’Of great sages I am Bhrgu. Of sounds I am
the monosyllabic mantra om. Of sacrifices I am japa. Of immovable things I am
the Himålayas. Gita 10/25’’
In the manifest world, god is present in what ever is the
om is a sound.ie it is manifest, sublime sound , so god
is identifying himself with om ,
but god , in totality is present as pure
consciousness, the unmanifest absolute , parabrahma, aham brahmasmi, and arjuna
is asked to reach that state, by going beyond the mind, ‘’nistraigunyo
bhavarjuna’’ and be established in that state become yogastha and perform
action , 2: /48
yoga-sthah kuru karmani
ie, the emphasis is on accessing the
transcendental consciousness,
and since om is a great mantra for
meditation, and thereby reaching Samadhi state, ie the field where all gods
reside, first om is uttered and allowed to vanish and reach the transcend, and
stuti of chosen god is uttered which
activates/awaken that god
so I underline that om is a means to
reach gods, it is not god , it is one of sublime thing with which god
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