Friday, October 23, 2015

i think

i think

Mood making is self deceptions, not required when you make your day really a great day by your actions with alacrity in alertness


I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Robert Frost

surely, god reveals hidden dirty truth to the faithful, and teaches a different lesson ,
he makes me wiser to be in the service of the innocent ignorant illiterate poor daridra narayana , rather than in the company of the great spiritual enlightened leaders doing the pep talks in the name of spirituality and making it a big joke .

i am rally in tears being forced  to see the dark side of  great master
whom i adored since years as an  incarnation of divinity transforming the times
trusting him totally, surrendering my whole being at his sacred feet , ever ready to be at his command without a moment's hesitation  , greatly charmed by his captivating speech .
even to day i wish and pray that dark story to vanish more like a bad dream , and bapuji comes out victorious for ever . but truth is bitter, it stings

this sting has made me a skeptic , not to conclude based on looks, talks, followers, activities that go around , but better keep away . expectations lead to disappointments . why to fall for any lures including the sweetest messages of greatest saints
i pray god will pardon me for my folly in following blindly , better i be careful now onwards

but this shock which i got has made me not to repeat the same mistake, of acting on the friendly recommendation of the most sincere followers. i do not want to waste my time in testing and evaluation , better i go on my own , let my path be lit by myself,


Simplest spirituality is just to practice one's own preaching truly, not expecting the other man to practice it, but trend seems to give best spiritual preaching, without caring to apply in own life, asaram bapuji episode must be an eye opener for the preachers and the followers. actions speak more than speeches


Compassion is godly
all must help in developing  virtuous behavior

Parents are responsible to create good citizens
care from a guide helps to correct behavioral mistakes
good memory is a result of  good  mental and physical health 
knowledge helps parents to help child

child is a budding genius
truthfulness helps in the long run
systematic acclimatization helps to overcome limitations of environ 
Play makes all joyful
joy makes all peaceful

Joy leads to peace
rest and activity are the two steps of progress''-----mmy
Progress is possible in peace
Parental care is the gift of god to child
Universe and all beings are incarnations of god

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