Friday, October 14, 2022

we all have all faculties inside to become engineer, doctor, lawyer,


1 we all have all faculties inside to become engineer, doctor, lawyer, poet, singer, artist, dramatist, and whatever line , infinite channels .

2 we also have the best of desire to be any one of these or all of these

3 we have faith ,belief ,hope, trust in ourselves, trust in god that we can and we will really become as per our intentions 

but , unfortunately not all who have these 1 2 3 have become really, though they have all the faculties inside , 

but ----only the one ----------------only the one 

who went to the school, college, university , 

to learn from the teachers, the professors , the guides

who did become masters thru learning, from their masters

and then gained the ability to teach and make one to learn and practice and 

become master

Similarly ,,,,,,

all have potentialities, inside, dormant, 

to become , truthful, goodmen, godmen, saints, sants, savanths, 

rishis, maharishis, devarishis, brahmarishis, 

and even to become the supreme, brahman too 

and to become all knowing jagadguru

and to become all powerful jagannath

and to rule the universe at one's beck and call 

we have all the faculties, god has given these , 

as if father kept all the wealth in the safe lockers for inheritance by the sons

and kept the secrete key with his closest friend 

but alas, not knowing that fact, not knowing the key to access the wealth.

the sons are begging in the street, searching from pillar to post 

not finding it during the life

only difference is one out of them could approach the one who knows, who can help, 

and instantly he became the richest, owning the wealth and utilizing it in the real life 

he is no more a beggar now

but all other sons are remaining as beggars


Seed of the tree contains everything that tree can be---all potentiality 
to sprout, to grow into a plant, a trunk, a branch, a leaf, a flower, a fruit to grow into full stature become the best flourishing tree

but not all the seeds become trees 

only that seed which has the opportunity to get a little moisture starts sprouting

it's all the essential difference 


potentialities need to be nurtured , to become actualized 

and one, definitely, needs the guidance from the one who knows , one who shows

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