Sunday, May 1, 2022

Let's understand judiciary too is just human beings


Let's understand judiciary too is just human beings

let's tackle the reformation of the human being primarily along with timely wisely acting with existing wisdom, and bring in the total change


judiciary at least is coming to help, as in ias services not to be under the cane of political bosses"


true spirituality must necessarily find fulfillment in bringing about the most needed transformation in the life of individuals, consequently in the life of the nation as a whole, enabling the individuals to face the challenges boldly and strive for justice, goodness, progress, of the nation and the world , without hesitation , putting in every resource at their command not to be deaf dumb blind numb passive entity looking the other way at the time of need on any pretext


klaibyam maa......arjun , fight, cowardice does not befit you at the end of the day , the truly spiritual realized souls are going to rule the thoughts of citizen making them to act wisely and fulfill their due responsibility with alacrity


i welcome debates on the issues of the nation , indicative of the spiritual sensitivity to the practical situation"


"Fully agreed independently, before reading the blog, i decided that i must get rid of the existing scam gate govt with the most responsible pm looking the other way when corruption happening under his very nose

i do not belong to any party but i will vote for just change and wait for the new comer and see his performance much more than the rhetoric if he does not perform, surely i look for further alternative"



"I still want to vote for new fellow, this theory does not hold water it is like if i cannot get water, i must continue to drink from gutter may be if i search i can get better, if not the best"

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