Sunday, June 5, 2011

energy of universe

Calculation of the Energy in the Universe.
To verify, even with the approximate values for the dimensions of the Universe we have, that the total energy of the Universe is very close to zero, and probably will turn out to be exactly zero when better numbers for the Universe are obtained, we need to compare the positive and negative expressions
(a) E (positive) = mc 2

(b) E (negative) = - m M u G / R u

Insert or aside comment. Someone may question (b) above that the gravitational energy of the Universe is negative. Even when doing a high school physics problem, where you toss a ball of mass M straight up into the air with initial velocity V and you are asked to solve for the height H the ball will reach before it turns around and falls back to the ground, using energy equations rather than force equations, one typically writes the equation:
� MV2 = MgH
That is equivalent to the equation:
�MV2 – MgH = 0
where the two energy terms have opposite signs. If one considers the kinetic energy of � MV2 as positive then the gravitational energy MgH is a negative energy contribution. The last equation is really a statement of Conservation of Energy and any system that starts with net energy ZERO must maintain that value, so if some energy goes positive then some other energy (gravitational) must go negative.
Tags : vasant's teacher's, ;knowledge
Energy of universe | SpeakingTree

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