Thursday, April 13, 2023

Zero Entropy As The ‘Shiva’ State''


this is an interesting article on entropy
by Deepak M Ranade [ consultant neurosurgeon.]


i quote......

''Zero Entropy As The ‘Shiva’ State''
The entropy of the universe increases with time; that's a universally accepted and proven law.


Time is a program that travels uni-directionally, from order to disorder.


Logic however demands, that the reverse journey, namely disorder to order, must also exist.


Information systems are examples of decreasing entropy. The greater the information about a system, the less there is of chaos and disorder.


Absolute knowledge or total information represents total ''syntropy'', the ultimate complete intelligence. Syntropy has to induce certain ignorance
Illusion of Separateness

"What I am”, total knowledge or syntropy, induces varying degrees of "what I am not” -- ignorance, illusion or entropy -- to manifest itself as this manifold creation.


The concept of ‘entanglement’ reaffirms this hypothesis. Knowledge or information is non-dual. It is the inherent property of all manifestation.

Instantaneous transmission of information between entangled particles presupposes a separation that never exists.

Transmission of information in reality merely is lifting the ignorance of ‘separateness’

.Inanimate nature stops at the low level organization of simple molecules.

But living systems go on and combine molecules to form macromolecules that form organelles -- such as nuclei, mitochondria, chloroplasts, ribosomes, and membranes -- and eventually put these all together to form the greatest wonder of creation, a cell, with its astounding inner regulations.


Dynamic Harmony
The multi-cellular organism is a miracle of sorts -- all the organs working independently, yet cohesively and in synergy; billions of cells, each a unit by itself, working in congruence, synchronously in dynamic harmony. The complex, structured organization of cells has become more and more complex since evolution. This is in conflict with the law that says the entropy of the universe is always increasing.


Supreme Conductor
Who is the conductor of this symphony of billions, of multi-cellular life forms?

It is a force that is conscious, intelligent, pulsating and simultaneously blissful. This life force orchestrates the plurality of cells with a ‘syntropic’ baton
The highest state of this dynamic harmony, a state of zero entropy or total syntropy may be the ‘Shiva’ state.


Shakti is entropy, or ignorance that generates a conviction of separateness.


Shakti combines with Shiva or total absolute knowledge in varying proportions to manifest as creation.


Matter is condensation of energy and energy is sublimation of matter.

Matter and energy are inter-convertible, but it's only when they are sanctified by syntropy or Shiva, that life force is generated to eventually evolve as the epitome of creation, Self-realised beings


Consciousness may therefore not be an emergent phenomenon, as believed by most neuroscientists, but can be viewed as a quantum coherence, a state of zero entropy, a ‘Shiva’ state, a state of knowledge unadulterated by any ignorance, created by its own self.
It is the pinnacle of intelligence, to be able to cast a spell of ignorance on its own self and simultaneously become the observer, observed and observation.

Manifest creation is a synergy of syntropy and entropy, a cosmic waltz of Shiva and Shakti, a duet of intelligence and its self-conceived ignorance....


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