being a shakaahaari by
physiology, it is unnatural to eat flesh.
our discretion, where is
it, why be sheep to follow a lesser way?
we as human, have a
duty to treat the living beings as our own children and kith and kin, as a
matter of just a little prema, a little karuna, leave alone the cultural ethos
of ours.
does it not move one's
heart to see or imagine an animal, a fowl , a fish being cut, merciless,
bleeding and convulsing with great pain and suffering and falling dead--all to
satisfy our urge ?
man, pause a little,
ponder a bit, go not backward in the evolution to stone age when due to
survival needs, he ,had to / did kill and ate flesh unknowing
now there is no such
need .man can live without killing, and can live better.
each of us individually
must think and decide what is good and bad, and whether is it really not
possible to live better.
then only there is a
hope to minimize negatives in the individual life and society. After learning and
practicing meditation for a few weeks, i felt i should not take meat , i
preferred to be a pure vegetarian and continuing till today,
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