Wednesday, May 18, 2022

I read the lively discussion and see the concerns


I read the lively discussion and see the concerns

1 without one willing, without one attempting to be a contestant, 
all bloggers are listed as if they are running a race and their rank is displayed, 

this is the root cause of great nuisance i am sure majority are not racing , and are not willing to race., i am too 

we are simply sharing what ever we find is interesting, useful, enjoyable, funny, entertaining, enlightening, from what ever source we happen to stumble up on , by book- marking, emailing, preserving, for the sheer reason of its readily availability for ready reference, without giving importance to who is the author , but considering its value, in our best discretion

2 in the internet enormous knowledge is so much abundantly available that we will not be able to wastetime in locating what is useful to us , but friends make it easy by collecting, and distributing. this must go on 

knowledge must be shared , but not necessarily the source of it, once the lead is given, one can explore it further for his need

3 similarly in st we like to share a lot of divine knowledge keeping the attention on the message/ content, not necessary to glorify the authors, since authors do not need praise, what they seek is whether writings are read or not whether their message is grasped or not.
and they will be too happy if it is spreading 

4 plagiarism is an issue if one is using for commercial exploitation, and it is between the copy rightist and the copyist , not our concern

5 blogging is not a competition but an exploration with self efforts or with help from all like minded.

not all are great expert writers nor original thinkers, nor saints philosophers here ,

yet we contribute our might in our own way, out of joy, without forcing or expecting others to obey our guidelines right or wrong

6 we do blogging in big or small size, frequencies , more or less, original, copied, out of memory, out of experiences, as per our convenience, liking, at our pace, not as obligation, not as official duty, not as ritual, not as self imposed prerogative, but out of just inspiration and convenience , depending on time, cost, power cut, net connection, health, duty --but never to please x y z but to feel happy in our own way

7 in this process , it is all incidental and natural  that we get responses, praise, advice, appraise, criticism, love, hate

8  it is all acceptable, since we have no right to direct any one to respond in our desired way , 

nor we can meet others expectations. since every one has a point of view of his own, it is one's way, will, attitude, disposition, mood, intentions . let it be what ever . there are new comers their are experienced writers, each has a style, some are learning some are masters 

all are welcome 

9 if a blogger has been responded well with lot of head count, may be his sharing is good, he sent pms tom many readers are liking, irrespective of sources,mentioned or not 

why bother

bloggers are not in the race, but they are lined up here, is if in race 

if they are getting more ratings, what is the problem , if some body gets a prize, what is the issue 

his evaluation is as per norm or not is the toi issue , not our issue 

what is that we loose, if one blog is not useful? skip it, go to other countless blogs,

why to interfere with others ?, why to malign? , what is the cause for irritation,?

none insists that one must be rated high, but if it happens, why get disturbed?

 let toi decision prevail

they are the owners, we are the users

let this be left as it is 

or let the contestants and non contestants be separated

but our energies must be directed on self growth not getting distracted with minor issues

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