Tuesday, May 17, 2022

let me put horse before the cart,


let me put horse before the cart,


correct grasp is -- TRUE SPIRITUALITY IS the basis for discovery of laws of LAWS OF NATURE WHICH ARE PURE SCIENCE ........


to say spirituality is based on laws of nature'' -- is like saying cart before the horse .


that is how even the so called masters do not have the right grasp on science and spirituality, but they teach the same inaccurate stuff to the lesser


true spirituality is a path of knowing more and more and the total,


on its way the discrete laws of nature are discovered in the way how the petals in a flower sprout , the spiritual anveshan results in the discovery of the natural law, the samhitha of all the laws of nature


1 one ,before becoming the true vidyavaan ,

which makes him to be naturally true humble

starts to pretend humility,----- to gain acceptability --

popularty / name ' an image of ''a good person ''-------all with / for his substandad vidya stuff


and with that pretense sells to gullibles, soon he rises to be the ''best'' on account of more headcounts, than the contents of the heads


and his humility vanishes in no time with slightest prick by a truth uttered by a stray ordinary person

and he starts hurling abuses, his veil torn into pieces helplessly

This applies to the so called great masters, pitiably, and his faithful followers hound him out to protect the image of that ''great'' master or


2 the honest emphatic assertions by a person who does no pretense

are labeled as arrogance, ego, absurd, and offensive

Vidyavaan becomes gentle, humble [ gandhi/vivekananda ramakrishna]

but he never is a timid ,coward , bending due to fear, finding escape route, in the name of god or spirituality. like arjun not wanting to fight and wants to quit


once illumined with vidya by kishn , he did became humble, gentle,

but fought with doubled vigor, merciless on the cruel and wicked


4 another the danger in spirituality is--- it is misunderstood so easily without right guidance, and turns one into dull detached weak unable to resist onslaughts of challenges, passing the buck safely to god, and doing all things good and bad in the name of surrender to god, a criminal justifying his acts as directions from god so, not his mistake


some escape saying it is all maya. accept the suffering as gift of god , without the right initiative to overcome suffering


thus bharath lost its glory due to such utter misconcepts of the otherwise invigorating glorious spiritual truths


5 so every one has a great responsibility to do sufficient home work and sadhana

before starting preaching, teaching and expecting only praise for his great writings ,


6 not every ram krishn hari can teach, usefully before himself learning adequately and fully


7 and half knowledge is the greatest danger and does great harm ---like osama brainwashing youth -----one must scrupulously avoid such blurts , done with/ without ulterior motives or even in ignorance or innocence

6 hence it is not any , but only good to be chosen like

sath grantha patanam,

sath saangathyam

sath sang

sath vachan

sath marga

sath vichar



options are more

so dangers are more along with benefits in our encounters

hence need to be vivekavantha--choosing only the right, with all care and wisdom , skipping the wrong ones

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