Friday, October 14, 2016

LOVE and GOD…. by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

LOVE and GOD…. by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Love is the sweet expression of life. It is the supreme content of life. Love is the force of life, powerful and sublime. The flower of life blooms in love and radiates love all around.

Life expresses itself through love. The stream of life is a wave on the ocean of love. Life is expressed in the waves of love, and the ocean of love flows in the waves of life. What a comfort love brings to the heart. The heart tickles with the thought of love, and waves of life begin to roll on the ocean of love. Every wave of life is full with the ocean of love. Yes, such a life is worth living.

Every wave of life,  full with the ocean of love. Such a life is life, such a life is worth living.

And who lives such a life of all love, of bliss, of power, and of peace?

The fortunate ones, and the fortune is open to all to design their destiny and begin to live life in all love and joy.

The fortunate one uses the instrument of deep meditation, and probes deep into his heart,. Then the waves of love gain the depth of the ocean, and the ocean of love fills the heart and fills every particle of being. Every wave of life then flows in the fullness of love, in the fullness of divine glory, in the fullness of grace, in bliss and peace. The stream of life then flows on the tidal waves of bliss, and the ocean of love permeates every wave of life. Love is highly sensitive.

It is the most delicate power of life. And life is a most dynamic expression of love. Love is delicate, and at the same time, it is most vital and strong. A tiny, tender wave of love rocks the boat of life. Love takes life from the pangs of separation, to the bliss of eternal union. From the insurmountable pangs of separation, to the unlimited joy of eternal union, swings a tiny, tender wave of love. What a miracle God has created in love. Let us live it. Let us be in love, and live in love with one another, and say to ourselves, quietly, let thy will be done.

A soft impulse of love is the sole life of a melting heart. A tiny hope of love brings the light of dawn through the darkness of the lengthy night. And love, even as a twinkling of the faintest star, keeps the light at the altar shining. And in that faintest light of love, someday the individual finds his way, and creeps on in silence, in quietness, drawn by the tiny, tiny love which kept the door open in the hope of fulfillment. In the hope of fulfillment that someday, and sometime, the darkness of the night would give way to the brightness of the midday sun in a clear sky.

The catch of love, though tender is firm and strong. The glory of tenderness and strength is the glory of love. One wants to remain tender in the strength of love. The strength of love makes one tender and firm. Makes one weak in wrong, and powerful in right. Brings forgiveness in authority, and grace in all fields of life. And this is the destiny of the fortunate.

Love is the fortune of the fortunate. Abundance of love is the goal of all destiny. Fortunate are those whose hearts flows in love. A loving heart, a heart full of love, is the precious essence of human life. And that, when it flows in unbounded tidal waves of bliss, it is the glory of the supreme, the blessing of mother divine, and the grace of God.

A wave of love flows over the whole range of life. It sweeps over the whole range of creation. The power of love pilots the plane of life, here there and everywhere. Love takes life from home to hill, from hill to hill, from home to home. Love is desperately seeking.

It keeps the path alive and warms the goal. The silent force of love knows no barrier. It takes the life from the ruggedness of mountains, to the roughness of the sea, and there, in silence of wilderness, and even so in the noisy horizon of the sea, the vast expansion of the unbounded love from a distance brings a breeze cool and fresh to cool the heart and soothe the pangs of separation.

The delicate and kind hand of love takes life from the prick of thorns, to the softness and tenderness of a rose. On the softness of the cradle of love, the life swings from the loneliness of a desperate quest, to the rich planes of fulfillment. A tender spark of love lights the light in loneliness. It burns alive the pangs of the bygone past, and spreads the light of hope and joy and fulfillment. And a tiny spark of love does it. Love is the most precious gift of God to us, let us use it for all good.

Let our life be full with love, let us love and be loving and spread grace around us. Let not the din of the world, and the thick and thin of life disturb the fullness of love in us. Let us be full of grace, and full of light. And in the fullness of love, let us be up and awake to serve the will of God and rise to be of real service to ourselves and to our fellow men. Let the glory of the divine dawn in love.

Let the bliss of the divine effulgence, and the light of love permeate our life, and transform our life to the eternal life of the divine being. Let lovingness spring as the light of the divine. For, the divine is all love in its essential nature, and love is all divine in its truthful expression.

The divine is fullness of love, and love is fullness of the divine. Love is the light of divinity. It presents the divine in man. Love is the divine life in man. Love in our hearts is the divine in heaven. The divinity of the heaven dwells in our hearts as love. Love in the heart of man is the shrine of God on Earth. Blessed are those who carry the shrine of God in fullness of love in their hearts. And when the drops of love trickle down the melting heart, the angels in heaven run down to count and keep a record. No drop of precious love is ever wasted.

For every drop of love flows the unbounded ocean of bliss. And the ocean of bliss unfolds the love divine and fills the heart. Then the eyes lift to God, and God raises his arms and extends his heart. And then the reality dawns. The stream of man's love finds the ocean of God's love and flows into it. And this is the glory of love.

The man and God unite in the eternal ocean of love. Let us bring to our life the glory of this love, which brings the heavens in life on Earth. "Love of God", someone said, "is an abstract concept". Yes it is abstract. It takes the experience of life to make it concrete. Love of God is abstract in its infancy, but let us not forget that it begins to be concrete from the very beginning of life and imperceptivity grows, and grows to become concrete, and overtakes our life in full.

In its most infant state, love finds an expression on the lap of mother. In the sweetness of the mother's eye. It grows in toys and playfields, in the sweetness of friends and folks of society. It grows in the sweetness of husband and wife. With age and experience, the tree of love grows. It grows with the growth of life and evolution, and finds its fulfillment in the eternal love of the omnipresent God, which fills the heart and overthrows the darkness of ignorance.

And then, in the illumination of universal love, the abstract love of God finds concrete expression in everything. All becomes divine radiance of eternal love. Life finds its meaning in the living presence of God. Every phase of life then saturated with love breathes the living presence of God. Here, there, and everywhere, in this, that, and everything. Nothing but love and living presence of God. This is how, gradually, the personal love naturally moves on to gain the status of universal love. And universal love moves on to find its expression in personal love.

There is time in life for everything. Life is progressive on the steps of love. And there is a time significant for every step in love. Every plane of love brings fulfillment to the corresponding plane of evolution. All love, in every phase of every drop of it is significant to life. Love is the supreme blessing of life. The sun shines, and it shines forever in fullness.

It may be that the clouds are gathered. Let them come and go. They go as they come. Take no notice of their coming. You go your way, make your way through the clouds, if they lie on the way. Do not try to dispel them, do not be held by them, they will go the way they have come. They are never found stationary. But, if you would like to pause to see them wither away, wait for a while…the wind is blowing anyway.

It is to clear the clouds from your way. Just wait to see the clouds wither away, and the sun, the same old sun of love will shine again in fullness of its glory. When night comes, all appears to be dark, but darkness does not last. The light of the dawn comes on and spreads the love and charm of life. So we shall not mind if the darkness of the night sets in for a while. For the light of love can, for certain, not be gone forever.

So we live in love, and we wait in love to grow in life, and gain fulfillment in love eternal. Love as love is universal. Personal love is concentrated universal love. Ahh, my heart flows when I say personal love is concentrated universal love. The ocean of universal love flows in the stream of individual love. What a blessing in life. The heart in whom the universal consciousness has dawned, is able to have the force of the unbounded ocean of universal love even in the stream of personal love. Those who are restricted in their ability to love. Those whose love flows only in restricted channels of isolated objects or individuals. Those who can only like this or that. Those who have no awareness of universal consciousness in their hearts, are like small ponds where the love can flow only as ripples and not as waves of the sea. Such is the love of most of us. We love today, and rise to fight tomorrow.

Let us not bring shame to love. Let us rise to love forever more and more. When an ocean flows in love, it flows in peace within. When a shallow pond moves to rise high in waves of the ocean, it only stirs the mud at the bottom. And the whole serenity of the pond is spoiled. When a heart, shallow as a pond, seeks to rise high in waves of love, it creates a muddle and brings out the mud that was so far gracefully hidden underneath. To enjoy the ocean of love, we have to improve the magnitude of our hearts and gain the depth of an ocean, unfathomable and full.

Let us give this status of an ocean to our heart before we let loose of our love to be tossed about by the blowing winds. And having gained the status of the deep, let us open the heart for the ocean of love to flow, and let it flow in fullness. The mighty waves of love will rise in grace and hail the glory of the multiple creation with the bliss of the unity and peace within.

And how do we improve the depth of our heart? By probing deep into the purity of our being. By exploring  the finer regions of the impulse of love that murmurs in the silent chamber of our heart. By diving deep into  the stillness of the unbounded, unfathomable ocean of love present within our hearts. By a simple technique of self exploration, or by what is commonly known as the transcendental deep meditation. It is easy for every one of us to fathom the unfathomable magnitude of the ocean of love present within, and forever enjoy the fullness of heart, in the fullness of life.

Love is fullness. It is all embracing. Love binds. It is the unifying force of life. It extends us unity. It binds, yet binds in freedom. It holds together the bonds of freedom. It knows no discord. Disunity is foreign to love. Discord is foreign to love. Disharmony is foreign to love. Love is purity. Love is innocence. Love is fullness, oneness and bliss. It brings fulfillment.

Love unifies the scattered ends of life, and brings them all together into an integrated whole. Love is the symbol of life. Lack of love denotes lack of life content. And the show of love without genuine love is a shame to life. Simple, innocent, natural, normal state of love, without inhibitions, is a divine quality, which is the natural quality of graceful life. The divine grace lies in the fullness of infant love.

And in the abundance of love lies the love of God and love of God's creation. And when the lover of life finds himself in the unbounded love of cosmic consciousness, he whispers to his God within himself, "My Lord, in the temple of my heart, on the altar of thy glory, my God, my love is full, and thy love is treasured safely. My love for thee is safe, and full in freshness, and purity at the glory of thy altar. My Lord, thy lordship is secured in the shrine of my heart. And when my love flows it spreads the glory in thy creation."

In love of God, the lover of life finds expression of the inexpressible. Cosmic life gains expression in its activity; the thought of cosmic life materialized in the process of thinking. His eyes behold the purpose of creation. His ears hear the music of cosmic life. His hands hold on to cosmic intentions. His feet set the cosmic life in motion. He walks on Earth, yet walks in the destiny of heaven. Angels enjoy his being on Earth. This is the glory of unity born of love.

Let us be in love with all around us. Let us be in love. Let us in love resolve to be in love. For, love is life. And certainly we do not want to step out of life. So let us in love resolve to remain in love, and let us never step out of the boundaries of lovingness. For in love dwells the power of creation, wisdom of life, and strength of all good. Certainly, our life has to be all in love.

The thread of love has woven the garment of our life. We shall keep it spotlessly clean and pure. Life is a sacred gift of God to us in love. We shall not defy love, and shall not spoil this sacred gift of life. Love shall be pure in our life. It will help our evolution and cosmic purpose of creation. It will maintain us on high levels of grace and glory of life. Love shall save us from wrong, and guide our part in life. Love shall forever shine on our way, and the light will guide our steps whether we go slow or fast. The light of love shall forever be with us on our way. Love shall forever be the anchor of our life. We shall be in love, and love shall be in us. We shall live in love, shall grow in love, and shall find fulfillment in love eternal.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (Recorded in1967)

Friday, October 7, 2016

i was driving to reach factory

i was driving to reach factory

usual traffic , speedbreakers, overtakers,
jerks, swings, police, hawkers ,

routine, no novel
nothing unusual

one thought how to reach in time safely, of course
mind thinking, body acting, as a matter of course

things were going smooth
forsooth,not a sooth

mind felt things to be alright and declutched from body,
started thinking laterally,a bit moody

what is the goal?--- not the factory
when?--- not after the story turns into history

now, here ,on the road, on the bike
being started to drive the mind alike

it said the goal is to be with being
and every moment be seeing and doing

i reduced the speed a little, hands on the brake relaxed,
manipulating the accelerator negotiating situations unlaxed

now ,eyes were not only on the road and traffic,
but on trees,sky, shops buildings,people,panorama,terrific

the body in high relaxation, 

became light as air, as if non existant

it was just a moment of stand still, 

as if i am not travelling, not sitting on vehicle, 

just existing nonchalance, 
a non moving in all moving,

is it a dream have i slipped into ?
i am fully aware alert

rather in much more alertness than usual, 

on the road minding expertly every obstruction or traffic signal,

manipulating the speed , but entirely carefree, not careless.
yes i was in a state of being in acting

here i found how

-- being permeating the mind and body nervous system, 
the activity becomes effortless, enjoyable, as if doing an art, 

with total involvement 
yet completely uninvolved, as if a witness.

driving is one example , every activity thus becomes an attempt to reach the goal everymoment confirming journey is itself the goal

bless all

bless all

let me bless all, since i am blessed by god
let me praise all, since i am praised by god
let me help all, since i am helped by god
let me be kind to all, since god is kind to me
let me be friendly with  all, since god is friendly with me

between things, people and me
break all walls,artificial
break all barriers ,unnatural

let me be calm and magnanimous
deep and abundant, an ocean
a torrential rain
showering plenty on all
deserving and not
no caring no calculating
right or wrong
making  heaven dance to my song

Thursday, October 6, 2016

one minute manager


one minute manager

plan tasks in minutes
monitor output in minutes
minutes monitoring dvr minute
earn minute by minute
do continuous work minute by minute
deliver output minute by minute
learn/teach minute by minute
this also is akin to be in alertnesss ever
life shall not be wasted with out meaning/ purpose/ output in idleness
living in awareness
akind of eternal vigilence
do not waste others time my time your time
do multi /parallel processing

spiritual wisdom to flow

spiritual wisdom to flow ...from 

1 best , -----self referral, ie soul to one's own soul in silence

2 second best, -------guru to self, till guru 's soul comes in and stays in side our soul, --------rendering unnecessary the need to interact with him again at all. 

external guru lights up and vanishes on his way, then self referral takes over 

3 last , ------soul to co sadhak soul----not much use, 

engg cannot be fruitfully learnt just by talk with co student

still some minor clarifications can be exchanged, 


4 harmful confusing, wasteful is -----from soul to crowd, 

engr will be laughed at by the crowd, as entertainment, when thermodynamics, entropy enthalpy is explained

Annealing and Stress Relief

Annealing and Stress Relief 
are terms used to describe heating a part to a certain temperature, holding it at that temperature, and then cooling the part at a relatively slow rate.

Think of it this way:
You’re stressed from a long day at work (the heat treat term is “work hardened”).
You need to relieve the stress. Sitting in the easy chair and relaxing, that would be stress relief. But once you get up, there’s still the nagging pain in your back/leg/shoulder.

Annealing gets rid of a lot more stress than a simple stress relief, and in many cases actually causes a softening of the material.
You could say its equivalent to soaking in the hot tub or spa for awhile, then having a nice massage. A lot more of the nagging pain is gone.

So, stress relief is a lower-temperature heat treating process that relieves some of the residual stresses, and cools the parts slowly so no new stresses are introduced.

Annealing, on the other hand, is a higher temperature heat treating process that relieves a lot more stress and also softens the material.

All metals and steels can be stressed, which means that all can be stress relieved. 

Many also get too hard, usually through too much stress, and can be softened. Plastic is the latest material that we’re annealing to relieve molding stresses

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

i see simply that i do not fall sick

i see simply that i do not fall sick, and be a pathi of myself, 

not needing any other pathis , allo, homeo, naturo,ayuro

nor needing from any one sympathy , empathy

by being in the god's anubhuthi,

bliss of his vibhuthi

with abundance of bhakthi

with all my shakthi

striving to be in mukthi

before i am out from rakthi

with inevitable death , vimukthi

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

within elastic limits..swadharma

yukta-cestasya karmasu
yogo bhavati duhkha-ha

by practicing the yoga system. He becomes  regulated in his habits of eating, sleeping, recreation and work can mitigate all material pains

'sreyan sva-dharmo vigunah 
para-dharmat svanusthitat 
sva-dharme nidhanam sreyah 
para-dharmo bhayavahah' 

It is far better to discharge one's prescribed duties, even though they may be faultily, than another's duties. Destruction in the course of performing one's own duty is better than engaging in another's duties, for to follow another's path is dangerous.

A novice, a trainee, is not skilled, he falters, fears, hesitates, he is tense , unstable, 

but as the training/ learning matures, he becomes more confident, more sure, a nearer example of manifestation of this ''skill in action'' can be seen in various fields, professionals like, dancers, singers, athletes, sportsmen, executives, poets, speakers, soldiers, mountaineers, also circus experts etc doing fantastic tasks with ease, expertise, without stress, but with a relish in the adventures, physical or mental/ intellectual, exhibiting spontaneous flawlessness just so easily, with no stress 

Speed, feed, depth of cut must be selected properly in accordance with the nature of job, capacity of the machine, -------swadharma

also better to read the maintenance manual-------scripture

be in contact with the maker/ manufacturer--------god

or at least with his local agent/ service center/ technicians/ get trained how to operate, ------guru

clean the machine, remove scrap, lubricate well, regularly, and as per preventive maintenance schedule-------meditation ,pranayam, bath , clean clothes, clean surroundings

this is how a nice product can be generated, without defects, and without harm to the machine

Sunday, October 2, 2016

i find st is a miniature model of the universe,

i find speaking tree is a miniature model of the universe,
given to all of us like a wonderful play school for children ,
to play, to learn, to grow as worthy leaders to influence the bigger real universe.
and lead all towards higher life with all the virtues .

here participation is wide , includes all religions, philosophies, different levels of wisdom/abilities ,scientists , artists, poets, writers, masters, seekers, all age groups, nationalities, beliefs,back grounds, resulting in sharing different point of views , enthusiastically , energetically, and some times with deep sentiments and consequent emotions, some are open minded, some are fun loving, some for passing time, some are obstinate, some times discourteous, 
and it's a challenge to be together and to travel and keep ourselves in track , to be within limits.

i will not judge , every one's likes and ways are unique 

i keep these in view
1.. what is it that i am giving here
2.. what is it that i am taking home
3 .. whether am i learning and growing in wisdom or not
4.. above i take it all it is a self exploration, the blogs dialogs give enough leads to look into myself more 
5 ..kisiko kaise pathar maaroon kaun paraya hai 
sheesh mahal me ek ek chehara apna lagtha hai 

since ''yatha pinde..... 
so all personalities here are different images of my own personality
if i find bad , it is an image of my own badness, 
since '' poornamadah....poornamidam ..'', the god made universe is perfect in its own way , mountain and the squirrel having a quarrel 

this makes me a responsible participant, , and be as hansa, of neera ksheera nyaaya, 
and grow as shiva who is able to hold garala in his kanta , unaffected , and help in ksheera sagara manthanam and wait for emergence of all the kama dhenu kalpa vriksha and amrit

and i see the unexpected wealth do surface in this process, but both devas and rakshasas becoming powerful team 
and lord surely may come as mohini [in some form] and set things right things at right time 
and the neem tree may yield sweet fruits 

one of the best fruit is this venture of religious harmony and we st souls getting the privilege of reading and knowing and doing some thing good 
without st, [ with all its slight aberrations ] this great opportunity would have lost among the din of media news 
things will improve, 
''yes we can ''

and visa denied, but red carpet spread, 
world is getting united, towards vasudhaika kutumbakam
let st be that training field , just on the desk top, 
let keyboard be our mala inour tapasya under the speaking tree
and perfection has no limits......

Saturday, October 1, 2016

deh devache mandir

देह देवाचे मंदिर, आत आत्मा परमेश्वर ॥१॥

जशी उसात हो साखर, तसा देहात हो ईश्वर ।

जसे दुग्धामध्ये लोणी, तसा देही चक्रपाणि ॥२॥

देव देहात देहात, का हो जाता देवळात ।

तुका सांगे मूढ जना, देही देव का पहाना ॥३॥

deh devache mandir
aat aatma parameshwar
deh devache mandir
aat aatma parameshwar

jashi usaat ho sakhar
tasa dehaat ho ishwar

jase dugdhamadhe loni
tasa dehi chakrapaani

dev dehat dehat
ka ho jata devllat

tuka saange mudh jana
dehi dev ka pahana

deh devache mandir
aat aatma parameshwar

body is the abode of god, inside is the supreme self
like sugar is in the cane, chakrapani is in the body 
lord being there in the depth of body, why go to any temple 
tuka says , oh dimwitted! god has worn the body as his costume 

What is the relevance of a temple / tall structures,??

What is the relevance of a temple / tall structures,??

for the construction of which , the '' biodiversity'' is harmed,
all the jungle around and the flora, fauna, vegetation, and innocent ants, snakes, worms, germs , birds, wild beasts, are destroyed, with no mercy, no consideration for the life that is so precious, 
where as just common sense suggests that every living being has a right to live on this earth including trees / plants / insects
which god, if any, approves such a cruelty in the name of spirituality/ tradition/ culture/ civilization??

whether saints became wise spirituals by praying the temples??
or minding their own routine duties in utter sincerity??

should spirituality become an escape route??

or prepare one as a brave soldier to live intelligently and with wisdom , without running away from the realities of life around??

Thursday, September 29, 2016

vowel is ''intelligence'' ..consonant is ''energy''

vowel is ''intelligence'' ie viveka/ discretion/judgement. on what where how which when why of action, it is the process of directing the activity, directing the energy, .........vowels is uttered easily, ie with minimum/ almost 0 input of energy.................

....consonant is ''energy'' ie mass, raw material.
.consonant is uttered by use of some energy ......
but .as it is ,in raw form it has no utility, we cannot use it , unless we process it as per our requirement,
ie...... unless consonant undergoes the right manufacturing process by associating with a vowel, it is not useful,......

..........when associated with vowel it gains energy when associated with intelligence acquires a significance/ value/use/purpose....

....raw material when undergoes a particular process acquires a value a word is thus a ''finished product'' or a word is a component of a finished product, having a value, .....

.......since word is output of intelligence and energy , word has power ..
..........speeches /word groups have great power
....can do wonders, can transform earth into heaven .....

........all with simple/ unchanging small limited number of basic vowels and consonants

terrorists are like destructive labs

factory owner sets up a nice design and manufacturing system
to produce the best quality products

as a necessity, he also sets up the best quality control lab , for severe testing of products….tests may non-destructive tests also destructive tests like drop tests, shock vibration tests etc
when in the lab, a few pieces get broken/destroyed in the tests, inspector is not doing adharma, he is following his assigned duty, doing dharma….mercilessly, without compromise.

rakshasas/terrorists/are like destructive labs….created for a purpose

the quality /excellence of rama stands proven when he wins over the toughest fellow  ravana

hence god created a ravana  and at the end it only helped rama to prove himself

every system needs to be perfect, if not it is exposed
ATM should be tamper proof, the criminal if tampers, he is helping to convey a message that it needs to be improved

If terrorism, crimes prevail it is an indication for society and government to awake from sleep and work for perfecting the system such that it disallows the birth of an enemy

So god has been sending alert signals by creating kasabs etc
This will continue till the humanity raises themselves to the highest ideal of universal brotherhood, peace, prosperity, well being ………...without the need of maintaining army and weapons

All are on the one path of evolution from lower consciousness to higher in their own way
This is the one dharma

And as our duty , Lets add an iota of goodness from each one of us  

analysis is science..synthesis is art.

analysis is science..synthesis is is to learn the science and then design and manufacture products

analysis is to find the truth., including due experimentation,/measurements, comparison... using rationality, common sense, intelligence, logic, science, experience..................not to be content with simple acceptance, and get deluded. .it is alertness at work evaluating the true worth .............. ....most essential.......

and then
 launch up on synthesis, to evolve solutions for problems, design and create desired products of utility and value, and serve the society / even market it for advantageous use

How to enhance and practice analytical and critical thinking?.

...........................basic requirement is a cool non emotional mind, not jumping to quick conclusions, but to patiently do a thorough scrutiny of all datas and also evaluate by trial and error / sample testing on real plane

Birds of the same feather

Birds of the same feather flock together
And beautifully rock together

But ,I am a bird of all feathers,
not limiting to any one particular feather

I flock with all folks
Of all colors, of all walks,

I belong to all parties, all groups, all religions, all gurus
Never stuck or stay sitting in any of the grooves,

Staying unmoved in any weather
Yet Moving all ever hither and thither

Taking the best of all
making the most of any mall

water is in  all the pots
no single pot can hold the total ocean

‘‘All are in me

i am not in them’’

I am just a tree

I am just a tree
under guru grace i became free

it's for me the cool breeze, 
sunshine, rain, nourishment 
manure, fence, 
all in abundance

i grew, i grow, day by day
moment by moment

with leaves, flowers, fruits, cool shade plenty
all his bounty

no need to show off,
it shows 

no need to call and shout
it attracts

each uses me , misuses me
abuses me,
praises me, 

pleases me
adds a bucket of water

some one cuts me to size
some one fells me down

some one burns me
some one turns away

i stand , i with stand, 
i smile i sob, in pain , in pleasure

i continue to grow and grow
i continue to live and reborn

i am not a speaking tree
but birds and beasts around speak

i am silent , i am silence
it's my silence that speaks

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Dwaitha evolves in to adwaitha

Dwaitha evolves in to adwaitha
adwaitha details down to dwaitha,

down to countless thathva
and infinite matha

infinite matha evolve in countless thatva
which evolve into dwaitha

that evolves to adwaitha
and process continues

diversity to unity
unity to diversity

god in unity creates infinite diversity
each item in diversity evolves in to final unity

universe is expanding somewhere
contracting somewhere

we are detailing things 
or we are summing up details

march is upward
and downward

all is forward
it's reward

copypaste , a mere waste?

copypaste , a mere waste?

i say to myself

copypaste ,
a mere waste?

what is there in it?,
it's not your merit

can you not be original?
and be more useful? 

i answer to myself

i am a passing cloud
nothing i am ,nothing mine, no new nor old

i copy some where ,the waters of oceans,
i paste elsewhere, abundant rains

me a copy of divinity
pasted by him as humanity

rishi copies the akshara
pastes as richa

god copies woman and man
pastes as their daughter or son

where is originality of god, newness?
he is ever the same, colorless tasteless odourless

nothing is his creativity, he is mere waste
doing nothing and being nothing , a master copypaste

Poetic i see your

Poetic i see your --''posting blogs on this site 
' infinite', 

yes, both you and me, though are elements finite
are full with creativity infinite

with  prose and poetry flowing off the cuff, and collar 
though in lines bigger or smaller

rishi simply saying 
what he is seeing

helpless we are , god is the writer residing in the pen
we are his ''post'' men

Monday, September 26, 2016



surrender is the first word
i totally surrender to you ,

i realize i am working in your esteemed organization
my office,= the universe
new assignment ,= my office work= is sadhana
my boss=you, god, i have to obey you 

i should work sincerely always when i am working in your organization  

i have to be in team spirit with all in the universe since every one, every being is my colleague
as everyone, everyone is working in your organization as directed by you

your standards are high .
i should strive relentlessly to perform as per your expectations

you are the best teacher. i learn by seeing your example

you are the best manager. i learn management by seeing how you are managing the universe

you are the source of power. i draw all my strength from your infinite reservoir of power that is sath ,from you, who is available to me nearest to me deep inside, most intimate

you hold the world clock.
i set my time, i set my clock,
i set my rhyme and rhythm with reference to your clock

i dance to your thaal ,
i sing to your raag

i plan and perform as per your clock
 your calendar

you are the creator of the live calendar in which seasons are manifesting indicative of thy calendar
lord, let thy clock pulse be always audible to me in my heart

you are my complaint box ,
grievance channel and true help

you really listen to my murmur,
my whims and wishes,

my good and bad, my grumblings, my cries ,
my confessions, my anger and my laughter,

my pain, my sufferings, my noise, my music,
my utterances, my wishes, my whispers ,and my silence

lord, i can only turn to you,
i can only run to you

with all my failures, my successes
my frustrations, my cares and my worries.

you are kind, compassionate, understanding, loving,
always forgiving my mistakes, my blunders
my deceiving, my dishonesties, my insincerities, my cunningness

you are my mother father guru and the elder
you’re my friend philosopher and guide in the real sense

you are the best care taker ,
you’re my nath, ,

shree krishna govinda, hare murare,
hey natha narayana, hey vasudeva

my lord, you are the best doctor,
the best healer
you are vadya, veda,
vidya, vydya ,

please excuse me for my above silly expression
this is only my unnecessary show of the pandithya

time has passed without nishtha ,without sadhana
without prayer, alas , cannot regain

pl make me return to you immediately
pl give me bhakthi shradhdha sincerity

i have come back to you
pl accept my commitment

i here by resolve to start afresh
from 0 base my sadhana, my journey from this moment

surrender is the last word,
i surrender