curious to know, i looked for what is rishi
wikipedia is informative, extracts given hereRishi
A view of the upper Ganges area of Rishikesh, India. Regarded by tradition as the abode of Vedic rishis.
Rishi (Sanskrit: ṛṣi, Devanagari: ऋषि) denotes the composers of Vedic hymns.
However, according to post-Vedic tradition, the rishi is a "seer" to whom the Vedas were "originally revealed" through states of higher consciousness.
The rishis were prominent when Vedic Hinduism took shape, as far back as some three thousand years ago.
It has often been asserted that some of the ancient rishis were in fact women.[1] According to the late Vedic Sarvanukramani text, there were as many as 20 women among the authors of the Rig Veda, known as rishika. However, this has been disputed as post-factum fabrication.[2][3]
One of the foundational qualities of a ṛṣi is satyavāc (one who speaks truth) when composing Vedic hymns. According to tradition, other sages might falter, but a ṛṣi was believed to speak truth only, because he existed in the Higher World (the unified field of consciousness). Ṛṣis provided knowledge to the world which included the knowledge of Vedas.
In Indian tradition, the word has been derived from the two roots 'rsh'. Sanskrit grammarians[4] derive this word from the second root which means (1) 'to go, to move' (- Dhātupāṭha of Pānini, xxviii). V. S. Apte[5] gives this particular meaning and derivation, and Monier-Williams[6] also gives the same, with some qualification. Another form of this root means (2) 'to flow, to move near by flowing'. (All the meanings and derivations cited above are based upon Sanskrit English Dictionary of Monier-Williams).[6] Monier-Williams also quotes Tārānātha who compiled the great (Sanskrit-to-Sanskrit) dictionary named "ṛṣati j�ānena saṃsāra-pāram" (i.e., one who reaches beyond this mundane world by means of spiritual knowledge).
More than a century ago, Monier-Williams tentatively suggested derivation from drś "to see".[7] Monier-Williams also quotes Hibernian (Irish) form 'arsan' (a sage, a man old in wisdom) and 'arrach' (old, ancient, aged) as related to rishi. In Sanskrit, forms of the root 'rish' become 'arsh-' in many words, e.g., arsh. Monier-Williams also conjectures that the root 'drish' (to see) might have given rise to an obsolete root 'rish' meaning 'to see'.
However, the root has a close Avestan cognate ərəšiš[8] "an ecstatic" (see also Yurodivy, Vates). Yet, the Indo-European dictionary of Julius Pokorny connects the word to a PIE root *h3er-s meaning "rise, protrude", in the sense of "excellent, egregious".
Modern etymological explanations such as by Manfred Mayrhofer in his Etymological Dictionary[9] leaves the case open, does not prefer a connection to ṛṣ "pour, flow" (PIE *h1ers), rather one with German 'rasen' "to be ecstatic, be in a different state of mind" (and perhaps Lithuanian 'aršus').
In Carnatic Music, Rishi is the seventh chakra (group) of Melakarta ragas. The names of chakras are based on the numbers associated with each name. In this case, there are seven rishis and hence the 7th chakra is Rishi.[10][11]"Seer" of the Vedas
In the Vedas, the word denotes an inspired poet of Ṛgvedic hymns, who alone or with others invokes the deities with poetry. In particular, Ṛṣi refers to the authors of the hymns of the Rigveda. Post-Vedic tradition regards the Rishis as "sages" or saints, constituting a peculiar class of divine human beings in the early mythical system, as distinct from Asuras, Devas and mortal men.
The main rishis recorded in the Brahmanas and the Rigveda-Anukramanis include Gritsamada, Vishvamitra, Vamadeva, Atri, Bharadvaja, Vasishta, Angiras, Kaṇva.
Seven Rishis (the Saptarshi) are often mentioned in the Brahmanas and later works as typical representatives of the pre-historic or mythical period; in Shatapatha Brahmana (Brhad Aranyaka Upanisad), their names are Uddālaka Āruni (also called Gautama), Bharadvaja, Vishvamitra, Jamadagni, Vasishtha, Kashyapa, and Atri. Daksha, Bhrigu and Nārada were also added to the saptarshis riṣis in Āshvalāyana-Shrauta-Sutra, where these ten principals were created by the first Manu (Svāyambhuva Manu) for producing everyone else.
In Mahabharata 12, on the other hand, there is the post-Vedic list of Marici, Atri, Angiras, Pulaha, Kratu, Pulastya and Vasishtha. The Mahābhārata list explicitly refers to the saptarshis of the first manvantara[6] and not to those of the present manvantara. Each manvantara had a unique set of saptarshi. In Harivamsha 417ff, the names of the Rishis of each manvantara are enumerated.
In addition to the Saptarṣi, there are other classifications of sages. In descending order of precedence, they areBrahmarshi, Maharshi, Rajarshi. Devarṣi, Paramrṣi, Shrutarṣi and Kāndarṣi are added in Manusmriti iv-94 and xi-236 and in two dramas of Kālidasa.
The Chaturvarga-Chintāmani of Hemādri puts 'riṣi' at the seventh place in the eightfold division of Brāhmanas.Amarakosha[12] (the famous Sanskrit synonym lexicon compiled by Amarasimha) mentions seven types of riṣis : Shrutarshi, Kāndarshi, Paramarshi, Maharshi, Rājarshi, Brahmarshi and Devarshi. Amarakosha strictly distinguishes Rishi from other types of sages, such as sanyāsi, bhikṣu, parivrājaka, tapasvi, muni, brahmachāri, yati, etc.Female Rishis (Rishikas)
Notable are several female contributors to the composition of the Vedic scriptures.
The Rig Veda mentions Romasha, Lopamudra, Apala, Kadru, Visvavara, Ghosha, Juhu, Vagambhrini, Paulomi, Yami, Indrani, Savitri, and Devajami.
The Sama Veda adds Nodha, Akrishtabhasha, Sikatanivavari and Gaupayana.Astronomy
In Hindu astronomy, the Saptarṣi (seven rishis) form the constellation of Ursa Major[13], which are distinct from Dhruva (Polari
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Rishi means
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Brahma sathyam
Brahma sathyam jagath mithya-----ultimate, the pure being, formless, attributeless, pure knowingness, pure consciousness, unmanifest, absoluteThe Truth is the Truth | SpeakingTree
all other perceptions are partial truth, all expressions are filtered truth, sullied with deferent degrees of localizations, bias
the realized one sees thru each partial one and integrates such into his wholeness, remains unaffected by any untruth, maya, mithya, keeps them in their deserved place
he lives sathyam vada, dharmam chara, courageously, not deceived by half truths, not tempted by tendencies to utter less than truth.
thus nanak, a realized, spoke truth, daring, uncompromising, stripping open the falsehood prevalent ,even ever he is a guiding light
truth alone is light
truth alone is right
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Godmen or rock-star businessmen? - 1 - National News – News – MSN India#uc2Lstff982dc9-cb08-4096-a6b3-2ef5b2f9d1a3#uc2Lstff982dc9-cb08-4096-a6b3-2ef5b2f9d1a3
i realize i am talking to a knowledgeable spiritual teacher, pranams again, thanks for your presentation, nice, clear
i cognized that every one is a rishi of some level, knowing an aspect of truth , partially, ****ll truth known to highest level brahmarishi, who lives brahman.
my understanding of rishi includes, all beings which are conscious , though in ever small measure . thus all pranies are rishis
in the process of sharing cognitions among all rishis, the truth gets revealed in ****ller and comprehensive manner.
so every one has a contribution to my knowing, so are all baba/yogi/godmen and ordinary men/ and animals/birds/insects. so i thank every one with all respect ,keeping in mind their being a member of my infinite rishi parishath, the universe is, and revel in exchanging partial truths and getting back a ****ller and ****ller truth.
special thanks to you a rishi for sharing your point of view and my truth is enriched there by to that extent.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
5Godmen or rock-star businessmen?
''Rememeber, Any Baba, Yogi or Godman. At the last moment of his life he can not cure himself and keep himself alive. He needs a physician/doctot to treat him or declare him dead. Ultimately he is a mortal element.''
geetha said what?
did not krishn die?
immortality is not said of the body , it is said of athma
sword cannot cu-t_i_t
water cannot we_t_ I_t
fire cannot burn it
air cannot dry it
jaathasya maranam dhuvam
that whi**** born is sure to die
baba or no baba all will die but their athma never
to comment meaning ****lly , people need some basics, i am sorry to say
Shravan Kumar | SpeakingTree
Shravan Kumar
By : Vasantharao Dusthakar on Jun 18, 2011 | Views (3) | Post response
this posting was inspired by manmohanjis blog on parent's day
Shravan Kumar belonged to the time when King Dashratha ruled Ayodhya. He was born of poor and blind parents, but they had brought him up remarkably well. He was strong healthy and honest, and he had a good character. He bore sincere love and respect for his parents. He was also a great devotee of God. Everyday he worked hard to make his parents as comfortable and happy. In his leisure time he prayed to God and attended to his poor, blind and aging parents.
One day his parents told him that they had be- come quite aged. They, therefore, wanted him to take them to the various places of pilgrimage : this could make them fully satisfied and give them abundant peace of mind. It is a typical Hindu belief that a pilgrimage to the various shrines and holy places under- taken in old age, purifies the soul and takes one nearer to one's Maker ere the icy hand of Death touches one. To a Hindu mind nothing is more precious, than becoming one with the great Maker of this Universe.
In those days means of transport were scarce and costly, and Shravan Kumar could not afford to hire- them. He, therefore, decided to place his parents in two baskets and carry the baskets on his shoulder to the places of pilgrimage. He took a strong bamboo- stick, at its two ends he tied the two baskets with strong ropes, and placed his father in one of the baskets and his mother in the other. Carrying on his shoulder this bamboo stick with a basket at either end, Shravan started on the pilgrimage.
After having visited a few places of pilgrimage, he found himself on the banks of the sacred river Sharayu. Pleased with the beautiful scenery around. he decided to take a little rest there, with his parents. Shravan then placed the baskets in the shade of a tree.
And after describing the beauties of the scene to his blind parents, he told them that he wanted to take a dip in the river Sharayu- The bath was sure to re- fresh him. His parents asked Sharavan to take his bath leisurely: they also asked him to fetch them pitcher of water from the river, for they were feeling thirsty.
Shravan went to the river and had his dip. Now he had to fetch drinking water for his parents, and so he dipped a pitcher into the water. As the pitcher was getting filled, there was that peculiar bubbling sound caused by the air escaping from within.
At that precise time. King Dashratha of Ayodhya. who was on a hunting expedition, happened to be near the spot. Hearing the bubbling sound, the King thought that it was caused by a deer drinking water in the river. Dashratha stood silent for a while and only with the bubbling sound to guide him carefully took aim and shot his arrow. Indeed the arrow hit the target with precision, but the King was astonished to hear the pain-stricken screams of a human being instead of the painful cry of a dying deer. Shravan had become the target of the King's arrow. Injured fatally, he lay screaming in a pool of blood.
The King came to the spot and saw the ghastly mistake he had committed. He repented for his hasty action, but it was too late. He then placed Shravan's head on his lap, and tried to elicit some information about himself. Shravan Kumar told him that he would be dying in a few minutes, but he felt sorry for his blind parents, who were resting in the shade of the tree, waiting for him to quench their thirst. He. Therefore, requested the King to attend to his old, blind parents. Soon Shravan breathed his last.
Now the King; had to perform the duties of Shravan. He lifted the pitcher and brought it to Shravan's parents and raised it up to the lips of the blind old man. The King did not utter a single word for fear of revealing the stark reality. But the parents would not take water till they heard the familiar voice of their beloved son. So they asked:"
0 dear son. why do you not speak today? Are you angry with us because you have to toil so much to serve up?"At last King Dashratha had to tell them all that had happened. The parents were unable to bear the grief as their beloved son was no more. They told Dashratha that they could not live in this world with- out their son. They cursed the King that he, too would meet his death caused by the sorrow of separation from his son just as what had happened to them. Shortly afterwards both the parents passed away.
Many years passed, and Dashratha had four sons. The eldest son was Rama. In due course. Dashratha began preparing to crown Rama as the King of Ayodhya so that he could retire to the jungles and live there a peaceful life praying to God. Now Dashratha had given two boons in the past to his wife Kaikeyi. Rama's step-mother. She insisted that the King grant her the boons before crowning Rama. The King hesitated, but had to concede in the end. She demanded that Rama be sent to the forest for fourteen years and her son Bharat be crowned as the king of Ayodhya. The shock of the thought of fourteen years' separation from his son, Rama was so great that Dashratha instantly collapsed and died. And thus the curse of Shravun Kumar's parents came true.unquote
Tags : vasant
in darkness, the light
in gloom, the delight
in twilight, the sun's might
you came, you saw, you conquered my heart
it's brilliant!
so bright!
you are a seer ,very right
Friday, June 17, 2011
there are rich gods,also poor ones,
there are rich gods,--- lakshminarayan.
also poor ones, ---siva, beggar, bhikshapathi
man rises from rags to riches
falls from riches to rags
intelligence, effort, vary, hence the accomplishments differ
business has its objectives, material
sadhana has sole objective, mukthi
choice is ours, to set and work for any
choice is ours, to keep criticising, or keep learning lessons from others merits or mistakes
there are different levels of people with degrees of spiritual attaiments, not all are at ultimate level
,hence there are processess of sharing of spiritual knowledge, it happens continuously in one form or other
for akkamahadevi chenna mallikarjuna was the all–in–one essential, comfort, luxury
she was bare,
god covered her with hairshe sang:
For hunger, there is the village rice in the begging bowl,
For thirst, there are tanks and streams and wells
For sleep temple ruins do well
For the company of the soul I have you, Chenna Mallikarjuna
Do you get upset by criticisms? | SpeakingTree
As reader
i am no judge, i can't judge too, if not qualified
i take good, ignore bad..that too as per my capacity to
if i am swine, pearls won't shine
my bad taste picks worst as best
let me be more a connoisseur than critic
as writer
i am ever a child, learning, though faltering some times
self correcting, improving, thru my own intuition
neither elated nor slated by others praise or reproach
but looking for improvements from every opportunity
not claim perfection, perfection is divine
but strive for perfection and please the divine
98 kg gold found in Sai Baba’s room - National News – News – MSN India#uc2Lstdc1877bd-63a3-4c38-93e3-843e74bd380d#uc2Lstdc1877bd-63a3-4c38-93e3-843e74bd380d
grapes are so sour
baba an i soar
i failed to earn score
because of x y z.......in fact , i am meritorious.....i am excellent....
so i bore
i am not baba,
i wanted to become,....... bu_t you know.........i thought.....
so i write blah blah
god speaks thus
me why to come out ?
let me come out only in utter need,
unless it is a must, why to waste my resources of sath chith anada?
world, universe runs on its own, as per its own laws.
if i have to come out, it is only to restore the laws
that are damaged if at all
i am un involved witness, ever established in the depths of my consciousness
i have defined every thing , perfectly, unambiguously, clearly. no confusion, no concessions, no mistakes,
i have programmed every thing, including calamities, good and bad, with perfect understanding and deliberate intension, nothing is accidental, nothing is outside my sight
if any one is happy or unhappy it is my own intention,as a result of laws of the universe operating,inspite of me,and because of me
Thursday, June 16, 2011
What is creation? | SpeakingTree
what is creation?
By : Vasantharao Dusthakar on Jun 17, 2011 | Views (4) | Post response
what is creation?
it is something out of nothing
something becoming many thingsputting two things together.
matter and mind working togethermaking many into one!
collecting all the rays of consciousness, consolidating in to one
vibgyor to white oneand
one into many!!!
one unmanifest absolute becoming manifest infinit
Inside our clothes we wear 5 dresses more, 5 koshas,
the goal is to unclad all and to see the ultimate reality in its true nakedness ,becoming koshaatheeth.
baring the body is no nudity at all
Also, as long as the body consciousness prevails, one's vision is limited to physical. once overcome, clothes drop off the body, body drops off the mind.
akka mahadevi discarded all clothing, the legend says, god produced enough hair to cover her fully.
digamber is god
we are bare when bathing
why fuss on nudity
when nude scene is encountered, we close our eyes respectfully, not disdainfully.
but story of those who are trapped in 6 kaam, krodh........ is different, not worthy a matter to waste a discussin on it
That is why purity of teaching plays the most important role, vocabulary in sanskrit is live,
wrong interpretations , using the names out of context, exploiting them for any other purpose than for sadhana the worst sin, no god will excuse
The value of uncertainty | SpeakingTree
Nice topic, i differ
uncertainty is our inability
that is why a need for complete map of life, for the journey of life, from where to where
with what stations to expect when,
what are pitfalls , where to look for solutions
firmly anchored to reality, down to earth, distinguishing facts from fiction, free imagination and practical application.
but with an awareness that things happen as a result of several variables, and be able to create comfortable space to uncertainity to happen.
that is why a need for a sidha vidya, to propel the ship of life successfully , availing the best of nature's cooperation, and to receive positive help from uncertainity, ie, command laws of nature to avail fulfilment of desires effortless, receiving the help from unexpected quarters as if things are working only to fulfill my desires , without me knowing the mechanism how things are happenning beneficial to me without my plan or involvement.
sidha way is life in total ability agaist every possibility, expected/unexpexted.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
citizens' simplicity is a simple city
citizens' simplicity is a simple city
man requires very little to live happily
examples, out of many ways, --
why not sleep on the floor, enjoy limitless freedom, very deep sleep--
you need 3 pairs of clothes--one wearing, one washing, one spare , in case of rain
Hazare offers olive branch to govt. - 1 - National News – News – MSN India#uc2Lst3c316aa3-422f-4bdb-afb2-50aa96dec9f6#uc2Lst3c316aa3-422f-4bdb-afb2-50aa96dec9f6#uc2Lst3c316aa3-422f-4bdb-afb2-50aa96dec9f6
none accepts imposition.Hazare offers olive branch to govt. - 1 - National News – News – MSN India#uc2Lst3c316aa3-422f-4bdb-afb2-50aa96dec9f6#uc2Lst3c316aa3-422f-4bdb-afb2-50aa96dec9f6#uc2Lst3c316aa3-422f-4bdb-afb2-50aa96dec9f6
but if liked, one takes it without opposition
gandhi , not imposed but expressed
people were impressed
merit prevails,
second rate derails
Organisation is an organic entity
Organisation is an organic entity
like it, it has a soul, a core philosophy, an ideal, a clear goal, at least an urge to survive and grow.
it has its mind, the intellectual level, on down to earth to guide practically, driven by the core soul.
it has a physiology , several members doing the assigned tasks, unquestioning, but to commands from mind
it has its reproductive organs, the membership drive
it has its elimination organs, the rules defining the conduct and eliminating the unworthy
it has an outer look, a dress,
it has mobility, it has pervasive tendency.
it has good, evil, best ,worst ,
it does a service, it fills a need of environ, it has a need to fulfill its own needs
finally , we, an entity, are liked by some, hated by others, ignored by the rest.
still we continue to exist , doing right or wrong thngs, deriving resulte/effects accordingly, and god settling the final accounts,at appropriate time.
so is iskcon, or any .
what i can do ?
i have a choice to reply, or ignore
but let who ever what he is/what they are, let me not lose my joys, let me not reduce their joys.
continue regardless, of likes/dislikes, that is your choice, your joys
God -------has any one seen | SpeakingTree
god -------has any one seen
By : Kamal Naabh on Jun 11, 2011 | Views (23) | Responses (13)
so many , so much, write talk sing dance on god
has any one has seen?
where is he why is he hiding when he will talk with whom where how what language
my questions fill all the papers, like god loving fill with his 'glory'
is there really an answer, or only trying to do salesmanship
and why god needs slalesmen
may be i stumbled here, if any feel bad, shall i quit
Wind is | SpeakingTree
Kamal Naabh's Blogs
wind is
wind is
By : Kamal Naabh on Jun 12, 2011 | Views (5) | Responses (2)
who has seen the wind
neither you nor i
but when the trees bow their heads , wind is passing by
so let me be happy with wind, not trying to bother it by wanting to see it
i am happy to see its presence every where, , in gently moving the leaves, caressing the ripples, , shooting up dust and dry leaves[me]. in whirlwind, .
breathing in breathing out , a life sustained, not minding smoke, , smell so foul.
when the hair on my skin move, , i feel its ticklish presence
, with out throwing its weight around , it moves weights, showing me to do the work, silently without noise without making my presence felt
perhaps god is not seen that is why., running the universe, unseen.unheard, physically not distracting any one
let him do his work , let me do mine, in the same way if possible
Tags : k
Green is his colour | SpeakingTree
green is his colour
By : Kamal Naabh on Jun 13, 2011 | Views (10) | Responses (2)
i found god in the speaking tree,
in the posts and responses. as if directly from him,,free
his color is green,
he is only behind the scene
his voice is melodious,
more love than words
makes me sing dance
revel in trance,
in great reverence
with folded hands
Tags : k
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Love– did we understand rightly
Love– did we understand rightly | SpeakingTreelove– did we understand rightly
By : Vasantharao Dusthakar on Jun 09, 2011 | Views (1) | Post response
sriharibhakthirasamritasindhu defines love thus
samyam masrunitha swantho mamathvathishayankitha
bhaava sa eva saandraathmaa budhyhi prema ni gadyathe
the wise call that as prema, love, thru which the heart becomes tender
and in the mind mamatha bhavana, [ my-ness], is created
there is gulf between this and the usual sensual attraction
in this devotee becomes an vunmaththa, attains to the rasika roopa of bhagavan
those many a bhakthas who have experienced this, have been there in bhaarath
these bhakthas have fabulously , beautifully described krishna and his madhura leelas , krishna having been their aalambana
one such bhaktha shikhamai is leelasuka[bilvamangala]
love is god
love realized if god realized
god realized in the deepest samadhi reached thru meditation
coming out of meditation, one is totally a different person, experencing love to all in the universe from the nearest kith kin to all the creatures in the vicinity, and far universe,wanting to share his new found feeling of --all of you and all this are/is mine and me, none other, this feelng goes beyond all barries and biases of every label, truly bringing all in to one's heart .
this is a matter of direct experience, no description can transmit the experience to the reader/listener. yet i did dare to share
Ramdev says he wants to set up nationalist force - 1 - India Fights Back Against Corruption | Anna Hazare | MSN India News#uc2Lst0e8332d4-3740-4a1f-8417-97f76168126c#uc2Lst0e8332d4-3740-4a1f-8417-97f76168126c
we have a duty, responsibility, necessity, to protect ourselves. and our family and our community, our society.
we are no fools to be beaten at mid night, in sleep, by who so ever, for no fault of ours
1 i keep a strong lathii ,close my doors, lock compound doors , once a while , if i wake up i look around watch****lly
2 my colony watchmen do the night patrol , in addition to police patrol now and then
3 some able bodied in the colony have formed into batches with turns, to take care of emergencies
seeing all these the antiscials get mentally adjused not to exceed limits
we organise this in addition to puja, bhajan, namaj,prayer, meditation pranayam, seva, music dance, sathsang, festivals
whose approval is required for this?
what is wrong in this
this in no way means we go and beat somebody and rob .
self defence is god's help
in case some rowdy rages, we do not wait for god to save, nor police to intervene in the precious second of life and death, we resist with all our might and overpower him and hand over to law
we love peace, we love non violence
so our going and beating some one does not arise
if we are beaten ,any fool questions ''why did you not fight back'
let us not be fools at any rate
baba is organising self defence as per need
one experience teaches enough to intelligent men not to suffer again similarly
Ramdev says he wants to set up nationalist force - 1 - India Fights Back Against Corruption | Anna Hazare | MSN India News#uc2Lst0e8332d4-3740-4a1f-8417-97f76168126c#uc2Lst0e8332d4-3740-4a1f-8417-97f76168126c
Celebrated artist M F Husain passes away in London - National News – News – MSN India#uc2Lst197bc0fb-c30e-4b65-b5ce-f91b141f39e2#uc2Lst197bc0fb-c30e-4b65-b5ce-f91b141f39e2
what is art
wha****'s purpose
who is artist
what his purpose
art and reality how are they connected
can artist create a live piece
can it bring peace
how a piece is judged, evaluated now
how to evaluate it's real value
where mfh stands as artist
krishn was expert in 64 arts
where is modren art
how it is different from traditional
should not artist grow to a higher medium to express
what are the mediums and their relative places
Celebrated artist M F Husain
thinkCelebrated artist M F Husain passes away in London
what is art
wha****'s purpose
who is artist
what his purpose
art and reality how are they connected
can artist create a live piece
can it bring peace
how a piece is judged, evaluated now
how to evaluate it's real value
where mfh stands as artist
krishn was expert in 64 arts
where is modren art
how it is different from traditional
should not artist grow to a higher medium to express
what are the mediums and their relative places
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Anna Hazare
i salute annaAnna Hazare's possessions: A plate, a bed
i salute akka
i salute bhaarath
akkamahadevi discarded clothes even, legend says, god grew hair to cover her body
She Sang:
For hunger, there is the village rice in the begging bowl,
For thirst, there are tanks and streams and wells
For sleep temple ruins do well
For the company of the soul I have you, Chenna Mallikarjuna
meditate do right now
meditate do right now
every moment priority investment meditate
come back to track
athma track
meditate it is the direct,instant,easiest, 100% sure solution to all complexities. complexities require higher level of creativity intelligence,energy to tackle
human capabilities are highly limited , limited by the web of time- space
athma has no such limitations, it is above all limitations,hence can be highly creative commanding all resources human and above human
all gods are in deep meditation deriving ever the required level of power to run the universe , to do their allotted functions
ideology | SpeakingTree
By : Vasantharao Dusthakar on May 25, 2011 | Views (7) | Post response
maoist/marxist/Leninist/naxal/communist /congress/communalist/nationalist/regionalist/linguist----or any ideology is based on the best thinking of the best intellectuals to do good to people and to themselves, virtually to create a happy environ for prosperity and well being of all-----welcome, ok
but in performance nothing has worked, unhappiness persists. hence being rejected /will be rejected till a really better alternative emerges.
it will be a challenge to all intellectuals to evolve one that works, that delivers goods.
unable to find solutions with the most modern education, should we not be looking back at what our wise had discovered, practiced, preached, preserved----sarvejanaa sukhino bhavanthu,?
and what was the key for its successful implementation?
is it not the realization of aham brahmasmi, thath thvam asi, sarvam khalvidam brahma?
can there be a greater ism with a superior ideology ?
Tags : Knowledge Edit | Delete
End | SpeakingTree
By : Vasantharao Dusthakar on May 25, 2011 | Views (4) | Post response
ushnam ushnena sheethalam , fever is quelled by fever.
that which does not deliver, gets rid of. man is no fool in the long run.religion has reached a dead end, getting suffocated, unable to come back or come out,
if still it is alive, it is sure to die on its own , journeying towards a sure dead endreligion is not meant to be an end,at least not a dead end,it is a means to higher end,a glorious open end,and is only intermediate, has to be left behind,
humanity entering a university to transcend.but some students like to spend decades in the lower classes without passing out purposefully, their purpose is to use the institution for own agenda. the institutions will gradually identify such elements and will purge the institutions of such harmful leftovers.the true purpose of any religion is to have no need of any religion, to be one with the one supreme universal
how to achieve
Only through more development, and that too of education but oriented with a true quest for ultimate, not satisfied with degrees and doctorates, which surely are necessary, but not sufficient.Tags : Knowledge
Hitopadesh's 2 animal | SpeakingTree
hitopadesh's 2 animal
By : Vasantharao Dusthakar on May 25, 2011 | Views (4) | Post response
AhAra-nidrA-bhaya-maithunam cha
samAnam_etat_pashubhir_narANAm |
dharmo hi teShAm adhiko visheSho
dharmeNa hInAH pashubhiH narANAm ||
आहार-निद्रा-भय-मैथुनं च समानमेतत्पशुभिर्नराण ाम् ।
धर्मो हि तेषामधिको विशेषो धर्मेण हीनाः पशुभिः समानाः ॥
food, sleep, fear and mating, these acts of humans are similar to animals' |
of them (humans), dharma (right conduct) is the only special thing, without dharma humans are also animals ||
unquoteTags : Knowledge
Kannagi's 1 anklet chilambu | SpeakingTree
Kannagi's 1 anklet chilambu
By : Vasantharao Dusthakar on May 25, 2011 | Views (6) | Response (1)
story of Kannagi கண்ணகி flashes in my mind, a fierce pure tamilian personality, the tradition of which ,the tamilians rising to seek justice, just govt,fair, free from corruption, changing the fate of the state, --the ballot,the anklet,chilambu in the hand, very apt, the statue at marina has come alive. congratulations.
i pray the mother to keep the flame of righteous indignation burning for everTags : Knowledge
Hitopadesh 's 1 friendship | SpeakingTree
hitopadesh 's 1 friendship
By : Vasantharao Dusthakar on May 25, 2011 | Views (9) | Post response
durjanena samaṃ sakhyaṃ vaira�cā'pi na kārayet ।
uṣṇo dahati cāṅgāraḥ śītaḥ kṛṣṇāyate karam ॥(IAST)
Do not make a friend or an enemy of an evil person. [Because] a burning coal burns, cold [coal] blackens the hand. (Hitopadesh 1:79)
How should we deal with an evil person? Maybe if we are friends with them, we may get benefits of their evil schemes? Or should we be enemy to them?
A piece of burning coal, cinder, will burn our hands. But a cold coal blackens the hand, makes it dirty. Similarly, making enemy of an evil person will cause us harm. Making friends with them will give us ill-repute. So we should avoid them altogether as much as possible.
This advice is in generic situations. It is not always possible or right. For example, someone has to confront the wrong doer. Someone has to stand up for the right thing. When we are able to, we should. Those who are in position of power and to do something, should indeed use it to get rid of evil. Bu**** is not always possible.
So, ordinarily, it is best to just avoid evil people. Don't ask favors, don't do favors, just avoid and do your work. Life is too short to makes evil enemies or make dirty one's own re****tion.
unquoteTags : Knowledge
Hogarth's 1 beauty -six principles | SpeakingTree
hogarth's 1 beauty -six principles
By : Vasantharao Dusthakar on May 25, 2011 | Views (6) | Post response
Six Principles--the principles of beauty
In The Analysis of Beauty Hogarth implements six principles, which independently affect beauty. Although he concurs that those principles have an effect, he is not determinate on their specific influence.
1 The first principle of beauty Hogarth describes isfitness, which is not in itself a source of beauty, but can be described as a material cause of it. Though the account of fitness on the total beauty of an object is only moderate, it is a necessary cause. Fitness does not necessarily imply purpose. However, improperly implied forms cannot be the source of beauty. It is in this that the necessity of fitness must be seen: if not accounted for, a form cannot readily be assumed beautiful.
2 The second major principle of beauty is variety. It is the source of beauty, which Hogarth shows us by the contrary notion of "sameness":
"sameness", a lack of variety, offends the senses. "The ear is as much offended with one even continued note, as the eye is with being fix'd to a point, at the the view of a dead wall."
In contrast, our senses find relief in discovering a certain amount of "sameness" within a varietal experience.
3 The third notion of regularity is understood as a form of "composed variety": it only pleases us when it is suggestive to fitness.
4 Similar to this notion in effect is simplicity, which enhances the pleasure of variety in that it pleases the eye. The variety which causes a beautiful experience should, so to speak, be tempered by simplicity. On the other hand: simplicity without variety at best does only not displease.
5 Intricacy is a strange principle in that it does not directly follow from the formal behaviour of a beautiful object. Hogarth means by this the habit which causes us end up in the whirling game of pursuit, when bit by bit discovering the beauty of an object. Intricacy arises from the love of this pursuit. Every difficulty in understanding or grasping the object enhances the pleasure of overcoming it, in order to continue the pursuit. There is a direct connection here to the Line of BeautyHogarth dictates, along which every image is built up. Though the movement of our eye is discrete in itself, the movement of our "Mind's eye" follows a duplicate course of the line, a principal ray of light moving along with the line of sight. The continuous movement of our "Mind's eye" triggers the notion of intricacy.
6 Quantity, finally, is associated with the notion of the sublime which, when Hogarth's book appeared, was not yet entirely distinguished from the apprehension of beauty. Hogarth thus does not speak of sublimity, but of greatness. He recognizes a great quan****y to have an aesthetic effect on the beholder without the necessity of a varietal or fitting form. This should not be exaggerated, as that might lead to absurdities.unquoteTags : Knowledge
Beiyin's 1 experience the best teacher? | SpeakingTree
beiyin's 1 experience the best teacher?
By : Vasantharao Dusthakar on May 26, 2011 | Views (8) | Post response
”Plini: “Experience is the most efficient teacher of all things”
BeiYin: The BEST teacher is the conscious observing and relating to daily circumstances, then responding to it out of one’s own experience, being aware that this comes out of an old programming, which happened in one’s past. So also observing these reactions, one is able to decide to follow this track and try a new way, what might guide to a new experience and triggering new unknown reactions to be observed and so allowing to get to know oneself.
With other words: Life is the best teacher – if one opens up to it!
‘Experience’ not necessarily is a teacher and for sure not the most efficient, because experience mostly serves to confirm old experiences as being part of the self image
The best and most efficient teacher without doubt is one’s own awareness. But to be such, one has to step beyond one’s personality, only then there is a true ‘learning’ otherwise every thing experienced only serves to confirm one’s programmed personality, to survive with one’s narrow and limited self image and world view.
To be able to go beyond one’s personality one must be so much stuffed with experience – in a very long evolutionary process – that there is nothing left to gain more satisfaction. And after being cooked in one’s own juice long enough, what might happen through a lot of suffering like personal tragedies, loss of family, bankrupt or long incurable disease, then the personality breaks down and gives space to do the first step beyond one’s self centered existence.
This is a long way to go, although there is a short cut available… But humanity is so much stuck in their self preserving existence so that hardly anybody wants to know about it, when it has to do with self responsibility, being engaged in a challenge. Hardly anybody is questioning oneself when engaged into the happenings around one. There are no questions. The need to defend oneself, one’s property - in which one’s ‘experiences’ are an important part - is so strong that there is no opening for something *new*.
‘Life is the best teacher’. *Teachers* are not wanted.
People prefer a ‘second hand life’.
The saying: ‘Experience is the BEST teacher’ shows clearly how tricky the personal mind works.
Pretending something and believing it out of ignorance! What a naivety! The BEST teacher from the view of one’s personality is the one who just confirms the existing structure.
A real teacher who might provide and trigger questions will be avoided and rejected. Or not??? What is your reaction NOW?”
unquoteTags : Knowledge
Swami amaranandaji's 1 rama,krishna | SpeakingTree
swami amaranandaji's 1 rama,krishna
By : Vasantharao Dusthakar on May 26, 2011 | Views (15) | Responses (2)
An very interesting extract from Swami Amaranandaji (YSS)'s lecture notes:
*What is purna avatar and amsha avatar?
But Ram is not called Purna Avtar. Only Krishna Avtar is purna. Rama was 14 kala sampurna and krishna was 16 kala sampurna. Shri Ram had first 14 kalas but the last two were missing viz. Paripurna & Swarupavasthit ... here paripurna means complete knowledge of all forms of awakening and swarupavasthit - swarup + awasthit = established in his real true self.
Shri Rama before, incarnation had decided to hide two kalas....declaring him a God....because of boon to Ravan... in which he was promised that no god would kill him
So Rama intentionally hid his 2 kalas and behaved like a common man... to fulfil the boon that Ravan would be killed by a man. (this has a reply to questions like why Rama cried for his wife,... why he took help from monkeys...etc etc).
In simple words....
simple example is Moon and its sixteen kalas...the more kalas moon has the more it is shining... the moon is there but the ansh of light it is reflecting is its kala... so sixteen kala moon is full moon.
so a physical appearance of god reflecting the light ansha is his kalas.... Shri Krishna was full moon..that way
Krishna was simultaneously awakened in Jiva consciousness.....God consciousness... and Brahm(Turiya) consciouness.... that is the beauty of Krishna avtar.
Hence I always refute the claim that Krishna was incarnation of vishnu... because vishnu is too small before krishna... who can give birth to millions of vishnu
Krishna Tattwa is unique.
!6 kalas are as follows:- That only krishna has:-
1) Anna Maya
2) Pranamaya
3) Mano Maya
4) Vigyanamaya
5) Anandamaya
6) Atishayini
7) Viparinabhimi
8) Sankramini
9) Prabhvi
10) Kunthini
11) Vikasini
12) Maryadini
13) Sanhaladini
14) Ahladini
15) Paripurna
16) Swarupavasthit
Edit :-
humans have only five kalas. they can reach to next 8 kalas but after achieving the all kalas he becomes as divine as lord Krishna and he becomes the part of parBrahman himself.
Kalas are like the spiritual level. That is why Hinduism is related to infinite spiritual growth.
Krishna was complete and that could be witnessed from his activities-he was a philosopher, politician, diplomat, warrior, yogi, lover, renunciant etc. etc. It is impossible for one person to possess all these and that too in totality. Therefore, Krishna wasn't only the Supreme Person but while descending, he came with all his opulences. Rama didn't because his mission was to establish an ethical govt. and to teach people how to establish Dharma-rajya.
So it's not that Rama was inferior but his purpose was limited to one aspect of life, namely how a king should be a raja-rishi and establish his kingdom based on dharma. Krishna's mission was diverse, it was multi-faceted. He descended to teach practically everything under the sun, from politics and diplomacy to the highest flights of Vedanta and yoga. So people say krishna was purna-avatar not because he was superior to Ram (because they were both one and the same) but because his mission was integral and all-inclusive.
one aspect is that rama respected social duties
krsna transcendend even them showing that god is above everything
rAma is maryAdA purusottama incarnation.
he accepted limits as to what he can do in his lila.
krishna is pUrna purushottama incarnation.
he had no limits.
All other avtaars except shri Krishna were not poorna why ?
A poorna avataar is the one where the avatar is full conscious, simultaneously about his Jiva form, his God form and his Turiya (Brahm) form.
Rama was aware of his Jiva form and Turiya form but unaware of his God's form (that too for a purpose)
Shri Krishna is the only avataar who was fully conscious of all the three states of existence, simultaneously
Lord Krishna was a Purna-Avatara, with sixteen rays (kala) Lord Rama was an Avatara of fourteen rays (kala).
Tags : Knowledge
Sumathi's 1 moorkha | SpeakingTree
sumathi's 1 moorkha
By : Vasantharao Dusthakar on May 26, 2011 | Views (15) | Post response
''తివిరి ఇసుమున తైలంబు తీయవచ్చు
తవిలి మృగతృష్ణ లో నీరు త్రాగవచ్చు
తిరిగి కుందేటి కొమ్ము సాధింప వచ్చు
చేరి మూర్ఖుని మనసు రంజింప రాదు''may be possible
to extract oil from sand
to sip water in mirage
to fetch horn of a hare
but possible not
to enlighten an idiot
Tags : Knowledge
Nee paluku | SpeakingTree
nee paluku
By : Vasantharao Dusthakar on May 26, 2011 | Views (9) | Post response
నీ పలుకు
నా పిలుపు నిను చేరక ముందే
నీ పలుకు నాకందే
నా పిలుపే నీ పలుకు
before my call reached you
thy response reached me
my call is it self thy responseTags : god
Sadhana | SpeakingTree
By : Vasantharao Dusthakar on May 26, 2011 | Views (10) | Post response
నేడు కొంత
రేపు ఇంక కొంత
రోజూ కొంత కొంత
త్వరలోనే అంతా
to day a little
tomorrow a bit more
daily bit by bit
soon, total allTags : Knowledge
Sadhyamu | SpeakingTree
By : Vasantharao Dusthakar on May 26, 2011 | Views (14) | Post response
అంతా సాధ్యమే
హిమాలయమును ఇంటికి పిలిపించుకోవచ్చు
ఇంటి కంభమునకు కట్టి పడవేయ వచ్చు
అంతా సాధ్యమే
possible to summon the himalaya, to home
possible to chain it away, to pillar inside a room
possible is, every thingTags : Knowledge
The gunless classes | SpeakingTree
the gunless classes
By : Vasantharao Dusthakar on Jun 08, 2011 | Views (9) | Responses (4)
author:satyasarada kandula
Current Affairs : The gun-less classes.
Current Affairs : The gun-less classesIn our country, the state has armed forces, police, guns and jails. The mafia has guns. The terrorists of various affiliations and ideologies have guns. The rowdies in addition have hand made bombs, cycle chains, muscles, sticks, aggressive attitudes and broken bottles. These are the present days kshAtrAs or kshatriyas, literally the ones with weapons. All of these groups are organised.
The Indian Public is unarmed. Weaponless. Of these some poorer classes can at least engage in fist fights and verbal duels. Some richer classes can control some armed groups with their money. At least they can hire mercenaries with guns, security guards at the least and control the state machinery itself in some cases.
Not so the middle classes. You can say “boo!” and the middle classes run for cover. We are “bhagwan se, kanoon se, banduk se dartha” aam aadmis. (Ordinary people who fear God, Law and Guns).
We sacrifice our childhood and youth to gain “educational qualifications” and learn to live in “school jails” and to “follow rules”. After a brief ”fun in college education” phase, which finishes our parents off financially, we yoke up to serve various commercial institutions till we burn out or retire. We teach, we cure, we build, we cook, we clean.
We are the dasas, the servants. We are the s’UdrAs of these times.
When we are unhappy with something to the point that we would like to do something, we light candles, fast, walk, talk and write. In our times, the state machinery can tear gas you and beat you up and arrest you for this. We take pride in our peaceful agitations, but as a matter of fact thats all we can do.. we can do nothing more. We are not even organised.
Before liberalization, and we had foreign employers to be dasas to, all we had were “government or public sector” jobs.
The most fearful fled to foreign countries in a phenomenon called “brain drain”, for good work and decent living conditions. If you kept your head down and worked hard, your children could have a better future as citizens of a free country. We were blamed as the intelligentsia that failed the country, and the young ones were not allowed to ask what the country did for them, only what they could do for the country.
Now with a stronger private sector and FDI, we are brave enough to light candles and speak up against corruption. We “Teach India“. While the “weaponed classes” siphon off relief money, we go and help tsunami victims. We pay taxes and then travel in unclean, unsafe second class compartments of trains, unless the travel is “official”. It is a victory to get a ration card, a passport, or an election card. We are victims of corruption, our white money turns black in a million un-receipted ways, from a bus conductor who does not give you a ticket – to everything else. We tighten our belts. We hold the “Simple Living – High Thinking” Ideal. We are glad to get by and to be left alone.
We know that we are the prey. And “They” are the predators. We live like deer and they live like lions. We are glad when it is the other deer that is caught, not us.
We turn to gurus to help us deal with our feelings of helplessness. And we contribute to their empires. If they are good gurus, we are blessed. If they are crooks, we feel cheated once more.
What can we do?
In the movie Siva, Nagarjuna turns a kSAtra, by taking up arms himself, as does Mahesh Babu in the movie inNijam. In ancient times, Parasurama परशुराम, took up arms to rid the world of kSAtrAs gone bad, till he met kOdanDa Rama श्री राम, who was a noble kSAtra.
But what arms can we take up? Just as America and the northern block prevent other countries from getting nuclear weapons, our state does not permit us, law abiders, to have weapons. Only crooks can have them. And history has taught us that phirangis can win over the weaponless easily.
So what can we do?
My previous guru said, “If a slave you must be, Choose whose slave you will be”.
Thyagaraja asked for an armour of romaancha (horripilation), a badge labelled Rama – bhaktha and the sword called Rama श्री राम – Nama. And he asked for banTu rIti koluvu, to be a servant of Rama.
If a dAsa is what I am, then a Ramadasa shall I be, and be blessed for it!
Tags : vasant's richa
Team Hazare
author:satyasarada kandula Current Affairs : The gun-less classes. In our country, the state has armed forces, police, guns and jails. The mafia has guns. The terrorists of various affiliations and ideologies have guns. The rowdies in addition have hand made bombs, cycle chains, muscles, sticks, aggressive at****udes and broken bottles. These are the present days kshAtrAs or kshatriyas, literally the ones with weapons. All of these groups are organised.Team Hazare attacks government as Anna fasts
The Indian Public is unarmed. Weaponless. Of these some poorer classes can at least engage in fist fights and verbal duels. Some richer classes can control some armed groups with their money. At least they can hire mercenaries with guns, security guards at the least and control the state machinery itself in some cases.
Not so the middle classes. You can say “boo!” and the middle classes run for cover. We are “bhagwan se, kanoon se, banduk se dartha” aam aadmis. (Ordinary people who fear God, Law and Guns).
We sacrifice our childhood and youth to gain “educational qualifications” and learn to live in “school jails” and to “follow rules”. After a brief ”****n in college education” phase, which finishes our parents off financially, we yoke up to serve various commercial ins****utions till we burn out or retire. We teach, we cure, we build, we cook, we clean.
We are the dasas, the servants. We are the s’UdrAs of these times.
When we are unhappy with something to the point that we would like to do something, we light candles, fast, walk, talk and write. In our times, the state machinery can tear gas you and beat you up and arrest you for this. We take pride in our peace****l agitations, but as a matter of fact thats all we can do.. we can do nothing more. We are not even organised.
Before liberalization, and we had foreign employers to be dasas to, all we had were “government or public sector” jobs.
The most fear****l fled to foreign countries in a phenomenon called “brain drain”, for good work and decent living conditions. If you kept your head down and worked hard, your children could have a better ****ture as citizens of a free country. We were blamed as the intelligentsia that failed the country, and the young ones were not allowed to ask what the country did for them, only what they could do for the country.
system is insensitive to a person's losing limb life property honor.Ramdev's health deteriorates
thick skinned to the core
fast/self immolation/suicides/death/injury will not make any dent
get up pick strength, fight like a brave soldier undaunted,unbent
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
PM takes a step, asks ministers to declare assets - 1 - National News – News – MSN India#uc2Lst377cb024-6818-472f-aba0-fae95f5e7330#uc2Lst377cb024-6818-472f-aba0-fae95f5e7330#uc2Lst377cb024-6818-472f-aba0-fae95f5e7330#uc2Lst377cb024-6818-472f-aba0-fae95f5
what for the great banks swiss
if not for black money to stash
should they not survive and grow?
live, let live, is it not our motto?
News@glance: Sania crashes out of Wimble...
indicates divided attention . can not retain lead. at that level it is ''play 100% or quit''
Why can't I be CM? Is anything wrong wit...
when vote is at a price, why a doubting thomas
Major in the dock for sending sensitive...
sad ''if the salt loseth its savour.......''
Cops stripped me, threatend rape: Accuse...
it is bad but if alleged are proven, probably they have tasted a sample of pain , and suffering , agony which innocents would have faced if attacked
GoM to submit report on Carbide today -
do it fast, for what ever purpose it may serve, spend less money on him, better reimburse from him,
Raj Thackeray surrenders in 2008 rioting...
maharaashtra's navanirmaan should take inspiration from santha parivaar , tukaaraam, gnyaaneshwar, eknath, naamdev.....aamchi sanskruthi himsa naahi stop violence marathi manoosh bhaarathi manoosh aahe sagalyaacha kalyaan thoon aamcha kalyaan honaar aahe
Pakistan 10th most failed state of the w...
govts should know where they stand in the global class room. a welcome attempt. better , if criteria chosen includes all imp aspects, and made known, to enable assess the worth of the news and plan properly, knowing in which subject the marks are low. still it gives some indication. but slant should be positive, ind...more
Crime: Honour killing again? Delhi coupl...
if parents or whoever care for society, fearing that their family is dishonoured, the reaction should be not killing, but involve their circles and discuss thread bare, convey their disapproval, seek advice from them /try for divorce etc/try legal help in any case, killing dishonours them further , to ultimate leve...more
Crime: Honour killing again? Delhi coupl...
@dharam yes, ''honour'' glorifies, justifies, fuels further such killing, killer tending to assume social pardon, or 'worship' having killed for 'worthy' cause. expose the killer as killer . that 's it
Cops stripped me, threatend rape: Accuse...
it is bad but if alleged are proven, probably they have tasted a sample of pain , and suffering , agony which innocents would have faced if attacked
GoM to submit report on Carbide today -
do it fast, for what ever purpose it may serve, spend less money on him, better reimburse from him,
Raj Thackeray surrenders in 2008 rioting...
maharaashtra's navanirmaan should take inspiration from santha parivaar , tukaaraam, gnyaaneshwar, eknath, naamdev.....aamchi sanskruthi himsa naahi stop violence marathi manoosh bhaarathi manoosh aahe sagalyaacha kalyaan thoon aamcha kalyaan honaar aahe
News@glance: Sania crashes out of Wimble...
indicates divided attention . can not retain lead. at that level it is ''play 100% or quit''
Your discarded clothes can make a differ...
well washed, starched, well knitted olds made into new is a good idea. ngo is excellent. offbeat news also , give away some to rag pickers , beggars, and the helpless at road sides, directly , as you encounter, not all can reach organised help
Anderson could have been murdered by Bho...
highly convincing report to aam aadmi, genius at its best
Maharishi's natural law e
Alliance with Natural Law
The key to successful administration of the nation is to create an integrated national consciousness in which all sectors of society and all citizens are experiencing continuous progress and increasing fulfilment of their goals. This is achieved by creating an indomitable influence of coherence in national consciousness through a group of 'Yogic Flyers' -- experts in Maharishi's TM-Sidhi Programme.
Scientific research has shown that group practice of Maharishi's TM-Sidhi Programme creates coherence in collective consciousness, eliminates collective stress, and raises life to be increasingly in accord with Natural Law, as indicated by reduction of crime, accidents, violence, and sickness, as well as improved economic trends and quality of life.
When one per cent of the individuals in a nation practise Transcendental Meditation, or the square root of one per cent of the population collectively practises the TM-Sidhi Programme including Yogic Flying, the influence of orderliness and harmony they produce is sufficient to uplift the entire national consciousness, neutralising negative trends and enhancing positivity throughout the nation.
The introduction of Maharishi's Vedic Science and Technology into the training programmes of government leaders, the civil service, the armed forces, and the police; and into the educational system, the health services, business and industry, and rehabilitation will enliven the total intelligence of Natural Law in national life.
When the government maintains a group of the square root of one per cent of the world's population, 7,000 people, creating coherence in national and world consciousness and bringing support of Nature to the nation, Natural Law will support national law and the nation will enjoy unrestricted progress, prosperity, and invincibility.
As Natural Law is always evolutionary, with the support of Natural Law every government will gain the ability to satisfy everyone, and all systems of government prevalent in the world today will find their fulfilment.
By gaining the support of the infinite organising power of Natural Law through a coherence-creating group for a government, the administration of government through national law will rise to the level of perfect administration of Nature through Natural Law -- the Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature. All governments will function as effortlessly and efficiently as the Government of Nature, which administers the entire universe with perfect orderliness and without a noise, and the manmade constitution of the nation will enjoy full alliance with the eternal Constitution of the Universe.
Tags : vasant's richa
Maharishi's natural law d
Maharishi's natural law d | SpeakingTreeNational Law Upheld by Natural Law
Law is the guiding light of life. Natural Law guides life on every level of creation, from the sub-microscopic world of elementary particles to the large-scale structure of the universe. National law guides the life of the nation and has its ultimate basis in Natural Law.
Natural Law has its unified foundation in the Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature. All the diversified values of Natural Law, as discovered by modern science, emerge from this unified level of Natural Law. Ultimately, the diversity of Natural Law displayed throughout creation is reflected in the diversity of human nature and in the innumerable tendencies expressed in different lands throughout the world, and even within the borders of individual nations.
It is the diversified structure of Natural Law itself, reflected in the diverse trends and tendencies displayed by the individual citizens of a nation, which gives rise to the necessity for man-made laws; national law regulates and administers the trends and needs of the various segments of society. Ideally, national law should satisfy the diverse needs of every citizen, and should organise for the fulfilment of all areas of the national life.
Tags : vasant's richa
Maharishi's natural law c
The Maharishi Technology of the Unified Field
The Maharishi Technology of the Unified Field unites the knowledge of Natural Law discovered by the objective approach of modern science with the direct experience of Natural Law provided by the subjective approach of Maharishi's Vedic Science. It integrates the knowledge of the Unified Field brought to light by Quantum Physics with the subjective experience of the Unified Field gained through Transcendental Meditation. This integrated approach to knowledge enlivens the Unified Field in the awareness of the individual, bringing thought and action spontaneously into accordance with Natural Law, so that the individual enjoys the full support of all the Laws of Nature in every aspect of life.
Life in Accordance with Natural Law
When individuals function from the level of the Unified Field, they automatically receive the support of all the Laws of Nature. Every impulse of thought is upheld by the infinite organising power of Natural Law, which conducts the infinite range and diversity of activity in the universe with maximum efficiency, in accordance with the Principle of Least Action. The Maharishi Technology of the Unified Field, Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme, cultures the ability to spontaneously function from the Unified Field of Natural Law, and thereby gain mastery over Natural Law -- the ability to know anything, do everything right, and achieve any great goal.
Tags : vasant's richa