Wednesday, November 1, 2023

meditation is an indoor game''


meditation is an indoor game''

said maharishi Mahesh yogi,

in one of his jovial mood, laughed

i mused on playing games

out door games gross
indoor games finer
meditation is the finest

that's it , 
if one understands it

i elaborate still, it's joy
it's a ploy

game is a play, end product does not result in visible output, 
unlike in other acts

played with partners, or sported alone
win lose no matter, but all joy , and fun

involves environ, body, mind and their coordination
but more in easiness than like in a business

1 outdoor games are gross

involve paraphernalia you know what--
ground, team, ball ,bat, net, wicket, what not

body  running, walking, talking, jumping, bumping
needing large energy pumping

distances traversed are large


2 indoor games finer
involve far less of the features of out door ones

3 meditation is the finest
involve the least of even indoor ones

here ,one is the player, the partner, the spectator, the referee,
emptiness is the ground, all within, 

he is active with no activity

he plays he enjoys infinity

he is the winner
mind is the apparent loser,

but it's now with bigger, it's more a gainer
hence the game is win win, none the loser

wise play out doors, wiser play indoors
wisest play wall-less ,no doors

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