Tuesday, June 11, 2024

levels of comprehension exist in the individuals on science or spirituality.


levels of comprehension exist in the individuals on science or spirituality. 
very few have fathomed enough depth to get at the nearest grasp .

when we talk of science--what level should we consider , worthy to invest time ?
is it 8th standard, matriculate, inter, graduate, pg, doctorate or more?
we need not have to pause at one level and think that --that alone is the total science.
now times have changed
there have been tremendous advancements in science, reaching the depths of the manifest universe, far deep beyond, molecule, atom, electron, finer particles and a few of them touched almost the spirit level, that is pure consciousness, to find it being the ultimate, para brahman, in their lang calling it as unified field



These scientists did not stop at only objective approaches but went beyond using finer investigation techniques like meditation and came out with similar truths as extolled by the advanced spiritual scientific experts like rishis of earler, and explained clearly wonderfully the qualities of god as the qualities of the unified field 
and discovered vedic truths in the human physiology



Those who are not familiar with the advanced science / or spirituality cannot comprehend either and conclude their own erroneous surmises .

such talks must be ignored and try to get familiar with what is happening in the wider world .
to me there is no distinction there are only labels.
man is on the march to conquer all the mysteries, and will succeed very soon .

readers , ask for more details , widen your vision more, there are worlds waiting for your attention






You are too fast , i am scared.


i owe some explanation. 
i will post longer than the longest 
or shorter than the shortest on this 

my shortest response is one word ---silence

having become charged with silence, i now want to explode , i mean explore



1 on rishi

my engg college principal , in his first day welcome intro lecture to us, freshers, in BE 1st year , on first day of joining, said '' engineers!!! i welcome you all ----------''

on hearing this , i instantly felt that i am engineer, i knew i was not dreaming, 
but since this came from no less a person than the principal, of my college , i felt it must be true, and patted myself, and at the end of the lecture, stood triumphant, may be 10 centimeters taller , and walked with a new gait, head my head high, looking at the sky, just trying to fly



This one word , made me , hurry to pack up and go home immediately , and declare to world that i am the greatest engineer on earth . such was the enthusiasm that it continued in my attending to all lessons, and home work , assignments--all in the greatest joy, not feeling a bit boredom for the next 5 years at any time, and made me succeed in first class , in every year and with distinction in the final


What he did is just a little, but it affected me to the core, i worked as engineer, from that day , i behaved in that way, i breathed in that spirit, i dressed, meticulously, to reflect my new identity i talked precisely, like one .

and not everyone took his lecture so seriously , and they failed, left behind, second rated 

so i value that one word more than the entire 5 year teaching by all the professors in all subject , and it has been helping me till this moment





Did i get away from my responsibility of doing the required hard work, all the five years, having acquired the title already?
i felt that now i am on a different plane of living, higher than the matriculate/intermediate, and this kept me willingly happily undergo all the severest requirements of the course, --

in addition, in the hostel and mess, stores, labs, library--where ever i move, all staff --sweepers, cooks, servers, attainders, lab assistants, workshop mechanics all were addressing us as''sir''

first time in life , i heard ''sir'' for me , this from the watchman of the hostel, i felt yes, my principal is right , and we all mates were engineers , in all five years.

on the last day 
principal again said ''engineers!!! i congratulate you all ---------''
and the word was as emphatic, as was on the first day .
and this is the word echoing in my being , it has become a part of my personality , it has been my identity .



Apply now for this word rishi 
my guru said you are from rishi Sanskriti, of sanathan bharath, so you are rishi 
this was again in a 10 day course , 
and no this got me clicked 
now you judge whether am i rishi ?

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