Tuesday, April 26, 2022

a model blog and dialog vishnu sahasra nam sthothram


a model blog and dialog  vishnu sahasra nam sthothram

Vishnu sahasranama -

i heard ms subbalakshmi, free flowing of divinity

here i find a beautiful model for a blog and dialog ,ideal, if one wants to emulate


it starts with peethika, the basis,

a prayer to vishnu ''shuklambaradharam......'', and to the origin and the tradition''vyaasam, vasishista......., shakthi, parasara,shuka thatham, as the manifestation of vishnu, sarva jishnave........and a small prayerending with om namo vishnave, prabha vishnave

then the context presentation and calling  udhisthira to initiate ,...... vyshampayana uvacha


now udhisthira takes over with a few basic questions that are needed to be addressed by bhishma

1. kimEkam dhaivatam lokE?

    Who is the greatest Lord in the world?


2. kim vaapyEkam parAyaNam?          

    Who is the one refuge of all?


3. stuvantam kam prApnuyuh mAnavah subham?    

    By glorifying whom, can man attain peace and prosperity?


4. kam arcanat prApnuyuh mAnavaah subham?           

    By worshipping whom can man reach auspiciousness?


5. kO dharmah sarva dharmANaam bhavatah paramO matah?          

    What is, in thy opinion, the greatest Dharma?


6. kim japam mucyatE jantur janma samsAra bandhanAth?

    By doing Japa of what, can creature go beyond the bonds and cycle of birth and death?


now bhishma speaks ---bhishma uvacha..........Bhishma responded by reciting the one thousand names now hailed as the Vishnu Shasranama, and reminded him that either by meditating on these names or by invoking the names through archana (Offering), our minds can be lifted to higher consciousness.


but then with a prior  pause, meditation, giving the sources and credits, and the index/brief of the blog, -----rishi devatha chandas  


asya sree vishno,,,,,,,,


rishi=veda vyasa



and other technicalities of beejam,shakthi,manthra, keelakam,asthram, nethram, kavacham, yoni, digbandham, to be given attention, when we see this presentation, and its purpose


it is given in 108 slokas covering the 1008 namas


and then after this the benefits of the presentations are given as phala shruthi


and concludes saying ''om  nama ithi '' saying thank you this is what


now to me it appealed as a readers replies on the blog


arjuna uvacha, vyasa uvacha, parvathi uvacha, eeshwara uvacha,  brahma uvacha, sanjaya uvacha, and finally sree bhagavaan uvacha, as if responding to each of the participant at the end 

i like its systematic presentation and the enormous charge of spirituality saturating every word of it 

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