Thursday, May 19, 2022

i should do not under estimate the participants' honesty


 i should do not under estimate the  participants' honesty , without knowing their ways of working, 
just because i do not agree with x on his views, 
and just becuse x does not fall in my line of thinking
and does not change as directed by me, 
, , should i label him as dishonest / fake / mock / freak / and outcast him 
all readers must think to go with best wisdom, without fall a prey to rigidity in distorted outlook

my mother calls me chotu, father says maayi, brother named me as chitti, friends say vsn, colleagues named me terror, how can compell any one to call me by only one name

almost all net works like wordpress , blogger, fb, and any news agencies invite comments every time giving opportunity in what ever name . 

the readers are encouraged to blog as much as they please, with what ever real fake multiple , as per the sweet will of the blogger with no such interference . 

it is worthwhile to see how the world is working coming out a little from limited thinking with limited goals .

why to find fault with others

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