1.every choice is at the cost of other options, sacrificed .................in life, our plan should be such that every aspect blossoms, nothing neglected..wisdom is to attend to the root on the first priority, by which all aspects grow in due proportion gradually reaching ultimate growth and expansion
2...''water the root , enjoy the fruit ''...nourishment to the root of life is sath chith ananda...ie energy intelligence bliss....so once one learns to gain access to the source of nourishment, then automatically spontaneously all aspects are taken care.....as if god is guiding every plan and every action
3..so the foremost first action in plan must be to regularly meditate morning and evening for a few minutes to recharge the system and allow it to get activated nicely
4..in the divine plan, execution will be fully supported by nature and will be just easy and enjoyable, highly productive and fast ''yateenaam brahma bhavathi sarathi'' will be experienced in the day to day life as if kishan is guiding arjun
..in other words, one has become just a tool in the hands of god, and what planning and executing takes place , all happens in the most desired way , ...
5,, if not , all plan and efforts will be just patchy, without optimum results , this is the difference between life of enlightened and unenlightened ....kishan said ''yogastha kuru karmani.''..then ''karma sukaushalam'' happens
6..this is the wisdom gita teaches on planning and execution in our life practically
7 ...''master the science of life'' then you will live ''the art of living''.............it is true wisdom, highest intelligence, not just a philosophical contemplation
8...unexpected good co-incidents will be encountered, ....just wishing a desire gets fulfilled without actually doing it .....if you want to meet X . as soon as you wish it, X will come to you ,,,,this is sidha way of life, perfection in the art of living ...one does not do a thing, but things happen on their own , since the individual life's plan is perfectly in line with universal plan of life, ,
...9.. life is a tapasya, there will be hurdles / distractions / attractions...yet '' the aim is to keep ascending. '' till the goal is reached...........''Take not even the slightest notice of what puerile creatures may be saying against you. Indifference, indifference, indifference! ''...vivekananda
10..god is sarvam ..all is divine, ...ie, all is manifestations of divine, but in different modes, it is like saying all mater is energy , but every matter like coal, petrol, wood, are manifestations of energy in different degrees of content , some having high calorific value, some with low ...we value that which contains high content ...similarly. different pranis/different persons are with high/low content of ''sath'' but having potential to enhance it to ultimate level, at which one is completely in concord with universal existence ........purpose of human life is not to be content and compromise with low level but to raise the level by self effort
11...''know what deeds you have to do '' is not so easy, here most men are misled and go on doing such unworthy deeds. like, ISIS harming themselves and harming others ....but one will be able to arrive at ''correct action list ''if one is enlightened ...if not all his sincere efforts will be like investing in a loss making venture , and ends up in ruin
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