Saturday, April 30, 2022

creativity is no letting go


 creativity is no letting go

Creativity is expressing inaction in every action through innovative action.

spirituality allows creativity. to happen

not Letting go any opportunity

without utilizing it for deeper exploration

for faster evolution

productive contribution

definitely it is not just passing time

it is ever heightened alertness

jumping to action with alacrity

intelligence at work every moment

never a dull relaxation

nor a dead sleep

nor day dream empty

creativity is god animesha

working super awake every nimisha

never blinking
no winking or hood winking

Just putting the broader understanding on creaativity and letting go

1 --letting go is the inward march, meditation process , reaching the state of non action, the pure field of creativity inteligence, the home of all the laws of nature, the field of akshara, , characteristics of which are sath chith ananda------- first step in the spiritual path


2 --then, creativity is the process of action, not the non action of letting go 

charged with energy, intelligence, bliss
the mind now starts bubbling with creativity, jumping to express , to create masterpieces of great value , in the----------- outward march -----------into the manifest universe-----this is the second step

out of two steps of progress, ---- rest and activity--alternating, meditation and active life living, leading eventually to yogastha kurukarmani, 

kindly note the distnction to avoid confusion in the readers on these two distinct aspects m and to derive maximum benefit from the blog 
thanks for a response



All art , science, philos are the expressions of creativity in active state not in the non active state 

relaxation is not the way for action 
dynamic energetic intelligent action is the way how creativity gets expressed 

Attain to this state where you see


Attain to this state where you see


tvayi mayi chaanyatraiko vishhNuHvyarthaM kupyasi mayyasahishhNuH .bhava samachittaH sarvatra tvaMvaaJNchhasyachiraadyadi vishhNutvam.h .. (24)


In me, in you and in everything, none but the same Vishnu dwells

Your anger and impatience is meaningless.

If you wish to attain the status of Vishnu soon, have samabhava always.then it's where dharma sankata as well is meaningless not until then

one who is reckless will ruin himself

and all reeling directionless

rolling in wickedness.

hence all must take recourse in the right wisdom

under guidance of guru

or else ruin is just round the corner,

college educated girls,

even boys from well to do families falling

for hi tech prostitution for fun and high life


Raise your consciousness to the level where

Matha cha Parvathy Devi,

Pitha devo Maheswara,

Bandhava Shiva Bakthamscha,

Swadeso Bhuvana thrayam


My mother is the goddess Parvathy,

My father is the Lord Shiva,

My friends are the devotees of Shiva

And my native place is all the three worlds.


you will cognize all in the zoom out perspective

where dharma sankata will not arise

you will perceive things are running in perfect order"

Engaged in gathering and preservation


Yoga Kshema durandarasya sakalaashraya –pradodhyogini,Drushta adrushta mathopadesha kruthino bayanthra vyapina,Sarvagnasya dhatakarasya bhavatha kim vedhitavyam mayaShmbho twam paramantharanga ithi me chitta smaramyanvaham.


Engaged in gathering and preservation, And giving of all the good things in life, Teacher great of the known and the unknown, Who has spread within and without, Knower of all that is to be known, And doer of all possible mercies, What is there for me to tell you?I daily think in my mind,That you are very close to my mind, And you are doer of good to me. Oh Lord Shambhu.

so bhaja govindam moodhamathe"

"The whole UNIVERSE WORKS ON----- processes of shrusthi shthithi laya------



"The whole UNIVERSE WORKS ON-----

processes of shrusthi shthithi laya------

the aim is to climb up in the ladder of evolution from the state of lower consciousness to the higher consciousness—

from jada chethana , inert state to jeeva of various levels

to manabva to deva to highest paramdham supreme absolute---

-thru appropriate processes to live sustain grow evolve -----

cannibal/meat eating/veteran to become to live without need of food cloth shelter-

then without the need of air too—

absolutely undependent.


till then each jeeva continues as per its own best discretion.

man can raise his discretion to the god level to be in tune with him

in tune with laws of nature.


message is be fast moving further do not get trapped in blogs replies comments your questions will find all answers from your innernet well connected to uww, not from the internet www


get a stable reliable connection with a very good ip , the guru and start exploring the inner web, web of devi devathas lokas in the universe lower to higher all deep within"

Shivananda Lahari by Adi Sankaracharya



"Naariistanabhara naabhiideshaMdRishhTvaa maagaamohaavesham.etanmaaMsaavasaadi vikaaraMmanasi vichintaya vaaraM vaaram. .. (3)


Do not get drowned in delusion by going wild with passions and lust by seeing a woman's navel and chest.

These are nothing but a modification of flesh.

Do not fail to remember this again and again in your mind


naliniidalagata jalamatitaralaMtadvajjiivitamatishayachapalam .viddhi vyaadhyabhimaanagrastaMlokaM shokahataM cha samastam .. (4)


The life of a man is as uncertain as rain drops trembling on a lotus leaf. Know that the whole world remains a prey to disease, ego and grief.


yaavadvittopaarjana saktaHstaavannija parivaaro raktaH .pashchaajjiivati jarjara dehevaartaaM ko.api na pRichchhati gehe .. (5)


So long as a man is fit and able to support his family, see the affection all those around him show. But no one at home cares to even have a word with him when his body totters due to old age.


yaavatpavano nivasati dehetaavatpRichchhati kushalaM gehe .gatavati vaayau dehaapaayebhaaryaa bibhyati tasminkaaye .. (6)


When one is alive, his family members enquire kindly about his welfare. But when the soul departs from the body, even his wife runs away in fear of the corpse.


baalastaavatkriiDaasaktaHtaruNastaavattaruNiisaktaH .vRiddhastaavachchintaasaktaHpare brahmaNi ko.api na saktaH .. (7)


The childhood is lost by attachment to playfulness. Youth is lost by attachment to woman. Old age passes away by thinking over many past things. But there is hardly anyone who wants to be lost in parabrahmam.


kaate kaantaa kaste putraHsaMsaaro.ayamatiiva vichitraH .kasya tvaM kaH kuta aayaataHtattvaM chintaya tadiha bhraataH .. (8)


Who is your wife ? Who is your son ? Strange is this samsara.

Of whom are you ? From where have you come ?

Brother, ponder over these truths here."



"Shivananda Lahari by Adi Sankaracharya



Ghato vaa mrithir pando apyaraunubhi cha dhoomogni rachala

Pato vaa thanthurva pariharathi kim ghorasamanam

Vridha kantakshebham vahasi tharasa tharka vachasa

Padhambhojam shmbhor bhaja parama soukhyam vrijasudhi.


This is the pot, no, this is only mud,

This is the earth, no , it is only atom,

This is the smoke, no, it is only fire,

This is the cloth, no , it is only the thread,

Can all this debate ever cure the cruel God of death?

Vainly you give pain to your throat,

By these torrent of words,

Instead worship the lotus like feet of Shambu,

Oh , intelligent one, and attain supreme happiness."

Start new habits,


Start new habits,

let the old stay or go away.

bhajagovindam is the best new habit ,

come under its sway straight away"

go beyond the intellect,


go beyond the intellect,

beyond is the ocean of consciousness,

in which exist the best reliable knowledge

true truly satisfying , not binding,

not requiring any validation,

any interpretation,

any comments any suggestions from any outsideyou,

any book, scripture, text of science,

does not require a temple,prayer house,

puja robes,pradakshina,dakshina,


once you are with your inside field of consciousness

that really is your best guide ,

source of the best wisdom .

it's up to you to be free or wasting time

for others approvals/opinions/praise/ support.

yes be wise , think more ,

discover much better ways of perfecting your understanding

.finally if not now you will reach this conclusion yourself

at least in the future. this only will unbind you untangle you

india is a great country, shiva the simplest model


india is a great country, shiva the simplest model

adisankara nethi nethi is a practical help in profession

----manifesting in concepts likevalue engg, standardisation, variety reduction, industrial engg, time and motion studies, work simplification, dsign of jigs and fixtures, innovative production processes, all an exercise in live creativity, much beyond the frozen book knowledge, even ideas like solar energy, or packaging ever new , novel ways of nature that is novo navo bhavathi, evolving new models of the existing, all result of thinking is it necessary really


can i do without it

can i find aleternatives

to live most economically,

optimum, in swadharma, reduce waste of time, energy, life"


"Spirituality is not a thing up and above far remote future but real down to earth in everyday living live


finally nothing is non spiritual, a factory or a work place is no less a temple , to see god live in action , a shiva in his tandava"



"Sura ma.ndira taru muula nivaasaHshayyaa bhuutala majinaM vaasaH .sarva parigraha bhoga tyaagaHkasya sukhaM na karoti viraagaH .. (18)


Take your residence in a temple or below a tree, wear the deerskin for the dress, and sleep with mother earth as your bed. Give up all attachments and renounce all comforts. Blessed with such vairagya, could any fail to be content ?"


the world is flabbergasted!,

not bhaarath, !


bhaarath is a nation, with such noble personalities,

very common in the past,

rare in the present top most in bhaarath


-----president, pm, party presidents, ministers

-----may kindly -----understand what bhaarath has been

and what has to be ---------and what is-----

where to go-----what is real power-----

a man with a plate, and bed

---------Challenging the very existence of

----karore pathis ------and all powerful govt

------with tear gas lathis guns bullets


how to ''eliminate'' such ''dangerous persons,''?

by attack, arrest, kidnap, encounter?!

i salute anna

i salute akka

i salute bhaarath


akkamahadevi discarded clothes even,

legend says, god grew hair to cover her body

She Sang:

For hunger, there is the village rice in the begging bowl,

For thirst, there are tanks and streams and wells

For sleep temple ruins do well

For the company of the soul I have you, Chenna Mallikarjuna"



"Sleep on bare floorwalk bare

foot cold bath

uncook food

untailored clothes

plain dhothi

early sleep 7pm

no tv newspaper no movies"




define fundamentals of life like

------ what why where how when how much

------most penetratingly, precisely, uncompromisingly.

then things get prioritized accordingly.

no hi-fi phil, but if distilled, hard facts remains


as ---.mukthi is the goal---to attain it, you must preserve your resource, consciously, and attain it in earliest in life

--for this --simplifying consciously is essential

once you achieved, you will lead the most luxurious life --in freedom---best in simplicity, spontaneously,

no dos donts but your likes will be in acc with nature"


"Eg--sleep on floor, in open air, under sky, on terrace/garden the comfort, the joy, the sleep , the freedom to roll or move, undisturbed, the relaxation--you get is the best—primarily saving in money on things is by product, not our primary, but associated botheration being not there , frees our mind for more creative existence, no tension, no needs"


"Simplicity it's not a domain of beggar, lunatic, destitute,

--who are anyway fated to have no basic needs.

it's the domain of the enlightened , even the kingly, the stately, the most sophisticated, it's the most intelligent way sankara extolled in bhajagovindam , he lived it"


"Valmiki, the simplest--what were his needs, ants made a hill on him.the earlier, he, ratnakar, a bundle of desires and wants. instantly reshuffled the priorities, was immersed in getting that which is the best. set out as is and came back as valmiki epitome of simplicity, example for a sadhaka"

They just express their impotence

 "''They just express their impotence ''

-------it's a pity, no lament can prevent,

it can only vent the frustration.

''Time has come to stop this kind of bashing''-

-----instead let them take lead and do good like gods,

alas they have no such initiative no strength nor solution"


do you have a solution

if yes give it

if no go find and give it

if you need help ask it

if you do not want do anything,

still you want only to talk, yes do it

but with the knowledge that it is useless

and waste of time,

tho may be a good pastime


"Dive deep,

find your whereabouts,

based on which you can find

all others' whereabouts"



"My point is, discover much better ways of perfecting your understanding by getting that knowledge, from -----inside source ----.true,

 truly satisfying , not binding, not requiring any validation, any interpretation, any comments any suggestions from any outside you, any book, scripture, text of science, it does not require a temple, prayer house, puja robes pradakshina ,dakshina ,not even a single readers contribution,

understand and act now, or else wait for 100y,

doing whatever your like

no tranquilizers can help, coming from any great master

real master lights up the inner ,

 one needing nothing thereafter"




"See how a person becomes simple as one evolves thru all lower states and reaches the highest state

natural simplicity is resultant of sadhana

Artist evolves to create master pieces radiating life


"Artist evolves to create master pieces radiating life

he goes to better and better media to gain greater freedom

to express precisely, fully,

he goes to the best medium ultimately and creates live output

he becomes the creator ,

his out put is the life itself what is that ultimate medium"


"No matter geo/history, the best art has been, / will be from those who have the extraordinary vision ,

medium chosen on the suitability to the message that is to be expressed, each medium has its merits and limitations"


"It is not thinking nor believing nor reading nor listening nor assuming nor hoping nor praying that delivers it is a state to be actualized thru intense sadhana for a long time and that too precisely on the lines shown by the sathguru , not by writings of any master great popular or less"

nisthraigunyobhavaarjuna….teaching without the light of transcendent is like reading in the darkness"


"Absolute truth has infinity unifying all everything is ok at its own level"

Creativity and intelligence


 Creativity and intelligence

we may seem to be overflowing with creativity.
it must flow / meant to flow in the right channels 

vikruthi and vikruth chesta is to be bypassed.

or else we will be stuck /misled missing the real target moksha

on the way we may encounter countless wonders ,


But we must cut across all these time waster obstacles,


take the one right royal road, and reach the target earliest in life


by preserving every moment ,every breath, every impulse of energy


and direct  them most judiciously in the best of infinite alternatives.

i go in the purest path certified, followed successfully, recommended by great souls.

we should never fall for small attractions on the way

creation of beauty


creation of beauty

Sathyam sivam sndaram is the brahma suthra that underlies the creation of beauty

truth=like in geometry, st line is really straight without deviation, , circle is really defect free circle, sphere is really spherical without depressions and elevations
similarly , when things are expressed in true way they are beautiful,


 sundaram, and they are good sivam
There are so many detailed principles, like symmetry , mirror symmetry, , two/three axis symmetry–this is on visual , similarly on sound, smell, taste, touch, –constituting whole beauty

god is the most beautiful, conforming super symmetry

beauty of sound is music, with thal etc
beauty of movement is dance, 
gods are good at sangeeth —gayan vaadan, naachan

The greater the artist, great is his art,
effortlessly he expresses. 
his expression conforms to brahma suthra effortless, 
masterpieces are the result, of paint, sculpture, music, speech, poetry, 
–all have basic principles underlying which make them good and appealing valuable

Elephant has long nose, long teeth, and huge body


Elephant has long nose, long teeth, and huge body

Snake has no legs, no hands

Some worms have many legs, some have 6, or 4 man has 2 legs

Birds have wings they fly

Hen too has wings, can only jump

Dog has a tail to wag, man has no tail

Horse can run,  snail is sluggish

Fish swims, man has to learn

Cow has horns, tortoise a thick shell

Tree is no male female

Apple has stuff all one under the skin

Orange has packages, sub packages

Grape is with seed, seed less

Create post delete


Create post delete
brahma vishnu maheshwar at their best

universe updates unending
nothing is kept pending

every moment is a rebirth of the same old blog
it's a new birth of the same dialog

nothing is permanent
change, is the universe's single tenant

god changes his dress and his tress
comes again in looks afresh

meditate, meditate
be ever with god with his updates

creativity is a basic urge


creativity is a basic urge

given by god to all pranis to expand and spread their presence , limitless in time and space, be it a tree or insect or animal, or human being

......this urge manifests as a spur / a desire. to take appropriate action, to express it .

....desires are many types options are countless, ranging from lowest to noblest.

.. one chooses based on best discretion /viveka

.. and others just opt their natural inclination

...suppressing is not the right option but refining the viveka is the intelligent way so that the medium of expression brings maximum returns

..hence one sublimates one's resources for the best investment

....the mediums of expression for human being are evolved in the process, like writing speaking drawing painting sculpture dance, with their relative merits and limitations this process of expression , one derives superior joy and satisfaction depending on one's choice of medium

....all mediums are meant to serve the basic purpose of creativity to manifest limitless..

Creator or curator


Creator or curator

To begin I was just doing the blogs as things went sometimes original sometimes copy

After a time I was in jungle, got lost in my collecting a lot of very useful stuff from web sites, losing my originals mixed up, I losing my own flavor or my contributions

Wisdom dawned to find that --I wanted to be a creator, but I ended up more as curator

I did some analysis of my existence here in net

I realized that essentially I came here to share my ongoing cognitions as rishi and to help this I needed here and there a few references that is all but not to be a copy master

So did a segregation of these activities and kept them at proper place, with high emphasis on creating, thus came this site for all original blogs, now I am happy that I am doing my thing what I wanted to do

Rishi cognizes here something more---

God also is like me or I am like god

God is creator,brahma, --curator,vishnu--- and dispenser,shiva

In the universe he is creating, his most essential function, he is curator, maintainer of what is created and dispenser as well

Eg tree

The leaves, flowers fruits are creations fresh every moment

The trunk part is maintained as a curator aspect on what was created

The fall of bark, dry leaves act of the dispenser

Applying this I kept the copy items a reserve elsewhere, creating and updating the blogs as new cognitions sprout, as the readers, the environ nourishment ,being nicely available and discarding some unnecessary, useless , in the process.

And this cognition in a way certifies my journey direction as a correct in line with natural phenomena

Whatever falls within my sight, even insignificant, gets mobilized as straw falling in the stream of consciousness getting considerable value as a part of my blog, thus my curator function elsewhere also is a part of my activity.

The overall effect of this realization is that I give a good attention in creating process without distraction with copy, and succeed in delivering quality and speed in the process

i also cognize a parallel --innovation, standardization, obsolescence in the design process 

engineer conceives, creates, a design, manufactures, tests, releases to the market --product gets used, feedback generated , yes it works but...ok let it be
in that certain features are good , a few are not so good.
he works back, retains the essential good features, ----curator function, removes the not good features, ----dispenser function, redesigns to make it better---the creator function the cycle repeats
so many models in cars but four wheels stayed , head lights, the steering, the chassis stayed, old models done with

engineer is god with his functioning godlike
god is engineer, rather the best ultimate engineer

standardisation, creativity going together towards perfection obsoleting the not so perfect with ---shiva helping , vishnu and brahma