Tuesday, May 31, 2022

interactions 1 self with guru ----------- brief---days/weeks




1 self with guru ----------- brief---days/weeks


2 self with self ------------  sufficiently long---months/couple of year


3 self with universe--------then the rest of life, life long


whoever lights the inner jyothi , really, truly  is guru

all can share wisdom a to z, but cannot light

if it lights, no further need exists to seek anything from any  man ,

i am not lighting it, in true sense

though i am writing what i found from inside.

hence i am no guru


such writings may clarify certain areas of knowledge, and serve partially, may inspire to seek totally from one's inside, and leads one to a guru, to get lit, thus to get enlightened in true sense


my writings are my joy,

if others find some little value in it it is joy doubled ,

there is ---definitely ---- right and wrong


1 there is ---definitely ---- right and wrong , 

intelligent, unintelligent, wisdom , foolishness  about approaches

all approaches will not lead to same place 

nor at the same speed, 

nor with the same ease, 

nor with the same effectiveness

one can be circling around the engg college life long 

but cannot and will not learn engg and will never become engineer 

what is required is to take admit into college 

and do the course, 

do the homework prescribed by the wisest engineers 

to make one sufficiently knowledgeable in the field in limited time of 5 years, 

so that he can practice his profession thereafter , life long , meaningfully, fruitfully usefully

2 one can thru self effort , without guidance, 

may spend lifelong reading all kinds of books, 

listening all kinds of people, 

or just remaining at home without any thing 

he never can become a graduate , nor can be any use to himself nor to others 

as far as engg profession is concerned

The great Rishi Vyasa


The great Rishi Vyasa●

Rishi Vyasa is said to be the author of the Mahabharata. It would be impossible, historically, to say anything about this great seer. As our study of this great epic goes deeper, the hidden mysteries start unraveling; then, we can only but bow down in astonishment as to what kind of a super human could have written this magnum opus. Today, let us try to look into the story of this great rishi and see what we can learn from it.

Rishi Parashara, the father of Indian astrology, wanted to cross the river Kalindi. As the ferryman was having lunch, his daughter Matsyagandha ferried the rishi across. She was called Matsyagandha because she was born from the stomach of a fish and her body always had the odour of one.

When the boat reached the middle of the river, Rishi Parashara realised that at this point in time all the planets were in their houses of exaltation and degree wise perfect. This point in time was the most powerful ever and a child conceived at that moment would go to become a spiritually highly advanced super human. He created a fog around the boat and asked Matsyagandha to embrace him. He created an artificial island in the middle of the river where the play of love was enacted. The minute the act was over the smell of fish left her body and was replaced with the fragrance of musk. Matsyagandha became pregnant immediately and the rishi blessed her saying that even after giving birth to a son, she would still remain a virgin. The rishi took a bath in the river and then took her leave. He told her that her son would be born with a divine essence, that he would become a famous teacher and would compile works of the rishis called the Vedas. He would be called Vyasa.

There was no time gap in the completion of Matsyagandha’s pregnancy and Vyasa was born immediately. He grew up immediately into a radiant young ascetic; taking leave of his mother, he went away into the forests to do penance. Before leaving, he promised her that whenever she wished to see him, he would be there. Since Vyasa was born on an island, he was also called Krishna Dwaipayana, or the ‘dark one’ of the island.

When we go into the root of the word Vyasa, we can derive many meanings:

1.Vi + as: the one who has ‘Vishesh asana’ or is sitting in a special way, a special posture. Man is a three brained being; he has a thinking centre, a feeling centre and a instinct/ moving centre. In today’s age, the thinking centre is overactive and hence, a lop-sided development of the centres exists. We think about everything, even if it is not meant to be a function of thinking. For instance, love is a function of feeling, but we think about it all the time. Eating is function of the instinct centre and body intelligence, but we keep calculating how much we should eat and how many vitamins we would need. It is very rare to see a person whose is centered and or is in balance. Vyasa or special way of sitting is personification of a person whose posture (among the centres ) is totally balanced.

2.Diameter: That which divides a circle in to two or gives rise to the duality of life. Everything in life is cyclical but we look at things in pairs, for instance happiness and sorrow, love and hate, hot and cold. That one that can see both simultaneously is called Vyasa. We think day is different from night but the reason they seem different is because one cycle is divided into two. When times are bad we cannot see good times but both are part of one cycle and the one who can see the other end from one is called Vyasa.

3.Vyasa also means compiler or distributor. He compiles the Vedas. The inner intelligence that knows where to use attention and how to direct and control the subtle energies in our body-brain system is also called Vyasa.

Vyasa was born of Rishi Parashara. We discussed how the rishi realised that it was the most valuable point in time, a point unique in the history of mankind, and so he entered into a union. Hence, 4.Vyasa was not born out of excitement but his birth was a conscious act based on what Rish Parashara foresaw. Parashara is a combination of words ‘PAR’ and ‘SHRU’. PAR means beyond and SHRU means to join, that is to join with the beyond. Parashara is a saint whose arrow of attention has joined with the divine or the very source of attention. He meets the ferry woman who smells of fish and she is the one who takes the boat from one shore to the other. In the Mahabharata, we see that the Vyasa is the one who balances both, the spiritual and material side (or the two shores of life).

Smell is a sign of astral world. After death, the astral body feels hungry, and that is why we offer food to the departed. The purpose behind this is that the departed satisfy their hunger ( or desire) through smell and had nothing to do with physical consumption of the food. Matsyagandha loosing the smell of fish and gaining the fragrance of musk reveals to us that she was then free of passions and desires that lie in the lower astral and psychic worlds, and rises above all of these, symbolised by the divine fragrance of musk.

Vyasa is born on the island, Dwaipa, created by Rishi Parashara. Dwaipa means the spiritual path that can only be travelled alone. Saga patanjali calls the ultimate experience as ‘KAIVALYAM’ or that ALONENESS which is connected with everything in the universe or ‘ALL + ONENESS’. Vyasa is also called as KRISHNA or the ‘DARK ONE’, symbolising the ultimate experience as to that of BLACK HOLE where everything dissolves and total emptiness remains. This shows that Vyasa was born in the highest spiritual state possible for man.

The ultimate experience is both our right and destiny and the Mahabharata shows the different paths available to us to attain this experience. No words are enough to describe the greatness of Rishi Vyasa; we can only bow down in humility to this great rishi who created such an immortal scripture.

Next week, we shall look into the interaction between Lord Ganesha and Rishi Vyasa and how the Mahabharata came to be.

● 3step Rhythmic Breathing ( 3SRB); Omkar; Gayatri Mantra! veraval centre

Nahi nahi rakshathi duk run karani


Nahi nahi rakshathi duk run karani

all the nuances of words, finesse of grammar , beauty of expression . paandithya prakarsha will not save you

do not get stuck go beyond the words to reach at that real essence that all words trying to convey

what seeker has to do is to seek , earliest , the guidance of sathguru, who shows the way to do sadhana on right lines, and then proceed diligently, sincerely, doing sadhana regularly

so that sadhana ends in saphalatha , in the shortest time ,

life gets illumined all along with bliss and all the divine glory ,

knowledge blossoming inside with thousand petal,

not needing to read a million books ,

but delivering the great wisdom from within , that can brighten the lives of millions , rising himself in the capacity of jagathguru eventually

i emphasize, on right guidance

without a sufficiently long rope, the bucket can not reach the deep waters in the well , though he may put life long efforts , the bucket comes out empty every time

What is the minimum needed is a tiniest spark which lights up the inner lamp

It should be the real spark, not the look alike, glowworm

Once it lights up the lamp , it has done the job. it’s task is over

Now it is up to the sadhak to pursue, preserve, intensify the light of the lamp ,

to add the fuel of sustained, intense sadhana thru which that lamp becomes a flame,

becomes grown into a wild fire ,far excelling the tiny spark ,

thus become a brighter light, increasing day by day,

eventually to be able to light up many more lamps, all lamps . thus illumine the universe

sadhak can grow to any height, it is in his hands.

he has options to put in the efforts or even to put off the light

primary teacher teaches alphabets

student will learn and joins a high school, a college, a university,

will become a professor,

far excelling the primary teacher

but he must learn the alphabets

if he drops out at any stage, none of his teachers can help

if he pursues, growth is limitless


1 right guidance

2 sincere efforts

both are required,

but results will be in proportion to inputs ,

guru will not carry shishya on piggy back

intelligent way of communication. “mookam karothi vaachaalaam”


intelligent way of communication.

“mookam karothi vaachaalaam”

the knowledge and experience of creative intelligence makes one transact his activity with least consumption of energy.

one communicates in a better way, such that energy loss is minimum. ‘mookam karothi’ does not mean he stops communication.

he does it all the more effectively, may be in a codified way , or , still better dakshinamurthy way.

‘gurosthu mouna vyakhyanam shishyaasthuchinna samshayaha’

my irreverence on the intellectualism


my irreverence on the intellectualism,

i am critical because i feel sad on the decadent social situation with crime episodes repeating, even by high educated, high placed, they mostly trying to analyze the problems thread bare, and eloquently writing and talking, yet not knowing / not offering the root level solution to overcome the sins, and conveniently finding escape routes passing the buck on others or even on god, without knowing, without trying to know what/' who/ where/ god is but circling round and round in the vicious circle of problems solutions and fresh problems


as against this distressing scenario, i find that the true spiritual realization, glimpse of the absolute, is able to give the way for solutions to all problems including to root out the cause hence my emphasis has been on authentic self realization for a life in purity/ perfection/ without problems for individual and the society


'No society is perfect, was perfect, cannot be perfect. Much less the Vedic society.''


hence the need for going to the origin, the perfection, from where all is/ are born


deterioration sets in if the purity of teaching is lost

our glorious life in perfection, sathya yuga was due to the light of experience of transcendent by all / majority


once this light is lost, life gets distorted and there is every need to restore the light on priority, not alone the detailed knowledge


Knowledge and deeper levels of knowledge gets revealed as one gains this light

none in the universe except human being concerns to understand by seeing more meaning


none in the universe except human being concerns 

to understand by seeing more meaning 

and interpreting /analyzing /synthesizing, 
expanding/extrapolating/ summing / 
counting/ classifying/ labeling'------ 

and what not 

i have deflated my colorful balloon, 

and brought me down to the earth me flying high with it .

yes now i realize that it's not at all required, made me learn some innocence and enjoy the bliss of ignorance too,

but intellect requires some food 
and it continues to do chewing cud

i do log into my inside and download all the updates directly from within

 i do log into my inside and download all the updates directly from within, to fulfill my every need of spiritual wisdom 

that is more simple more comprehensive, more reliable more easy to access 
no need of pc paraphernalia, nor elec power, knowledge of langs english or sanskrit or hindi

the ruler is responsible for protecting the ruled


Inside Peshawar school: Torn notebooks, pools of blood and the stamp of Taliban brutality - Hindustan Times

the ruler is responsible for protecting the ruled , 

mere condemning the attack by ruler is no substitute for preventive steps,
lip sympathy cannot undo the damage done

what for are the prime ministers, home ministers , deference ministers??
is it only to dispose off the corpses ??


Paksheenaam Balam Aakaasam,
Matsyaanam Udakam Balam,
Durbalasya Balam Raaja,
Baalaanaam Rodanam Balam.


Sky is the strength for birds,
udakam (water) is the strength of fish,
king is the strength of the weak
and crying is the strength of kids.


has the ruler become so powerless, weak, deaf dumb blind and numb, a khat putli ?

innocence ignorance are exploited


innocence ignorance are exploited to ultimate to explode as human bombs, or pilots to srtike at wtc.

real teacher is enlightened ,liberated, liberates, enlightens

vile preacher is blind  in bondage. binds, blinds

Monday, May 30, 2022

 intensive should be the effort for substantial achievement, not extensive

read this story from chandamama 


long long ago,there was a famous sculptor in Siang. Huan was very pious and often received blessings from the goddess he worshiped. one day he was invited by a wealthy person to make a statue. As Huan was being taken round the beautiful mansion,he was wonder struck by all that he saw there. He had never seen such a collection of artifacts any where else. 

Huan could not help wondering .''Why can't I,too,become rich and wealthy?'' He prayed to the goddess. In no time,his own little house was transformed in to a two storeyed house,full of glittering gold. He gave up his job as a sculptor. 

While Huan enjoyed his life as the wealthiest person of that place,there came a government official who attracted a lot of reverence and respect from the people. He,however,noticed that one person alone had kept himself away and did not pay obeisance to him. And that was the erstwhile sculptor. At the instance of the official,the police went and harassed Huan. Suddenly he had an idea. He prayed to the Goddess and told her that he would prefer to be a government official rather than a wealthy gentleman. Huan soon found himself to be a government official. 

In the course of his tours,Huan came upon some tribal women and he was attracted by them. Soon he was harassing them. Their cries brought their menfolk to the spot and they gave. Huan and his attendants a good thrashing .Huan was full of remorse that he had to bear all the insults only because he was a government official. 

Just as he was contemplating that he would better be a tribal woman,the goddess blessed him. Huan was now a comely tribal girl. but,then,she had to work in the fields like other tribal folk,and found it heard to be in the sun morning and afternoon. Huan's next wish was that he would better be a cool cloud 

Cloud Huan cloud not rest even for a while as he was carried away hither and thither by a strong breeze. As there was no limit to Huan's ambition,wish next wish was to become a breeze. And he turned into a breeze,and began floating in the air. Suddenly he met with some hindrance and it was a rock. His next wish,too was granted. Huon was now a rock. Soon,sculptors like him were walking on it. As they chiseled the sides of the rock,Huan could not bear the hits from their hammers. He prayed to the goddess. Please save me,O goddess. It was foolhardy of me to have asked for several favors. I regret I was ambitious with out a purpose.'' 

''Yes Huan,''said the goddess,''you had too many ambitions in life,and still you were not happy with,yourself. You'd better be a sculptor.''She then disappeared once and for all. Sculptor Huan also had no occasion to seek any more favors from her 

Our tradition has been to know more and more about less and less.

applying limits, 

to know everything about nothing 

that is how india rose to gretest heights.

Innumerable are choices, ---tv channels, print media, net websites, books, e books seminars lectures debates, universities, colleges, courses, writers, poets, philosophers, godmen, gurus even gods----dress desins, food varieties furniture--------endless items, variety, quality, quantity.

we are limited in every resource--time, money, energy, .

where to begin where to end, perplexed ever, in the dilemma of choices like a donkey unable to decide from which heap or grass to eat, starves at last, amidst plenty 

Akkamahadevi, wisdom matured, in devotion to chennamallikarjuna, prefrred to live the most simple life. 

indicates ''nothing'' provides everything that one really needs.

i respect the west's achievements but i adore our indian sages'wisdom, of solving the unsolvable mystery of life, thru offering ways to samadhi, ie experience of nothing 

We cannot really do justice to any thing, though with best intentions

i realized that all is not meant to my alone use.

things are meant for all in the world

let me take what i need really

really we need very little, and infact ''nothing''

take that little and make the most of it, thoroughly experiencing, digesting ,enjoying and be done with.

leave the resources for that one thing, ''nothing''

instant---is the thing spiritual, instant may be a possibility.


instant---is the thing spiritual,

instant may be a possibility.
do not discount it
but supreme being super prem, 
he will not make the devotee to wait for long 

instants are plenty 

om jayajagadish hare
bhaktha jano kee sankata ---kshaname---- doora kare

this is the great promise and real experience with supreme 
do not underestimate do not make fun
do not wait
do not lose it 
do not lose time and life in waiting and hoping 

how to make it instant?

in a few minutes of meditation , even in the first sitting 

one can get a glimpse of the unmanifest ,absolute, the pure consciousness, shudha chethana for a moment , the samadhi experience, and one is immediately become enlightened on the essential gyan,

this experience is paramount, 

repeated experience of this time over weeks months years one grows in godliness , in leaps and bounds 

and this momentary experience , least, is the essential spark that lights the inner lamp, the light gradually increases , and grows infinite to engulf the whole universe in it 

and this most valuable , essential experience can be gained thru a proper guide who just teaches in short period and makes one to easily, surely authentically get that experience, not to wait for life time or births 
find such a teacher they are available , it is your search that takes one to him, i can give no name

there was a 'star' performer


there was a 'star' performer

giving the best classical renderings well articulated

with melodious ,mellifluous voice,

in perfect sync with accompanying tabala, fiddle ,

and all the nice instruments and players

he was a well acknowledged pandit,

with  a very good record of performance

his concerts were thronged by huge listeners

with taste for good music 


and also there was an intelligent student of music attending these concerts,

with an alert ear, listening and enjoying with great relish, mostly in just silence

though there was occasional applause from the rest.


Amidst the silence, when all audience were lulled into ‘sleep’,

probably by the singer singing probably in some ‘dream’, so to say,

and went into----- apashruthi,--- but ---never noticed by others,----

this man suddenly, unexpected, used to say


‘wah wah, kyabath hai, bahooth khoob’


and audience, as if an uncontrollable involuntary response, used to shower thunders of claps, knowing not what exactly was the enthralling beauty that made this one fellow to burst into such loud praise


and the singer, becoming aware of  the inadvertent apashruthi that happened,

but flabbergasted with the undeserved applause,

used to go red in face,

not knowing whether to chide this fellow for such mischief,

or to thank him for pointing out the flaw, in an intelligent manner, and helping to improve the performance,

not knowing whether he is pulling the legs, or stretching helping hands

two aspects of one reality


two aspects of one reality

This standard statement clarifies on The form of the Supreme

''Brahma Satyam. Jagan Mithya.

Jivo Brahmaiva Na Parah''---- Adi Shankaracharya

God alone is real. The world is illusory.

The individual is none other than God.


1 supreme in essence is just formless ,pure nothingness, pure awareness , unmanifest, no dimensions , not in the frame of time space, without any attributes, it is all pervading, eternal, vacuum state , in the language of physics
so any form , who ever, however beautiful , virtuous, meritorious, saintly, wise, evolved , well behaved cannot be considered as the form of supreme

this is the first fundamental aspect of reality of supreme

2 the one formless supreme manifests as multitude of all visible /manifest forms phenomena,
so every form /every being is nothing but supreme itself in essence
specially the live beings , Jivo Brahmaiva Na Parah''

both formless and forms are existing together one nonseparate from other

conclusion is that supreme is uniformly present , like unseen sap of the tree, giving rise to all aspects of tree like twigs branches flowers fruits seeds, each a part of the one whole tree , no separate from the totality that tree is


 no part is superior/inferior to other part of the tree

The Mahāvākyas


meaning “Great Sayings” or “Great Sentences” – are four statements from the Upanishads which clearly and memorably indicate the unity and absolute oneness of our own spiritual Self with the Supreme Self; of Atman with Brahman.

The Upanishads are the central and foundational scriptures of Hinduism. They are filled with many Mahāvākyas but there are four specific ones, from each of the four Vedas, which are considered the greatest.

The philosophy of Hinduism dignifies and divinifies all mankind, by asserting that all life is the ONE Life…that all life is sacred, precious, and divine…and that there is nothing but Brahman, the One Supreme Divine Principle which is all and in all.

1. Prajñānam Brahman – “Consciousness is Brahman”
(from the Aitareya Upanishad of the Rig Veda)

2. Ayam ātmā Brahman – “The Self is Brahman”
(from the Mandukya Upanishad of the Atharva Veda)

3. Tat Tvam Asi – “Thou art That”
(from the Chandogya Upanishad of the Sama Veda)

4. Aham Brahmāsmi – “I am Brahman”
(from the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad of the Yajur Veda)

“In the beginning was only Being, One without a second. Out of himself he brought forth the cosmos and entered into everything in it. There is nothing that does not come from him. Of everything he is the inmost Self. He is the truth; he is the Self supreme. You are That, Shvetaketu; you are That.”
~ “Tat Tvam Asi” in the Chandogya Upanishad ~

god has two aspects


god has two aspects 

1 as manifest visible universe, localized in beings and objects as names and forms ,, perceivable by senses thru mind

2 as  unmanifest invisible pure consciousness unbounded, present  everywhere…..one can experience this in ‘’no mind’ state ,

Mind is there if thoughts are there

If there are no thoughts, there is no mind

since ‘’manam eva manushyanam karanam bhanda mokshayah ‘’ ..ie for human, mind is the means for bondage or liberation [human is trapped my mind, resulting in crimes, all misconduct, harming individual and social well being murders,  suicides, etc]

So all sadhana is for managing the mind, ie to go beyond the mind , ie to reach ‘’no thoughts’’ state 

All  human beings long for freedom

They have found many means

Puja, stotra, japa, dhyana, also bhajan,kirtan sangeeth,ie  gayan vaadan nachan ….with different effectiveness for different individuals , all finally to go beyond and reach the inner god , the pure consciousness

With sustained practice purity grows in the body mind nervous system, and Samadhi gets stabilized  leading to the experience of god’s presence everywhere. , 

There are distinct two aspects of the god game


There are distinct two aspects of the god game


first , fore most, and most vital is to know god really ,

early , in life, what he is truly,

and to know all the rules of the god game fully

without it , all game becomes silly, willy nilly

life ending in living a fools tale, unwittingly


only then, ie after seeing and knowing god and his ways clearly as day light,

the real game now starts , enchantingly , every moment enjoyably

these two steps are elaborated in my blog '' allegory ---what how when''' as follows

and see here the distinct steps ---it's very vital to understand clearly what this game s



First , direct flight, jet plane super fast, nonstop forward journey to the ultimate destination , without any kind of chain pulling, refueling, accidents, or chakkars in the sky, and reaching the lap of paramathma, in shortest time-----thru guru krupa----and then




on the return journey

--oh, ah, ---what a great wondrous encounters---, pause here, no problem, skip no problem

And this return journey is the life of real enjoyment --all with body, senses, mind, subtle mind--

pl note, without the first fundamental direct flight

one never can play , being in entanglements with all secondary inter stations, never there is end to his confusion, never the freedom the real game is meant to give

here all masters stay stuck and stay in confusion and lead the followers too in illusion

real master is one who did complete his direct flight nonstop, to god supreme

he only can lead to light not the lesser

what ever may be his expertise in vocabulary and meter, rhyme and rhythm

he either is a master or not a master ---depends on whether he did that first flight

or he is busy only with flirt , alone or with every one


Allegory is a device used to present an idea,

principle or meaning, which can be presented in literary form,

such as a poem or novel, in musical form,

such as composition or lyric, or in visual form,

such as in painting or drawing.

It is also seen in scriptural passage.

Allegory communicates its message by means ofsymbolic figures, actions or symbolic representation.

Allegory is generally treated as a figure of rhetoric;

a rhetorical allegory is a demonstrative form of representation conveying meaning other than the words that are spoken.

As a literary device, an allegory in its most general sense is an extended metaphor.

As an artistic device, an allegory is a visual symbolic representation. An example of a simple visual allegory is the image of thegrim reaper. Viewers understand that the image of the grim reaper is a symbolic representation of death-----.

read on

it's the human ingeniousness which invents media to communicate abstract in more perceivable with all kinds of real life icons, images, experiences .

spirituality can be taught that way , a saint a seer , a enlightened soul coming down to the earth level, trying to share his findings in known lang and idiom .

parabrahma that is why takes a form , like teen moorthis, and creates the world of devi devathas , lokas higher and then lower to communicate own glory in countless ways, to countless levels of the souls highest to the lowest


First , direct flight, jet plane super fast, nonstop forward journey to the ultimate destination , without any kind of chain pulling, refueling, accidents, or chakkars in the sky, and reaching the lap of paramathma, in shortest time-----thru guru krupa----and then

on the return journey --oh, ah, ---what a great wonderous encounters---, pause here, no problem, skip no problem


And this return journey is the life of real enjoyment --all with body, senses, mind, subtle mind--

all the grossest to the subtlest creation at every station, every step, every moment , the stop overs are great, enjoyable, all a feast, all a festival


Here are the lokas, all the devathas, kinnera kimpurushas, gandharvas, rishis, apsarasas, all singing, dancing, ever care free,

talk to them, play with them see their dance listen to their song , acquire their boons enjoy their mahimas


Here comes the relevance of allegory

a kind of multi media performance, created by the ones who did the direct flight, and who paused at each station on the return journey

they created their darshanas, kaavyaas, prabhandas, romantics epics drama poetry song dance even drawings paintings pictures, sculptures, statues , moorthis, temples, gopuras, thheeraths, gardens, brindavans,


They all invited the higher beings to stay and live a midst our lives , in our bodies , in our minds , in our souls , in our living, in our cultures customs traditions, literature philosophies episodes , our sayings in our walk in our talk

And glorified the mundane into a happy heaven



first nonstop direct flight is a must

if one stops on the way he lost his track, he lost his opportunity he lost his life.

distractions , confusion, chaos, meaninglessness, helplessness.

but the same stations , on the return journey is lovely enjoyment , bliss unending, all mastery no thing to worry or care

so this point to be noted by all serius souls

What when where which priority, dangers, pitfalls, and the greatest possibilities awaiting .

choice is unlimited, guru guides , blesses, helps, saves

Inner self is the icon we aim at and achieve and live


Inner self is the icon we aim at and achieve and live
we do not see any outside best icon, 

let all live as per their nature soft or cruel even scorpion 
but we be balanced, not be emotional

winchoo saapaa devaache roopaa
thyaalaa karaave dooraan vandanaa

santh vani , you must have heard

nitiative should be from me


--initiative should be from me


i have been inspired .....

'you are the salt of the earth. if salt loseth its savor where with shalt it be salted?' 

--great expression always points a finger at me saying you! unless i exist where is existence for me? i have to take action , even for making others to to take action'

'ask it shall be given to you, knock it shall be opened to you, seek ye shall find it' 

--initiative should be from me

Sunday, May 29, 2022

information on every topic is available at the touch of finger tips


information on every topic is available at the touch of finger tips
so nice, abundant, authentic, updated
interested can become a bahumukha, instantly,
web search is like god directly answering every question readily ,
with email reaching in minutes/seconds
e books, rather e library opening page by page
built in genius is at the hands of just minimum level ordinary browsers
even spinning a poem, or coining a quote is just easy
nice world it is with internet

Infinite Arrogance is Wisdom..

 Infinite Arrogance is Wisdom..

truly wise intelligent knowledgeable professional exhibits his professional pride, his excellence, his non compromising stand, asserts his stand on truth ,
it appears as arrogance to some body
like, when i assert here, I am not compromising,
i do not praise substandard stuff,
i correct the wrong grasp of people,
with my authority on the subject
some people feel it as pride, ego, arrogance
so when i reach the excellent state of wisdom at its peak i will not hesitate to assert, i am bold, frank like aham brahmasmi
Even masters cannot understand the sacred ego ,
they always see it as negative because they lack knowledge truly,
they look for praise
when i counter with my argument fairly,
it is my force in my expression that gives the impression that i am arrogant .
but in fact i am no arrogant,
To define arrogance ?
it is to defile it!! absolutely,
it is to be lived, that's it
Infinite Arrogance=the state of aham brahmasmi= hence it is Wisdom at peak ..
.It's arrogance alone
a lion roars
and who listens?
it roars and roars, tireless

individual is at the centre of the sphere .... ie his universe...anda of brahmanda.......


 individual is at the centre of the sphere ....

ie his universe...anda of brahmanda........

thru mind and actions, he radiates multidirectionally,

and rotates on the circumferences of different of radiuses ......

sometimes reversing, unexpectedly, ..

or crossing zigzag ...

sometimes knowingly sometimes blindly ...........

all with own will

or forced by circumstances or compulsions.....

sometimes yielding,

sometimes resisting ..........

all trying to be back at centre ....

but unable to know the way ...

guru shows the way....

takes him to destination ie the centre ......

his journey ends

He is cool in red hot kishan he is , not an empty pot


He is cool in red hot 

kishan he is , not an empty pot


Manifest world is never cool 
unmanifest is ever cool


Kishan is manifest, yes, he is hot at

established in unmanifest, he is cool at any time



appropriate technology is the law of nature
abundance of creativity is its feature

individual is a totality cannot be grasped in parts like heart, head, hands, skin, eyes, ears etc


individual is a totality
cannot be grasped in parts like heart, head, hands, skin, eyes, ears etc 

or, in feel, intellect, skills, appearance, function, shape

take human as a one entity, interact in totality 

there are worlds hidden beneath the surface details , in each individual, beyond gender id 

worth exploring , without stopping at fragmented views



what you discover depends on your seeing ability

not on the entity that is seen


there are  those who can hear the lament of a flower while picking it, and those who can see the poetry inside a stone, and those     who can talk to birds and animals, who can learn newer things from same mundane routine encounter