luxuries of any kind can be in any denomination at any occasion.
but , when the current count is in hundred/thousand/lakh /crore rupees, still a 'devoted' and ' kind' heart is searching for one rupee coin in his pockets, if not less,
to drop in the bhiksha paathra of beggar --probably to gain punya or in the spirit of helping the poor.
spirit will continue, not the quantity.
yet it is a indication of poverty of mind ,
poverty of nation's mind , a state of durbhiksha.
subhiksha is the qualification a nation acquires when poor get abundance of bhiksha,
it may take time, let not the poor wait.
declare a new currency of a naya rupee ,nr,worth ins 100 so that counting becomes comfortable for the prosperous,
and the 'kind hearts' will as usual throw the minimum denomination to the beggar .
god will bless those 'kind hearted '100 times better, pleased with subhiksha.
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