Thursday, April 18, 2024

Vedanta is the first step Veda is the result


Vedanta is the first step
Veda is the result


1 veda is knowledge
vedanta is the end of knowing process ie reaching a state of ''all knowing''

once this state is attained, one lives vedanta,
in this state , the single comprehensive folder containing all Vedas, ie all knowledge is owned by such an individual.

Such a rishi, with that ability gained, when he sees the world around, tries to understand the life, in that light and accesses that ‘’total knowledge folder’’ and opens the most relevant files suiting to his purpose, and comes out with the chunks of vedic richas, ie vedic truths, that is how Vedas are created

So Vedanta is the first step

Veda is the result

Where as Vedanta is total knowledge, veda is parts of / patial details of that total knowledge,

Since he knows total, so for him, nothing else need to be known , he finds no use for parts
so for him all vedas become superfluous.


2 ''characters in vedas are not history but eternal''
they are eternal, universal, non localized, non-specific to a geo-time events, or individuals, hence it's all not history ,

but the seers were human beings , they left tiny signatures in the richas they discovered in their tapasya ,

richas have the identity of who wrote/ who cognized ,

ie each richa is having that little identity '' rishi devatha, chandas''

veda is the samhita of rishi devatha chandas

ie knower, the process of knowing , and that what is known


3 i have not read scriptures, my writings are from my inner revelations , as a natural result of meditation 
whenever i stumbled up on a few scriptural expressions, i find that my cognitions are concurring with what other rishis have expressed ,

for me it's no surprise, i need nothing more, it's all guru krupa, it's a great fortune that i had the opportunity of being initiated into meditation , and i sustained the practice , and i started scribbling abundant insights since decades.


4 but, a student may acquire sufficient knowledge and expertise in a faculty say , engg, thru own effort, or by birth as a genius, or by extrapolations and contemplation, and reach a high level,

yet a formal nod from recognized university/ professors in the form of passing an examination and getting declared as graduate in engg will help ,

but it may not be essential , because he can as well design manufacture like a formal graduate
that is how, scriptures when read they simply validate my cognitions, since i find parallels in the scriptures
indicating that i did access the field of vedanta, the source of veda, and so there is no need of reading these

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