Friday, February 24, 2023

vowels are processes of manufacture


vowels are processes of manufacture


……….. is just opening the mouth, breaking the silence, original unmanifest silence starting to manifest


……is  a process of stretching, prolonging, expanding, continuing


………is  a process of twisting


……  bending



…… vibrating, shaking stirring,

లు l

…… making into droplets


……….is flattening


……….is folding


…… making into ring


…… cylindrical shaping


…… blowing into ballon. spherical shape

అం  am

…….is extruding ., wire drawing

అః ah

…….is compressing , compacting, contracting


consonants are raw materials, substances like metals, dhathu

each consonant like ka, kha, ga, gha etc are unique and specific, special dhathu,material

by association of vowel with consonant a special product is generated / created , thus a countless associations will create a innumerable products , to fulfill the needs / wants

combining two consonants, ie, combining ka with ra , it becomes kra.  is like metal cladding / plating ie one metal on other


a word is a cluster of consonants, selectively processed by vowels, like a pack, like spanner , like screw driver etc

a sentence is a pack of products

a para is bigger package of variety of products

an essay is a huge pack

a book is the total , wholesale package, in containers of chapters

a bookshelf is a mall, super market

a library is a market place

all a result of the consonants,ie the raw materials undergoing the process of manufacture by association with vowels

the clue is the word ‘’dhathu’’, used for describing consonants 

…..vowel is ”intelligence” ie viveka/ discretion/judgement. on what where how which when why of action, it is the process of directing the activity, directing the energy, ………vowels is uttered easily, ie with minimum/ almost 0 input of energy……………..



….consonant is ”energy” ie mass, raw material.

.consonant is uttered by use of some energy ……

but .as it is ,in raw form it has no utility, we cannot use it , unless we process it as per our requirement,

ie…… unless consonant undergoes the right manufacturing process by associating with a vowel, it is not useful,……


……….when associated with vowel it gains value…….ie energy when associated with intelligence acquires a significance/ value/use/purpose….


….raw material when undergoes a particular process acquires a value


…… a word is thus a ”finished product” or a word is a component of a finished product, having a value, …..


…….since word is output of intelligence and energy , word has power ..

……….speeches /word groups have great power

….can do wonders, can transform earth into heaven …..

……..all with simple/ unchanging small limited number of basic vowels and consonants

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