Alliance with Natural Law
The key to successful administration of the nation is to create an integrated national consciousness in which all sectors of society and all citizens are experiencing continuous progress and increasing fulfilment of their goals. This is achieved by creating an indomitable influence of coherence in national consciousness through a group of 'Yogic Flyers' -- experts in Maharishi's TM-Sidhi Programme.
Scientific research has shown that group practice of Maharishi's TM-Sidhi Programme creates coherence in collective consciousness, eliminates collective stress, and raises life to be increasingly in accord with Natural Law, as indicated by reduction of crime, accidents, violence, and sickness, as well as improved economic trends and quality of life.
When one per cent of the individuals in a nation practise Transcendental Meditation, or the square root of one per cent of the population collectively practises the TM-Sidhi Programme including Yogic Flying, the influence of orderliness and harmony they produce is sufficient to uplift the entire national consciousness, neutralising negative trends and enhancing positivity throughout the nation.
The introduction of Maharishi's Vedic Science and Technology into the training programmes of government leaders, the civil service, the armed forces, and the police; and into the educational system, the health services, business and industry, and rehabilitation will enliven the total intelligence of Natural Law in national life.
When the government maintains a group of the square root of one per cent of the world's population, 7,000 people, creating coherence in national and world consciousness and bringing support of Nature to the nation, Natural Law will support national law and the nation will enjoy unrestricted progress, prosperity, and invincibility.
As Natural Law is always evolutionary, with the support of Natural Law every government will gain the ability to satisfy everyone, and all systems of government prevalent in the world today will find their fulfilment.
By gaining the support of the infinite organising power of Natural Law through a coherence-creating group for a government, the administration of government through national law will rise to the level of perfect administration of Nature through Natural Law -- the Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature. All governments will function as effortlessly and efficiently as the Government of Nature, which administers the entire universe with perfect orderliness and without a noise, and the manmade constitution of the nation will enjoy full alliance with the eternal Constitution of the Universe.
Tags : vasant's richa
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