
react to everyday situations. Through
dhyana (meditation), we train the mind to
concentrate, contemplate, and observe
without attachment. This ‘onepointedness’
enables us to consciously choose our
life direction, rather than be driven all
over the place by our own and others’
whims and desires.

Unfortunately, many of us confuse
our Self with our chariot. Yama would say. “You are
not your chariot”. Your chariot is
scholarly, partnered, and works for itself.
Next time you are in a hurry, think about
this: are you in a hurry, or is it simply
your horses? Ask yourself, who really is
holding the reins?

Choice and the mind
The understanding that the mind can be
either liberating or binding is an ancient
one, present in many yogic texts. 

“The choices you make with
your mind are the real decider of how
you experience life,” 

“And how we use the mind is deeply significant in
its effect on our living.”

meditation is essential
to settle the reactive mind. “In stillness
there is neither good nor bad, Self nor
other, only oneness. From that state, the
mind learns to respond calmly instead of
reacting like a ping pong ball to
everything that touches it.”

Similarly, the Katha Upanishad
upholds meditation as a liberating force:

“The brave one who, by continuous
practice of meditation on the self,
identifies and understands the Self…he
immediately leaves behind himself all
sorts of happiness as well as sorrows. He
remains unaffected by either of these.”

Like a charioteer in charge of his
horses and consciously using the reigns,
the vehicle bearing such a well trained
mind knows exactly where it’s going and
the route it’s taking.

Choice choices
For most of us the key question is: How
do I choose? How do I favour the reticent
shreya over and above her seemingly more
congenial cousin, preya? How do I choose
the road that will lead me toward health,
security, and peace of mind?
It’s a question also asked by
Nanchiketa. “Now tell me how to
choose. How do I take the road that
leads to wisdom?” he asks.
The intellectual amongst us will
expect a highly complex answer; one
replete with schematic drawings and a
whiz bang, power point presentation.
Those of us driven by our senses have
probably already tuned out; such was the
lack of instant gratification and the fear
that conscious choosing is likely to require
a huge investment of energy or time.
Yama, the God of Death replies to
Nanchiketa. “Very simple,” he says.
“Just don’t take the other road.”

Is 2+2 =4 always?

Take two cups tea pour into a vessel
pour another two cups tea

now the result is one tea in the vessel 

so 2+2=1, not 4

sow one grain , it comes out as 100 grains 

so 1=100

How you sync matters 
we must reach to that ability to sync to ultimate, 
then brahmand with all its might, devil and deity can be seen as a system which is perfectly working with its best logic, optimum performance, flawlessly infallibly

"My 10 000 blogs on the internet in st wp, blogger ---are very clear on what god/s is but i do not undervalue or denigrate any system , since men are working with inadequate knowledge, without right guidance i do not recommend any particular system, or guru or god or religion one to explore and discover himself"

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