"The whole UNIVERSE WORKS ON-----
processes of shrusthi shthithi laya------
the aim is to climb up in the ladder of evolution from the state of lower consciousness to the higher consciousness—
from jada chethana , inert state to jeeva of various levels
to manabva to deva to highest paramdham supreme absolute---
-thru appropriate processes to live sustain grow evolve -----
cannibal/meat eating/veteran to become to live without need of food cloth shelter-
then without the need of air too—
absolutely undependent.
till then each jeeva continues as per its own best discretion.
man can raise his discretion to the god level to be in tune with him
in tune with laws of nature.
message is be fast moving further do not get trapped in blogs replies comments your questions will find all answers from your innernet well connected to uww, not from the internet www
get a stable reliable connection with a very good ip , the guru and start exploring the inner web, web of devi devathas lokas in the universe lower to higher all deep within"
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