Friday, June 2, 2023

call any label, any method, get self realization, this alone adds significant value to life in all fields


 call any label, any method, get self realization, this alone adds significant value to life in all fields , with maximum returns on investments, in the least possible time my experience confirms this"



"Any one can give any title to any one, no matter, it's insignificant, being from outside a master truly is master if he has attained a definite level of evolution , which automatically elevates one to the level called master , whether x y z awards him or not, whether a b c recognize him or not   whether he follows a code of conduct or not  whether he teaches or not  whether he is a st member or not  whether he earns crores or remains a beggar, or remains just aam janatha  whether he walks barefoot or imported cars or jet plane"



"Whether he is clean shaven, or long haired whether in suit boot or in kaashaaya or plain dhothi or langoti, even naked whether he counts beads or klik keys  whether he he takes 5 star spicy or pure veg or uncooked or sleeps hungry




"Whether he does seva or receives seva whether has ashrams or flat or lives in hut or under treewhether he takes hot water bath oe cold gaga snan, or goes without bath"


"Whether he cares every criticism or ignores nothing others can expect of him nor impose on him , assume about him, praise him , abuse him yet he is master

he is not a master to any one sub ordinate


he is master to himself

his self is his master

he is swamy

his self awards him the title not on paper

but writes the certificate on his heart with golden letters

go and verify and say to yourself , yes master i am ayam atma brahma"



"Darkness has embraced us let's switch on light

here in this meghnas poetic flow, light is spelled as darkness, by alluding to darkness, the poet really means that there is lot more to be known poetry has its own way to flow , yet it flows rightly shedding the light exploring the dark unknown things not seen by others"

"Turia is the key word"


"Do every thing to realize expectations , but accept what ever comes out

expect but accept--may be a good approach"



"Man makes his destiny

but man with internal abilities makes a better one

he wants to be the ultimate master governing the universe,

his best expectation,"





"Stop expecting,--------is to deny his truest aspiration .solution is enhance the ability thru intense sadhana, to that extent when every expectation is right, and becomes a reality , as one's natural birth right

sakala sidhi prapthi rasthu

all wishes will be horses to happy ride in life's journey

this is our traditional teaching to evolve more and more to be full, a poornam, never to compromise in little achievements, never to kill the desires before they are born, never to be remaining a small man for ever"


"Water the roots, but fruits will come at it's own time, but surely will come, and so do water with best expectation , but accept the process of growth, blossoming of knowledge and evolve into fruits of fulfillment in the process, taking time, betwixt cup and lip many a slip"



"Needing not do anything really, i sprouted in mother's womb, well fed, got pushed out .milk went in to my throat, i was huggy to her bossom, got pushed away again, with a bottle in my mouth,

bottle was pulled off from me,

a plate of rice came to my help .

i crawled, i fell, got up,

a walked a few step, with my little finger held, by father,

i was a piggy on his back.

he unloaded me on to the floor,

soon i was in a buggy pushed by servant

she left me to sit on a tricycle.

where are my parents i am now in the street, i am its master"


"Hey it left me, i was put on bicycle is, held by brother,

after a few bruises, he left to school.

teacher taught me abcd and sent out

oh bundle of books, home work, yes now i matriculate,

soon i am graduate

and a post graduate

a career professional

and now a ceo

and a multinational,

i started to influence national politics,

then the international trends ,

i became the president of the country and head of all heads of nations, dictating how the world should be run

now i started to conquer other planets i looked left right up and down oh i find there is gulf"


"Here is the point of difference, big difference

my contemporaries remained just common men, with small lives,

with all the stories of poverty, illiteracy, suffering, disease death

when nature is all that single deciding factor, all would have been taken care of every one without needing to do any thing, all would have raised themselves to the fullest stature at least to the near fullest"


"What is the big diffrence?

1--i took the guidance, i learnt the art of leading the successful life

 i did intense sadhana , expecting the projected fruits,

but patient for materializing results gradually,,

and yes i attained the success



2--the other men did not do their part , nor took the guidance, nor did sadhana, and expecting that nature will take care of all. but they missed."


"How did they miss

they missed thru not understanding the level at which the message of non doing is given,

,forgetting that the nature nearest to themselves, deep within themselves is the one which spurs for action, which they did not heed., they missed guru guidance , being the part of nature, and really remained unfortunate instead of attaining that level --which makes one --to be in the comfort of natures bosom, not needing to do anything"


"The right understanding of even the best message is essential requirement for success. to sum up

we must take right guidance at the right time, and do all necessary sadhana, till goal of nondoing is fully established in our individual life. in which state, the most dynamic activities one does , does not deter him from nondoing state here is the state of yogastha kuru karmani activity in silence, ie non action pervading in all actions,"



"This is how the divinity is functioning, with all zero activity within the core, absolute silence, on the basis of which the grossest activities are being carried out.


as sadhana advances one rises to this state of ''not needing a thing, not needing to do a thing, yet capable of doing every thing, with just a silent wish deep within getting materialized into immediately manifesting, with life in alignment with all the laws of nature, almighty nature willing and cooperating at the command of ones beck and call , in the status of jagadguru"

"Here is the level------------ after attaining which ---------------there is no need of sadhana, it all as if graduated the elementary ,high school, college university

---but not before that.

a professor need not be learning alphabets

where as a student must be learning till he attains to professor

if a student imitates his non learning, he remains illiterate in life"

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