Sunday, April 24, 2022

not to any style,

 not to any style,

technicality / phrases no matter, we must go, grow beyond verbose, reach the ultimate, not stray around in the jungles

i avoid bookish however holy / great they look or may be infact 

i follow simplest and that is why , my originality is not sullied by superimposition with other's thoughts, quotes, copy paste, 

what is important is whether i am adding value to me or to my output.

i do not read every word of every blog---most are in circles, not knowing way out not receptive to new ways, where as life demands new fresh, even ancient to be seen in the day light of contemporary wisdom with realization as base . hence i skip a lot

conformity to any has advantages but more it hinders / limits creativity distorting or blurring the message

i allow me free, to explore, to play, to discover, to go nearer to myself, to be a bit more clearer 

i question myself, 
i answer myself , to my self

some times i fall for verbosity, poetry, --- small attractions

some for appreciation / guidance from my soul inside, from souls outside, ---greater attractions

and it is happening..hope it continues, 
this my self-knowledge / understanding / wisdom--i call it cognitions --richas--being mainly from my inside being 

the flow started soon after i started meditation , continuing --guru krupa

it is a unified understanding of all branches of knowledge, --science, tech, arts, phil, religion, the basics / fundamental of any--due to the experience of unified field, the pure consciousness

it's all grace of maharishi

my responses are some times thru my blogs / or my own quotes / extracts from my blogs ,

sometimes my fresh responses are made in to new blogs, if have value

i find one theme running, one flower, ---each petal with a connection to the whole--each idea expressing its own story of wholeness--

may be a cluster of flowers in connection with the one tree---urdhva moola adhah shaakhaa---

how many trees?

may be 1000, sahasra sheesha purushah, or uncountable

how many flowers?

definitely , they are infinite, ways to express too are many

all so due to one fact they are connected to the source, a fertile field of creative intelligence, never ending, never knowing the beginning

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