Maharishi's Vedic Science and Technology
Bringing Fulfilment to Modern ScienceA New Integrated Approach
Maharishi's Vedic Science Based System of Education provides a new integrated approach to education, uniting the subjective approach of ancient Vedic Science with the objective approach of modern science.
The latest discoveries in the fields of Science, Arts, and Commerce have located the source of each discipline -- Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, etc. -- on the common ground of Total Knowledge, the knowledge of the UNIFIED FIELD of all the Laws of Nature.
This field of Total Knowledge, at the basis of all disciplines, is the foundation for celebrating the availability of Total Knowledge, and the 'fruit of all knowledge' for every student.
Discovery of the Unified Field of Natural Law
Developments in modern science, in particular in Quantum Physics, have opened new perspectives for a unified understanding of Nature.
Historically, the analysis of the microscopic structure of matter began with the idea that all substances are composed of tiny particles, like atoms and their subatomic constituents. With the development of Quantum Theory, however, physicists soon had to conclude that the classical particle picture is quite inadequate for the description of these constituents of matter, and realised that the different elementary particles have to be conceived as specific resonant excitations of fundamental quantum fields.
Prior to the development of Unified Field Theories scientists had discovered a variety of separate quantum fields, such as the four force fields (of the electromagnetic, the weak, the strong, and the gravitational interactions) as well as the various matter fields. In the last few decades it was realised that with the progression towards finer distance scales an increasing unification of the Laws of Nature takes place so that previously separate quantum fields turn out to be merely different components of underlying unified quantum fields.
This process of unification culminates in a complete unification at the level of the Planck scale (l0-33 cm) where all the various force and matter fields are unified into one single Unified Field of Natural Law -- the holistic transcendental field underlying all manifest creation.
Properties of the Unified Field
The fundamental properties of the Unified Field include the property of self-referral or self-interaction, which is reflected in the Lagrangian or fundamental mathematical formula quantifying the Laws of Nature at the level of the Unified Field.
The Unified Field is the fountainhead of Natural Law, since all the Laws of Nature expressed in the effective field theories governing Physics at larger distance scales are already contained in seed form in the original super-symmetric Lagrangian of the Unified Field. Since it is the fountainhead of Natural Law, the Unified Field represents the most concentrated field of intelligence in Nature.
Properties of Consciousness
It is striking how the properties of the Unified Field are precisely the attributes of consciousness. Consciousness alone is fully self-referral, since only consciousness has the ability to know itself in a completely self-sufficient manner. Moreover, consciousness in its self-referral state, Transcendental Consciousness, is the source of all mental activity and therefore a field of pure intelligence and infinite creative dynamism.
Since the fundamental properties of the Unified Field are identical to those of consciousness in its self-referral state, it is natural to conclude that the Unified Field of Natural Law and the field of pure consciousness are equivalent. This is easily verified through Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation Technique, which opens human awareness to the direct experience of Transcendental Consciousness, pure consciousness, where consciousness is found identified with the Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature. During Maharishi's TM-Sidhi Programme all the subjective and objective qualities of creation are seen to emerge from the field of pure consciousness as modes of one's own self-referral intelligence.
The Maharishi Technology of the Unified Field
The Maharishi Technology of the Unified Field unites the knowledge of Natural Law discovered by the objective approach of modern science with the direct experience of Natural Law provided by the subjective approach of Maharishi's Vedic Science. It integrates the knowledge of the Unified Field brought to light by Quantum Physics with the subjective experience of the Unified Field gained through Transcendental Meditation. This integrated approach to knowledge enlivens the Unified Field in the awareness of the individual, bringing thought and action spontaneously into accordance with Natural Law, so that the individual enjoys the full support of all the Laws of Nature in every aspect of life.
Life in Accordance with Natural Law
When individuals function from the level of the Unified Field, they automatically receive the support of all the Laws of Nature. Every impulse of thought is upheld by the infinite organising power of Natural Law, which conducts the infinite range and diversity of activity in the universe with maximum efficiency, in accordance with the Principle of Least Action. The Maharishi Technology of the Unified Field, Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme, cultures the ability to spontaneously function from the Unified Field of Natural Law, and thereby gain mastery over Natural Law -- the ability to know anything, do everything right, and achieve any great goal.
National Law Upheld by Natural Law
Law is the guiding light of life. Natural Law guides life on every level of creation, from the sub-microscopic world of elementary particles to the large-scale structure of the universe. National law guides the life of the nation and has its ultimate basis in Natural Law.
Natural Law has its unified foundation in the Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature. All the diversified values of Natural Law, as discovered by modern science, emerge from this unified level of Natural Law. Ultimately, the diversity of Natural Law displayed throughout creation is reflected in the diversity of human nature and in the innumerable tendencies expressed in different lands throughout the world, and even within the borders of individual nations.
It is the diversified structure of Natural Law itself, reflected in the diverse trends and tendencies displayed by the individual citizens of a nation, which gives rise to the necessity for man-made laws; national law regulates and administers the trends and needs of the various segments of society. Ideally, national law should satisfy the diverse needs of every citizen, and should organise for the fulfilment of all areas of the national life.
Alliance with Natural Law
The key to successful administration of the nation is to create an integrated national consciousness in which all sectors of society and all citizens are experiencing continuous progress and increasing fulfilment of their goals. This is achieved by creating an indomitable influence of coherence in national consciousness through a group of 'Yogic Flyers' -- experts in Maharishi's TM-Sidhi Programme.
Scientific research has shown that group practice of Maharishi's TM-Sidhi Programme creates coherence in collective consciousness, eliminates collective stress, and raises life to be increasingly in accord with Natural Law, as indicated by reduction of crime, accidents, violence, and sickness, as well as improved economic trends and quality of life.
When one per cent of the individuals in a nation practise Transcendental Meditation, or the square root of one per cent of the population collectively practises the TM-Sidhi Programme including Yogic Flying, the influence of orderliness and harmony they produce is sufficient to uplift the entire national consciousness, neutralising negative trends and enhancing positivity throughout the nation.
The introduction of Maharishi's Vedic Science and Technology into the training programmes of government leaders, the civil service, the armed forces, and the police; and into the educational system, the health services, business and industry, and rehabilitation will enliven the total intelligence of Natural Law in national life.
When the government maintains a group of the square root of one per cent of the world's population, 7,000 people, creating coherence in national and world consciousness and bringing support of Nature to the nation, Natural Law will support national law and the nation will enjoy unrestricted progress, prosperity, and invincibility.
As Natural Law is always evolutionary, with the support of Natural Law every government will gain the ability to satisfy everyone, and all systems of government prevalent in the world today will find their fulfilment.
By gaining the support of the infinite organising power of Natural Law through a coherence-creating group for a government, the administration of government through national law will rise to the level of perfect administration of Nature through Natural Law -- the Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature. All governments will function as effortlessly and efficiently as the Government of Nature, which administers the entire universe with perfect orderliness and without a noise, and the manmade constitution of the nation will enjoy full alliance with the eternal Constitution of the Universe.
Maharishi's Vedic Science
Maharishi's Vedic Science offers complete and systematic knowledge of the eternal self-referral dynamics of the field of pure consciousness knowing itself. It provides the direct subjective approach to the unified basis of Natural Law, the Unified Field of Natural Law, the field of pure consciousness.
According to Maharishi's Vedic Science, the complete knowledge of the self-referral dynamics of the field of pure consciousness is available in the most ancient record of knowledge, Rk Veda and the Vedic Literature. Rk Veda and the Vedic Literature display the 'fluctuations' of the Unified Field of pure consciousness, which are spontaneously generated from the self-referral impulses (Vrittis) of the intelligence of the Unified Field within itself. These impulses are generated by the self-referral dynamics of the field of pure consciousness -- the spontaneous dynamics of consciousness knowing itself in terms of three qualities -- the observer, process of observing, and the observed -- within the unity of its self-referral state.
In Vedic Language, the Unified Field of Natural Law is called SAMHITA, the observer is called RISHI, the process of observing is called DEVATA, and the observed is called CHHANDAS. Maharishi's Vedic Science is the science of the Unified Field of observer, process of observation, and observed -- the science of the Samhita of Rishi, Devata, and Chhandas -- the science of Rk Veda.
The self-interacting dynamics of consciousness expressed in Rk Veda is further elaborated in the whole Vedic Literature and expressed in the infinite diversity of Natural Law governing the ever-expanding universe. Rk Veda is therefore the Constitution of the Universe, the fundamental structure of Natural Law, whose perfect order is expressed in the order and harmony displayed throughout the universe. Rk Veda, the Constitution of the Universe, is the unseen level of intelligence present within every grain of creation.
Under Maharishi's guidance and inspiration, Professor Tony Nader, M.D., Ph.D., has discovered a precise correspondence between Rk Veda and the Vedic Literature, the inner intelligence of the body, and its expressions in the structures and functions of the human physiology. Recently, Professor Nader has also located all the Devatas in human physiology.
These discoveries bring to light that the totality of Natural Law is present within every individual's consciousness and physiology, opening the possibility for human life to be spontaneously lived in accordance with Natural Law. These discoveries provide a modern scientific understanding of the all-time Vedic reality: 'Aham brahmasmi' -- 'I am the Totality.'
Jai Guru Dev
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