Wednesday, December 16, 2015

water the root , enjoy the fruit

 1.every choice is at the cost of other options, sacrificed life, our plan should be such that every aspect blossoms, nothing neglected..wisdom is to attend to the root on the first priority, by which all aspects grow in due proportion gradually reaching ultimate growth and expansion

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Vasanth Rv ..2...''water the root , enjoy the fruit ''...nourishment to the root of life is sath chith energy intelligence once one learns to gain access to the source of nourishment, then automatically spontaneously all aspects are taken if god is guiding every plan and every action
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Vasanth Rv the foremost first action in plan must be to regularly meditate morning and evening for a few minutes to recharge the system and allow it to get activated nicely
LikeReply13 mins
Vasanth Rv other words, one has become just a tool in the hands of god, and what planning and executing takes place , all happens in the most desired way , ...
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Vasanth Rv the divine plan, execution will be fully supported by nature and will be just easy and enjoyable, highly productive and fast ''yateenaam brahma bhavathi sarathi'' will be experienced in the day to day life as if kishan is guiding arjun ..............................
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Vasanth Rv .5,, if not , all plan and efforts will be just patchy, without optimum results , this is the difference between life of enlightened and enlightened ....kishan said ''yogastha kuru karmani.''..then ''karma sukaushalam'' happens
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Vasanth Rv 6..this is the wisdom gita teaches on planning and execution in our life practically
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Vasanth Rv 7 ...''master the science of life'' then you will live ''the art of living'' is true wisdom, highest intelligence, not just a philosophical contemplation

8...unexpected good co-incidents will be encountered, ....just wishing a desire gets fulfilled without actually doing it .....if you want to meet X . as soon as you wish it, X will come to you ,,,,this is sidha way of life, perfection in the art of living does not do a thing, but things happen on their own , since the individual life's plan is perfectly in lne with universal plan of life, 

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Sandesh Saboo - a)Why every one will ultimately become a Sanathan...

Sandesh Saboo - a)Why every one will ultimately become a Sanathan...

a)Why every one will ultimately become a Sanathan Dharmi?
Ancient Indians studied the Law of nature and discussed what they found about Law of Nature.This study and following this discoveries is known as Sanathan Dharma.
This laws of nature applies to everyone irrespective of which ever religion you follow.
This Law of nature is equal to all irrespective of religion, caste,creed ,money and education you have.
This Law of nature are eternal.Only God can change this Laws.
b)Can you know God without becoming God?
The ancient Indian books have always mentioned about God as sarva lokam Bhrmahanam,Sarva lokha ek nath, Sarvagya,sarva gyatha,sarva shakthimaan,Sarva antaryami,sarva vyaptha,anath,Nirakaar,saakar,Gunateeth.etcThere is only one Visvaroopa.Being God means being all that he is.Be divine to know divine.Find ways of how you can become a know all.
c)How much can you know about God?
'Hari anath Hari katha anatha'.
'Tameva sarvam mama deva deva'
He is infinite,Stories about him are infinite.He is everything how much of infinite and everything would you know. Trillions of years of History to know and remember humanly difficult.
d)God is known by many names.
Who ever and what ever you meet is God created.
Who ever and whatever you meet in essence arised from God.
e)Is there any point in trying to Kill anyone Who is a creation of God.?Are you saying I believe in God but hate his creation?Humans,Mosquitoes,insects,ants, Just a few example.
f)Is there any point in hating something or someone created by God.
g)Is there any conversion possible really speaking?
All books says God is watching you.Upaar Wala sub dekh rahaa hai.
h)Can we fool God?
When there is just one God how relevant is it to try to convert others.This side is one aspect of God the other side is another aspect of God.You may like,dislike or ignore.He will remain always apart from you what ever you see is God.
i)Think why do people try to convert and do Tamasha?What is the motive?What is the benefit?
j)Can you avoid God?
Follow any religion you cannot avoid God.Nor can you avoid Law of Nature.
k)Can books write everything about him?
God is everything.Everything else Noun,adjectives,verbs and prose and poem,literature to define this infinite God.Scriptures too created by him since the person who wrote it was created by him.
l)Why hate and love in the name of God?Why this Tamasha?
2 people like this.
Raja Kantan Informative
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Vasanth Rv no words to praise this blissful, truthful, meaningful, ''full sandesh '' from sandesh saboo , whom i see none other than god in the present earthly identity , a real messenger of god, talking in the internet cloud, in the contemporary language and modern scientific terms, i wish all the ''great'' religious'', and ''spiritual'' gurus must read this write up and wake up to reality , and thereby can wake up their mass of most ''sincere'' followers, and enable one and all to walk on the truthfl track beyond their limited conception/perception of god. ..i have saved this message of yours for my repeated reading for its ''freeing effect'', as refreshing as a new dawn of theage of enlightenment ...let the flow continue by the grace of god, lucky are those who can read this piece of ''modern classic'' rendering on the updated spirituality , i like to say a heart felt pranam

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

like how a child learns

like how a child learns , one can just learn


like how a child learns , one can just learn
i find it easiest to learn by  following some slokas, phrases, quotes etc directly  eg
  •  koham? soham!


kah+aham=koham=who am i
sah+aham=soham=he  am i

  • Ayam Atma Brahma =this soul is brahma
  • balaanaam rodanam balam=crying is strength of /for children
  • kim karthavyam=what to do
karthavyam=needs to do

  • kah=who-m
  • kaa=who-f
  • kim=what-n
  • kathi=how many, how much
  • yathra-=where
  • kuthra=where

  • athra=here
  • thathra=there
  • yathra-=where
  • kuthra=where

Monday, December 7, 2015

english or

rather than focussing on his dissent on english,

 let's understand the spirit of mohan bhagavath to propel india to reconnect to the vedik sanskriti, 

whose labguage is sanskrit, the deva bhasha, the mother of all anguages , 

the most pure original unpolluted divine communication media 

in which the best richest universal wisdom got expressed from the depths of rishis' tapasya...

.....which lost its full usage due to various historical reason ...

...and at least now, it is time to revive this great divine gift , sanskrit , and raise ourselves to the vedik wisdom and 

universal boundless existence

no doubt, great personalities like vivekananda learnt engilsh, 

and communicated their great messages to the world thru english,

 ...yet let us not be content only with one language, 

but be , first, a master of our own maathru bhaasha, sanskrit, 

mother of all languges and see what great things it can accomplish to the world civilization 

thru its perfect script and pronunciation, richness of vocabulary, and precision in expression 

,the great value of vibrations in vedik 

grid....kaivalya kshethra,.

 simultaneously we are part and we are whole grid...

every thing /every one /every process in the whole universe 

is the part of the one interconnected universal grid,

the Unified Field of Consciousness ,

ie kaivalya kshethra, .whose all components are playing

their own dependent / independent role,, each impulse

having its own range of responses ranging from zero to

infinite ....since all are interconnected, all are subjected to

pulls and pressures of all others, and each component
exerting its own pulls and pressures on all others

.,,yatha poorve....''back to base zero"" the ripples in the pond rising and settling ,nothing is stable or permanent for ever,

yet incessant activity / movement /transactions continuing to take place , with or without significant consequences . a line drawn on the surface of water.gets erased soon

a few actions leave indelible marks which may take a very long time to get erased like in the case of a line drawn with a nail on the slate .......still ,..on the over all, system has a definite resilience / elasticity to regain the ''original state. ie ''yatha poorve '' sooner or later systems have greater elasticity than the inert entities...... but out of all, a good work / damage human can do to the grid is limitless so ...requires the best of discretion.

...hence the vital need for enlightenment , so that what ever action done results in the best / optimum good to the universal '''yad yad karma karomi thath thath akhilam shambho thave aaraadhanam ''

Saturday, December 5, 2015

saraswathi namasthubhyam

saraswathi namasthubhyam

 saraswathi namasthubhyam

Beautiful scriptural prayer ,

taught to recite on the first day of school,

before the a aa e ee u uu is taught.,

intention being the maa is primary basis

and alphabets are secondary offshoots

let's experience maa inside our being for ever guiding us

to read the wisdom more and more from infinite books inside ,

and be worthy of her grace to make us to become a living sarswathi,

a brahmananda saraswathi

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The nature has given instinct for procreation

The nature has given instinct for procreationThe nature has given instinct for procreation for perpetuation of life,

all beings, including trees . perpetuate without fuss,
but man has violated , sacrileged the simplicity and divinity of this aspect
with all kinds of grasps interpretations institutions customs traditions
superstitions controls inhibitions prohibitions
all just complicating the whole matter
and creating all controversies fights tensions which are just unnecessary 
this aspect needs to be coolly seen and delinked freed from all its perversions
without imposing all past understanding .
osho has tried to redefine, but one has to define oneself
without getting imposed without imposing on others
on what is right or wrong and be with their kind of approach , what ever it may be

The god designed system of procreation

The god designed system of procreation 
is just for one purpose of perpetuation 

it is not meant to be a mere recreation, 
in infatuation, sensual satisfaction, 

when god's purpose is not served, 
when god's will, the discretion, is not cared

never can any thing be a prayer , nor a worship 
nor an offering nor a sacrifice

it's delusion, it's illusion, it's ignorance, 
it's madness, it's crime, it's arrogance

never never it's divine
not even bovine

it's inhuman, it's cruel. it's evil 
it's misuse of free willThe god designed system of procreation