Friday, April 29, 2022

Nama roopa mahima of the god traps one into illusion


Nama roopa mahima of the god traps one into illusion, 
does not allow to go to illusion-free absolute transcendent
That is one part, unmanifest , ultimate reality
other part is manifest universe all manifest is illusion 
brahma sathyam jagath mithya

  That illusion free absolute transcendent is nothingness, nirgun, nirakar, anamika, shudha chithanya, all pervading, timeless, eternal, the root , the ultimate basis of all the strata of manifestation, gross subtle, subtlest, all the infinite lokas, inert , jada, chara achara, sakala pranani koti, devi devathas avathars , gods demigods, entirely

I am theist, atheist both
adwaitha, dwaitha both, 
i sync and digest all religions , spirituality science technology arts, epics episodes veda, upanishads, bible quran, budhist, jain, zorastrian,
ancient , modern, east west , north south , center
nothing goes out of my grip it is karathalaamalakam 
since my grasp is based on the experience of the kishn's transcendental reality , without getting stuck at his nama roopa mahima only

Know one thing well. Practice one sadhana well. Take one guru and follow the path you were meant to follow. You may learn from others, no doubt, but do not dissipate your energies., hence i took guidance of one great guru, did practice only one sadhana given by him followed the path reached the destination , only with that grace , 

on the return journey, i see only one reality , in any variety, 
with all certainty, with the best of authenticity
the only one single love ,is to my deepest self , to myself , 
beyond the nama ,roopa, mahima of million other great loves

i repeat , 
going beyond the nama ,roopa, mahima is a must
in what ever the path
once the experience of unmanifest is gained, 
all the universe and and its constituents will be yours, a part of your true vishvaroop  . nothing goes out of your range of love , sensual love left far far behind, all encompassing divine love overflowing in every think talk walk
  I am the universe, i am the temples and buildings, 
when i am the building, nothing remains to be known about the building
no more walk in and out , no more moving left and right , no oscillations to and fro 
simultaneously i stay myself within and outside the building, 
in every room, in the air, in the empty space,in every brick, sand, cement, and steel,

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