Any story is allegory, has its utility ,
will never be whole holy truth,
hence will not be perfect without holes
Yep that is what i tried to convey.Infact we do not follow much of Ramayana but we are emotionally attached with the preaching of Ramayana.When someone express it in word that we are not following Ramayana in our life we feel hurt.But it is not possible to follow Ramayana in toto in today's time is a fact of life.When we do not follow we have rejected something. Like (1)
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If you rise to the level of ram, you can be living like ram
without it, impossible
You have to be a Rama to understand the situation of Rama and his actions lovely thought devarishi.
An athlete can lift heavy weights easily
by seeing , reading ,listening, worshiping, praying, him, one cannot lift such weights
one must become athlete -thru what ever means---then only one can lift
Stories and allegories are meant to inspire one to undertake the sadhana and to rise, not meant for following as is, since it is impossible.
pilot only can ride the plane
we not to imitate, by seeing him , but to get trained in aero like himDELETE
Many masters mislead telling some dos donts giving examples of saints and gods
they must emphasize on the sadhana inputs, to develop abilities to be able to live such of the virtues
Any writer can give only a degree of perfection in his expression or creation
if writer is nearer the perfection thru --experience--as per your tag, he can give that perfection to his story
ramayan was wriiten by valmiki, at his level of enlightenment which may not the ultimate level
so ramayan has remnants of that rishi's limitations , and thus becomes a little less than absolutely universalAs the rishi goes up in his maturity he can see truths better and can be more universal
veda is more universal
since they are seen and spoken by vyasa, at much higher level
to live those lives vedic or ramayan one must rise oneself to those truths thru experience of that level of spiritual enlightenment
How to treat women -------depends on our level of experience of enlightenment
one cannot behave better unless that level is raised by oneself
women can rise to a level where they will protect the men , like durga chandi , why not
how long to wait for others protection
Was sita weak? no
but valmiki utilized only a partial potentiality of her , thru which she had to suffer--------indicative that if one remains without rising one has to suffer like seeta to wait for rama
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