Sunday, April 24, 2022

Id may be any thing , but individuals are real ,


Id may be any thing , but individuals are real , 

so they are all actively interacting

even individual is fake , mithya, 

but truth of individual that is atma is real ,

we are all atmas really , in st, even though we are with body , 

which is fake, and id which is fake

let's explore our real id , the atma , more and more to know who we are really ,--fully

and be joyful , and spread joy , 

at least in st , going beyond all the levels of mithya, fake identities 

thank you you are new yuga, great yugandhar , fantastic durandhar 

a shashi, spreading cool light in the darkness of ignoranceAll is quite possible and acceptable, 

st knows our necessary facts in their records 

and can reach all of us if they want 

st is a great site, for creativity, for self exploration, basically and for self improvement, 

they know the need of privacy for oneself to express freely frankly 

without fear of harassment on the net 

in fact we are not to concern ourselves on what biodata we are,

but on the soul and solely on the deeper levels of soulLet us share the light we are discovering within us thru this tasya here in st, shade 

as intense as those ancient rishis doing under the jungle tree

despite all disturbances that are likely happen 

thru the rakshasa s dwelling in our own minds

pouring the unwanted stuff in this home kund , st 

and continue it till we reach our goal of reaching the ultimate truth

not stuck up at any truths / untruths that we may encounter in the process

to me every abuse is a raw material and nourishment 

all keechad is welcome to me , the kamal, to make me grow and flourish

every abuse has helped be to create nice poems , and plenty prose, 

and i am growng as writer, as a poet, day by day 

in quality and quantity , 

leading me to exist here st in many , many, volumes of 

rishi vasanth's richo akshare 

tnx for your great inspiration

i did remove all his/her hasty grasp on my style, profile, 

he has now become a great friend of me, unblocked me, and accepted me

i welcome all ids real fake male female , hiding revealing

i look for what is said , not on who said it 

respect cannot be demanded 

it comes i proportion to worth I am a friend of all 

i welcome cleansing by all 

it purifies me more and more 

makes me better and better 

i welcome criticism more than flattery 

criticism is the chisel carving out the great shilpa 

that is hidden in my shila , in my sheela 

to make me susheela from dussheela

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