Thursday, November 13, 2014

nice to see you have a enlightened view ...on voting.............Basically democracy is a fallacy ..........surely i cannot appoint a managing director to a organization in which i am an employee..........surely i have no qualification to select/ elect a prime minister to a nation, ........................ to rule a nation qualifications eligibility ability are required democracy is like students electing one among them as the vice chancellor of their university in india votes can be purchased, poor vote for note rich know that and made it a trade but nation is ruined, so anger erupts, even in the military since all are ambitious to grab the power by any means real enlightenment can help really any other solutions are only eye wash will not solve, but create fresh problems in india now the demand is for separate state mainly for selfish gain, none bothers to serve, though all claim they are the saviors wisdom is dawning, man is waking up, is able to see more, grasp more, act better, will not stop his journey towards better and better , renaissance happening every time in the world. now the latest is the information technology bringing minds and heart together. and surely this new thing is going to take world high up , and all systems customs traditions, habits, ways of actions reactions are going to get refined, and the world will be ruled by the superior intelligent capable people shortly, violence, is an idication of the volcano getting lit up and getting burst , but it will subside, peace is going to dawn, not the peace of grave yard but that ''peace that passeth all understanding'', and humanity will come closer in love, things get se right , may be very shortly i am not localizing my comments to any nation, it is a global phenomena September 13 at 2:37pm · Like · 1 Kalavathi Sonti Sweet ....... is irresistible....... I feel saying again. You are a good teacher........ With this positive approach only sanyasis like Sri Sri also get in to this and They have enormous Ener gy to make things happen!! September 13 at 5:02pm · Like Rishi Vasanth as per our ancient sages,, this is the list of qualifications required for a ruler .......quote...''Sri Rama’s Virtues – the traits of an ideal king (of the Treta Yuga) Valmiki teaches us how an ideal crown prince should be, even as he describes Sri Ra...See More September 13 at 8:36pm · Edited · Like · 1 Rishi Vasanth and sages were the advisers to the kingsand the people, so enlightened have a great role to play ravi shankar....and sages do influence the collective consciousness in a positive way and transformation is bound to happenRishi Vasanth

  • nice to see you have a enlightened view ...on voting.............Basically democracy is a fallacy ..........surely i cannot appoint a managing director to a organization in which i am an employee..........surely i have no qualification to select/ elect a prime minister to a nation, ........................
    to rule a nation qualifications eligibility ability are required
    democracy is like students electing one among them as the vice chancellor of their university 

    in india votes can be purchased, 
    poor vote for note
    rich know that and made it a trade 
    but nation is ruined, so anger erupts, even in the military 
    since all are ambitious to grab the power by any means
    real enlightenment can help really 
    any other solutions are only eye wash 
    will not solve, but create fresh problems 
    in india now the demand is for separate state mainly for selfish gain, 
    none bothers to serve, though all claim they are the saviors

    wisdom is dawning, man is waking up, is able to see more, grasp more, act better, 
    will not stop his journey towards better and better , renaissance happening every time in the world.
    now the latest is the information technology bringing minds and heart together. and surely this new thing is going to take world high up , and all systems customs traditions, habits, ways of actions reactions are going to get refined, and the world will be ruled by the superior intelligent capable people shortly, 
    violence, is an idication of the volcano getting lit up and getting burst , but it will subside, peace is going to dawn, not the peace of grave yard but that ''peace that passeth all understanding'', and humanity will come closer in love, things get se right , may be very shortly 
    i am not localizing my comments to any nation, it is a global phenomena
  • Kalavathi Sonti Sweet ....... is irresistible....... I feel saying again. You are a good teacher........
    With this positive approach only sanyasis like Sri Sri also get in to this and They have enormous Ener gy to make things happen!!
  • Rishi Vasanth as per our ancient sages,, this is the list of qualifications required for a ruler .......quote...''Sri Rama’s Virtues – the traits of an ideal king (of the Treta Yuga)
    Valmiki teaches us how an ideal crown prince should be, even as he describes Sri Ra
    ...See More
  • Rishi Vasanth and sages were the advisers to the kingsand the people, so enlightened have a great role to play ravi shankar....and sages do influence the collective consciousness in a positive way and transformation is bound to happen
Rishi Vasanth

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