Thursday, July 7, 2016


Having seen the debates  i would like to just add an .....essential requirement be able to go beyond the limitations of words , and to synchronize all interpretations and explanations, contexts, etc [ which will be... by default...inadequate to perfectly present the truths ]

and to rise beyond the need of studying the veda , and yet be in possession of the essence of all vedic truths ....that requirement is ....the light of the self .. a direct experience...prathyaksha anubhoothi, of the brahman, the self , purusha, and hence a all time final pramana .........this puts end to all queries / debates

since , vedic truths have been cognized and expressed by the sages essentially in the light of the self 

once this experience is gained, understanding of any spiritual presentation will become as easy as elementary school books to a graduate

and in fact all reading is meant to inspire one to move on towards exploring how to get that direct experience .....which provides that knowledge and understanding that makes every thing else known and understood automatically

Sri sri ravi shankar said......geetha is great since it raises countless controversies/interpretations, 
further he says unless a teaching raises controversies,'/interpretations that teaching is not so valuable 
this is true since , higher the gap in the level of consciousness between the giver and receiver , greater is the chance for unending debates 

all presentations are welcome , like all books from kg to pg level are necessary to the appropriate level of learner

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