every one comprehends things and functions based on his level of consciousness.
world is a big university, having students at different levels
studying the most rudimentary in the elementary grade ,
and graduating to the absolute mastery on secrete complexities in the highest grades,
slowly , gradually ,at their own pace,
but surely reaching a state
where they can become the professors and masters eventually
raising even the standard of the university, and raising the standard of the universe even
At each grade the lessons, the exercises, the methods of teaching the modes of learning are different , but appropriate and valid to that grade of students , and students do it and pass out of that grade to the next , now needing higher grade lessons, and now not needing the lower grade lessons.
that proves the validity of every appropriate lesson in every grade.
those who pass out , feel no need of lower grade lessons , yes, but let them not ridicule and make fun of those lessons .
let them not expect all to jump to the level of master , without earning the eligibility.
one cannot be expected to imitate the actions and thoughts of master, one can only learn one lesson that masters have reached their level by doing the sadhana of appropriate lessons and reaching a state where such lessons become no more necessary .
till then let every one continue their efforts in their respective grade
and pass out after due learning to the next,
and move up till the pinnacle of learning is reached,
of becoming the embodiment of knowledge, gnyana moorthi
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